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Example 1 with JdbcResultSet

use of org.h2.jdbc.JdbcResultSet in project ignite by apache.

the class GridMapQueryExecutor method onQueryRequest0.

     * @param node Node authored request.
     * @param reqId Request ID.
     * @param segmentId index segment ID.
     * @param schemaName Schema name.
     * @param qrys Queries to execute.
     * @param cacheIds Caches which will be affected by these queries.
     * @param topVer Topology version.
     * @param partsMap Partitions map for unstable topology.
     * @param parts Explicit partitions for current node.
     * @param tbls Tables.
     * @param pageSize Page size.
     * @param distributedJoinMode Query distributed join mode.
private void onQueryRequest0(ClusterNode node, long reqId, int segmentId, String schemaName, Collection<GridCacheSqlQuery> qrys, List<Integer> cacheIds, AffinityTopologyVersion topVer, Map<UUID, int[]> partsMap, int[] parts, Collection<QueryTable> tbls, int pageSize, DistributedJoinMode distributedJoinMode, boolean enforceJoinOrder, boolean replicated, int timeout, Object[] params) {
    // Prepare to run queries.
    GridCacheContext<?, ?> mainCctx = !F.isEmpty(cacheIds) ? ctx.cache().context().cacheContext(cacheIds.get(0)) : null;
    NodeResults nodeRess = resultsForNode(;
    QueryResults qr = null;
    List<GridReservable> reserved = new ArrayList<>();
    try {
        if (topVer != null) {
            // Reserve primary for topology version or explicit partitions.
            if (!reservePartitions(cacheIds, topVer, parts, reserved)) {
                sendRetry(node, reqId, segmentId);
        qr = new QueryResults(reqId, qrys.size(), mainCctx != null ? : null);
        if (nodeRess.put(reqId, segmentId, qr) != null)
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        // Prepare query context.
        GridH2QueryContext qctx = new GridH2QueryContext(ctx.localNodeId(),, reqId, segmentId, replicated ? REPLICATED : MAP).filter(h2.backupFilter(topVer, parts)).partitionsMap(partsMap).distributedJoinMode(distributedJoinMode).pageSize(pageSize).topologyVersion(topVer).reservations(reserved);
        List<GridH2Table> snapshotedTbls = null;
        if (!F.isEmpty(tbls)) {
            snapshotedTbls = new ArrayList<>(tbls.size());
            for (QueryTable tbl : tbls) {
                GridH2Table h2Tbl = h2.dataTable(tbl);
                Objects.requireNonNull(h2Tbl, tbl.toString());
                h2Tbl.snapshotIndexes(qctx, segmentId);
        Connection conn = h2.connectionForSchema(schemaName);
        H2Utils.setupConnection(conn, distributedJoinMode != OFF, enforceJoinOrder);
        // qctx is set, we have to release reservations inside of it.
        reserved = null;
        try {
            if (nodeRess.cancelled(reqId)) {
                GridH2QueryContext.clear(ctx.localNodeId(),, reqId, qctx.type());
                throw new QueryCancelledException();
            // Run queries.
            int qryIdx = 0;
            boolean evt = mainCctx != null && ctx.event().isRecordable(EVT_CACHE_QUERY_EXECUTED);
            for (GridCacheSqlQuery qry : qrys) {
                ResultSet rs = null;
                // If we are not the target node for this replicated query, just ignore it.
                if (qry.node() == null || (segmentId == 0 && qry.node().equals(ctx.localNodeId()))) {
                    rs = h2.executeSqlQueryWithTimer(conn, qry.query(), F.asList(qry.parameters(params)), true, timeout, qr.cancels[qryIdx]);
                    if (evt) {
                        assert mainCctx != null;
                        ctx.event().record(new CacheQueryExecutedEvent<>(node, "SQL query executed.", EVT_CACHE_QUERY_EXECUTED,,, null, qry.query(), null, null, params,, null));
                    assert rs instanceof JdbcResultSet : rs.getClass();
                qr.addResult(qryIdx, qry,, rs, params);
                if (qr.canceled) {
                    throw new QueryCancelledException();
                // Send the first page.
                sendNextPage(nodeRess, node, qr, qryIdx, segmentId, pageSize);
        } finally {
            if (distributedJoinMode == OFF)
            if (!F.isEmpty(snapshotedTbls)) {
                for (GridH2Table dataTbl : snapshotedTbls) dataTbl.releaseSnapshots();
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        if (qr != null) {
            nodeRess.remove(reqId, segmentId, qr);
        if (X.hasCause(e, GridH2RetryException.class))
            sendRetry(node, reqId, segmentId);
        else {
            U.error(log, "Failed to execute local query.", e);
            sendError(node, reqId, e);
            if (e instanceof Error)
                throw (Error) e;
    } finally {
        if (reserved != null) {
            // Release reserved partitions.
            for (int i = 0; i < reserved.size(); i++) reserved.get(i).release();
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Connection(java.sql.Connection) GridH2RetryException(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.opt.GridH2RetryException) GridReservable(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridReservable) QueryTable(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.query.QueryTable) GridH2Table(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.opt.GridH2Table) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) JdbcResultSet(org.h2.jdbc.JdbcResultSet) GridCacheSqlQuery(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.query.GridCacheSqlQuery) QueryCancelledException(org.apache.ignite.cache.query.QueryCancelledException) GridH2QueryContext(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.opt.GridH2QueryContext) JdbcResultSet(org.h2.jdbc.JdbcResultSet)

