use of org.graphstream.graph.implementations.SingleGraph in project gs-ui-javafx by graphstream.
the class TestPies method run.
private void run() {
System.setProperty("org.graphstream.ui", "org.graphstream.ui.javafx.util.Display");
SingleGraph g = new SingleGraph("test");
Node A = g.addNode("A");
Node B = g.addNode("B");
g.addEdge("AB", "A", "B");
SpriteManager sm = new SpriteManager(g);
Sprite pie = sm.addSprite("pie");
pie.setAttribute("", "shape: pie-chart; fill-color: #F00, #0F0, #00F; size: 30px;");
// g.addAttribute("ui.stylesheet", "sprite { shape: pie-chart; fill-color: #F00, #0F0, #00F; size: 30px; } node {fill-color: red; }")
double[] values = new double[3];
values[0] = 0.3333;
values[1] = 0.3333;
values[2] = 0.3333;
pie.setAttribute("ui.pie-values", values);
double[] values2 = new double[3];
values2[0] = 0.1;
values2[1] = 0.3;
values2[2] = 0.6;
boolean on = true;
while (true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
if (on) {
values[0] = 0.1;
values[1] = 0.3;
values[2] = 0.6;
A.setAttribute("ui.pie-values", new double[] { 1.0 });
A.setAttribute("", "shape:pie-chart; fill-color:red;");
} else {
values[0] = 0.3;
values[1] = 0.3;
values[2] = 0.3;
A.setAttribute("ui.pie-values", new double[] { 1.0 });
A.setAttribute("", "shape:pie-chart; fill-color:blue;");
pie.setAttribute("ui.pie-values", values);
// pie.addAttribute("ui.pie-values", if(on) values else values2)
on = !on;
use of org.graphstream.graph.implementations.SingleGraph in project gs-ui-javafx by graphstream.
the class TestPolys method run.
private void run() {
System.setProperty("org.graphstream.ui", "org.graphstream.ui.javafx.util.Display");
SingleGraph g = new SingleGraph("Polys");
Node A = g.addNode("A");
Node B = g.addNode("B");
Node C = g.addNode("C");
Node D = g.addNode("D");
A.setAttribute("xyz", new double[] { 1, 1, 0 });
B.setAttribute("xyz", new double[] { 1, -1, 0 });
C.setAttribute("xyz", new double[] { -1, -1, 0 });
D.setAttribute("xyz", new double[] { -1, 1, 0 });
A.setAttribute("ui.label", "A");
B.setAttribute("ui.label", "B");
C.setAttribute("ui.label", "C");
D.setAttribute("ui.label", "D");
Edge AB = g.addEdge("AB", "A", "B");
Edge BC = g.addEdge("BC", "B", "C");
Edge CD = g.addEdge("CD", "C", "D");
Edge DA = g.addEdge("DA", "D", "A");
AB.setAttribute("ui.points", new double[] { 1, 1, 0, 1.25, 0.5, 0, 0.75, -0.5, 0, 1, -1, 0 });
BC.setAttribute("ui.points", new double[] { 1, -1, 0, 0.5, -0.5, 0, -0.5, -0.25, 0, -1, -1, 0 });
CD.setAttribute("ui.points", new double[] { -1, -1, 0, -0.40, -0.5, 0, -1.70, 0.5, 0, -1, 1, 0 });
// DA.setAttribute("ui.points", new double[]{-1, 1, 0,
// -0.5, 0.75, 0,
// 0.5, 0.25, 0,
// 1, 1, 0});
g.setAttribute("ui.stylesheet", styleSheet);
use of org.graphstream.graph.implementations.SingleGraph in project gs-ui-javafx by graphstream.
the class TestStars2 method start.
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
SingleGraph graph = new SingleGraph("Stars !");
double x0 = 0.0;
double x1 = 0.0;
double width = 100.0;
double height = 20.0;
int n = 500;
Random random = new Random();
double minDis = 4.0;
double sizeMx = 10.0;
graph.setAttribute("ui.stylesheet", styleSheet);
Viewer viewer = new FxViewer(graph, FxViewer.ThreadingModel.GRAPH_IN_ANOTHER_THREAD);
ViewerPipe pipeIn = viewer.newViewerPipe();
FxDefaultView view = (FxDefaultView) viewer.addView("view1", new FxGraphRenderer());
view.resize(1000, (int) (1200 * (height / width)));
Scene scene = new Scene(view, 1000, 1200 * (height / width), true, SceneAntialiasing.BALANCED);
primaryStage.setOnCloseRequest(new EventHandler<WindowEvent>() {
public void handle(WindowEvent t) {
primaryStage.setTitle("Stars 2");;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Node node = graph.addNode(i + "");
node.setAttribute("xyz", (random.nextDouble() * width), (random.nextDouble() * height), 0);
node.setAttribute("ui.size", (random.nextDouble() * sizeMx));
graph.nodes().forEach(node -> {
Point3 pos = new Point3(GraphPosLengthUtils.nodePosition(node));
graph.nodes().forEach(otherNode -> {
if (otherNode != node) {
Point3 otherPos = new Point3(GraphPosLengthUtils.nodePosition(otherNode));
double dist = otherPos.distance(pos);
if (dist < minDis) {
if (!node.hasEdgeBetween(otherNode.getId())) {
try {
graph.addEdge(node.getId() + "--" + otherNode.getId(), node.getId(), otherNode.getId());
} catch (IdAlreadyInUseException e) {
graph.addEdge(node.getId() + "--" + otherNode.getId() + "-2", node.getId(), otherNode.getId());