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Example 1 with ValueBlob

use of org.h2.value.ValueBlob in project h2database by h2database.

the class LobStorageMap method createClob.

public ValueClob createClob(Reader reader, long maxLength) {
    MVStore.TxCounter txCounter = mvStore.registerVersionUsage();
    try {
        // we multiple by 3 here to get the worst-case size in bytes
        if (maxLength != -1 && maxLength * 3 <= database.getMaxLengthInplaceLob()) {
            char[] small = new char[(int) maxLength];
            int len = IOUtils.readFully(reader, small, (int) maxLength);
            if (len > maxLength) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("len > blobLength, " + len + " > " + maxLength);
            byte[] utf8 = new String(small, 0, len).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
            if (utf8.length > database.getMaxLengthInplaceLob()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("len > maxinplace, " + utf8.length + " > " + database.getMaxLengthInplaceLob());
            return ValueClob.createSmall(utf8, len);
        if (maxLength < 0) {
            maxLength = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        CountingReaderInputStream in = new CountingReaderInputStream(reader, maxLength);
        ValueBlob blob = createBlob(in);
        LobData lobData = blob.getLobData();
        return new ValueClob(lobData, blob.octetLength(), in.getLength());
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.OBJECT_CLOSED, e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw DbException.convertIOException(e, null);
    } finally {
Also used : MVStore(org.h2.mvstore.MVStore) LobData(org.h2.value.lob.LobData) CountingReaderInputStream( ValueBlob(org.h2.value.ValueBlob) ValueClob(org.h2.value.ValueClob) IOException(

Example 2 with ValueBlob

use of org.h2.value.ValueBlob in project h2database by h2database.

the class LobStorageMap method copyLob.

public ValueLob copyLob(ValueLob old, int tableId) {
    MVStore.TxCounter txCounter = mvStore.registerVersionUsage();
    try {
        final LobDataDatabase lobData = (LobDataDatabase) old.getLobData();
        final int type = old.getValueType();
        final long oldLobId = lobData.getLobId();
        long octetLength = old.octetLength();
        // get source lob
        final byte[] streamStoreId;
        if (isTemporaryLob(lobData.getTableId())) {
            streamStoreId = tempLobMap.get(oldLobId);
        } else {
            BlobMeta value = lobMap.get(oldLobId);
            streamStoreId = value.streamStoreId;
        // create destination lob
        final long newLobId = generateLobId();
        if (isTemporaryLob(tableId)) {
            tempLobMap.put(newLobId, streamStoreId);
        } else {
            BlobMeta value = new BlobMeta(streamStoreId, tableId, type == Value.CLOB ? old.charLength() : octetLength, 0);
            lobMap.put(newLobId, value);
        BlobReference refMapKey = new BlobReference(streamStoreId, newLobId);
        refMap.put(refMapKey, ValueNull.INSTANCE);
        LobDataDatabase newLobData = new LobDataDatabase(database, tableId, newLobId);
        ValueLob lob = type == Value.BLOB ? new ValueBlob(newLobData, octetLength) : new ValueClob(newLobData, octetLength, old.charLength());
        if (TRACE) {
            trace("copy " + lobData.getTableId() + "/" + lobData.getLobId() + " > " + tableId + "/" + newLobId);
        return lob;
    } finally {
Also used : MVStore(org.h2.mvstore.MVStore) LobDataDatabase(org.h2.value.lob.LobDataDatabase) ValueLob(org.h2.value.ValueLob) ValueBlob(org.h2.value.ValueBlob) ValueClob(org.h2.value.ValueClob)

Example 3 with ValueBlob

use of org.h2.value.ValueBlob in project h2database by h2database.

the class LobStorageMap method createBlob.

private ValueBlob createBlob(InputStream in) throws IOException {
    byte[] streamStoreId;
    try {
        streamStoreId = streamStore.put(in);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw DataUtils.convertToIOException(e);
    long lobId = generateLobId();
    long length = streamStore.length(streamStoreId);
    final int tableId = LobStorageFrontend.TABLE_TEMP;
    tempLobMap.put(lobId, streamStoreId);
    BlobReference key = new BlobReference(streamStoreId, lobId);
    refMap.put(key, ValueNull.INSTANCE);
    ValueBlob lob = new ValueBlob(new LobDataDatabase(database, tableId, lobId), length);
    if (TRACE) {
        trace("create " + tableId + "/" + lobId);
    return lob;
Also used : LobDataDatabase(org.h2.value.lob.LobDataDatabase) ValueBlob(org.h2.value.ValueBlob) DbException(org.h2.message.DbException) IOException(

Example 4 with ValueBlob

use of org.h2.value.ValueBlob in project h2database by h2database.

the class ValueDataType method readValue.

