Search in sources :

Example 51 with KeyValue

use of org.hbase.async.KeyValue in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.

the class MetaSync method run.

   * Loops through the entire TSDB data set and exits when complete.
public void run() {
    // list of deferred calls used to act as a buffer
    final ArrayList<Deferred<Boolean>> storage_calls = new ArrayList<Deferred<Boolean>>();
    final Deferred<Object> result = new Deferred<Object>();
    final class ErrBack implements Callback<Object, Exception> {

        public Object call(Exception e) throws Exception {
            Throwable ex = e;
            while (ex.getClass().equals(DeferredGroupException.class)) {
                if (ex.getCause() == null) {
                    LOG.warn("Unable to get to the root cause of the DGE");
                ex = ex.getCause();
            LOG.error("Sync thread failed with exception", ex);
            return null;
    final ErrBack err_back = new ErrBack();
     * Called when we have encountered a previously un-processed UIDMeta object.
     * This callback will update the "created" timestamp of the UIDMeta and
     * store the update, replace corrupted metas and update search plugins.
    final class UidCB implements Callback<Deferred<Boolean>, UIDMeta> {

        private final UniqueIdType type;

        private final byte[] uid;

        private final long timestamp;

       * Constructor that initializes the local callback
       * @param type The type of UIDMeta we're dealing with
       * @param uid The UID of the meta object as a byte array
       * @param timestamp The timestamp of the timeseries when this meta
       * was first detected
        public UidCB(final UniqueIdType type, final byte[] uid, final long timestamp) {
            this.type = type;
            this.uid = uid;
            this.timestamp = timestamp;

       * A nested class called after fetching a UID name to use when creating a
       * new UIDMeta object if the previous object was corrupted. Also pushes
       * the meta off to the search plugin.
        final class UidNameCB implements Callback<Deferred<Boolean>, String> {

            public Deferred<Boolean> call(final String name) throws Exception {
                UIDMeta new_meta = new UIDMeta(type, uid, name);
      "Replacing corrupt UID [" + UniqueId.uidToString(uid) + "] of type [" + type + "]");
                return new_meta.syncToStorage(tsdb, true);

        public Deferred<Boolean> call(final UIDMeta meta) throws Exception {
            // otherwise it's probably an accurate timestamp
            if (meta.getCreated() > (timestamp + 3600) || meta.getCreated() == 0) {
      "Updating UID [" + UniqueId.uidToString(uid) + "] of type [" + type + "]");
                // consider it corrupt and replace it with a new object
                if (meta.getUID() == null || meta.getUID().isEmpty() || meta.getType() == null) {
                    return tsdb.getUidName(type, uid).addCallbackDeferring(new UidNameCB());
                } else {
                    // the meta was good, just needed a timestamp update so sync to
                    // search and storage
          "Syncing valid UID [" + UniqueId.uidToString(uid) + "] of type [" + type + "]");
                    return meta.syncToStorage(tsdb, false);
            } else {
                LOG.debug("UID [" + UniqueId.uidToString(uid) + "] of type [" + type + "] is up to date in storage");
                return Deferred.fromResult(true);
     * Called to handle a previously unprocessed TSMeta object. This callback
     * will update the "created" timestamp, create a new TSMeta object if
     * missing, and update search plugins.
    final class TSMetaCB implements Callback<Deferred<Boolean>, TSMeta> {

        private final String tsuid_string;

        private final byte[] tsuid;

        private final long timestamp;

       * Default constructor
       * @param tsuid ID of the timeseries
       * @param timestamp The timestamp when the first data point was recorded
        public TSMetaCB(final byte[] tsuid, final long timestamp) {
            this.tsuid = tsuid;
            tsuid_string = UniqueId.uidToString(tsuid);
            this.timestamp = timestamp;

        public Deferred<Boolean> call(final TSMeta meta) throws Exception {
            /** Called to process the new meta through the search plugin and tree code */
            final class IndexCB implements Callback<Deferred<Boolean>, TSMeta> {

                public Deferred<Boolean> call(final TSMeta new_meta) throws Exception {
                    // pass through the trees
                    return tsdb.processTSMetaThroughTrees(new_meta);
            /** Called to load the newly created meta object for passage onto the
         * search plugin and tree builder if configured
            final class GetCB implements Callback<Deferred<Boolean>, Boolean> {

                public final Deferred<Boolean> call(final Boolean exists) throws Exception {
                    if (exists) {
                        return TSMeta.getTSMeta(tsdb, tsuid_string).addCallbackDeferring(new IndexCB());
                    } else {
                        return Deferred.fromResult(false);
            /** Errback on the store new call to catch issues */
            class ErrBack implements Callback<Object, Exception> {

