use of org.gridfour.gvrs.GvrsElementType in project gridfour by gwlucastrig.
the class EntropyTabulator method process.
* Process the specified GVRS file and write a report to the specified print
* stream.
* <p>
* If configured to do so, this method will write progress reports to the
* specified print stream.
* @param ps a valid print stream, System.out is a valid candidate
* @param inputFile a reference to a GVRS file
* @param showProgress indicates if progress reports are to be printed during
* processing
* @return on successful completion, a valid floating-point value; otherwise,
* a Double.NaN.
public double process(PrintStream ps, File inputFile, boolean showProgress) {
double entropy = Double.NaN;
ps.format("%nEntropy tabulation for GVRS files%n");
Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
Date date = new Date();
SimpleDateFormat sdFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm z", locale);
ps.format("Date of Execution: %s%n", sdFormat.format(date));
String inputPath = inputFile.getPath();
ps.format("Input file: %s%n", inputPath);
File parent = inputFile.getParentFile();
File countsFile = new File(parent, TEMP_COUNT_FILE_NAME);
// Define the specs for the entropy stats file
GvrsFileSpecification countsSpec = new GvrsFileSpecification(65536, 65536, 256, 256);
GvrsElementSpecificationInt countsElementSpec = new GvrsElementSpecificationInt("counts", 0);
try (GvrsFile source = new GvrsFile(inputFile, "r");
GvrsFile counts = new GvrsFile(countsFile, countsSpec)) {
GvrsFileSpecification sourceSpec = source.getSpecification();
int nRowsInSource = sourceSpec.getRowsInGrid();
int nColsInSource = sourceSpec.getColumnsInGrid();
int nRowsOfTilesInSource = sourceSpec.getRowsOfTilesInGrid();
int nColsOfTilesInSource = sourceSpec.getColumnsOfTilesInGrid();
int nRowsInTile = sourceSpec.getRowsInTile();
int nColsInTile = sourceSpec.getColumnsInTile();
GvrsElement sourceElement = source.getElements().get(0);
GvrsElementType sourceDataType = sourceElement.getDataType();
GvrsElement countsElement = counts.getElement("counts");
long nSamples = 0;
long nSymbols = 0;
ps.println("Source File " + inputFile.getName());
ps.format(" Rows: %8d%n", nRowsInSource);
ps.format(" Columns: %8d%n", nColsInSource);
long time0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (showProgress) {
ps.format("Initializing temporary entropy tabulation file %s%n", countsFile.getPath());
// Package the data
if (showProgress) {
ps.format("Initialization done in %d ms%n", System.currentTimeMillis() - time0);
ps.println("Beginning tabulation");
time0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int iTileRow = 0; iTileRow < nRowsOfTilesInSource; iTileRow++) {
if (showProgress && iTileRow > 0) {
long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
double deltaT = time1 - time0;
// rows per millis
double rate = (iTileRow + 1) / deltaT;
int nRemaining = nRowsOfTilesInSource - iTileRow;
long remainingT = (long) (nRemaining / rate);
Date d = new Date(time1 + remainingT);
ps.format("Surveyed %d rows, %4.1f%% of total, est completion at %s%n", iTileRow * nRowsInTile, 100.0 * (double) iTileRow / (nRowsOfTilesInSource - 1.0), d);
int row0 = iTileRow * nRowsInTile;
int row1 = row0 + nRowsInTile;
if (row1 > nRowsInSource) {
row1 = nRowsInSource;
for (int iTileCol = 0; iTileCol < nColsOfTilesInSource; iTileCol++) {
int col0 = iTileCol * nColsInTile;
int col1 = col0 + nColsInTile;
if (col1 > nColsInSource) {
col1 = nColsInSource;
for (int iRow = row0; iRow < row1; iRow++) {
for (int iCol = col0; iCol < col1; iCol++) {
int bits;
if (sourceDataType == GvrsElementType.FLOAT) {
float sample = sourceElement.readValue(iRow, iCol);
bits = Float.floatToRawIntBits(sample);
} else {
bits = sourceElement.readValueInt(iRow, iCol);
long longIndex = ((long) bits) & 0x00ffffffffL;
long longRow = longIndex / 65536L;
long longCol = longIndex - longRow * 65536L;
int count = countsElement.readValueInt((int) longRow, (int) longCol);
countsElement.writeValueInt((int) longRow, (int) longCol, count + 1);
if (count == 0) {
long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
double timeToProcess = (time1 - time0) / 1000.0;
if (showProgress) {
ps.format("Finished surveying source file in %4.1f seconds%n", timeToProcess);
ps.format("Performing tabulation of count data%n");
time0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
double nSamplesDouble = (double) nSamples;
int maxCount = 0;
long nUnique = 0;
long nRepeated = 0;
KahanSummation ks = new KahanSummation();
for (int iRow = 0; iRow < 65536; iRow++) {
if (showProgress && (iRow & 1023) == 0 && iRow > 0) {
time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
double deltaT = time1 - time0;
// rows per millis
double rate = (iRow + 1) / deltaT;
int nRemaining = 65536 - iRow;
long remainingT = (long) (nRemaining / rate);
Date d = new Date(time1 + remainingT);
ps.format("Tabulated %d rows, %4.1f%% of total, est completion at %s%n", iRow, 100.0 * (double) iRow / 65536.0, d);
for (int iCol = 0; iCol < 65536; iCol++) {
int count = countsElement.readValueInt(iRow, iCol);
if (count > 0) {
double p = (double) count / nSamplesDouble;
double s = -p * Math.log(p);
if (count > maxCount) {
maxCount = count;
if (count == 1) {
} else {
// get sum of entropy calculations, and them apply
// adjustment for base 2.
entropy = ks.getSum() / Math.log(2.0);
time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
double timeToTabulate = (time1 - time0) / 1000.0;
ps.format("Finished processing file in %4.1f seconds%n", timeToTabulate);
ps.format("Size of Counts File %12d%n", countsFile.length());
ps.format("Samples: %12d%n", nSamples);
ps.format("Unique Symbols: %12d%n", nUnique);
ps.format("Repeated Symbols: %12d%n", nRepeated);
ps.format("Total symbols: %12d%n", nSymbols);
ps.format("Max count: %12d%n", maxCount);
ps.format("Entropy: %9.5f%n ", entropy);
} catch (IOException ioex) {
ps.println("IOException accessing " + inputFile.getPath() + ", " + ioex.getMessage());
return entropy;