use of org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugCloseable in project graal by oracle.
the class AbstractFixedGuardNode method lowerToIf.
public DeoptimizeNode lowerToIf() {
try (DebugCloseable position = this.withNodeSourcePosition()) {
FixedNode currentNext = next();
DeoptimizeNode deopt = graph().add(new DeoptimizeNode(action, reason, speculation));
IfNode ifNode;
AbstractBeginNode noDeoptSuccessor;
if (negated) {
ifNode = graph().add(new IfNode(condition, deopt, currentNext, 0));
noDeoptSuccessor = ifNode.falseSuccessor();
} else {
ifNode = graph().add(new IfNode(condition, currentNext, deopt, 1));
noDeoptSuccessor = ifNode.trueSuccessor();
((FixedWithNextNode) predecessor()).setNext(ifNode);
return deopt;
use of org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugCloseable in project graal by oracle.
the class BeginNode method begin.
public static AbstractBeginNode begin(FixedNode with) {
try (DebugCloseable position = with.withNodeSourcePosition()) {
if (with instanceof AbstractBeginNode) {
return (AbstractBeginNode) with;
BeginNode begin = with.graph().add(new BeginNode());
return begin;
use of org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugCloseable in project graal by oracle.
the class SnippetTemplate method instantiate.
* Replaces a given floating node with this specialized snippet.
* @param metaAccess
* @param replacee the node that will be replaced
* @param replacer object that replaces the usages of {@code replacee}
* @param tool lowering tool used to insert the snippet into the control-flow
* @param args the arguments to be bound to the flattened positional parameters of the snippet
public void instantiate(MetaAccessProvider metaAccess, FloatingNode replacee, UsageReplacer replacer, LoweringTool tool, Arguments args) {
DebugContext debug = replacee.getDebug();
assert assertSnippetKills(replacee);
try (DebugCloseable a = {;
// Inline the snippet nodes, replacing parameters with the given args in the process
StartNode entryPointNode = snippet.start();
FixedNode firstCFGNode =;
StructuredGraph replaceeGraph = replacee.graph();
EconomicMap<Node, Node> replacements = bind(replaceeGraph, metaAccess, args);
replacements.put(entryPointNode, tool.getCurrentGuardAnchor().asNode());
UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> duplicates = inlineSnippet(replacee, debug, replaceeGraph, replacements);
FixedWithNextNode lastFixedNode = tool.lastFixedNode();
assert lastFixedNode != null && lastFixedNode.isAlive() : replaceeGraph + " lastFixed=" + lastFixedNode;
FixedNode next =;
FixedNode firstCFGNodeDuplicate = (FixedNode) duplicates.get(firstCFGNode);
replaceeGraph.addAfterFixed(lastFixedNode, firstCFGNodeDuplicate);
rewireFrameStates(replacee, duplicates);
updateStamps(replacee, duplicates);
rewireMemoryGraph(replacee, duplicates);
// Replace all usages of the replacee with the value returned by the snippet
ReturnNode returnDuplicate = (ReturnNode) duplicates.get(returnNode);
ValueNode returnValue = returnDuplicate.result();
assert returnValue != null || replacee.hasNoUsages();
replacer.replace(replacee, returnValue);
if (returnDuplicate.isAlive()) {
debug.dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, replaceeGraph, "After lowering %s with %s", replacee, this);
use of org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugCloseable in project graal by oracle.
the class DefaultJavaLoweringProvider method lowerCommitAllocationNode.
