use of org.gudy.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier in project signer by demoiselle.
the class RevocationRefs method makeCrlValidatedID.
* @param extract
* CrlValidatedID from X509CRL
* @return a CrlValidatedID
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
* @throws CRLException
private CrlValidatedID makeCrlValidatedID(X509CRL crl) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, CRLException {
Digest digest = DigestFactory.getInstance().factoryDefault();
OtherHashAlgAndValue otherHashAlgAndValue = new OtherHashAlgAndValue(new AlgorithmIdentifier(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_sha256), new DEROctetString(digest.digest(crl.getEncoded())));
OtherHash hash = new OtherHash(otherHashAlgAndValue);
BigInteger crlnumber;
CrlIdentifier crlid;
if (crl.getExtensionValue("") != null) {
ASN1Integer varASN1Integer = new ASN1Integer(crl.getExtensionValue(""));
crlnumber = varASN1Integer.getPositiveValue();
crlid = new CrlIdentifier(new X500Name(crl.getIssuerX500Principal().getName()), new DERUTCTime(crl.getThisUpdate()), crlnumber);
} else {
crlid = new CrlIdentifier(new X500Name(crl.getIssuerX500Principal().getName()), new DERUTCTime(crl.getThisUpdate()));
CrlValidatedID crlvid = new CrlValidatedID(hash, crlid);
return crlvid;
use of org.gudy.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier in project signer by demoiselle.
the class CertificateRefs method getValue.
public Attribute getValue() throws SignerException {
try {
int chainSize = certificates.length - 1;
OtherCertID[] arrayOtherCertID = new OtherCertID[chainSize];
for (int i = 1; i <= chainSize; i++) {
X509Certificate issuerCert = null;
X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) certificates[i];
if (i < chainSize) {
issuerCert = (X509Certificate) certificates[i + 1];
} else {
// raiz
issuerCert = (X509Certificate) certificates[i];
Digest digest = DigestFactory.getInstance().factoryDefault();
byte[] certHash = digest.digest(cert.getEncoded());
X500Name dirName = new X500Name(issuerCert.getSubjectX500Principal().getName());
GeneralName name = new GeneralName(dirName);
GeneralNames issuer = new GeneralNames(name);
ASN1Integer serialNumber = new ASN1Integer(cert.getSerialNumber());
IssuerSerial issuerSerial = new IssuerSerial(issuer, serialNumber);
AlgorithmIdentifier algId = new AlgorithmIdentifier(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_sha256);
OtherCertID otherCertID = new OtherCertID(algId, certHash, issuerSerial);
arrayOtherCertID[i - 1] = otherCertID;
return new Attribute(new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(identifier), new DERSet(new ASN1Encodable[] { new DERSequence(arrayOtherCertID) }));
} catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
throw new SignerException(e.getMessage());
use of org.gudy.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class SignatureVerifier method validate.
public void validate(@Nonnull byte[] signature) throws KeyStoreException, SignatureInvalid {
try {
// load BC provider, so that the algorithms are available for the signature verification
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
CMSProcessable wrappedChallenge = new CMSProcessableByteArray(challenge);
CMSSignedData signedData = new CMSSignedData(wrappedChallenge, signature);
Store<X509CertificateHolder> certStore = signedData.getCertificates();
SignerInformationStore signerInfoStore = signedData.getSignerInfos();
Collection<SignerInformation> signers = signerInfoStore.getSigners();
Collection<X509Certificate> allCerts = convertCertificates(certStore.getMatches(new AllSelector()));
for (SignerInformation signer : signers) {
Collection<X509CertificateHolder> certCollection = certStore.getMatches(signer.getSID());
X509CertificateHolder cert = certCollection.iterator().next();
DigestCalculatorProvider dp = new JcaDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder().setProvider("BC").build();
JcaSignerInfoVerifierBuilder verifBuilder = new JcaSignerInfoVerifierBuilder(dp).setProvider("BC");
verifBuilder.setSignatureAlgorithmFinder(new DefaultSignatureAlgorithmIdentifierFinder() {
public AlgorithmIdentifier find(String sigAlgName) {
if (!AllowedSignatureAlgorithms.isKnownJcaAlgorithm(sigAlgName)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported signature algorithm used.");
} else {
return super.find(sigAlgName);
SignerInformationVerifier verif =;
// verify the signature
if (!signer.verify(verif)) {
throw new SignatureInvalid("Signer information could not be verified.");
// verify the path and certificate
X509Certificate x509Cert = convertCertificate(cert);
// TODO: verify that the signature is not too old. How old can it be at max? 1 minute?
