use of org.haiku.haikudepotserver.pkg.model.BadPkgIconException in project haikudepotserver by haiku.
the class PkgImportServiceImpl method populateIconFromPayload.
private void populateIconFromPayload(ObjectContext objectContext, PkgVersion persistedPkgVersion, AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute) {
Attribute dataAttr = attribute.tryGetChildAttribute(AttributeId.DATA).orElse(null);
if (null == dataAttr) {
LOGGER.warn("the icon [{}] found for package [{}] version [{}] does not have a data attribute", AttributeId.FILE_ATTRIBUTE, persistedPkgVersion.getPkg(), persistedPkgVersion);
ByteSource byteSource = (ByteSource) dataAttr.getValue(context);
try {"did find {} bytes of icon data for package [{}] version [{}]", byteSource.size(), persistedPkgVersion.getPkg(), persistedPkgVersion);
} catch (IOException ignore) {
LOGGER.warn("cannot get the size of the icon payload for package [{}] version [{}]", persistedPkgVersion.getPkg(), persistedPkgVersion);
try (InputStream inputStream = byteSource.openStream()) {
pkgIconService.storePkgIconImage(inputStream, MediaType.getByCode(objectContext, MediaType.MEDIATYPE_HAIKUVECTORICONFILE), null, objectContext, persistedPkgVersion.getPkg().getPkgSupplement());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(ioe);
} catch (BadPkgIconException e) {"a failure has arisen loading a package icon data", e);
use of org.haiku.haikudepotserver.pkg.model.BadPkgIconException in project haikudepotserver by haiku.
the class PkgIconImportArchiveJobRunner method processMatchingFileEntryFromArchive.
private ArchiveEntryResult processMatchingFileEntryFromArchive(ArchiveInputStream archiveInputStream, String pkgName, String leafnameExtension) throws IOException {
ObjectContext context = serverRuntime.newContext();
Optional<Pkg> pkgOptional = Pkg.tryGetByName(context, pkgName);
if (pkgOptional.isPresent()) {
Optional<org.haiku.haikudepotserver.dataobjects.MediaType> mediaType = org.haiku.haikudepotserver.dataobjects.MediaType.getByExtension(context, leafnameExtension);
if (!mediaType.isPresent()) {
return new ArchiveEntryResult(Action.INVALID, "unknown file-extension");
switch(mediaType.get().getCode()) {
case org.haiku.haikudepotserver.dataobjects.MediaType.MEDIATYPE_HAIKUVECTORICONFILE:
case org.haiku.haikudepotserver.dataobjects.MediaType.MEDIATYPE_PNG:
return new ArchiveEntryResult(Action.INVALID, "bad media type for icon");
try {
pkgIconService.storePkgIconImage(archiveInputStream, mediaType.get(), // there is no expected icon size
null, context, pkgOptional.get().getPkgSupplement());
} catch (BadPkgIconException e) {
return new ArchiveEntryResult(Action.INVALID, e.getMessage());
} else {"pkg not found; [{}]", pkgName);
return new ArchiveEntryResult(Action.NOTFOUND, "unable to find the associated pkg");
return new ArchiveEntryResult(Action.UPDATED, null);
use of org.haiku.haikudepotserver.pkg.model.BadPkgIconException in project haikudepotserver by haiku.
the class PkgIconServiceImpl method storePkgIconImage.
public PkgIcon storePkgIconImage(InputStream input, MediaType mediaType, Integer expectedSize, ObjectContext context, PkgSupplement pkgSupplement) throws IOException, BadPkgIconException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(null != context, "the context is not supplied");
Preconditions.checkArgument(null != input, "the input must be provided");
Preconditions.checkArgument(null != mediaType, "the mediaType must be provided");
Preconditions.checkArgument(null != pkgSupplement, "the pkgSupplement must be provided");
byte[] imageData = ByteStreams.toByteArray(new BoundedInputStream(input, ICON_SIZE_LIMIT));
Optional<PkgIcon> pkgIconOptional;
Integer size = null;
switch(mediaType.getCode()) {
case MediaType.MEDIATYPE_PNG:
ImageHelper.Size pngSize = imageHelper.derivePngSize(imageData);
if (null == pngSize) {
LOGGER.warn("attempt to set the bitmap (png) package icon for package {}, but the size was invalid;" + "it is not a valid png image", pkgSupplement.getBasePkgName());
throw new BadPkgIconException("invalid png");
if (!pngSize.areSides(16) && !pngSize.areSides(32) && !pngSize.areSides(64)) {
LOGGER.warn("attempt to set the bitmap (png) package icon for package {}, but the size was invalid; " + "it must be either 32x32 or 16x16 px, but was {}", pkgSupplement.getBasePkgName(), pngSize.toString());
throw new BadPkgIconException("non-square sizing or unexpected sizing");
if (null != expectedSize && !pngSize.areSides(expectedSize)) {
LOGGER.warn("attempt to set the bitmap (png) package icon for package {}, but the size did not " + " match the expected size", pkgSupplement.getBasePkgName());
throw new BadPkgIconException("size of image was not as expected");
try {
imageData = pngOptimizationService.optimize(imageData);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new RuntimeException("the png optimization process has failed; ", ioe);
size = pngSize.width;
pkgIconOptional = pkgSupplement.getPkgIcon(mediaType, pngSize.width);
if (!imageHelper.looksLikeHaikuVectorIconFormat(imageData)) {
LOGGER.warn("attempt to set the vector (hvif) package icon for package {}, but the data does not " + "look like hvif", pkgSupplement.getBasePkgName());
throw new BadPkgIconException();
pkgIconOptional = pkgSupplement.getPkgIcon(mediaType, null);
throw new IllegalStateException("unhandled media type; " + mediaType.getCode());
PkgIconImage pkgIconImage;
if (pkgIconOptional.isPresent()) {
pkgIconImage = pkgIconOptional.get().getPkgIconImage();
} else {
PkgIcon pkgIcon = context.newObject(PkgIcon.class);
pkgSupplement.addToManyTarget(PkgSupplement.PKG_ICONS.getName(), pkgIcon, true);
pkgIconImage = context.newObject(PkgIconImage.class);
pkgIcon.addToManyTarget(PkgIcon.PKG_ICON_IMAGES.getName(), pkgIconImage, true);
pkgIconOptional = Optional.of(pkgIcon);
if (pkgIconImage.getData() == null || !Arrays.equals(pkgIconImage.getData(), imageData)) {
pkgSupplement.setIconModifyTimestamp(new java.sql.Timestamp(Clock.systemUTC().millis()));
renderedPkgIconRepository.evict(context, pkgSupplement);
if (null != size) {"the icon {}px for package [{}] has been updated", size, pkgSupplement.getBasePkgName());
} else {"the icon for package [{}] has been updated", pkgSupplement.getBasePkgName());
} else {"no change to package icon for [{}] ", pkgSupplement.getBasePkgName());
return pkgIconOptional.orElseThrow(IllegalStateException::new);