protected void lowerCommitAllocationNode(CommitAllocationNode commit, LoweringTool tool) {
StructuredGraph graph = commit.graph();
if (graph.getGuardsStage() == StructuredGraph.GuardsStage.FIXED_DEOPTS) {
List<AbstractNewObjectNode> recursiveLowerings = new ArrayList<>();
ValueNode[] allocations = new ValueNode[commit.getVirtualObjects().size()];
BitSet omittedValues = new BitSet();
int valuePos = 0;
for (int objIndex = 0; objIndex < commit.getVirtualObjects().size(); objIndex++) {
VirtualObjectNode virtual = commit.getVirtualObjects().get(objIndex);
int entryCount = virtual.entryCount();
AbstractNewObjectNode newObject;
try (DebugCloseable nsp = virtual.withNodeSourcePosition()) {
if (virtual instanceof VirtualInstanceNode) {
newObject = graph.add(createNewInstanceFromVirtual(virtual));
} else {
newObject = graph.add(createNewArrayFromVirtual(virtual, ConstantNode.forInt(entryCount, graph)));
graph.addBeforeFixed(commit, newObject);
allocations[objIndex] = newObject;
for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) {
ValueNode value = commit.getValues().get(valuePos);
if (value instanceof VirtualObjectNode) {
value = allocations[commit.getVirtualObjects().indexOf(value)];
if (value == null) {
} else if (!(value.isConstant() && value.asConstant().isDefaultForKind())) {
// Constant.illegal is always the defaultForKind, so it is skipped
JavaKind valueKind = value.getStackKind();
JavaKind entryKind = virtual.entryKind(i);
// Truffle requires some leniency in terms of what can be put where:
assert valueKind.getStackKind() == entryKind.getStackKind() || (valueKind == JavaKind.Long || valueKind == JavaKind.Double || (valueKind == JavaKind.Int && virtual instanceof VirtualArrayNode));
AddressNode address = null;
BarrierType barrierType = null;
if (virtual instanceof VirtualInstanceNode) {
ResolvedJavaField field = ((VirtualInstanceNode) virtual).field(i);
long offset = fieldOffset(field);
if (offset >= 0) {
address = createOffsetAddress(graph, newObject, offset);
barrierType = fieldInitializationBarrier(entryKind);
} else {
address = createOffsetAddress(graph, newObject, arrayBaseOffset(entryKind) + i * arrayScalingFactor(entryKind));
barrierType = arrayInitializationBarrier(entryKind);
if (address != null) {
WriteNode write = new WriteNode(address, LocationIdentity.init(), implicitStoreConvert(graph, entryKind, value), barrierType);
graph.addAfterFixed(newObject, graph.add(write));
valuePos = 0;
for (int objIndex = 0; objIndex < commit.getVirtualObjects().size(); objIndex++) {
VirtualObjectNode virtual = commit.getVirtualObjects().get(objIndex);
int entryCount = virtual.entryCount();
ValueNode newObject = allocations[objIndex];
for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) {
if (omittedValues.get(valuePos)) {
ValueNode value = commit.getValues().get(valuePos);
assert value instanceof VirtualObjectNode;
ValueNode allocValue = allocations[commit.getVirtualObjects().indexOf(value)];
if (!(allocValue.isConstant() && allocValue.asConstant().isDefaultForKind())) {
assert virtual.entryKind(i) == JavaKind.Object && allocValue.getStackKind() == JavaKind.Object;
AddressNode address;
BarrierType barrierType;
if (virtual instanceof VirtualInstanceNode) {
VirtualInstanceNode virtualInstance = (VirtualInstanceNode) virtual;
address = createFieldAddress(graph, newObject, virtualInstance.field(i));
barrierType = BarrierType.IMPRECISE;
} else {
address = createArrayAddress(graph, newObject, virtual.entryKind(i), ConstantNode.forInt(i, graph));
barrierType = BarrierType.PRECISE;
if (address != null) {
WriteNode write = new WriteNode(address, LocationIdentity.init(), implicitStoreConvert(graph, JavaKind.Object, allocValue), barrierType);
graph.addBeforeFixed(commit, graph.add(write));
finishAllocatedObjects(tool, commit, allocations);
for (AbstractNewObjectNode recursiveLowering : recursiveLowerings) {
use of org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugCloseable in project graal by oracle.
the class GraphKit method createInvoke.
* Creates and appends an {@link InvokeNode} for a call to a given method with a given set of
* arguments.
public InvokeNode createInvoke(ResolvedJavaMethod method, InvokeKind invokeKind, FrameStateBuilder frameStateBuilder, int bci, ValueNode... args) {
try (DebugCloseable context = graph.withNodeSourcePosition(NodeSourcePosition.substitution(graph.currentNodeSourcePosition(), method))) {
assert method.isStatic() == (invokeKind == InvokeKind.Static);
Signature signature = method.getSignature();
JavaType returnType = signature.getReturnType(null);
assert checkArgs(method, args);
StampPair returnStamp = graphBuilderPlugins.getOverridingStamp(this, returnType, false);
if (returnStamp == null) {
returnStamp = StampFactory.forDeclaredType(graph.getAssumptions(), returnType, false);
MethodCallTargetNode callTarget = graph.add(createMethodCallTarget(invokeKind, method, args, returnStamp, bci));
InvokeNode invoke = append(new InvokeNode(callTarget, bci));
if (frameStateBuilder != null) {
if (invoke.getStackKind() != JavaKind.Void) {
frameStateBuilder.push(invoke.getStackKind(), invoke);
invoke.setStateAfter(frameStateBuilder.create(bci, invoke));
if (invoke.getStackKind() != JavaKind.Void) {
return invoke;