use of in project graal by oracle.
the class CInterfaceInvocationPlugin method replaceFunctionPointerInvoke.
private boolean replaceFunctionPointerInvoke(GraphBuilderContext b, ResolvedJavaMethod method, ValueNode[] args, CallingConvention.Type callType) {
if (!functionPointerType.isAssignableFrom(method.getDeclaringClass())) {
throw UserError.abort(new CInterfaceError("function pointer invocation method " + method.format("%H.%n(%p)") + " must be in a type that extends " + CFunctionPointer.class.getSimpleName(), method).getMessage());
assert b.getInvokeKind() == InvokeKind.Interface;
JavaType[] parameterTypes = method.getSignature().toParameterTypes(null);
if (callType == SubstrateCallingConventionType.NativeCall) {
Predicate<JavaType> isValid = t -> t.getJavaKind().isPrimitive() || wordTypes.isWord(t);
UserError.guarantee(Stream.of(parameterTypes).allMatch(isValid) && isValid.test(method.getSignature().getReturnType(null)), "C function pointer invocation method must have only primitive types or word types for its parameters and return value: " + method.format("%H.%n(%p)"));
* We currently do not support automatic conversions for @CEnum because it entails
* introducing additional invokes without real BCIs in a BytecodeParser context, which
* does not work too well.
// We "discard" the receiver from the signature by pretending we are a static method
assert args.length >= 1;
ValueNode methodAddress = args[0];
ValueNode[] argsWithoutReceiver = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, args.length);
assert argsWithoutReceiver.length == parameterTypes.length;
Stamp returnStamp;
if (wordTypes.isWord(b.getInvokeReturnType())) {
returnStamp = wordTypes.getWordStamp((ResolvedJavaType) b.getInvokeReturnType());
} else {
returnStamp = b.getInvokeReturnStamp(null).getTrustedStamp();
CallTargetNode indirectCallTargetNode = b.add(new IndirectCallTargetNode(methodAddress, argsWithoutReceiver, StampPair.createSingle(returnStamp), parameterTypes, method, callType, InvokeKind.Static));
if (callType == SubstrateCallingConventionType.JavaCall) {
b.handleReplacedInvoke(indirectCallTargetNode, b.getInvokeReturnType().getJavaKind());
} else if (callType == SubstrateCallingConventionType.NativeCall) {
// Native code cannot throw exceptions, omit exception edge
InvokeNode invokeNode = new InvokeNode(indirectCallTargetNode, b.bci());
if (pushKind(method) != JavaKind.Void) {
b.addPush(pushKind(method), invokeNode);
} else {
} else {
throw shouldNotReachHere("Unsupported type of call: " + callType);
return true;