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Example 11 with Job

use of org.gridlab.gat.resources.Job in project compss by bsc-wdc.

the class ResourceBrokerJavaJobExample method start.

public void start(String brokerURI) {
    ResourceBroker broker = null;
    try {
        broker = GAT.createResourceBroker(new URI(brokerURI));
    } catch (GATObjectCreationException e) {
        System.err.println("Failed to create resource broker at location '" + brokerURI + "': " + e);
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        System.err.println("Wrong uri '" + brokerURI + "': " + e);
    JavaSoftwareDescription sd = new JavaSoftwareDescription();
    sd.setJavaArguments("hello", "world");
    sd.addJavaSystemProperty("key", "value");
    try {
    } catch (GATObjectCreationException e) {
        System.err.println("Failed to create the stdout file 'javajob.txt': " + e);
    JobDescription jd = new JobDescription(sd);
    Job job = null;
    try {
        job = broker.submitJob(jd);
    } catch (GATInvocationException e) {
        System.err.println("Failed to submit the job: " + e);
    while (job.getState() != JobState.STOPPED) {
        System.out.println("job is in state: " + job.getState());
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // ignore
Also used : JavaSoftwareDescription(org.gridlab.gat.resources.JavaSoftwareDescription) JobDescription(org.gridlab.gat.resources.JobDescription) GATObjectCreationException(org.gridlab.gat.GATObjectCreationException) GATInvocationException(org.gridlab.gat.GATInvocationException) ResourceBroker(org.gridlab.gat.resources.ResourceBroker) URISyntaxException( Job(org.gridlab.gat.resources.Job) URI(org.gridlab.gat.URI)

Example 12 with Job

use of org.gridlab.gat.resources.Job in project compss by bsc-wdc.

the class SubmitJobWithMultipleInputs method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    ResourceBroker broker = GAT.createResourceBroker(new URI(args[0]));
    SoftwareDescription sd = new SoftwareDescription();
    String[] arguments = new String[args.length - 2];
    for (int i = 2; i < args.length; i++) {
        File tmp = GAT.createFile(args[i]);
        arguments[i - 2] = tmp.getName();
    Job job = broker.submitJob(new JobDescription(sd));
    while ((job.getState() != JobState.STOPPED) && (job.getState() != JobState.SUBMISSION_ERROR)) {
Also used : JobDescription(org.gridlab.gat.resources.JobDescription) ResourceBroker(org.gridlab.gat.resources.ResourceBroker) Job(org.gridlab.gat.resources.Job) URI(org.gridlab.gat.URI) File( SoftwareDescription(org.gridlab.gat.resources.SoftwareDescription)

Example 13 with Job

use of org.gridlab.gat.resources.Job in project compss by bsc-wdc.

the class GATTracer method startTracing.

public static Job startTracing(GATWorkerNode worker) {
    if (DEBUG) {
        LOGGER.debug("Starting trace for woker " + worker.getHost());
    tracingLevel = 1;
    int numTasks = worker.getTotalComputingUnits();
    if (numTasks <= 0) {
        if (DEBUG) {
            LOGGER.debug("Resource " + worker.getName() + " has 0 slots, it won't appear in the trace");
        return null;
    int hostId = Tracer.registerHost(worker.getName(), numTasks);
    String user;
    if (worker.getUser() == null || worker.getUser().isEmpty()) {
        user = "";
    } else {
        user = worker.getUser() + "@";
    SoftwareDescription sd = new SoftwareDescription();
    String uriString = Protocol.ANY_URI.getSchema() + user + worker.getHost();
    sd.addAttribute("uri", uriString);
    sd.setExecutable(worker.getInstallDir() + Tracer.TRACE_SCRIPT_PATH);
    sd.setArguments(new String[] { "init", worker.getWorkingDir(), String.valueOf(hostId), String.valueOf(numTasks) });
    if (DEBUG) {
        try {
   outFile = GAT.createFile(worker.getContext(), Protocol.ANY_URI.getSchema() + File.separator + System.getProperty(COMPSsConstants.APP_LOG_DIR) + traceOutRelativePath);
   errFile = GAT.createFile(worker.getContext(), Protocol.ANY_URI.getSchema() + File.separator + System.getProperty(COMPSsConstants.APP_LOG_DIR) + traceErrRelativePath);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            ErrorManager.warn("Error initializing tracing system in node " + worker.getHost(), e);
            return null;
    sd.addAttribute(SoftwareDescription.SANDBOX_ROOT, File.separator + "tmp" + File.separator);
    sd.addAttribute(SoftwareDescription.SANDBOX_USEROOT, "true");
    sd.addAttribute(SoftwareDescription.SANDBOX_DELETE, "false");
    Job job = null;
    try {
        URI brokerURI = new URI(uriString);
        ResourceBroker broker = GAT.createResourceBroker(worker.getContext(), brokerURI);
        LOGGER.debug("Starting tracer init job for worker " + uriString + " submited.");
        job = broker.submitJob(new JobDescription(sd));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        ErrorManager.warn("Error initializing tracing system in node " + worker.getHost(), e);
        return null;
    return job;
Also used : JobDescription(org.gridlab.gat.resources.JobDescription) ResourceBroker(org.gridlab.gat.resources.ResourceBroker) Job(org.gridlab.gat.resources.Job) URI(org.gridlab.gat.URI) SoftwareDescription(org.gridlab.gat.resources.SoftwareDescription) URISyntaxException(

