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Example 6 with ValueTime

use of org.h2.value.ValueTime in project h2database by h2database.

the class Value method convertTo.

 * Compare a value to the specified type.
 * @param targetType the type of the returned value
 * @param precision the precision of the column to convert this value to.
 *        The special constant <code>-1</code> is used to indicate that
 *        the precision plays no role when converting the value
 * @param mode the conversion mode
 * @param column the column (if any), used for to improve the error message if conversion fails
 * @param enumerators the ENUM datatype enumerators (if any),
 *        for dealing with ENUM conversions
 * @return the converted value
public Value convertTo(int targetType, int precision, Mode mode, Object column, String[] enumerators) {
    // converting BLOB to CLOB and vice versa is done in ValueLob
    if (getType() == targetType) {
        return this;
    try {
        // decimal conversion
        switch(targetType) {
            case BOOLEAN:
                    switch(getType()) {
                        case BYTE:
                        case SHORT:
                        case INT:
                        case LONG:
                        case DECIMAL:
                        case DOUBLE:
                        case FLOAT:
                            return ValueBoolean.get(getSignum() != 0);
                        case TIME:
                        case DATE:
                        case TIMESTAMP:
                        case TIMESTAMP_TZ:
                        case BYTES:
                        case JAVA_OBJECT:
                        case UUID:
                        case ENUM:
                            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, getString());
            case BYTE:
                    switch(getType()) {
                        case BOOLEAN:
                            return ValueByte.get(getBoolean() ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0);
                        case SHORT:
                        case ENUM:
                        case INT:
                            return ValueByte.get(convertToByte(getInt(), column));
                        case LONG:
                            return ValueByte.get(convertToByte(getLong(), column));
                        case DECIMAL:
                            return ValueByte.get(convertToByte(convertToLong(getBigDecimal(), column), column));
                        case DOUBLE:
                            return ValueByte.get(convertToByte(convertToLong(getDouble(), column), column));
                        case FLOAT:
                            return ValueByte.get(convertToByte(convertToLong(getFloat(), column), column));
                        case BYTES:
                            return ValueByte.get((byte) Integer.parseInt(getString(), 16));
                        case TIMESTAMP_TZ:
                            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, getString());
            case SHORT:
                    switch(getType()) {
                        case BOOLEAN:
                            return ValueShort.get(getBoolean() ? (short) 1 : (short) 0);
                        case BYTE:
                            return ValueShort.get(getByte());
                        case ENUM:
                        case INT:
                            return ValueShort.get(convertToShort(getInt(), column));
                        case LONG:
                            return ValueShort.get(convertToShort(getLong(), column));
                        case DECIMAL:
                            return ValueShort.get(convertToShort(convertToLong(getBigDecimal(), column), column));
                        case DOUBLE:
                            return ValueShort.get(convertToShort(convertToLong(getDouble(), column), column));
                        case FLOAT:
                            return ValueShort.get(convertToShort(convertToLong(getFloat(), column), column));
                        case BYTES:
                            return ValueShort.get((short) Integer.parseInt(getString(), 16));
                        case TIMESTAMP_TZ:
                            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, getString());
            case INT:
                    switch(getType()) {
                        case BOOLEAN:
                            return ValueInt.get(getBoolean() ? 1 : 0);
                        case BYTE:
                        case ENUM:
                        case SHORT:
                            return ValueInt.get(getInt());
                        case LONG:
                            return ValueInt.get(convertToInt(getLong(), column));
                        case DECIMAL:
                            return ValueInt.get(convertToInt(convertToLong(getBigDecimal(), column), column));
                        case DOUBLE:
                            return ValueInt.get(convertToInt(convertToLong(getDouble(), column), column));
                        case FLOAT:
                            return ValueInt.get(convertToInt(convertToLong(getFloat(), column), column));
                        case BYTES:
                            return ValueInt.get((int) Long.parseLong(getString(), 16));
                        case TIMESTAMP_TZ:
