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the class WaitUntilRefreshIT method testIndex.
public void testIndex() {
IndexResponse index = client().prepareIndex("test", "index", "1").setSource("foo", "bar").setRefreshPolicy(RefreshPolicy.WAIT_UNTIL).get();
assertEquals(RestStatus.CREATED, index.status());
assertFalse("request shouldn't have forced a refresh", index.forcedRefresh());
assertSearchHits(client().prepareSearch("test").setQuery(matchQuery("foo", "bar")).get(), "1");
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the class TasksIT method testCanFetchIndexStatus.
* Very basic "is it plugged in" style test that indexes a document and makes sure that you can fetch the status of the process. The
* goal here is to verify that the large moving parts that make fetching task status work fit together rather than to verify any
* particular status results from indexing. For that, look at {@link TransportReplicationActionTests}. We intentionally don't use the
* task recording mechanism used in other places in this test so we can make sure that the status fetching works properly over the wire.
public void testCanFetchIndexStatus() throws Exception {
// First latch waits for the task to start, second on blocks it from finishing.
CountDownLatch taskRegistered = new CountDownLatch(1);
CountDownLatch letTaskFinish = new CountDownLatch(1);
Thread index = null;
try {
for (TransportService transportService : internalCluster().getInstances(TransportService.class)) {
((MockTaskManager) transportService.getTaskManager()).addListener(new MockTaskManagerListener() {
public void onTaskRegistered(Task task) {
if (task.getAction().startsWith(IndexAction.NAME)) {
logger.debug("Blocking [{}] starting", task);
try {
assertTrue(letTaskFinish.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void onTaskUnregistered(Task task) {
public void waitForTaskCompletion(Task task) {
// Need to run the task in a separate thread because node client's .execute() is blocked by our task listener
index = new Thread(() -> {
IndexResponse indexResponse = client().prepareIndex("test", "test").setSource("test", "test").get();
assertArrayEquals(ReplicationResponse.EMPTY, indexResponse.getShardInfo().getFailures());
// waiting for at least one task to be registered
assertTrue(taskRegistered.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
ListTasksResponse listResponse = client().admin().cluster().prepareListTasks().setActions("indices:data/write/index*").setDetailed(true).get();
assertThat(listResponse.getTasks(), not(empty()));
for (TaskInfo task : listResponse.getTasks()) {
GetTaskResponse getResponse = client().admin().cluster().prepareGetTask(task.getTaskId()).get();
assertFalse("task should still be running", getResponse.getTask().isCompleted());
TaskInfo fetchedWithGet = getResponse.getTask().getTask();
assertEquals(task.getId(), fetchedWithGet.getId());
assertEquals(task.getType(), fetchedWithGet.getType());
assertEquals(task.getAction(), fetchedWithGet.getAction());
assertEquals(task.getDescription(), fetchedWithGet.getDescription());
assertEquals(task.getStatus(), fetchedWithGet.getStatus());
assertEquals(task.getStartTime(), fetchedWithGet.getStartTime());
assertThat(fetchedWithGet.getRunningTimeNanos(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(task.getRunningTimeNanos()));
assertEquals(task.isCancellable(), fetchedWithGet.isCancellable());
assertEquals(task.getParentTaskId(), fetchedWithGet.getParentTaskId());
} finally {
if (index != null) {
assertBusy(() -> {
assertEquals(emptyList(), client().admin().cluster().prepareListTasks().setActions("indices:data/write/index*").get().getTasks());
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the class TransportBulkActionIngestTests method testSingleItemBulkActionIngestForward.
public void testSingleItemBulkActionIngestForward() throws Exception {
localIngest = false;
IndexRequest indexRequest = new IndexRequest("index", "type", "id");
IndexResponse indexResponse = mock(IndexResponse.class);
AtomicBoolean responseCalled = new AtomicBoolean(false);
ActionListener<IndexResponse> listener = ActionListener.wrap(response -> {
assertSame(indexResponse, response);
}, e -> {
throw new AssertionError(e);
singleItemBulkWriteAction.execute(null, indexRequest, listener);
// should not have executed ingest locally
verify(executionService, never()).executeBulkRequest(any(), any(), any());
// but instead should have sent to a remote node with the transport service
ArgumentCaptor<DiscoveryNode> node = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(DiscoveryNode.class);
verify(transportService).sendRequest(node.capture(), eq(BulkAction.NAME), any(), remoteResponseHandler.capture());
// make sure we used one of the nodes
boolean usedNode1 = node.getValue() == remoteNode1;
if (usedNode1 == false) {
assertSame(remoteNode2, node.getValue());
// no local index execution
// listener not called yet
BulkItemResponse itemResponse = new BulkItemResponse(0, DocWriteRequest.OpType.CREATE, indexResponse);
BulkItemResponse[] bulkItemResponses = new BulkItemResponse[1];
bulkItemResponses[0] = itemResponse;
// call the listener for the remote node
remoteResponseHandler.getValue().handleResponse(new BulkResponse(bulkItemResponses, 0));
// now the listener we passed should have been delegated to by the remote listener
// still no local index execution
// now make sure ingest nodes are rotated through with a subsequent request
singleItemBulkWriteAction.execute(null, indexRequest, listener);
verify(transportService).sendRequest(node.capture(), eq(BulkAction.NAME), any(), remoteResponseHandler.capture());
if (usedNode1) {
assertSame(remoteNode2, node.getValue());
} else {
assertSame(remoteNode1, node.getValue());
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the class TransportShardBulkActionTests method testUpdateReplicaRequestWithSuccess.
