use of org.graalvm.compiler.replacements.GraphKit in project graal by oracle.
the class ForeignCallStub method getGraph.
* Creates a graph for this stub.
* <p>
* If the stub returns an object, the graph created corresponds to this pseudo code:
* <pre>
* Object foreignFunctionStub(args...) {
* foreignFunction(currentThread, args);
* if (clearPendingException(thread())) {
* getAndClearObjectResult(thread());
* DeoptimizeCallerNode.deopt(InvalidateReprofile, RuntimeConstraint);
* }
* return verifyObject(getAndClearObjectResult(thread()));
* }
* </pre>
* If the stub returns a primitive or word, the graph created corresponds to this pseudo code
* (using {@code int} as the primitive return type):
* <pre>
* int foreignFunctionStub(args...) {
* int result = foreignFunction(currentThread, args);
* if (clearPendingException(thread())) {
* DeoptimizeCallerNode.deopt(InvalidateReprofile, RuntimeConstraint);
* }
* return result;
* }
* </pre>
* If the stub is void, the graph created corresponds to this pseudo code:
* <pre>
* void foreignFunctionStub(args...) {
* foreignFunction(currentThread, args);
* if (clearPendingException(thread())) {
* DeoptimizeCallerNode.deopt(InvalidateReprofile, RuntimeConstraint);
* }
* }
* </pre>
* In each example above, the {@code currentThread} argument is the C++ JavaThread value (i.e.,
* %r15 on AMD64) and is only prepended if {@link #prependThread} is true.
protected StructuredGraph getGraph(DebugContext debug, CompilationIdentifier compilationId) {
WordTypes wordTypes = providers.getWordTypes();
Class<?>[] args = linkage.getDescriptor().getArgumentTypes();
boolean isObjectResult = !LIRKind.isValue(linkage.getOutgoingCallingConvention().getReturn());
try {
ResolvedJavaMethod thisMethod = providers.getMetaAccess().lookupJavaMethod(ForeignCallStub.class.getDeclaredMethod("getGraph", DebugContext.class, CompilationIdentifier.class));
GraphKit kit = new GraphKit(debug, thisMethod, providers, wordTypes, providers.getGraphBuilderPlugins(), compilationId, toString());
StructuredGraph graph = kit.getGraph();
ParameterNode[] params = createParameters(kit, args);
ReadRegisterNode thread = kit.append(new ReadRegisterNode(providers.getRegisters().getThreadRegister(), wordTypes.getWordKind(), true, false));
ValueNode result = createTargetCall(kit, params, thread);
kit.createInvoke(StubUtil.class, "handlePendingException", thread, ConstantNode.forBoolean(isObjectResult, graph));
if (isObjectResult) {
InvokeNode object = kit.createInvoke(HotSpotReplacementsUtil.class, "getAndClearObjectResult", thread);
result = kit.createInvoke(StubUtil.class, "verifyObject", object);
kit.append(new ReturnNode(linkage.getDescriptor().getResultType() == void.class ? null : result));
debug.dump(DebugContext.VERBOSE_LEVEL, graph, "Initial stub graph");
new RemoveValueProxyPhase().apply(graph);
debug.dump(DebugContext.VERBOSE_LEVEL, graph, "Stub graph before compilation");
return graph;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere(e);