use of org.graylog2.plugin.MessageCollection in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class PipelineInterpreter method process.
* Evaluates all pipelines that apply to the given messages, based on the current stream routing
* of the messages.
* The processing loops on each single message (passed in or created by pipelines) until the set
* of streams does not change anymore. No cycle detection is performed.
* @param messages the messages to process through the pipelines
* @param interpreterListener a listener which gets called for each processing stage (e.g. to
* trace execution)
* @param state the pipeline/stage/rule/stream connection state to use during
* processing
* @return the processed messages
public Messages process(Messages messages, InterpreterListener interpreterListener, State state) {
// message id + stream id
final Set<Tuple2<String, String>> processingBlacklist = Sets.newHashSet();
final List<Message> toProcess = Lists.newArrayList(messages);
final List<Message> fullyProcessed = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(toProcess.size());
while (!toProcess.isEmpty()) {
final MessageCollection currentSet = new MessageCollection(toProcess);
// we'll add them back below
for (Message message : currentSet) {
final String msgId = message.getId();
// this makes a copy of the list, which is mutated later in updateStreamBlacklist
// it serves as a worklist, to keep track of which <msg, stream> tuples need to be re-run again
final Set<String> initialStreamIds = message.getStreams().stream().map(Stream::getId).collect(Collectors.toSet());
final ImmutableSet<Pipeline> pipelinesToRun = selectPipelines(interpreterListener, processingBlacklist, message, initialStreamIds, state.getStreamPipelineConnections());
toProcess.addAll(processForResolvedPipelines(message, msgId, pipelinesToRun, interpreterListener, state));
// add each processed message-stream combination to the blacklist set and figure out if the processing
// has added a stream to the message, in which case we need to cycle and determine whether to process
// its pipeline connections, too
boolean addedStreams = updateStreamBlacklist(processingBlacklist, message, initialStreamIds);
// go to 1 and iterate over all messages again until no more streams are being assigned
if (!addedStreams || message.getFilterOut()) {
log.debug("[{}] no new streams matches or dropped message, not running again", msgId);
} else {
// process again, we've added a stream
log.debug("[{}] new streams assigned, running again for those streams", msgId);
// 7. return the processed messages
return new MessageCollection(fullyProcessed);
use of org.graylog2.plugin.MessageCollection in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class PipelineInterpreterTest method testDroppedMessageWillHaltProcessingAfterCurrentStage.
public void testDroppedMessageWillHaltProcessingAfterCurrentStage() {
final RuleService ruleService = mock(MongoDbRuleService.class);
when(ruleService.loadAll()).thenReturn(ImmutableList.of(RULE_SET_FIELD.apply("1-a"), RULE_SET_FIELD.apply("1-b"), RULE_SET_FIELD.apply("2-a"), RULE_SET_FIELD.apply("2-b"), RULE_DROP_MESSAGE));
final PipelineService pipelineService = mock(MongoDbPipelineService.class);
when(pipelineService.loadAll()).thenReturn(ImmutableList.of(PipelineDao.create("p1", "title1", "description", "pipeline \"pipeline1\"\n" + "stage 0 match pass\n" + " rule \"1-a\";\n" + " rule \"drop_message\";\n" + "stage 1 match pass\n" + " rule \"1-b\";\n" + "end\n", Tools.nowUTC(), null), PipelineDao.create("p2", "title2", "description", "pipeline \"pipeline2\"\n" + "stage 0 match pass\n" + " rule \"2-a\";\n" + "stage 1 match pass\n" + " rule \"2-b\";\n" + "end\n", Tools.nowUTC(), null)));
final Map<String, Function<?>> functions = ImmutableMap.of(SetField.NAME, new SetField(), DropMessage.NAME, new DropMessage());
final PipelineInterpreter interpreter = createPipelineInterpreter(ruleService, pipelineService, functions);
final Messages processed = interpreter.process(messageInDefaultStream("message", "test"));
// Use MessageCollection#source here to get access to the unfiltered messages
final List<Message> messages = ImmutableList.copyOf(((MessageCollection) processed).source());
final Message actualMessage = messages.get(0);
// Even though "drop_message" has been called in one of the stages, all stages of the same number should
// have been executed
assertThat(actualMessage.getFieldAs(String.class, "1-a")).isEqualTo("value");
assertThat(actualMessage.getFieldAs(String.class, "2-a")).isEqualTo("value");
// The second stage in both pipelines should not have been executed due to the "drop_message" call