Example 14 with Job

use of org.gridlab.gat.resources.Job in project compss by bsc-wdc.

the class LoadLevelerResourceBrokerAdaptor method submitJob.

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.gridlab.gat.resources.ResourceBroker#submitJob(org.gridlab.gat.resources.JobDescription)
public Job submitJob(AbstractJobDescription abstractDescription, MetricListener listener, String metricDefinitionName) throws GATInvocationException {
    if (!(abstractDescription instanceof JobDescription)) {
        throw new GATInvocationException("can only handle JobDescriptions: " + abstractDescription.getClass());
    JobDescription description = (JobDescription) abstractDescription;
    SoftwareDescription sd = description.getSoftwareDescription();
    if (sd == null) {
        throw new GATInvocationException("The job description does not contain a software description");
    if (description.getProcessCount() < 1) {
        throw new GATInvocationException("Adaptor cannot handle: process count < 1: " + description.getProcessCount());
    if (description.getResourceCount() != 1) {
        throw new GATInvocationException("Adaptor cannot handle: resource count > 1: " + description.getResourceCount());
    String home = System.getProperty("user.home");
    if (home == null) {
        throw new GATInvocationException("loadleveler broker could not get user home dir");
    Sandbox sandbox = new Sandbox(gatContext, description, "localhost", home, true, true, false, false);
    LoadLevelerJob loadlevelerJob = new LoadLevelerJob(gatContext, description, sandbox);
    Job job = null;
    if (description instanceof WrapperJobDescription) {
        WrapperJobCpi tmp = new WrapperJobCpi(gatContext, loadlevelerJob, listener, metricDefinitionName);
        listener = tmp;
        job = tmp;
    } else {
        job = loadlevelerJob;
    if (listener != null && metricDefinitionName != null) {
        Metric metric = loadlevelerJob.getMetricDefinitionByName(metricDefinitionName).createMetric(null);
        loadlevelerJob.addMetricListener(listener, metric);
    String exe;
    if (sandbox.getResolvedExecutable() != null) {
        exe = sandbox.getResolvedExecutable().getPath();
    // try to set the executable bit, it might be lost
    /* CDIAZ: The command "exe" can be also in a remote host
             * 		  The command must have the right permissions in the remote host
            try {
                new CommandRunner("chmod", "+x", exe);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                // ignore
    } else {
        exe = getExecutable(description);
    String[] args = getArgumentsArray(description);
    // Directory where the loadleveler command will be executed f = new;
    if (!f.exists()) {
        throw new GATInvocationException("Unable to find directory " + f.getAbsolutePath());
    // Check and set the environment for a blaunch command
    Map<String, Object> env = sd.getEnvironment();
    // Encapsulate the original command into a blaunch command
    String host = brokerURI.getHost();
    String newExe = this.getLoadLevelerCommand();
    String[] newArgs = this.getLoadLevelerArgs(host, exe, args);
    System.out.println("[AFTER] exe: " + newExe);
    System.out.println("[AFTER] llspawan.stdio args:");
    for (int i = 0; i < newArgs.length; i++) System.out.print(" " + newArgs[i]);
    ProcessBundle bundle = new ProcessBundle(description.getProcessCount(), newExe, newArgs, f, env);
    try {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Job with PID: " + LOADL_PID + " is executed on host " + host);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new CommandNotFoundException("LoadLevelerResourceBrokerAdaptor", e);
    if (!sd.streamingStderrEnabled()) {
        try {
            if (sd.getStderr() != null) {
                OutputStream err = GAT.createFileOutputStream(gatContext, sd.getStderr());
                // to file
                StreamForwarder forwarder = new StreamForwarder(bundle.getStderr(), err, sd.getExecutable() + " [stderr]");
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("Created stderr forwarder to file " + sd.getStderr());
            } else {
                // or throw it away
                new StreamForwarder(bundle.getStderr(), null, sd.getExecutable() + " [stderr]");
        } catch (GATObjectCreationException e) {
            throw new GATInvocationException("Unable to create file output stream for stderr!", e);
    if (!sd.streamingStdoutEnabled()) {
        // read away the stdout
        try {
            if (sd.getStdout() != null) {
                // to file
                OutputStream out = GAT.createFileOutputStream(gatContext, sd.getStdout());
                StreamForwarder forwarder = new StreamForwarder(bundle.getStdout(), out, sd.getExecutable() + " [stdout]");
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("Created stdout forwarder to file " + sd.getStdout());
            } else {
                // or throw it away
                new StreamForwarder(bundle.getStdout(), null, sd.getExecutable() + " [stdout]");
        } catch (GATObjectCreationException e) {
            throw new GATInvocationException("Unable to create file output stream for stdout!", e);
    if (!sd.streamingStdinEnabled() && sd.getStdin() != null) {
        // forward the stdin from file
        try {
            InputStream in = GAT.createFileInputStream(gatContext, sd.getStdin());
            bundle.setStdin(sd.getExecutable(), in);
        } catch (GATObjectCreationException e) {
            throw new GATInvocationException("Unable to create file input stream for stdin!", e);
    return job;
Also used : ProcessBundle(org.gridlab.gat.engine.util.ProcessBundle) OutputStream( StreamForwarder(org.gridlab.gat.engine.util.StreamForwarder) Sandbox(org.gridlab.gat.resources.cpi.Sandbox) WrapperJobDescription(org.gridlab.gat.resources.WrapperJobDescription) JobDescription(org.gridlab.gat.resources.JobDescription) AbstractJobDescription(org.gridlab.gat.resources.AbstractJobDescription) Job(org.gridlab.gat.resources.Job) WrapperJobDescription(org.gridlab.gat.resources.WrapperJobDescription) GATObjectCreationException(org.gridlab.gat.GATObjectCreationException) InputStream( IOException( SoftwareDescription(org.gridlab.gat.resources.SoftwareDescription) GATInvocationException(org.gridlab.gat.GATInvocationException) WrapperJobCpi(org.gridlab.gat.resources.cpi.WrapperJobCpi) Metric(org.gridlab.gat.monitoring.Metric) CommandNotFoundException(org.gridlab.gat.CommandNotFoundException)