Example 2 with JdbcResultSet

use of org.h2.jdbc.JdbcResultSet in project ignite by apache.

the class GridMapQueryExecutor method onQueryRequest0.

 * @param node Node authored request.
 * @param reqId Request ID.
 * @param segmentId index segment ID.
 * @param schemaName Schema name.
 * @param qrys Queries to execute.
 * @param cacheIds Caches which will be affected by these queries.
 * @param topVer Topology version.
 * @param partsMap Partitions map for unstable topology.
 * @param parts Explicit partitions for current node.
 * @param pageSize Page size.
 * @param distributedJoinMode Query distributed join mode.
 * @param lazy Streaming flag.
private void onQueryRequest0(final ClusterNode node, final long reqId, final int segmentId, final String schemaName, final Collection<GridCacheSqlQuery> qrys, final List<Integer> cacheIds, final AffinityTopologyVersion topVer, final Map<UUID, int[]> partsMap, final int[] parts, final int pageSize, final DistributedJoinMode distributedJoinMode, final boolean enforceJoinOrder, final boolean replicated, final int timeout, final Object[] params, boolean lazy) {
    if (lazy && MapQueryLazyWorker.currentWorker() == null) {
        // Lazy queries must be re-submitted to dedicated workers.
        MapQueryLazyWorkerKey key = new MapQueryLazyWorkerKey(, reqId, segmentId);
        MapQueryLazyWorker worker = new MapQueryLazyWorker(ctx.igniteInstanceName(), key, log, this);
        worker.submit(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                onQueryRequest0(node, reqId, segmentId, schemaName, qrys, cacheIds, topVer, partsMap, parts, pageSize, distributedJoinMode, enforceJoinOrder, replicated, timeout, params, true);
        if (lazyWorkerBusyLock.enterBusy()) {
            try {
                MapQueryLazyWorker oldWorker = lazyWorkers.put(key, worker);
                if (oldWorker != null)
                IgniteThread thread = new IgniteThread(worker);
            } finally {
        } else
  "Ignored query request (node is stopping) [nodeId=" + + ", reqId=" + reqId + ']');
    // Prepare to run queries.
    GridCacheContext<?, ?> mainCctx = !F.isEmpty(cacheIds) ? ctx.cache().context().cacheContext(cacheIds.get(0)) : null;
    MapNodeResults nodeRess = resultsForNode(;
    MapQueryResults qr = null;
    List<GridReservable> reserved = new ArrayList<>();
    try {
        if (topVer != null) {
            // Reserve primary for topology version or explicit partitions.
            if (!reservePartitions(cacheIds, topVer, parts, reserved)) {
                // Unregister lazy worker because re-try may never reach this node again.
                if (lazy)
                sendRetry(node, reqId, segmentId);
        qr = new MapQueryResults(h2, reqId, qrys.size(), mainCctx, MapQueryLazyWorker.currentWorker());
        if (nodeRess.put(reqId, segmentId, qr) != null)
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        // Prepare query context.
        GridH2QueryContext qctx = new GridH2QueryContext(ctx.localNodeId(),, reqId, segmentId, replicated ? REPLICATED : MAP).filter(h2.backupFilter(topVer, parts)).partitionsMap(partsMap).distributedJoinMode(distributedJoinMode).pageSize(pageSize).topologyVersion(topVer).reservations(reserved);