 * Read a value.
 * @param buff the source buffer
 * @param columnType the data type of value, or {@code null}
 * @return the value
Value readValue(ByteBuffer buff, TypeInfo columnType) {
    int type = buff.get() & 255;
    switch(type) {
        case NULL:
            return ValueNull.INSTANCE;
        case BOOLEAN_TRUE:
            return ValueBoolean.TRUE;
        case BOOLEAN_FALSE:
            return ValueBoolean.FALSE;
        case INT_NEG:
            return ValueInteger.get(-readVarInt(buff));
        case INTEGER:
            return ValueInteger.get(readVarInt(buff));
        case BIGINT_NEG:
            return ValueBigint.get(-readVarLong(buff));
        case BIGINT:
            return ValueBigint.get(readVarLong(buff));
        case TINYINT:
            return ValueTinyint.get(buff.get());
        case SMALLINT:
            return ValueSmallint.get(buff.getShort());
        case NUMERIC_0_1:
            return ValueNumeric.ZERO;
        case NUMERIC_0_1 + 1:
            return ValueNumeric.ONE;
        case NUMERIC_SMALL_0:
            return ValueNumeric.get(BigDecimal.valueOf(readVarLong(buff)));
        case NUMERIC_SMALL:
                int scale = readVarInt(buff);
                return ValueNumeric.get(BigDecimal.valueOf(readVarLong(buff), scale));
        case NUMERIC:
                int scale = readVarInt(buff);
                return ValueNumeric.get(new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(readVarBytes(buff)), scale));
        case DECFLOAT:
                int scale = readVarInt(buff), len = readVarInt(buff);
                switch(len) {
                    case -3:
                        return ValueDecfloat.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
                    case -2:
                        return ValueDecfloat.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                    case -1:
                        return ValueDecfloat.NAN;
                        byte[] b = Utils.newBytes(len);
                        buff.get(b, 0, len);
                        return ValueDecfloat.get(new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(b), scale));
        case DATE:
            return ValueDate.fromDateValue(readVarLong(buff));
        case TIME:
            return ValueTime.fromNanos(readTimestampTime(buff));
        case TIME_TZ:
            return ValueTimeTimeZone.fromNanos(readVarInt(buff) * DateTimeUtils.NANOS_PER_SECOND + readVarInt(buff), readTimeZone(buff));
        case TIMESTAMP:
            return ValueTimestamp.fromDateValueAndNanos(readVarLong(buff), readTimestampTime(buff));
        case TIMESTAMP_TZ_OLD:
            return ValueTimestampTimeZone.fromDateValueAndNanos(readVarLong(buff), readTimestampTime(buff), readVarInt(buff) * 60);
        case TIMESTAMP_TZ:
            return ValueTimestampTimeZone.fromDateValueAndNanos(readVarLong(buff), readTimestampTime(buff), readTimeZone(buff));
        case VARBINARY:
            return ValueVarbinary.getNoCopy(readVarBytes(buff));
        case BINARY:
            return ValueBinary.getNoCopy(readVarBytes(buff));
        case JAVA_OBJECT:
            return ValueJavaObject.getNoCopy(readVarBytes(buff));
        case UUID:
            return ValueUuid.get(buff.getLong(), buff.getLong());
        case VARCHAR:
            return ValueVarchar.get(readString(buff));
            return ValueVarcharIgnoreCase.get(readString(buff));
        case CHAR:
            return ValueChar.get(readString(buff));
        case ENUM:
                int ordinal = readVarInt(buff);
                if (columnType != null) {
                    return ((ExtTypeInfoEnum) columnType.getExtTypeInfo()).getValue(ordinal, provider);
                return ValueInteger.get(ordinal);
        case INTERVAL:
                int ordinal = buff.get();
                boolean negative = ordinal < 0;
                if (negative) {
                    ordinal = ~ordinal;
                return ValueInterval.from(IntervalQualifier.valueOf(ordinal), negative, readVarLong(buff), ordinal < 5 ? 0 : readVarLong(buff));
        case REAL_0_1:
            return ValueReal.ZERO;
        case REAL_0_1 + 1:
            return ValueReal.ONE;
        case DOUBLE_0_1:
            return ValueDouble.ZERO;
        case DOUBLE_0_1 + 1:
            return ValueDouble.ONE;
        case DOUBLE:
            return ValueDouble.get(Double.longBitsToDouble(Long.reverse(readVarLong(buff))));
        case REAL:
            return ValueReal.get(Float.intBitsToFloat(Integer.reverse(readVarInt(buff))));
        case BLOB:
                int smallLen = readVarInt(buff);
                if (smallLen >= 0) {
                    byte[] small = Utils.newBytes(smallLen);
                    buff.get(small, 0, smallLen);
                    return ValueBlob.createSmall(small);
                } else if (smallLen == -3) {
                    return new ValueBlob(readLobDataDatabase(buff), readVarLong(buff));
                } else {
                    throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, "lob type: " + smallLen);
        case CLOB:
                int smallLen = readVarInt(buff);
                if (smallLen >= 0) {
                    byte[] small = Utils.newBytes(smallLen);
                    buff.get(small, 0, smallLen);
                    return ValueClob.createSmall(small, readVarLong(buff));
                } else if (smallLen == -3) {
                    return new ValueClob(readLobDataDatabase(buff), readVarLong(buff), readVarLong(buff));
                } else {
                    throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, "lob type: " + smallLen);
        case ARRAY:
                if (columnType != null) {
                    TypeInfo elementType = (TypeInfo) columnType.getExtTypeInfo();
                    return ValueArray.get(elementType, readArrayElements(buff, elementType), provider);
                return ValueArray.get(readArrayElements(buff, null), provider);
        case ROW:
                int len = readVarInt(buff);
                Value[] list = new Value[len];
                if (columnType != null) {
                    ExtTypeInfoRow extTypeInfoRow = (ExtTypeInfoRow) columnType.getExtTypeInfo();
                    Iterator<Entry<String, TypeInfo>> fields = extTypeInfoRow.getFields().iterator();
                    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                        list[i] = readValue(buff,;
                    return ValueRow.get(columnType, list);
                TypeInfo[] columnTypes = rowFactory.getColumnTypes();
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    list[i] = readValue(buff, columnTypes[i]);
                return ValueRow.get(list);
        case GEOMETRY:
            return ValueGeometry.get(readVarBytes(buff));
        case JSON:
            return ValueJson.getInternal(readVarBytes(buff));
            if (type >= INT_0_15 && type < INT_0_15 + 16) {
                int i = type - INT_0_15;
                if (columnType != null && columnType.getValueType() == Value.ENUM) {
                    return ((ExtTypeInfoEnum) columnType.getExtTypeInfo()).getValue(i, provider);
                return ValueInteger.get(i);
            } else if (type >= BIGINT_0_7 && type < BIGINT_0_7 + 8) {
                return ValueBigint.get(type - BIGINT_0_7);
            } else if (type >= VARBINARY_0_31 && type < VARBINARY_0_31 + 32) {
                int len = type - VARBINARY_0_31;
                byte[] b = Utils.newBytes(len);
                buff.get(b, 0, len);
                return ValueVarbinary.getNoCopy(b);
            } else if (type >= VARCHAR_0_31 && type < VARCHAR_0_31 + 32) {
                return ValueVarchar.get(readString(buff, type - VARCHAR_0_31));
            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, "type: " + type);
Also used : ExtTypeInfoEnum(org.h2.value.ExtTypeInfoEnum) ExtTypeInfoRow(org.h2.value.ExtTypeInfoRow) ValueBlob(org.h2.value.ValueBlob) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) ValueClob(org.h2.value.ValueClob) DataUtils.readString(org.h2.mvstore.DataUtils.readString) TypeInfo(org.h2.value.TypeInfo) ValueBigint(org.h2.value.ValueBigint) ValueTinyint(org.h2.value.ValueTinyint) ValueSmallint(org.h2.value.ValueSmallint) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal)