                            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, getString());
            case LONG:
                    switch(getType()) {
                        case BOOLEAN:
                            return ValueLong.get(getBoolean() ? 1 : 0);
                        case BYTE:
                        case SHORT:
                        case ENUM:
                        case INT:
                            return ValueLong.get(getInt());
                        case DECIMAL:
                            return ValueLong.get(convertToLong(getBigDecimal(), column));
                        case DOUBLE:
                            return ValueLong.get(convertToLong(getDouble(), column));
                        case FLOAT:
                            return ValueLong.get(convertToLong(getFloat(), column));
                        case BYTES:
                                // parseLong doesn't work for ffffffffffffffff
                                byte[] d = getBytes();
                                if (d.length == 8) {
                                    return ValueLong.get(Bits.readLong(d, 0));
                                return ValueLong.get(Long.parseLong(getString(), 16));
                        case TIMESTAMP_TZ:
                            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, getString());
            case DECIMAL:
                    switch(getType()) {
                        case BOOLEAN:
                            return ValueDecimal.get(BigDecimal.valueOf(getBoolean() ? 1 : 0));
                        case BYTE:
                        case SHORT:
                        case ENUM:
                        case INT:
                            return ValueDecimal.get(BigDecimal.valueOf(getInt()));
                        case LONG:
                            return ValueDecimal.get(BigDecimal.valueOf(getLong()));
                        case DOUBLE:
                                double d = getDouble();
                                if (Double.isInfinite(d) || Double.isNaN(d)) {
                                    throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, "" + d);
                                return ValueDecimal.get(BigDecimal.valueOf(d));
                        case FLOAT:
                                float f = getFloat();
                                if (Float.isInfinite(f) || Float.isNaN(f)) {
                                    throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, "" + f);
                                // better rounding behavior than BigDecimal.valueOf(f)
                                return ValueDecimal.get(new BigDecimal(Float.toString(f)));
                        case TIMESTAMP_TZ:
                            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, getString());
            case DOUBLE:
                    switch(getType()) {
                        case BOOLEAN:
                            return ValueDouble.get(getBoolean() ? 1 : 0);
                        case BYTE:
                        case SHORT:
                        case INT:
                            return ValueDouble.get(getInt());
                        case LONG:
                            return ValueDouble.get(getLong());
                        case DECIMAL:
                            return ValueDouble.get(getBigDecimal().doubleValue());
                        case FLOAT:
                            return ValueDouble.get(getFloat());
                        case ENUM:
                        case TIMESTAMP_TZ:
                            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, getString());
            case FLOAT:
                    switch(getType()) {
                        case BOOLEAN:
                            return ValueFloat.get(getBoolean() ? 1 : 0);
                        case BYTE:
                        case SHORT:
                        case INT:
                            return ValueFloat.get(getInt());
                        case LONG:
                            return ValueFloat.get(getLong());
                        case DECIMAL:
                            return ValueFloat.get(getBigDecimal().floatValue());
                        case DOUBLE:
                            return ValueFloat.get((float) getDouble());
                        case ENUM:
                        case TIMESTAMP_TZ:
                            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, getString());
            case DATE:
                    switch(getType()) {
                        case TIME:
                            // this will be the result
                            return ValueDate.fromDateValue(DateTimeUtils.EPOCH_DATE_VALUE);
                        case TIMESTAMP:
                            return ValueDate.fromDateValue(((ValueTimestamp) this).getDateValue());
                        case TIMESTAMP_TZ:
                                ValueTimestampTimeZone ts = (ValueTimestampTimeZone) this;
                                long dateValue = ts.getDateValue(), timeNanos = ts.getTimeNanos();
                                long millis = DateTimeUtils.getMillis(dateValue, timeNanos, ts.getTimeZoneOffsetMins());
                                return ValueDate.fromMillis(millis);
                        case ENUM:
                            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, getString());