validatePath(x509Cert, allCerts, null);
// check that the end certificate is under the admissable certificates
if (ChipGatewayProperties.isUseSubjectWhitelist()) {
X500Principal subj = x509Cert.getSubjectX500Principal();
if (!AllowedSubjects.instance().isInSubjects(subj)) {
String msg = "The certificate used in the signature has an invalid subject: " + subj.getName();
throw new InvalidSubjectException(msg);
// fail if there is no signature in the SignedData structure
if (signers.isEmpty()) {
throw new SignatureInvalid("No signatures present in the given SignedData element.");
} catch (CertificateException ex) {
throw new SignatureInvalid("Failed to read a certificate form the CMS data structure.", ex);
} catch (CertPathBuilderException ex) {
throw new SignatureInvalid("Failed to build certificate path for PKIX validation.", ex);
} catch (CMSVerifierCertificateNotValidException ex) {
throw new SignatureInvalid("Signer certificate was not valid when the signature was created.", ex);
} catch (CMSException ex) {
throw new SignatureInvalid("Failed to validate CMS data structure.", ex);
} catch (InvalidSubjectException ex) {
throw new SignatureInvalid("Certificate with invalid subject used in signature.", ex);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidAlgorithmParameterException | OperatorCreationException ex) {
throw new SignatureInvalid("Invalid or unsupported algorithm or algorithm parameter used in signature.", ex);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new SignatureInvalid("Signature containes an invalid value.", ex);
use of org.gudy.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class Signer method sign.
public byte[] sign(byte[] data) throws NoSuchDid, WSHelper.WSException, SecurityConditionUnsatisfiable, ParameterInvalid, SlotHandleInvalid, PinBlocked {
Semaphore s = getLock(handle.getIFDName());
boolean acquired = false;
try {
acquired = true;
// get crypto dids
DidInfos didInfos = tokenCache.getInfo(pin, handle);
DidInfo didInfo = didInfos.getDidInfo(didName);
CryptoMarkerType cryptoMarker = didInfo.getGenericCryptoMarker();
String algUri = cryptoMarker.getAlgorithmInfo().getAlgorithmIdentifier().getAlgorithm();
try {
SignatureAlgorithms alg = SignatureAlgorithms.fromAlgId(algUri);
// calculate hash if needed
byte[] digest = data;
if (alg.getHashAlg() != null && (cryptoMarker.getHashGenerationInfo() == null || cryptoMarker.getHashGenerationInfo() == HashGenerationInfoType.NOT_ON_CARD)) {
digest = didInfo.hash(digest);
// wrap hash in DigestInfo if needed
if (alg == SignatureAlgorithms.CKM_RSA_PKCS) {
try {
ASN1ObjectIdentifier digestOid = getHashAlgOid(data);
DigestInfo di = new DigestInfo(new AlgorithmIdentifier(digestOid, DERNull.INSTANCE), digest);
byte[] sigMsg = di.getEncoded(ASN1Encoding.DER);
digest = sigMsg;
} catch (IOException ex) {
String msg = "Error encoding DigestInfo object.";
Result r = WSHelper.makeResultError(ECardConstants.Minor.App.INT_ERROR, msg);
throw WSHelper.createException(r);
} catch (InvalidParameterException ex) {
String msg = "Hash algorithm could not be determined for the given hash.";
Result r = WSHelper.makeResultError(ECardConstants.Minor.App.INCORRECT_PARM, msg);
throw WSHelper.createException(r);
byte[] signature = didInfo.sign(digest);
return signature;
} catch (UnsupportedAlgorithmException ex) {
String msg = String.format("DID uses unsupported algorithm %s.", algUri);
