use of org.globalqss.model.X_LCO_WithholdingCalc in project lar_361 by comitsrl.
the class WithholdingConfig method getConfig.
* Obtiene la configuración de retenciones/percepciones
* @param MBPartner Socio del Negocio
* @param isSOTrx
* @return Configuraciones de retención
public static WithholdingConfig[] getConfig(final MBPartner bp, boolean isSOTrx, String trxName, MOrder order, Timestamp dateTrx) {"");
final List<WithholdingConfig> list = new ArrayList<WithholdingConfig>();
try {
// Fill variables normally needed
// BP variables
Integer bp_isic_int = (Integer) bp.get_Value("LCO_ISIC_ID");
int bp_isic_id = 0;
if (bp_isic_int != null)
bp_isic_id = bp_isic_int.intValue();
Integer bp_taxpayertype_int = (Integer) bp.get_Value("LCO_TaxPayerType_ID");
int bp_taxpayertype_id = 0;
if (bp_taxpayertype_int != null)
bp_taxpayertype_id = bp_taxpayertype_int.intValue();
String lar_tipoganancias = bp.get_ValueAsString("LAR_TipoGanancias");
* No se utiliza la dirección del BP en los tipos de retenciones/percepciones que
* aplicamos. TODO: Revisar la forma de recuperar la dirección sin estar en un
* operación que obligue a seleccionarla.
MBPartnerLocation mbpl = new MBPartnerLocation(Env.getCtx(), bp.getLocations(true)[0].get_ID(), trxName);
MLocation bpl = MLocation.get(Env.getCtx(), mbpl.getC_Location_ID(), trxName);
int bp_city_id = bpl.getC_City_ID();
// OrgInfo variables
MOrgInfo oi = MOrgInfo.get(Env.getCtx(), Env.getAD_Org_ID(Env.getCtx()), trxName);
Integer org_isic_int = (Integer) oi.get_Value("LCO_ISIC_ID");
int org_isic_id = 0;
if (org_isic_int != null)
org_isic_id = org_isic_int.intValue();
Integer org_taxpayertype_int = (Integer) oi.get_Value("LCO_TaxPayerType_ID");
int org_taxpayertype_id = 0;
if (org_taxpayertype_int != null)
org_taxpayertype_id = org_taxpayertype_int.intValue();
MLocation ol = MLocation.get(Env.getCtx(), oi.getC_Location_ID(), trxName);
int org_city_id = ol.getC_City_ID();
// Search withholding types applicable depending on IsSOTrx
String sqlt = "SELECT LCO_WithholdingType_ID " + " FROM LCO_WithholdingType " + " WHERE IsSOTrx = ? AND IsActive = 'Y'";
PreparedStatement pstmtt = DB.prepareStatement(sqlt, trxName);
pstmtt.setString(1, isSOTrx ? "Y" : "N");
ResultSet rst = pstmtt.executeQuery();
while ( {
// Por cada una de las retenciones aplicables
X_LCO_WithholdingType wt = new X_LCO_WithholdingType(Env.getCtx(), rst.getInt(1), trxName);
X_LCO_WithholdingRuleConf wrc = null;"Withholding Type: " + wt.getLCO_WithholdingType_ID() + "/" + wt.getName());
// look the conf fields
String sqlrc = "SELECT * " + " FROM LCO_WithholdingRuleConf " + " WHERE LCO_WithholdingType_ID = ? AND IsActive = 'Y'";
PreparedStatement pstmtrc = DB.prepareStatement(sqlrc, trxName);
pstmtrc.setInt(1, wt.getLCO_WithholdingType_ID());
ResultSet rsrc = pstmtrc.executeQuery();
if ( {
wrc = new X_LCO_WithholdingRuleConf(Env.getCtx(), rsrc, trxName);
} else {
log.warning("No LCO_WithholdingRuleConf for LCO_WithholdingType = " + wt.getLCO_WithholdingType_ID());
// look for applicable rules according to config fields (rule)
StringBuffer sqlr = new StringBuffer("SELECT LCO_WithholdingRule_ID " + " FROM LCO_WithholdingRule " + " WHERE LCO_WithholdingType_ID = ? " + " AND IsActive = 'Y' " + " AND ValidFrom <= ? ");
if (wrc.isUseBPISIC())
sqlr.append(" AND LCO_BP_ISIC_ID = ? ");
if (wrc.isUseBPTaxPayerType())
sqlr.append(" AND LCO_BP_TaxPayerType_ID = ? ");
if (wrc.isUseOrgISIC())
sqlr.append(" AND LCO_Org_ISIC_ID = ? ");
if (wrc.isUseOrgTaxPayerType())
sqlr.append(" AND LCO_Org_TaxPayerType_ID = ? ");
if (wrc.isUseBPCity())
sqlr.append(" AND LCO_BP_City_ID = ? ");
if (wrc.isUseOrgCity())
sqlr.append(" AND LCO_Org_City_ID = ? ");
if (wrc.get_ValueAsBoolean("LAR_UsaTipoGananciasBP"))
sqlr.append(" AND LAR_TipoGananciasBP = ? ");
if (isSOTrx) {
if (order != null) {
// Add withholding categories of lines
if (wrc.isUseWithholdingCategory()) {
// look the conf fields
String sqlwcs = "SELECT DISTINCT COALESCE (p.LCO_WithholdingCategory_ID, COALESCE (c.LCO_WithholdingCategory_ID, 0)) " + " FROM C_OrderLine il " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN M_Product p ON (il.M_Product_ID = p.M_Product_ID) " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN C_Charge c ON (il.C_Charge_ID = c.C_Charge_ID) " + " WHERE C_OrderLine_ID = ? AND il.IsActive='Y'";