            case TIME:
                    switch(getType()) {
                        case DATE:
                            // has the time set to 0, the result will be 0
                            return ValueTime.fromNanos(0);
                        case TIMESTAMP:
                            return ValueTime.fromNanos(((ValueTimestamp) this).getTimeNanos());
                        case TIMESTAMP_TZ:
                                ValueTimestampTimeZone ts = (ValueTimestampTimeZone) this;
                                long dateValue = ts.getDateValue(), timeNanos = ts.getTimeNanos();
                                long millis = DateTimeUtils.getMillis(dateValue, timeNanos, ts.getTimeZoneOffsetMins());
                                return ValueTime.fromNanos(DateTimeUtils.nanosFromDate(millis) + timeNanos % 1_000_000);
                        case ENUM:
                            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, getString());
            case TIMESTAMP:
                    switch(getType()) {
                        case TIME:
                            return DateTimeUtils.normalizeTimestamp(0, ((ValueTime) this).getNanos());
                        case DATE:
                            return ValueTimestamp.fromDateValueAndNanos(((ValueDate) this).getDateValue(), 0);
                        case TIMESTAMP_TZ:
                                ValueTimestampTimeZone ts = (ValueTimestampTimeZone) this;
                                long dateValue = ts.getDateValue(), timeNanos = ts.getTimeNanos();
                                long millis = DateTimeUtils.getMillis(dateValue, timeNanos, ts.getTimeZoneOffsetMins());
                                return ValueTimestamp.fromMillisNanos(millis, (int) (timeNanos % 1_000_000));
                        case ENUM:
                            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, getString());
            case TIMESTAMP_TZ:
                    switch(getType()) {
                        case TIME:
                                ValueTimestamp ts = DateTimeUtils.normalizeTimestamp(0, ((ValueTime) this).getNanos());
                                return DateTimeUtils.timestampTimeZoneFromLocalDateValueAndNanos(ts.getDateValue(), ts.getTimeNanos());
                        case DATE:
                            return DateTimeUtils.timestampTimeZoneFromLocalDateValueAndNanos(((ValueDate) this).getDateValue(), 0);
                        case TIMESTAMP:
                                ValueTimestamp ts = (ValueTimestamp) this;
                                return DateTimeUtils.timestampTimeZoneFromLocalDateValueAndNanos(ts.getDateValue(), ts.getTimeNanos());
                        case ENUM:
                            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, getString());
            case BYTES:
                    switch(getType()) {
                        case JAVA_OBJECT:
                        case BLOB:
                            return ValueBytes.getNoCopy(getBytesNoCopy());
                        case UUID:
                        case GEOMETRY:
                            return ValueBytes.getNoCopy(getBytes());
                        case BYTE:
                            return ValueBytes.getNoCopy(new byte[] { getByte() });
                        case SHORT:
                                int x = getShort();
                                return ValueBytes.getNoCopy(new byte[] { (byte) (x >> 8), (byte) x });
                        case INT:
                                byte[] b = new byte[4];
                                Bits.writeInt(b, 0, getInt());
                                return ValueBytes.getNoCopy(b);
                        case LONG:
                                byte[] b = new byte[8];
                                Bits.writeLong(b, 0, getLong());
                                return ValueBytes.getNoCopy(b);
                        case ENUM:
                        case TIMESTAMP_TZ:
                            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, getString());
            case JAVA_OBJECT:
                    switch(getType()) {
                        case BYTES:
                        case BLOB:
                            return ValueJavaObject.getNoCopy(null, getBytesNoCopy(), getDataHandler());
                        case ENUM:
                        case TIMESTAMP_TZ:
                            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, getString());
            case ENUM:
                    switch(getType()) {
                        case BYTE:
                        case SHORT:
                        case INT:
                        case LONG:
                        case DECIMAL:
                            return ValueEnum.get(enumerators, getInt());
                        case STRING:
                        case STRING_IGNORECASE:
                        case STRING_FIXED:
                            return ValueEnum.get(enumerators, getString());
                        case JAVA_OBJECT:
                            Object object = JdbcUtils.deserialize(getBytesNoCopy(), getDataHandler());
                            if (object instanceof String) {
                                return ValueEnum.get(enumerators, (String) object);
                            } else if (object instanceof Integer) {