        Connection conn = h2.connectionForSchema(schemaName);
        H2Utils.setupConnection(conn, distributedJoinMode != OFF, enforceJoinOrder);
        // qctx is set, we have to release reservations inside of it.
        reserved = null;
        try {
            if (nodeRess.cancelled(reqId)) {
                GridH2QueryContext.clear(ctx.localNodeId(),, reqId, qctx.type());
                throw new QueryCancelledException();
            // Run queries.
            int qryIdx = 0;
            boolean evt = mainCctx != null &&;
            for (GridCacheSqlQuery qry : qrys) {
                ResultSet rs = null;
                // If we are not the target node for this replicated query, just ignore it.
                if (qry.node() == null || (segmentId == 0 && qry.node().equals(ctx.localNodeId()))) {
                    rs = h2.executeSqlQueryWithTimer(conn, qry.query(), F.asList(qry.parameters(params)), true, timeout, qr.queryCancel(qryIdx));
                    if (evt) {
                        ctx.event().record(new CacheQueryExecutedEvent<>(node, "SQL query executed.", EVT_CACHE_QUERY_EXECUTED,,, null, qry.query(), null, null, params,, null));
                    assert rs instanceof JdbcResultSet : rs.getClass();
                qr.addResult(qryIdx, qry,, rs, params);
                if (qr.cancelled()) {
                    throw new QueryCancelledException();
                // Send the first page.
                sendNextPage(nodeRess, node, qr, qryIdx, segmentId, pageSize);
            // All request results are in the memory in result set already, so it's ok to release partitions.
            if (!lazy)
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            throw e;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        if (qr != null) {
            nodeRess.remove(reqId, segmentId, qr);
        // Unregister worker after possible cancellation.
        if (lazy)
        if (X.hasCause(e, GridH2RetryException.class))
            sendRetry(node, reqId, segmentId);
        else {
            U.error(log, "Failed to execute local query.", e);
            sendError(node, reqId, e);
            if (e instanceof Error)
                throw (Error) e;
    } finally {
        if (reserved != null) {
            // Release reserved partitions.
            for (int i = 0; i < reserved.size(); i++) reserved.get(i).release();
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Connection(java.sql.Connection) GridH2RetryException(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.opt.GridH2RetryException) GridReservable(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridReservable) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) JdbcResultSet(org.h2.jdbc.JdbcResultSet) IgniteThread(org.apache.ignite.thread.IgniteThread) GridCacheSqlQuery(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.query.GridCacheSqlQuery) QueryCancelledException(org.apache.ignite.cache.query.QueryCancelledException) GridH2QueryContext(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.opt.GridH2QueryContext) JdbcResultSet(org.h2.jdbc.JdbcResultSet)

Example 3 with JdbcResultSet

use of org.h2.jdbc.JdbcResultSet in project h2database by h2database.

the class JdbcPreparedStatement method executeUpdateInternal.