throw WSHelper.createException(WSHelper.makeResultError(ECardConstants.Minor.App.INT_ERROR, msg));
} catch (WSHelper.WSException ex) {
String minor = StringUtils.nullToEmpty(ex.getResultMinor());
switch(minor) {
case ECardConstants.Minor.App.INCORRECT_PARM:
throw new ParameterInvalid(ex.getMessage(), ex);
case ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.INVALID_SLOT_HANDLE:
throw new SlotHandleInvalid(ex.getMessage(), ex);
case ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.PASSWORD_BLOCKED:
case ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.PASSWORD_SUSPENDED:
throw new PinBlocked(ex.getMessage(), ex);
throw new SecurityConditionUnsatisfiable(ex.getMessage(), ex);
case ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.CANCELLATION_BY_USER:
case ECardConstants.Minor.SAL.CANCELLATION_BY_USER:
throw new ThreadTerminateException("Signature generation cancelled.", ex);
throw ex;
} catch (InvocationTargetExceptionUnchecked ex) {
if (ex.getCause() instanceof InterruptedException || ex.getCause() instanceof ThreadTerminateException) {
throw new ThreadTerminateException("Signature creation interrupted.");
} else {
String msg = ex.getCause().getMessage();
throw WSHelper.createException(WSHelper.makeResultError(ECardConstants.Minor.App.INT_ERROR, msg));
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
throw new ThreadTerminateException("Signature creation interrupted.");
} finally {
if (acquired) {
use of org.gudy.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class SmartCardSignerCredential method genSig.
private byte[] genSig(SignatureAndHashAlgorithm algorithm, byte[] sigData, boolean isRaw) throws IOException {
SignatureAlgorithms didAlg = getDidAlgorithm();
LOG.debug("Using DID with algorithm={}.", didAlg.getJcaAlg());
if (algorithm != null) {
String reqAlgStr = String.format("%s-%s", SignatureAlgorithm.getText(algorithm.getSignature()), HashAlgorithm.getText(algorithm.getHash()));
LOG.debug("Performing TLS 1.2 signature for algorithm={}.", reqAlgStr);
if (isRaw && isRawRSA(didAlg)) {
// TLS >= 1.2 needs a PKCS#1 v1.5 signature and no raw RSA signature
ASN1ObjectIdentifier hashAlgId = TlsUtils.getOIDForHashAlgorithm(algorithm.getHash());
DigestInfo digestInfo = new DigestInfo(new AlgorithmIdentifier(hashAlgId, DERNull.INSTANCE), sigData);
sigData = digestInfo.getEncoded(ASN1Encoding.DER);
LOG.debug("Signing DigestInfo with algorithm={}.", hashAlgId);
} else {
LOG.debug("Performing pre-TLS 1.2 signature.");
try {
if (isRaw) {
LOG.debug("Raw Signature of data={}.", ByteUtils.toHexString(sigData));
} else {
LOG.debug("Hashed Signature of data blob.");
CryptoMarkerType cryptoMarker = did.getGenericCryptoMarker();
if (didAlg.getHashAlg() != null && (cryptoMarker.getHashGenerationInfo() == null || cryptoMarker.getHashGenerationInfo() == HashGenerationInfoType.NOT_ON_CARD)) {
sigData = did.hash(sigData);
byte[] signature = did.sign(sigData);
return signature;
} catch (WSHelper.WSException ex) {
String msg = "Failed to create signature because of an unknown error.";
LOG.warn(msg, ex);
throw new IOException(msg, ex);
} catch (SecurityConditionUnsatisfiable ex) {
String msg = "Access to the signature DID could not be obtained.";
LOG.warn(msg, ex);
throw new IOException(msg, ex);
} catch (NoSuchDid ex) {
String msg = "Signing DID not available anymore.";
LOG.warn(msg, ex);
throw new IOException(msg, ex);