use of org.openecard.common.ThreadTerminateException in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class MwPrivateKey method sign.
* Signs Data with a {@link Mechanism}.
* Returns the signed Data in an byte array.
* @param mechanism
* @param data
* @return
* @throws CryptokiException
public byte[] sign(long mechanism, byte[] data) throws CryptokiException {
Pointer paramsPtr;
NativeLong paramsPtrSize;
if (isPSSAlg((int) mechanism)) {
// only execute with PSS algorithm
// determine parameters for PKCS#11 PSS
LOG.debug("Preparing PSS Parameters.");
NativeLong hashAlg = new NativeLong(getHashAlg((int) mechanism, data), true);
NativeLong mgfAlg = new NativeLong(getMgf1Alg(hashAlg.intValue()), true);
NativeLong sLen = new NativeLong(getHashLen(hashAlg.intValue()), true);
CK_RSA_PKCS_PSS_PARAMS pssParams = new CK_RSA_PKCS_PSS_PARAMS(hashAlg, mgfAlg, sLen);
paramsPtr = pssParams.getPointer();
paramsPtrSize = new NativeLong(pssParams.size(), true);
} else {
paramsPtr = Pointer.NULL;
paramsPtrSize = new NativeLong(0, true);
CK_MECHANISM pMechanism = new CK_MECHANISM(new NativeLong(mechanism, true), paramsPtr, paramsPtrSize);
try (MiddleWareWrapper.LockedMiddlewareWrapper lmw = mw.lock()) {
lmw.signInit(session.getSessionId(), pMechanism, objectHandle);
return lmw.sign(session.getSessionId(), data);
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
throw new ThreadTerminateException("Thread interrupted while waiting for Middleware lock.", ex);
use of org.openecard.common.ThreadTerminateException in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class ListCertificates method getCertificates.
public List<CertificateInfoType> getCertificates() throws WSHelper.WSException, NoSuchDid, CertificateException, CertificateEncodingException, SecurityConditionUnsatisfiable, ParameterInvalid, SlotHandleInvalid {
try {
ArrayList<CertificateInfoType> result = new ArrayList<>();
// get crypto dids
DidInfos didInfos = tokenCache.getInfo(pin, handle);
List<DidInfo> cryptoDids = didInfos.getCryptoDidInfos();
// get certificates for each crypto did
for (DidInfo nextDid : cryptoDids) {
LOG.debug("Reading certificates from DID={}.", nextDid.getDidName());
List<X509Certificate> certChain = getCertChain(nextDid);
if (!certChain.isEmpty() && matchesFilter(certChain)) {
AlgorithmInfoType algInfo = nextDid.getGenericCryptoMarker().getAlgorithmInfo();
try {
String jcaAlg = convertAlgInfo(algInfo);
X509Certificate cert = certChain.get(0);
CertificateInfoType certInfo = new CertificateInfoType();
for (X509Certificate nextCert : certChain) {
} catch (UnsupportedAlgorithmException ex) {
// ignore this DID
String algId = algInfo.getAlgorithmIdentifier().getAlgorithm();
LOG.warn("Ignoring DID with unsupported algorithm ({}).", algId);
return result;
} catch (WSHelper.WSException ex) {
String minor = StringUtils.nullToEmpty(ex.getResultMinor());
switch(minor) {
case ECardConstants.Minor.App.INCORRECT_PARM:
throw new ParameterInvalid(ex.getMessage(), ex);
case ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.INVALID_SLOT_HANDLE:
throw new SlotHandleInvalid(ex.getMessage(), ex);
throw new SecurityConditionUnsatisfiable(ex.getMessage(), ex);
case ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.CANCELLATION_BY_USER:
case ECardConstants.Minor.SAL.CANCELLATION_BY_USER:
throw new ThreadTerminateException("Certificate retrieval interrupted.", ex);
throw ex;
} catch (InvocationTargetExceptionUnchecked ex) {
if (ex.getCause() instanceof InterruptedException || ex.getCause() instanceof ThreadTerminateException) {
String msg = "Certificate retrieval interrupted.";
LOG.debug(msg, ex);
throw new ThreadTerminateException(msg);
} else {
String msg = ex.getCause().getMessage();
throw WSHelper.createException(WSHelper.makeResultError(ECardConstants.Minor.App.INT_ERROR, msg));
} finally {
use of org.openecard.common.ThreadTerminateException in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class Signer method sign.
