use of org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.HttpStatus in project Payara by payara.
the class AdminAdapter method onMissingResource.
* Call the service method, and notify all listeners
* @exception Exception if an error happens during handling of
* the request. Common errors are:
* <ul><li>IOException if an input/output error occurs and we are
* processing an included servlet (otherwise it is swallowed and
* handled by the top level error handler mechanism)
* <li>ServletException if a servlet throws an exception and
* we are processing an included servlet (otherwise it is swallowed
* and handled by the top level error handler mechanism)
* </ul>
* Tomcat should be able to handle and log any other exception ( including
* runtime exceptions )
public void onMissingResource(Request req, Response res) {
LogHelper.getDefaultLogger().log(Level.FINER, "Received something on {0}", req.getRequestURI());
LogHelper.getDefaultLogger().log(Level.FINER, "QueryString = {0}", req.getQueryString());
HttpStatus statusCode = HttpStatus.OK_200;
String requestURI = req.getRequestURI();
/* if (requestURI.startsWith("/__asadmin/ADMINGUI")) {
super.service(req, res);
ActionReport report = getClientActionReport(requestURI, req);
// remove the qualifier if necessary
if (requestURI.indexOf('.') != -1) {
requestURI = requestURI.substring(0, requestURI.indexOf('.'));
Payload.Outbound outboundPayload = PayloadImpl.Outbound.newInstance();
try {
if (!latch.await(20L, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
report = getClientActionReport(req.getRequestURI(), req);
report.setMessage("V3 cannot process this command at this time, please wait");
} else {
final Subject s = (authenticator == null) ? null : authenticator.loginAsAdmin(req);
if (s == null) {
reportAuthFailure(res, report, "adapter.auth.userpassword", "Invalid user name or password", HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, "WWW-Authenticate", "BASIC");
report = doCommand(requestURI, req, report, outboundPayload, s);
} catch (ProcessHttpCommandRequestException reqEx) {
report = reqEx.getReport();
statusCode = reqEx.getResponseStatus();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
report.setMessage("V3 cannot process this command at this time, please wait");
} catch (Exception e) {
report.setMessage("Exception while processing command: " + e);
try {
* Format the command result report into the first part (part #0) of
* the outbound payload and set the response's content type based
* on the payload's. If the report is the only part then the
* stream will be written as content type text/something and
* will contain only the report. If the payload already has
* content - such as files to be downloaded, for example - then the
* content type of the payload reflects its multi-part nature and
* an implementation-specific content type will be set in the response.
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
final Properties reportProps = new Properties();
reportProps.setProperty("data-request-type", "report");
outboundPayload.addPart(0, report.getContentType(), "report", reportProps, bais);
String commandName = req.getRequestURI().substring(getContextRoot().length() + 1);
// Check session routing for commands that have @ExecuteOn(RuntimeType.SINGLE_INSTANCE)
if (isSingleInstanceCommand(commandName)) {
res.addHeader(SET_COOKIE_HEADER, getCookieHeader(req));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);