use of org.h2.expression.ConditionInConstantSet in project h2database by h2database.
the class ConditionAndOr method optimize.
public Expression optimize(Session session) {
// NULL handling: see wikipedia,
left = left.optimize(session);
right = right.optimize(session);
int lc = left.getCost(), rc = right.getCost();
if (rc < lc) {
Expression t = left;
left = right;
right = t;
if (session.getDatabase().getSettings().optimizeTwoEquals && andOrType == AND) {
// try to add conditions (A=B AND B=1: add A=1)
if (left instanceof Comparison && right instanceof Comparison) {
Comparison compLeft = (Comparison) left;
Comparison compRight = (Comparison) right;
Expression added = compLeft.getAdditional(session, compRight, true);
if (added != null) {
added = added.optimize(session);
return new ConditionAndOr(AND, this, added);
// (A=1 AND (B=2 OR B=3))
if (andOrType == OR && session.getDatabase().getSettings().optimizeOr) {
// try to add conditions (A=B AND B=1: add A=1)
if (left instanceof Comparison && right instanceof Comparison) {
Comparison compLeft = (Comparison) left;
Comparison compRight = (Comparison) right;
Expression added = compLeft.getAdditional(session, compRight, false);
if (added != null) {
return added.optimize(session);
} else if (left instanceof ConditionIn && right instanceof Comparison) {
Expression added = ((ConditionIn) left).getAdditional((Comparison) right);
if (added != null) {
return added.optimize(session);
} else if (right instanceof ConditionIn && left instanceof Comparison) {
Expression added = ((ConditionIn) right).getAdditional((Comparison) left);
if (added != null) {
return added.optimize(session);
} else if (left instanceof ConditionInConstantSet && right instanceof Comparison) {
Expression added = ((ConditionInConstantSet) left).getAdditional(session, (Comparison) right);
if (added != null) {
return added.optimize(session);
} else if (right instanceof ConditionInConstantSet && left instanceof Comparison) {
Expression added = ((ConditionInConstantSet) right).getAdditional(session, (Comparison) left);
if (added != null) {
return added.optimize(session);
// TODO optimization: convert .. OR .. to UNION if the cost is lower
Value l = left.isConstant() ? left.getValue(session) : null;
Value r = right.isConstant() ? right.getValue(session) : null;
if (l == null && r == null) {
return this;
if (l != null && r != null) {
return ValueExpression.get(getValue(session));
switch(andOrType) {
case AND:
if (l != null) {
if (l != ValueNull.INSTANCE && !l.getBoolean()) {
return ValueExpression.get(l);
} else if (l.getBoolean()) {
return right;
} else if (r != null) {
if (r != ValueNull.INSTANCE && !r.getBoolean()) {
return ValueExpression.get(r);
} else if (r.getBoolean()) {
return left;
case OR:
if (l != null) {
if (l.getBoolean()) {
return ValueExpression.get(l);
} else if (l != ValueNull.INSTANCE) {
return right;
} else if (r != null) {
if (r.getBoolean()) {
return ValueExpression.get(r);
} else if (r != ValueNull.INSTANCE) {
return left;
DbException.throwInternalError("type=" + andOrType);
return this;
use of org.h2.expression.ConditionInConstantSet in project ignite by apache.
the class GridSqlQueryParser method parseExpression0.
* @param expression Expression.
* @param calcTypes Calculate types for all the expressions.
* @return Parsed expression.
private GridSqlElement parseExpression0(Expression expression, boolean calcTypes) {
if (expression instanceof ExpressionColumn) {
ExpressionColumn expCol = (ExpressionColumn) expression;
return new GridSqlColumn(expCol.getColumn(), parseTableFilter(expCol.getTableFilter()), SCHEMA_NAME.get(expCol), expCol.getOriginalTableAliasName(), expCol.getColumnName());
if (expression instanceof Alias)
return new GridSqlAlias(expression.getAlias(), parseExpression(expression.getNonAliasExpression(), calcTypes), true);
if (expression instanceof ValueExpression)
// == comparison is legit, see ValueExpression#getSQL()
return expression == ValueExpression.getDefault() ? GridSqlKeyword.DEFAULT : new GridSqlConst(expression.getValue(null));
if (expression instanceof Operation) {
Operation operation = (Operation) expression;
Operation.OpType type = OPERATION_TYPE.get(operation);
if (type == Operation.OpType.NEGATE) {
assert OPERATION_RIGHT.get(operation) == null;
return new GridSqlOperation(GridSqlOperationType.NEGATE, parseExpression(OPERATION_LEFT.get(operation), calcTypes));
return new GridSqlOperation(mapOperationType(type), parseExpression(OPERATION_LEFT.get(operation), calcTypes), parseExpression(OPERATION_RIGHT.get(operation), calcTypes));
if (expression instanceof Comparison) {
Comparison cmp = (Comparison) expression;
GridSqlOperationType opType = COMPARISON_TYPES[COMPARISON_TYPE.get(cmp)];
assert opType != null : COMPARISON_TYPE.get(cmp);
Expression leftExp = COMPARISON_LEFT.get(cmp);
GridSqlElement left = parseExpression(leftExp, calcTypes);
if (opType.childrenCount() == 1)
return new GridSqlOperation(opType, left);