                                return ValueEnum.get(enumerators, (int) object);
                        // $FALL-THROUGH$
                            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, getString());
            case BLOB:
                    switch(getType()) {
                        case BYTES:
                            return ValueLobDb.createSmallLob(Value.BLOB, getBytesNoCopy());
                        case TIMESTAMP_TZ:
                            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, getString());
            case UUID:
                    switch(getType()) {
                        case BYTES:
                            return ValueUuid.get(getBytesNoCopy());
                        case JAVA_OBJECT:
                            Object object = JdbcUtils.deserialize(getBytesNoCopy(), getDataHandler());
                            if (object instanceof java.util.UUID) {
                                return ValueUuid.get((java.util.UUID) object);
                            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, getString());
                        case TIMESTAMP_TZ:
                            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, getString());
            case GEOMETRY:
                    switch(getType()) {
                        case BYTES:
                            return ValueGeometry.get(getBytesNoCopy());
                        case JAVA_OBJECT:
                            Object object = JdbcUtils.deserialize(getBytesNoCopy(), getDataHandler());
                            if (DataType.isGeometry(object)) {
                                return ValueGeometry.getFromGeometry(object);
                        // $FALL-THROUGH$
                        case TIMESTAMP_TZ:
                            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, getString());
        // conversion by parsing the string value
        String s = getString();
        switch(targetType) {
            case NULL:
                return ValueNull.INSTANCE;
            case BOOLEAN:
                    if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("t") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
                        return ValueBoolean.TRUE;
                    } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("false") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("f") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("no") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("n")) {
                        return ValueBoolean.FALSE;
                    } else {
                        // convert to a number, and if it is not 0 then it is true
                        return ValueBoolean.get(new BigDecimal(s).signum() != 0);
            case BYTE:
                return ValueByte.get(Byte.parseByte(s.trim()));
            case SHORT:
                return ValueShort.get(Short.parseShort(s.trim()));
            case INT:
                return ValueInt.get(Integer.parseInt(s.trim()));
            case LONG:
                return ValueLong.get(Long.parseLong(s.trim()));
            case DECIMAL:
                return ValueDecimal.get(new BigDecimal(s.trim()));
            case TIME:
                return ValueTime.parse(s.trim());
            case DATE:
                return ValueDate.parse(s.trim());
            case TIMESTAMP:
                return ValueTimestamp.parse(s.trim(), mode);
            case TIMESTAMP_TZ:
                return ValueTimestampTimeZone.parse(s.trim());
            case BYTES:
                return ValueBytes.getNoCopy(StringUtils.convertHexToBytes(s.trim()));
            case JAVA_OBJECT:
                return ValueJavaObject.getNoCopy(null, StringUtils.convertHexToBytes(s.trim()), getDataHandler());
            case STRING:
                return ValueString.get(s);
            case STRING_IGNORECASE:
                return ValueStringIgnoreCase.get(s);
            case STRING_FIXED:
                return ValueStringFixed.get(s, precision, mode);
            case DOUBLE:
                return ValueDouble.get(Double.parseDouble(s.trim()));
            case FLOAT:
                return ValueFloat.get(Float.parseFloat(s.trim()));
            case CLOB:
                return ValueLobDb.createSmallLob(CLOB, s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
            case BLOB:
                return ValueLobDb.createSmallLob(BLOB, StringUtils.convertHexToBytes(s.trim()));
            case ARRAY:
                return ValueArray.get(new Value[] { ValueString.get(s) });
            case RESULT_SET:
                    SimpleResultSet rs = new SimpleResultSet();
                    rs.addColumn("X", Types.VARCHAR, s.length(), 0);
                    return ValueResultSet.get(rs);
            case UUID:
                return ValueUuid.get(s);
            case GEOMETRY:
                return ValueGeometry.get(s);
                if (JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler != null) {
                    return JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler.convert(this, targetType);
                throw DbException.throwInternalError("type=" + targetType);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, e, getString());
Also used : SimpleResultSet( BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal)