PreparedStatement pstmtwcs = DB.prepareStatement(sqlwcs, trxName);
pstmtwcs.setInt(1, order.getC_Order_ID());
ResultSet rswcs = pstmtwcs.executeQuery();
int i = 0;
int wcid = 0;
boolean addedlines = false;
while ( {
wcid = rswcs.getInt(1);
if (wcid > 0) {
if (i == 0) {
sqlr.append(" AND LCO_WithholdingCategory_ID IN (");
addedlines = true;
} else {
if (addedlines)
sqlr.append(") ");
// Add tax categories of lines
if (wrc.isUseProductTaxCategory()) {
// look the conf fields
String sqlwct = "SELECT DISTINCT COALESCE (p.C_TaxCategory_ID, COALESCE (c.C_TaxCategory_ID, 0)) " + " FROM C_InvoiceLine il " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN M_Product p ON (il.M_Product_ID = p.M_Product_ID) " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN C_Charge c ON (il.C_Charge_ID = c.C_Charge_ID) " + " WHERE C_Invoice_ID = ? AND il.IsActive='Y'";
PreparedStatement pstmtwct = DB.prepareStatement(sqlwct, trxName);
pstmtwct.setInt(1, order.getC_Order_ID());
ResultSet rswct = pstmtwct.executeQuery();
int i = 0;
int wcid = 0;
boolean addedlines = false;
while ( {
wcid = rswct.getInt(1);
if (wcid > 0) {
if (i == 0) {
sqlr.append(" AND C_TaxCategory_ID IN (");
addedlines = true;
} else {
if (addedlines)
sqlr.append(") ");
PreparedStatement pstmtr = DB.prepareStatement(sqlr.toString(), trxName);
int idxpar = 1;
pstmtr.setInt(idxpar, wt.getLCO_WithholdingType_ID());
pstmtr.setTimestamp(idxpar, dateTrx);
if (wrc.isUseBPISIC()) {
pstmtr.setInt(idxpar, bp_isic_id);
if (wrc.isUseBPTaxPayerType()) {
pstmtr.setInt(idxpar, bp_taxpayertype_id);
if (wrc.isUseOrgISIC()) {
pstmtr.setInt(idxpar, org_isic_id);
if (wrc.isUseOrgTaxPayerType()) {
pstmtr.setInt(idxpar, org_taxpayertype_id);
if (wrc.isUseBPCity()) {
pstmtr.setInt(idxpar, bp_city_id);
if (bp_city_id <= 0)
log.warning("Possible configuration error bp city is used but not set");
if (wrc.isUseOrgCity()) {
pstmtr.setInt(idxpar, org_city_id);
if (org_city_id <= 0)
log.warning("Possible configuration error org city is used but not set");
if (wrc.get_ValueAsBoolean("LAR_UsaTipoGananciasBP")) {
if (lar_tipoganancias.equals("")) {
log.warning("No existe configuraci\u00f3n de Ganancias para el SdN");
return null;
pstmtr.setString(idxpar, lar_tipoganancias);
ResultSet rsr = pstmtr.executeQuery();
while ( {
// for each applicable rule
X_LCO_WithholdingRule wr = new X_LCO_WithholdingRule(Env.getCtx(), rsr.getInt(1), trxName);
// bring record for withholding calculation
X_LCO_WithholdingCalc wc = new X_LCO_WithholdingCalc(Env.getCtx(), wr.getLCO_WithholdingCalc_ID(), trxName);
if (wc.getLCO_WithholdingCalc_ID() == 0) {
log.severe("Regla sin c\u00e1lculo configurado: " + wr.getName());
// bring record for tax
MTax tax = new MTax(Env.getCtx(), wc.getC_Tax_ID(), trxName);"WithholdingRule: " + wr.getLCO_WithholdingRule_ID() + "/" + wr.getName() + " BaseType:" + wc.getBaseType() + " Calc: " + wc.getLCO_WithholdingCalc_ID() + "/" + wc.getName() + " CalcOnInvoice:" + wc.isCalcOnInvoice() + " Tax: " + tax.getC_Tax_ID() + "/" + tax.getName());
BigDecimal alicuota = BigDecimal.ZERO;
BigDecimal tasa = BigDecimal.ZERO;
alicuota = tax.getRate().setScale(4, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
tasa = alicuota.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(100));
WithholdingConfig config = new WithholdingConfig(alicuota, tasa, (BigDecimal) wrc.get_Value("PaymentThresholdMin"), wc.getThresholdmin(), wc.getThresholdMax(), wc.getAmountRefunded(), wc.isCalcOnPayment(), wr.getLCO_WithholdingRule_ID(), wr.getLCO_WithholdingType_ID(), wc.getC_Tax_ID(), wrc.get_ValueAsInt("C_DocType_ID"), wr.getC_TaxCategory_ID(), wrc.isUseBPISIC(), wrc.get_ValueAsBoolean("LAR_UsaTipoGananciasBP"), wrc.get_ValueAsBoolean("IsUseOrgTaxPayerType"), wc.getBaseType());
if (!list.add(config)) {
log.severe("Error al agregar configuración a la lista");
// while each applicable rule
// while each applicable withholding
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);
return null;
return list.toArray(new WithholdingConfig[list.size()]);