use of org.glassfish.j2ee.statistics.BoundedRangeStatistic in project Payara by payara.
the class BeanCacheMonitorTest method testStats.
public void testStats() {
final QueryMgr q = getQueryMgr();
final Set beanCacheMonitors = q.queryJ2EETypeSet(XTypes.BEAN_CACHE_MONITOR);
if (beanCacheMonitors.size() == 0) {
warning("BeanCacheMonitorTest: no MBeans found to test.");
} else {
final Iterator iter = beanCacheMonitors.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final BeanCacheMonitor m = (BeanCacheMonitor);
final EJBCacheStats s = m.getEJBCacheStats();
// verify that we can get each Statistic; there was a problem at one time
final BoundedRangeStatistic b1 = s.getCacheMisses();
final BoundedRangeStatistic b2 = s.getCacheHits();
final BoundedRangeStatistic b3 = s.getBeansInCache();
// these were failing
final CountStatistic c4 = s.getPassivationSuccesses();
final CountStatistic c3 = s.getExpiredSessionsRemoved();
final CountStatistic c2 = s.getPassivationErrors();
final CountStatistic c1 = s.getPassivations();
use of org.glassfish.j2ee.statistics.BoundedRangeStatistic in project Payara by payara.
the class StatsImpl method statToString.
public String statToString() {
StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();
Statistic[] stats = getStatistics();
int sz = stats.length;
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
if (stats[i] instanceof CountStatistic) {
CountStatistic stat = (CountStatistic) stats[i];
sbuf.append(stat.getName()).append("=").append(stat.getCount()).append("; ");
} else if (stats[i] instanceof BoundedRangeStatistic) {
BoundedRangeStatistic stat = (BoundedRangeStatistic) stats[i];
sbuf.append(stat.getName()).append("=").append(stat.getCurrent()).append("; ");
} else {
return sbuf.toString();