Example 7 with ValueTime

use of org.h2.value.ValueTime in project h2database by h2database.

the class DateTimeFunctions method extract.

 * Extracts specified field from the specified date-time value.
 * @param part
 *            the date part
 * @param value
 *            the date-time value
 * @return extracted field
public static Value extract(String part, Value value) {
    Value result;
    int field = getDatePart(part);
    if (field != EPOCH) {
        result = ValueInt.get(getIntDatePart(value, field));
    } else {
        // Case where we retrieve the EPOCH time.
        // First we retrieve the dateValue and his time in nanoseconds.
        long[] a = DateTimeUtils.dateAndTimeFromValue(value);
        long dateValue = a[0];
        long timeNanos = a[1];
        // We compute the time in nanoseconds and the total number of days.
        BigDecimal timeNanosBigDecimal = new BigDecimal(timeNanos);
        BigDecimal numberOfDays = new BigDecimal(DateTimeUtils.absoluteDayFromDateValue(dateValue));
        BigDecimal nanosSeconds = new BigDecimal(1_000_000_000);
        BigDecimal secondsPerDay = new BigDecimal(DateTimeUtils.SECONDS_PER_DAY);
        // Case where the value is of type time e.g. '10:00:00'
        if (value instanceof ValueTime) {
            // In order to retrieve the EPOCH time we only have to convert the time
            // in nanoseconds (previously retrieved) in seconds.
            result = ValueDecimal.get(timeNanosBigDecimal.divide(nanosSeconds));
        } else if (value instanceof ValueDate) {
            // Case where the value is of type date '2000:01:01', we have to retrieve the
            // total number of days and multiply it by the number of seconds in a day.
            result = ValueDecimal.get(numberOfDays.multiply(secondsPerDay));
        } else if (value instanceof ValueTimestampTimeZone) {
            // Case where the value is a of type ValueTimestampTimeZone
            // ('2000:01:01 10:00:00+05').
            // We retrieve the time zone offset in minutes
            ValueTimestampTimeZone v = (ValueTimestampTimeZone) value;
            BigDecimal timeZoneOffsetSeconds = new BigDecimal(v.getTimeZoneOffsetMins() * 60);
            // Sum the time in nanoseconds and the total number of days in seconds
            // and adding the timeZone offset in seconds.
            result = ValueDecimal.get(timeNanosBigDecimal.divide(nanosSeconds).add(numberOfDays.multiply(secondsPerDay)).subtract(timeZoneOffsetSeconds));
        } else {
            // By default, we have the date and the time ('2000:01:01 10:00:00') if no type
            // is given.
            // We just have to sum the time in nanoseconds and the total number of days in
            // seconds.
            result = ValueDecimal.get(timeNanosBigDecimal.divide(nanosSeconds).add(numberOfDays.multiply(secondsPerDay)));
    return result;
Also used : ValueTime(org.h2.value.ValueTime) Value(org.h2.value.Value) ValueTimestampTimeZone(org.h2.value.ValueTimestampTimeZone) ValueDate(org.h2.value.ValueDate) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal)

Example 8 with ValueTime

use of org.h2.value.ValueTime in project h2database by h2database.

the class DateTimeUtils method dateAndTimeFromValue.

 * Extracts date value and nanos of day from the specified value.
 * @param value
 *            value to extract fields from
 * @return array with date value and nanos of day
public static long[] dateAndTimeFromValue(Value value) {
    long dateValue = EPOCH_DATE_VALUE;
    long timeNanos = 0;
    if (value instanceof ValueTimestamp) {
        ValueTimestamp v = (ValueTimestamp) value;
        dateValue = v.getDateValue();
        timeNanos = v.getTimeNanos();
    } else if (value instanceof ValueDate) {
        dateValue = ((ValueDate) value).getDateValue();
    } else if (value instanceof ValueTime) {
        timeNanos = ((ValueTime) value).getNanos();
    } else if (value instanceof ValueTimestampTimeZone) {
        ValueTimestampTimeZone v = (ValueTimestampTimeZone) value;
        dateValue = v.getDateValue();
        timeNanos = v.getTimeNanos();
    } else {
        ValueTimestamp v = (ValueTimestamp) value.convertTo(Value.TIMESTAMP);
        dateValue = v.getDateValue();
        timeNanos = v.getTimeNanos();
    return new long[] { dateValue, timeNanos };
Also used : ValueTime(org.h2.value.ValueTime) ValueTimestamp(org.h2.value.ValueTimestamp) ValueTimestampTimeZone(org.h2.value.ValueTimestampTimeZone) ValueDate(org.h2.value.ValueDate)

Example 9 with ValueTime

use of org.h2.value.ValueTime in project h2database by h2database.

the class DateTimeUtils method convertTime.

 * Convert the time to the specified time zone.
 * @param value the time (might be ValueNull)
 * @param calendar the calendar
 * @return the time using the correct time zone
public static Time convertTime(Value value, Calendar calendar) {
    if (value == ValueNull.INSTANCE) {
        return null;
    ValueTime t = (ValueTime) value.convertTo(Value.TIME);
    Calendar cal = (Calendar) calendar.clone();
    long nanos = t.getNanos();
    long millis = nanos / 1_000_000;
    nanos -= millis * 1_000_000;
    long s = millis / 1_000;
    millis -= s * 1_000;
    long m = s / 60;
    s -= m * 60;
    long h = m / 60;
    m -= h * 60;
    return new Time(convertToMillis(cal, 1970, 1, 1, (int) h, (int) m, (int) s, (int) millis));
Also used : ValueTime(org.h2.value.ValueTime) GregorianCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar) Calendar(java.util.Calendar) Time(java.sql.Time) ValueTime(org.h2.value.ValueTime)

