use of org.glassfish.deployment.common.ClientArtifactsManager in project Payara by payara.
the class StaticRmiStubGenerator method ejbc.
* Generates and compiles the necessary impl classes, stubs and skels.
* <pre>
* This method makes the following assumptions:
* - the deployment descriptor xmls are registered with Config
* - the class paths are registered with Config
* @@@
* In case of re-deployment, the following steps should happen before:
* - rename the src dir from previous deployment (ex. /app/pet-old)
* - rename the stubs dir from previous deployment (ex. /stub/pet-old)
* - explode the ear file (ex. /app/petstore)
* - register the deployment descriptor xml with config
* - register the class path with config
* After successful completion of this method, the old src and sutbs
* directories may be deleted.
* </pre>
* @param deploymentCtx
* @return array of the client stubs files as zip items or empty array
public void ejbc(DeploymentContext deploymentCtx) throws Exception {
// stubs dir for the current deployment
File stubsDir = deploymentCtx.getScratchDir("ejb");
String explodedDir = deploymentCtx.getSource().getURI().getSchemeSpecificPart();
// deployment descriptor object representation
EjbBundleDescriptor ejbBundle = deploymentCtx.getModuleMetaData(EjbBundleDescriptor.class);
long startTime = now();
// class path to be used for this application during javac & rmic
String classPath = deploymentCtx.getTransientAppMetaData(CMPDeployer.MODULE_CLASSPATH, String.class);
// Warning: A class loader is passed in while constructing the
// application object
final ClassLoader jcl = ejbBundle.getClassLoader();
// stubs dir is used as repository for code generator
final String gnrtrTMP = stubsDir.getCanonicalPath();
// ---- EJB DEPLOYMENT DESCRIPTORS -------------------------------
// The main use-case we want to support is the one where existing
// stand-alone java clients that access ejbs hosted in our appserver
// directly through CosNaming need the generated stubs. We don't want to
// force them to run rmic themselves so it's better for them
// just to tell us during the deployment of an ejb client app
// or ejb app that we should run rmic and put the stubs in the
// client.jar. Turning on the deployment-time rmic flag ONLY
// controls the generation of rmic stubs. Dynamic stubs will be used
// in the server, in the Application Client container, and in
// stand-alone clients that instantiate our naming provider.
progress(localStrings.getStringWithDefault("generator.processing_beans", "Processing beans..."));
// ---- END OF EJB DEPLOYMENT DESCRIPTORS --------------------------
// ---- RMIC ALL STUB CLASSES --------------------------------------
Set<String> allStubClasses = new HashSet<String>();
// stubs classes for ejbs within this app that need rmic
Set<String> ejbStubClasses = getStubClasses(jcl, ejbBundle);
// Compile and RMIC all Stubs
rmic(classPath, allStubClasses, stubsDir, gnrtrTMP, explodedDir);
_logger.log(Level.INFO, "[RMIC] RMIC execution time: " + (now() - startTime) + " msec");
// ---- END OF RMIC ALL STUB CLASSES -------------------------------
// Create list of all server files and client files
List<String> allClientFiles = new ArrayList<String>();
// assemble the client files
addGeneratedFiles(allStubClasses, allClientFiles, stubsDir);
ClientArtifactsManager cArtifactsManager = ClientArtifactsManager.get(deploymentCtx);
for (String file : allClientFiles) {
cArtifactsManager.add(stubsDir, new File(file));
_logger.log(Level.INFO, "ejbc.end", deploymentCtx.getModuleMetaData(Application.class).getRegistrationName());
_logger.log(Level.INFO, "[RMIC] Total time: " + (now() - startTime) + " msec");
use of org.glassfish.deployment.common.ClientArtifactsManager in project Payara by payara.
the class AppClientGroupFacadeGenerator method generateAndRecordEARFacadeContents.
* Generates content for the top-level generated client JAR from the
* app clients in this app.
* <p>
* Higher-level logic will actually create the client JAR, because the need
* for a client JAR can be triggered by other deployers (EJB for generated
* stubs and web services), not only app clients.
* @param dc
* @param appScratchDir
* @param facadeFileName
* @param appClientGroupList
* @throws IOException
private void generateAndRecordEARFacadeContents(final DeploymentContext dc, final String appClientGroupList) throws IOException {
final ClientArtifactsManager clientArtifactsManager = ClientArtifactsManager.get(dc);
final Manifest manifest = new Manifest();
Attributes mainAttrs = manifest.getMainAttributes();
mainAttrs.put(Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0");
mainAttrs.put(GLASSFISH_APPCLIENT_GROUP, appClientGroupList);
// Now manifest is ready to be written.
final File manifestFile = File.createTempFile("groupMF", ".MF");
// facadeArchive.putNextEntry(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME);
final OutputStream manifestOutputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(manifestFile));
try {
} finally {
clientArtifactsManager.add(manifestFile, JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME, true);
* If the EAR contains a permissions file we need to make sure it's added
* to the group-level generated facade JAR.
final File permissionsFile = getPermissionsFile();
if (permissionsFile.canRead()) {
clientArtifactsManager.add(permissionsFile, PERMISSIONS_XML_PATH, false);
* Higher-level code will copy the files generated here plus other deployers'
* artifacts - such as generated stubs - into the generated client JAR
* which the app client deployer views as the group facade.
* Each client's individual facade JARs then refer
* to the group facade in their Class-Path so they can see the stubs.
* This also allows Java SE clients to add the group facade JAR to
* the runtime class path and see the stubs. (This allows users who
* did this in v2 to use the same technique.)
use of org.glassfish.deployment.common.ClientArtifactsManager in project Payara by payara.
the class JaxRpcRICodegen method addArtifactsForAppClient.
private void addArtifactsForAppClient() {
ClientArtifactsManager cArtifactsManager = ClientArtifactsManager.get(context);
for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
URI baseURI = context.getScratchDir("ejb").toURI();
File file = new File(files.get(i));
URI artifact = baseURI.relativize(file.toURI());
// Fix for issue 9734
if (!cArtifactsManager.contains(baseURI, artifact)) {
cArtifactsManager.add(baseURI, artifact);