private int executeUpdateInternal() throws SQLException {
    synchronized (session) {
        try {
            ResultWithGeneratedKeys result = command.executeUpdate(generatedKeysRequest);
            updateCount = result.getUpdateCount();
            ResultInterface gk = result.getGeneratedKeys();
            if (gk != null) {
                int id = getNextId(TraceObject.RESULT_SET);
                generatedKeys = new JdbcResultSet(conn, this, command, gk, id, false, true, false);
        } finally {
    return updateCount;
Also used : ResultInterface(org.h2.result.ResultInterface) ResultWithGeneratedKeys(org.h2.result.ResultWithGeneratedKeys)

Example 4 with JdbcResultSet

use of org.h2.jdbc.JdbcResultSet in project h2database by h2database.

the class JdbcStatement method executeUpdateInternal.

private int executeUpdateInternal(String sql, Object generatedKeysRequest) throws SQLException {
    try {
        sql = JdbcConnection.translateSQL(sql, escapeProcessing);
        CommandInterface command = conn.prepareCommand(sql, fetchSize);
        synchronized (session) {
            try {
                ResultWithGeneratedKeys result = command.executeUpdate(conn.scopeGeneratedKeys() ? false : generatedKeysRequest);
                updateCount = result.getUpdateCount();
                ResultInterface gk = result.getGeneratedKeys();
                if (gk != null) {
                    int id = getNextId(TraceObject.RESULT_SET);
                    generatedKeys = new JdbcResultSet(conn, this, command, gk, id, false, true, false);
            } finally {
        return updateCount;
    } finally {
Also used : ResultInterface(org.h2.result.ResultInterface) CommandInterface(org.h2.command.CommandInterface) ResultWithGeneratedKeys(org.h2.result.ResultWithGeneratedKeys)

Example 5 with JdbcResultSet

use of org.h2.jdbc.JdbcResultSet in project h2database by h2database.

the class JdbcStatement method executeQuery.

 * Executes a query (select statement) and returns the result set.
 * If another result set exists for this statement, this will be closed
 * (even if this statement fails).
 * @param sql the SQL statement to execute
 * @return the result set
public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) throws SQLException {
    try {
        int id = getNextId(TraceObject.RESULT_SET);
        if (isDebugEnabled()) {
            debugCodeAssign("ResultSet", TraceObject.RESULT_SET, id, "executeQuery(" + quote(sql) + ")");
        synchronized (session) {
            sql = JdbcConnection.translateSQL(sql, escapeProcessing);
            CommandInterface command = conn.prepareCommand(sql, fetchSize);
            ResultInterface result;
            boolean lazy = false;
            boolean scrollable = resultSetType != ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY;
            boolean updatable = resultSetConcurrency == ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE;
            try {
                result = command.executeQuery(maxRows, scrollable);
                lazy = result.isLazy();
            } finally {
                if (!lazy) {
            if (!lazy) {
            resultSet = new JdbcResultSet(conn, this, command, result, id, closedByResultSet, scrollable, updatable);
        return resultSet;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw logAndConvert(e);
Also used : ResultInterface(org.h2.result.ResultInterface) CommandInterface(org.h2.command.CommandInterface) DbException(org.h2.message.DbException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException)


ResultInterface (org.h2.result.ResultInterface)7 JdbcResultSet (org.h2.jdbc.JdbcResultSet)4 ResultWithGeneratedKeys (org.h2.result.ResultWithGeneratedKeys)4 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)3 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)3 QueryCancelledException (org.apache.ignite.cache.query.QueryCancelledException)3 GridCacheSqlQuery (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.query.GridCacheSqlQuery)3 GridH2RetryException (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.opt.GridH2RetryException)3 CommandInterface (org.h2.command.CommandInterface)3 Connection (java.sql.Connection)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 GridReservable (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridReservable)2 GridH2QueryContext (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.opt.GridH2QueryContext)2 DbException (org.h2.message.DbException)2 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)1 QueryRetryException (org.apache.ignite.cache.query.QueryRetryException)1 IoStatisticsHolder (org.apache.ignite.internal.metric.IoStatisticsHolder)1 QueryTable (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.query.QueryTable)1 H2PooledConnection (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.H2PooledConnection)1 MapH2QueryInfo (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.MapH2QueryInfo)1