Expression rightExp = COMPARISON_RIGHT.get(cmp);
GridSqlElement right = parseExpression(rightExp, calcTypes);
return new GridSqlOperation(opType, left, right);
if (expression instanceof ConditionNot)
return new GridSqlOperation(NOT, parseExpression(expression.getNotIfPossible(null), calcTypes));
if (expression instanceof ConditionAndOr) {
ConditionAndOr andOr = (ConditionAndOr) expression;
int type = ANDOR_TYPE.get(andOr);
assert type == ConditionAndOr.AND || type == ConditionAndOr.OR;
return new GridSqlOperation(type == ConditionAndOr.AND ? AND : OR, parseExpression(ANDOR_LEFT.get(andOr), calcTypes), parseExpression(ANDOR_RIGHT.get(andOr), calcTypes));
if (expression instanceof Subquery) {
Query qry = ((Subquery) expression).getQuery();
return parseQueryExpression(qry);
if (expression instanceof ConditionIn) {
GridSqlOperation res = new GridSqlOperation(IN);
res.addChild(parseExpression(LEFT_CI.get((ConditionIn) expression), calcTypes));
List<Expression> vals = VALUE_LIST_CI.get((ConditionIn) expression);
for (Expression val : vals) res.addChild(parseExpression(val, calcTypes));
return res;
if (expression instanceof ConditionInConstantSet) {
GridSqlOperation res = new GridSqlOperation(IN);
res.addChild(parseExpression(LEFT_CICS.get((ConditionInConstantSet) expression), calcTypes));
List<Expression> vals = VALUE_LIST_CICS.get((ConditionInConstantSet) expression);
for (Expression val : vals) res.addChild(parseExpression(val, calcTypes));
return res;
if (expression instanceof ConditionInSelect) {
GridSqlOperation res = new GridSqlOperation(IN);
boolean all = ALL.get((ConditionInSelect) expression);
int compareType = COMPARE_TYPE.get((ConditionInSelect) expression);
assert0(!all, expression);
assert0(compareType == Comparison.EQUAL, expression);
res.addChild(parseExpression(LEFT_CIS.get((ConditionInSelect) expression), calcTypes));
Query qry = QUERY_IN.get((ConditionInSelect) expression);
return res;
if (expression instanceof CompareLike) {
assert0(ESCAPE.get((CompareLike) expression) == null, expression);
boolean regexp = REGEXP_CL.get((CompareLike) expression);
return new GridSqlOperation(regexp ? REGEXP : LIKE, parseExpression(LEFT.get((CompareLike) expression), calcTypes), parseExpression(RIGHT.get((CompareLike) expression), calcTypes));
if (expression instanceof Function) {
Function f = (Function) expression;
GridSqlFunction res = new GridSqlFunction(null, f.getName());
if (f.getArgs() != null) {
if (f.getFunctionType() == Function.TABLE || f.getFunctionType() == Function.TABLE_DISTINCT) {
Column[] cols = FUNC_TBL_COLS.get((TableFunction) f);
Expression[] args = f.getArgs();
assert cols.length == args.length;
for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
GridSqlElement arg = parseExpression(args[i], calcTypes);
GridSqlAlias alias = new GridSqlAlias(cols[i].getName(), arg, false);
} else {
for (Expression arg : f.getArgs()) {
if (arg == null) {
if (f.getFunctionType() != Function.CASE)
throw new IllegalStateException("Function type with null arg: " + f.getFunctionType());
} else
res.addChild(parseExpression(arg, calcTypes));
if (f.getFunctionType() == Function.CAST || f.getFunctionType() == Function.CONVERT) {
checkTypeSupported(f.getType(), "[expSql=" + f.getSQL() + ']');
return res;
if (expression instanceof JavaFunction) {
JavaFunction f = (JavaFunction) expression;
FunctionAlias alias = FUNC_ALIAS.get(f);
GridSqlFunction res = new GridSqlFunction(alias.getSchema().getName(), f.getName());
if (f.getArgs() != null) {
for (Expression arg : f.getArgs()) res.addChild(parseExpression(arg, calcTypes));
return res;
if (expression instanceof Parameter)
return new GridSqlParameter(((Parameter) expression).getIndex());
if (expression instanceof Aggregate) {
Aggregate.AggregateType type = TYPE.get((Aggregate) expression);
if (GridSqlAggregateFunction.isValidType(type)) {
GridSqlAggregateFunction res = new GridSqlAggregateFunction(DISTINCT.get((Aggregate) expression), type);
Expression on = ON.get((Aggregate) expression);
if (on != null)
res.addChild(parseExpression(on, calcTypes));
ArrayList<SelectOrderBy> orders = GROUP_CONCAT_ORDER_LIST.get((Aggregate) expression);
if (!F.isEmpty(orders))
parseGroupConcatOrder(res, orders, calcTypes);
Expression separator = GROUP_CONCAT_SEPARATOR.get((Aggregate) expression);
if (separator != null)
res.setGroupConcatSeparator(parseExpression(separator, calcTypes));
return res;
if (expression instanceof ExpressionList) {
Expression[] exprs = EXPR_LIST.get((ExpressionList) expression);
GridSqlArray res = new GridSqlArray(exprs.length);
for (Expression expr : exprs) res.addChild(parseExpression(expr, calcTypes));
return res;
if (expression instanceof ConditionExists) {
Query qry = QUERY_EXISTS.get((ConditionExists) expression);
GridSqlOperation res = new GridSqlOperation(EXISTS);
return res;
throw new IgniteException("Unsupported expression: " + expression + " [type=" + expression.getClass().getSimpleName() + ']');