Example 5 with ValueBlob

use of org.h2.value.ValueBlob in project h2database by h2database.

the class ValueBlob method compareTypeSafe.

public int compareTypeSafe(Value v, CompareMode mode, CastDataProvider provider) {
    if (v == this) {
        return 0;
    ValueBlob v2 = (ValueBlob) v;
    LobData lobData = this.lobData, lobData2 = v2.lobData;
    if (lobData.getClass() == lobData2.getClass()) {
        if (lobData instanceof LobDataInMemory) {
            return Bits.compareNotNullUnsigned(((LobDataInMemory) lobData).getSmall(), ((LobDataInMemory) lobData2).getSmall());
        } else if (lobData instanceof LobDataDatabase) {
            if (((LobDataDatabase) lobData).getLobId() == ((LobDataDatabase) lobData2).getLobId()) {
                return 0;
        } else if (lobData instanceof LobDataFetchOnDemand) {
            if (((LobDataFetchOnDemand) lobData).getLobId() == ((LobDataFetchOnDemand) lobData2).getLobId()) {
                return 0;
    return compare(this, v2);
Also used : LobData(org.h2.value.lob.LobData) LobDataInMemory(org.h2.value.lob.LobDataInMemory) LobDataDatabase(org.h2.value.lob.LobDataDatabase) LobDataFetchOnDemand(org.h2.value.lob.LobDataFetchOnDemand)


ValueBlob (org.h2.value.ValueBlob)16 LobDataDatabase (org.h2.value.lob.LobDataDatabase)16 ValueClob (org.h2.value.ValueClob)13 IOException ( LobData (org.h2.value.lob.LobData)10 MVStore (org.h2.mvstore.MVStore)9 ValueBigint (org.h2.value.ValueBigint)7 ValueSmallint (org.h2.value.ValueSmallint)7 ValueTinyint (org.h2.value.ValueTinyint)7 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)6 BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)6 DataUtils.readString (org.h2.mvstore.DataUtils.readString)6 LobDataInMemory (org.h2.value.lob.LobDataInMemory)6 Value (org.h2.value.Value)4 ValueInterval (org.h2.value.ValueInterval)4 ValueTimeTimeZone (org.h2.value.ValueTimeTimeZone)4 ValueTimestamp (org.h2.value.ValueTimestamp)4 ValueTimestampTimeZone (org.h2.value.ValueTimestampTimeZone)4 ValueUuid (org.h2.value.ValueUuid)4 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)3