Example 15 with Job

use of org.gridlab.gat.resources.Job in project compss by bsc-wdc.

the class SshLSFJob method kill.

protected void kill(String jobID) {
    try {
        // Create qdel job
        SoftwareDescription sd = new SoftwareDescription();
        sd.addAttribute(SoftwareDescription.SANDBOX_USEROOT, "true");
        sd.addAttribute(SoftwareDescription.SANDBOX_ROOT, sandbox.getSandboxPath());
        sd.addAttribute(SoftwareDescription.STOP_ON_EXIT, "false");
        JobDescription jd = new JobDescription(sd);
        Job job = jobHelper.submitJob(jd, this, "job.status");
        synchronized (job) {
            while (job.getState() != Job.JobState.STOPPED && job.getState() != Job.JobState.SUBMISSION_ERROR) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                // ignore
        if (job.getState() != Job.JobState.STOPPED || job.getExitStatus() != 0) {
            throw new GATInvocationException("Could not submit scancel job");
    } catch (Throwable e) {"Failed to stop sshSlurm job: " + jobID, e);
Also used : JobDescription(org.gridlab.gat.resources.JobDescription) GATInvocationException(org.gridlab.gat.GATInvocationException) SshLSFJob(org.gridlab.gat.resources.cpi.sshlsf.SshLSFJob) Job(org.gridlab.gat.resources.Job) SoftwareDescription(org.gridlab.gat.resources.SoftwareDescription)


Job (org.gridlab.gat.resources.Job)27 JobDescription (org.gridlab.gat.resources.JobDescription)25 SoftwareDescription (org.gridlab.gat.resources.SoftwareDescription)24 URI (org.gridlab.gat.URI)23 GATInvocationException (org.gridlab.gat.GATInvocationException)20 ResourceBroker (org.gridlab.gat.resources.ResourceBroker)19 GATObjectCreationException (org.gridlab.gat.GATObjectCreationException)14 URISyntaxException ( IOException ( BufferedReader ( Preferences (org.gridlab.gat.Preferences)6 File ( File ( InputStreamReader ( AbstractJobDescription (org.gridlab.gat.resources.AbstractJobDescription)4 WrapperJobDescription (org.gridlab.gat.resources.WrapperJobDescription)4 FileReader ( InputStream ( GATContext (org.gridlab.gat.GATContext)3 Metric (org.gridlab.gat.monitoring.Metric)3