Example 10 with ValueTime

use of org.h2.value.ValueTime in project h2database by h2database.

the class ValueDataType method writeValue.

private void writeValue(WriteBuffer buff, Value v) {
    if (v == ValueNull.INSTANCE) {
        buff.put((byte) 0);
    int type = v.getType();
    switch(type) {
        case Value.BOOLEAN:
            buff.put((byte) (v.getBoolean() ? BOOLEAN_TRUE : BOOLEAN_FALSE));
        case Value.BYTE:
            buff.put((byte) type).put(v.getByte());
        case Value.SHORT:
            buff.put((byte) type).putShort(v.getShort());
        case Value.ENUM:
        case Value.INT:
                int x = v.getInt();
                if (x < 0) {
                    buff.put((byte) INT_NEG).putVarInt(-x);
                } else if (x < 16) {
                    buff.put((byte) (INT_0_15 + x));
                } else {
                    buff.put((byte) type).putVarInt(x);
        case Value.LONG:
                long x = v.getLong();
                if (x < 0) {
                    buff.put((byte) LONG_NEG).putVarLong(-x);
                } else if (x < 8) {
                    buff.put((byte) (LONG_0_7 + x));
                } else {
                    buff.put((byte) type).putVarLong(x);
        case Value.DECIMAL:
                BigDecimal x = v.getBigDecimal();
                if (BigDecimal.ZERO.equals(x)) {
                    buff.put((byte) DECIMAL_0_1);
                } else if (BigDecimal.ONE.equals(x)) {
                    buff.put((byte) (DECIMAL_0_1 + 1));
                } else {
                    int scale = x.scale();
                    BigInteger b = x.unscaledValue();
                    int bits = b.bitLength();
                    if (bits <= 63) {
                        if (scale == 0) {
                            buff.put((byte) DECIMAL_SMALL_0).putVarLong(b.longValue());
                        } else {
                            buff.put((byte) DECIMAL_SMALL).putVarInt(scale).putVarLong(b.longValue());
                    } else {
                        byte[] bytes = b.toByteArray();
                        buff.put((byte) type).putVarInt(scale).putVarInt(bytes.length).put(bytes);
        case Value.TIME:
                ValueTime t = (ValueTime) v;
                long nanos = t.getNanos();
                long millis = nanos / 1000000;
                nanos -= millis * 1000000;
                buff.put((byte) type).putVarLong(millis).putVarLong(nanos);
        case Value.DATE:
                long x = ((ValueDate) v).getDateValue();
                buff.put((byte) type).putVarLong(x);
        case Value.TIMESTAMP:
                ValueTimestamp ts = (ValueTimestamp) v;
                long dateValue = ts.getDateValue();
                long nanos = ts.getTimeNanos();
                long millis = nanos / 1000000;
                nanos -= millis * 1000000;
                buff.put((byte) type).putVarLong(dateValue).putVarLong(millis).putVarLong(nanos);
        case Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ:
                ValueTimestampTimeZone ts = (ValueTimestampTimeZone) v;
                long dateValue = ts.getDateValue();
                long nanos = ts.getTimeNanos();
                long millis = nanos / 1000000;
                nanos -= millis * 1000000;
                buff.put((byte) type).putVarLong(dateValue).putVarLong(millis).putVarLong(nanos).putVarInt(ts.getTimeZoneOffsetMins());
        case Value.JAVA_OBJECT:
                byte[] b = v.getBytesNoCopy();
                buff.put((byte) type).putVarInt(b.length).put(b);
        case Value.BYTES:
                byte[] b = v.getBytesNoCopy();
                int len = b.length;
                if (len < 32) {
                    buff.put((byte) (BYTES_0_31 + len)).put(b);
                } else {
                    buff.put((byte) type).putVarInt(b.length).put(b);
        case Value.UUID:
                ValueUuid uuid = (ValueUuid) v;
                buff.put((byte) type).putLong(uuid.getHigh()).putLong(uuid.getLow());
        case Value.STRING:
                String s = v.getString();
                int len = s.length();
                if (len < 32) {
                    buff.put((byte) (STRING_0_31 + len)).putStringData(s, len);
                } else {
                    buff.put((byte) type);
                    writeString(buff, s);
        case Value.STRING_IGNORECASE:
        case Value.STRING_FIXED:
            buff.put((byte) type);