public byte[] sign(byte[] data) throws NoSuchDid, WSHelper.WSException, SecurityConditionUnsatisfiable, ParameterInvalid, SlotHandleInvalid, PinBlocked {
Semaphore s = getLock(handle.getIFDName());
boolean acquired = false;
try {
acquired = true;
// get crypto dids
DidInfos didInfos = tokenCache.getInfo(pin, handle);
DidInfo didInfo = didInfos.getDidInfo(didName);
CryptoMarkerType cryptoMarker = didInfo.getGenericCryptoMarker();
String algUri = cryptoMarker.getAlgorithmInfo().getAlgorithmIdentifier().getAlgorithm();
try {
SignatureAlgorithms alg = SignatureAlgorithms.fromAlgId(algUri);
// calculate hash if needed
byte[] digest = data;
if (alg.getHashAlg() != null && (cryptoMarker.getHashGenerationInfo() == null || cryptoMarker.getHashGenerationInfo() == HashGenerationInfoType.NOT_ON_CARD)) {
digest = didInfo.hash(digest);
// wrap hash in DigestInfo if needed
if (alg == SignatureAlgorithms.CKM_RSA_PKCS) {
try {
ASN1ObjectIdentifier digestOid = getHashAlgOid(data);
DigestInfo di = new DigestInfo(new AlgorithmIdentifier(digestOid, DERNull.INSTANCE), digest);
byte[] sigMsg = di.getEncoded(ASN1Encoding.DER);
digest = sigMsg;
} catch (IOException ex) {
String msg = "Error encoding DigestInfo object.";
Result r = WSHelper.makeResultError(ECardConstants.Minor.App.INT_ERROR, msg);
throw WSHelper.createException(r);
} catch (InvalidParameterException ex) {
String msg = "Hash algorithm could not be determined for the given hash.";
Result r = WSHelper.makeResultError(ECardConstants.Minor.App.INCORRECT_PARM, msg);
throw WSHelper.createException(r);
byte[] signature = didInfo.sign(digest);
return signature;
} catch (UnsupportedAlgorithmException ex) {
String msg = String.format("DID uses unsupported algorithm %s.", algUri);
throw WSHelper.createException(WSHelper.makeResultError(ECardConstants.Minor.App.INT_ERROR, msg));
} catch (WSHelper.WSException ex) {
String minor = StringUtils.nullToEmpty(ex.getResultMinor());
switch(minor) {
case ECardConstants.Minor.App.INCORRECT_PARM:
throw new ParameterInvalid(ex.getMessage(), ex);
case ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.INVALID_SLOT_HANDLE:
throw new SlotHandleInvalid(ex.getMessage(), ex);
case ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.PASSWORD_BLOCKED:
case ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.PASSWORD_SUSPENDED:
throw new PinBlocked(ex.getMessage(), ex);
throw new SecurityConditionUnsatisfiable(ex.getMessage(), ex);
case ECardConstants.Minor.IFD.CANCELLATION_BY_USER:
case ECardConstants.Minor.SAL.CANCELLATION_BY_USER:
throw new ThreadTerminateException("Signature generation cancelled.", ex);
throw ex;
} catch (InvocationTargetExceptionUnchecked ex) {
if (ex.getCause() instanceof InterruptedException || ex.getCause() instanceof ThreadTerminateException) {
throw new ThreadTerminateException("Signature creation interrupted.");
} else {
String msg = ex.getCause().getMessage();
throw WSHelper.createException(WSHelper.makeResultError(ECardConstants.Minor.App.INT_ERROR, msg));
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
throw new ThreadTerminateException("Signature creation interrupted.");
} finally {
if (acquired) {
use of org.openecard.common.ThreadTerminateException in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class ChipGateway method processTokensRequest.
private CommandType processTokensRequest(ListTokensRequestType tokensReq) throws ConnectionError, JsonProcessingException, InvalidRedirectUrlException, ChipGatewayDataError {
// check if we have been interrupted
ListTokensResponseType tokensResp = new ListTokensResponseType();
try {
tokensResp = waitForTokens(tokensReq);
} catch (UnsupportedAlgorithmException ex) {
LOG.error("Unsupported algorithm used.", ex);
} catch (WSHelper.WSException ex) {
LOG.error("Unknown error.", ex);
} catch (ThreadTerminateException | InterruptedException ex) {"Chipgateway process interrupted.", ex);
} catch (TimeoutException ex) {"Waiting for new tokens timed out.", ex);
return sendMessageInterruptableAndCheckTermination(getResource(listTokensUrl), tokensResp);
use of org.openecard.common.ThreadTerminateException in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class ChipGateway method sendMessageInterruptable.
private <T> T sendMessageInterruptable(final String resource, final String msg, final Class<T> resClass) throws ConnectionError, InvalidRedirectUrlException, ChipGatewayDataError, ThreadTerminateException {
FutureTask<T> task = new FutureTask<>(new Callable<T>() {
public T call() throws Exception {
return sendMessage(resource, msg, resClass);
new Thread(task, "HTTP-Client-" + HTTP_THREAD_NUM.getAndIncrement()).start();
try {
return task.get();
} catch (ExecutionException ex) {
Throwable cause = ex.getCause();
if (cause instanceof ConnectionError) {
throw (ConnectionError) cause;
} else if (cause instanceof InvalidRedirectUrlException) {
throw (InvalidRedirectUrlException) cause;
} else if (cause instanceof ChipGatewayDataError) {
throw (ChipGatewayDataError) cause;
} else if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) cause;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception raised by HTTP message sending thread.", cause);
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
LOG.debug("Sending HTTP message interrupted.");
// force new connection because this one may be unfinished and thus unusable
try {
} catch (IOException ignore) {
throw new ThreadTerminateException("Interrupt received while sending HTTP message.");