use of org.glassfish.web.deployment.runtime.LocaleCharsetMap in project Payara by payara.
the class DynamicWebServletRegistrationImpl method mapLocalesToCharset.
* Matches the given request locales against the charsets specified in
* the locale-charset-map of this web module's sun-web.xml, and returns
* the first matching charset.
* @param locales Request locales
* @return First matching charset, or null if this web module does not
* specify any locale-charset-map in its sun-web.xml, or no match was
* found
public String mapLocalesToCharset(Enumeration locales) {
String encoding = null;
LocaleCharsetMap[] locCharsetMap = getLocaleCharsetMap();
if (locCharsetMap != null && locCharsetMap.length > 0) {
* Check to see if there is a match between the request
* locales (in preference order) and the locales in the
* locale-charset-map.
boolean matchFound = false;
while (locales.hasMoreElements() && !matchFound) {
Locale reqLoc = (Locale) locales.nextElement();
for (int i = 0; i < locCharsetMap.length && !matchFound; i++) {
String language = locCharsetMap[i].getAttributeValue(LocaleCharsetMap.LOCALE);
if (language == null || "".equals(language)) {
String country = null;
int index = language.indexOf('_');
if (index != -1) {
country = language.substring(index + 1);
language = language.substring(0, index);
Locale mapLoc = null;
if (country != null) {
mapLoc = new Locale(language, country);
} else {
mapLoc = new Locale(language);
if (mapLoc.equals(reqLoc)) {
* Match found. Get the charset to which the
* matched locale maps.
encoding = locCharsetMap[i].getAttributeValue(LocaleCharsetMap.CHARSET);
matchFound = true;
return encoding;