            writeString(buff, v.getString());
        case Value.DOUBLE:
                double x = v.getDouble();
                if (x == 1.0d) {
                    buff.put((byte) (DOUBLE_0_1 + 1));
                } else {
                    long d = Double.doubleToLongBits(x);
                    if (d == ValueDouble.ZERO_BITS) {
                        buff.put((byte) DOUBLE_0_1);
                    } else {
                        buff.put((byte) type).putVarLong(Long.reverse(d));
        case Value.FLOAT:
                float x = v.getFloat();
                if (x == 1.0f) {
                    buff.put((byte) (FLOAT_0_1 + 1));
                } else {
                    int f = Float.floatToIntBits(x);
                    if (f == ValueFloat.ZERO_BITS) {
                        buff.put((byte) FLOAT_0_1);
                    } else {
                        buff.put((byte) type).putVarInt(Integer.reverse(f));
        case Value.BLOB:
        case Value.CLOB:
                buff.put((byte) type);
                ValueLobDb lob = (ValueLobDb) v;
                byte[] small = lob.getSmall();
                if (small == null) {
                } else {
        case Value.ARRAY:
                Value[] list = ((ValueArray) v).getList();
                buff.put((byte) type).putVarInt(list.length);
                for (Value x : list) {
                    writeValue(buff, x);
        case Value.RESULT_SET:
                buff.put((byte) type);
                try {
                    ResultSet rs = ((ValueResultSet) v).getResultSet();
                    ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData();
                    int columnCount = meta.getColumnCount();
                    for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                        writeString(buff, meta.getColumnName(i + 1));
                        buff.putVarInt(meta.getColumnType(i + 1)).putVarInt(meta.getPrecision(i + 1)).putVarInt(meta.getScale(i + 1));
                    while ( {
                        buff.put((byte) 1);
                        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                            int t = org.h2.value.DataType.getValueTypeFromResultSet(meta, i + 1);
                            Value val = org.h2.value.DataType.readValue(null, rs, i + 1, t);
                            writeValue(buff, val);
                    buff.put((byte) 0);
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    throw DbException.convert(e);
        case Value.GEOMETRY:
                byte[] b = v.getBytes();
                int len = b.length;
                buff.put((byte) type).putVarInt(len).put(b);
            if (JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler != null) {
                byte[] b = v.getBytesNoCopy();
                buff.put((byte) CUSTOM_DATA_TYPE).putVarInt(type).putVarInt(b.length).put(b);
            DbException.throwInternalError("type=" + v.getType());
Also used : ValueUuid(org.h2.value.ValueUuid) ValueLobDb(org.h2.value.ValueLobDb) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) ValueTimestampTimeZone(org.h2.value.ValueTimestampTimeZone) ValueString(org.h2.value.ValueString) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) ValueTime(org.h2.value.ValueTime) ResultSetMetaData(java.sql.ResultSetMetaData) ValueTimestamp(org.h2.value.ValueTimestamp) Value(org.h2.value.Value) SimpleResultSet( ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) ValueResultSet(org.h2.value.ValueResultSet) BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger)


ValueTime (org.h2.value.ValueTime)10 ValueTimestamp (org.h2.value.ValueTimestamp)7 ValueDate (org.h2.value.ValueDate)6 ValueTimestampTimeZone (org.h2.value.ValueTimestampTimeZone)5 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)4 Value (org.h2.value.Value)4 SimpleResultSet ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)2 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)2 ResultSetMetaData (java.sql.ResultSetMetaData)2 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)2 ValueLobDb (org.h2.value.ValueLobDb)2 ValueResultSet (org.h2.value.ValueResultSet)2 ValueString (org.h2.value.ValueString)2 ValueUuid (org.h2.value.ValueUuid)2 Time (java.sql.Time)1 Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)1 Calendar (java.util.Calendar)1 GregorianCalendar (java.util.GregorianCalendar)1 JdbcResultSet (org.h2.jdbc.JdbcResultSet)1