public void testUpdateReplicaRequestWithSuccess() throws Exception {
DocWriteRequest writeRequest = new IndexRequest("index", "type", "id").source(Requests.INDEX_CONTENT_TYPE, "field", "value");
BulkItemRequest replicaRequest = new BulkItemRequest(0, writeRequest);
boolean created = randomBoolean();
Translog.Location resultLocation = new Translog.Location(42, 42, 42);
Engine.IndexResult indexResult = new FakeResult(1, 1, created, resultLocation);
DocWriteResponse indexResponse = new IndexResponse(shardId, "index", "id", 1, 1, created);
BulkItemResultHolder goodResults = new BulkItemResultHolder(indexResponse, indexResult, replicaRequest);
Translog.Location originalLocation = new Translog.Location(21, 21, 21);
BulkItemRequest[] items = new BulkItemRequest[0];
BulkShardRequest bulkShardRequest = new BulkShardRequest(shardId, RefreshPolicy.NONE, items);
Translog.Location newLocation = TransportShardBulkAction.updateReplicaRequest(goodResults, DocWriteRequest.OpType.INDEX, originalLocation, bulkShardRequest);
BulkItemResponse primaryResponse = replicaRequest.getPrimaryResponse();
// Check that the translog is successfully advanced
assertThat(newLocation, equalTo(resultLocation));
// Since this was not a conflict failure, the primary response
// should be filled out with the failure information
assertThat(primaryResponse.getItemId(), equalTo(0));
assertThat(primaryResponse.getId(), equalTo("id"));
assertThat(primaryResponse.getOpType(), equalTo(DocWriteRequest.OpType.INDEX));
DocWriteResponse response = primaryResponse.getResponse();
assertThat(response.status(), equalTo(created ? RestStatus.CREATED : RestStatus.OK));
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the class IndexingMasterFailoverIT method testMasterFailoverDuringIndexingWithMappingChanges.
* Indexing operations which entail mapping changes require a blocking request to the master node to update the mapping.
* If the master node is being disrupted or if it cannot commit cluster state changes, it needs to retry within timeout limits.
* This retry logic is implemented in TransportMasterNodeAction and tested by the following master failover scenario.
public void testMasterFailoverDuringIndexingWithMappingChanges() throws Throwable {"--> start 4 nodes, 3 master, 1 data");
final Settings sharedSettings = Settings.builder().put(FaultDetection.PING_TIMEOUT_SETTING.getKey(), // for hitting simulated network failures quickly
"1s").put(FaultDetection.PING_RETRIES_SETTING.getKey(), // for hitting simulated network failures quickly
"1").put("discovery.zen.join_timeout", // still long to induce failures but to long so test won't time out
"10s").put(DiscoverySettings.PUBLISH_TIMEOUT_SETTING.getKey(), // <-- for hitting simulated network failures quickly
"1s").put(ElectMasterService.DISCOVERY_ZEN_MINIMUM_MASTER_NODES_SETTING.getKey(), 2).build();
internalCluster().startMasterOnlyNodes(3, sharedSettings);
String dataNode = internalCluster().startDataOnlyNode(sharedSettings);"--> wait for all nodes to join the cluster");
// We index data with mapping changes into cluster and have master failover at same time
client().admin().indices().prepareCreate("myindex").setSettings(Settings.builder().put("index.number_of_shards", 1).put("index.number_of_replicas", 0)).get();
final CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(2);
Thread indexingThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.warn("Barrier interrupted", e);
} catch (BrokenBarrierException e) {
logger.warn("Broken barrier", e);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// index data with mapping changes
IndexResponse response = client(dataNode).prepareIndex("myindex", "mytype").setSource("field_" + i, "val").get();
assertEquals(DocWriteResponse.Result.CREATED, response.getResult());
// interrupt communication between master and other nodes in cluster
String master = internalCluster().getMasterName();
Set<String> otherNodes = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(internalCluster().getNodeNames()));
NetworkDisruption partition = new NetworkDisruption(new TwoPartitions(Collections.singleton(master), otherNodes), new NetworkDisconnect());
internalCluster().setDisruptionScheme(partition);"--> disrupting network");
partition.startDisrupting();"--> waiting for new master to be elected");
ensureStableCluster(3, dataNode);
partition.stopDisrupting();"--> waiting to heal");
assertThat(client().prepareSearch("myindex").get().getHits().getTotalHits(), equalTo(10L));