                public Object call(final Exception e) throws Exception {
                    LOG.warn("Failed creating meta for: " + tsuid + " with exception: ", e);
                    return null;
            // new one
            if (meta == null) {
           * Called after successfully creating a TSMeta counter and object,
           * used to convert the deferred long to a boolean so it can be
           * combined with other calls for waiting.
                final class CreatedCB implements Callback<Deferred<Boolean>, Long> {

                    public Deferred<Boolean> call(Long value) throws Exception {
              "Created counter and meta for timeseries [" + tsuid_string + "]");
                        return Deferred.fromResult(true);
           * Called after checking to see if the counter exists and is used
           * to determine if we should create a new counter AND meta or just a
           * new meta
                final class CounterCB implements Callback<Deferred<Boolean>, Boolean> {

                    public Deferred<Boolean> call(final Boolean exists) throws Exception {
                        if (!exists) {
                            // here or in the local callback
                            return TSMeta.incrementAndGetCounter(tsdb, tsuid).addCallbackDeferring(new CreatedCB());
                        } else {
                            TSMeta new_meta = new TSMeta(tsuid, timestamp);
                  "Counter exists but meta was null, creating meta data " + "for timeseries [" + tsuid_string + "]");
                            return new_meta.storeNew(tsdb).addCallbackDeferring(new GetCB()).addErrback(new ErrBack());
                // improperly before the meta is flushed to storage.
                return TSMeta.counterExistsInStorage(tsdb, tsuid).addCallbackDeferring(new CounterCB());
            // corrupted
            if (meta.getTSUID() == null || meta.getTSUID().isEmpty()) {
                LOG.warn("Replacing corrupt meta data for timeseries [" + tsuid_string + "]");
                TSMeta new_meta = new TSMeta(tsuid, timestamp);
                return new_meta.storeNew(tsdb).addCallbackDeferring(new GetCB()).addErrback(new ErrBack());
            } else {
                // hour otherwise it's probably an accurate timestamp
                if (meta.getCreated() > (timestamp + 3600) || meta.getCreated() == 0) {
          "Updated created timestamp for timeseries [" + tsuid_string + "]");
                    return meta.syncToStorage(tsdb, false);
                LOG.debug("TSUID [" + tsuid_string + "] is up to date in storage");
                return Deferred.fromResult(false);
     * Scanner callback that recursively loops through all of the data point
     * rows. Note that we don't process the actual data points, just the row
     * keys.
    final class MetaScanner implements Callback<Object, ArrayList<ArrayList<KeyValue>>> {

        private byte[] last_tsuid = null;

        private String tsuid_string = "";

       * Fetches the next set of rows from the scanner and adds this class as
       * a callback
       * @return A meaningless deferred to wait on until all data rows have
       * been processed.
        public Object scan() {
            return scanner.nextRows().addCallback(this).addErrback(err_back);

        public Object call(ArrayList<ArrayList<KeyValue>> rows) throws Exception {
            if (rows == null) {
                return null;
            for (final ArrayList<KeyValue> row : rows) {
                try {
                    final byte[] tsuid = UniqueId.getTSUIDFromKey(row.get(0).key(), TSDB.metrics_width(), Const.TIMESTAMP_BYTES);
                    // so we save time
                    if (last_tsuid != null && Arrays.equals(last_tsuid, tsuid)) {
                    last_tsuid = tsuid;
                    // see if we've already processed this tsuid and if so, continue
                    if (processed_tsuids.contains(Arrays.hashCode(tsuid))) {
                    tsuid_string = UniqueId.uidToString(tsuid);
             * An error callback used to catch issues with a particular timeseries
             * or UIDMeta such as a missing UID name. We want to continue
             * processing when this happens so we'll just log the error and
             * the user can issue a command later to clean up orphaned meta
             * entries.
                    final class RowErrBack implements Callback<Object, Exception> {

                        public Object call(Exception e) throws Exception {
                            Throwable ex = e;
                            while (ex.getClass().equals(DeferredGroupException.class)) {
                                if (ex.getCause() == null) {
                                    LOG.warn("Unable to get to the root cause of the DGE");
                                ex = ex.getCause();
                            if (ex.getClass().equals(IllegalStateException.class)) {
                                LOG.error("Invalid data when processing TSUID [" + tsuid_string + "]: " + ex.getMessage());
                            } else if (ex.getClass().equals(IllegalArgumentException.class)) {
                                LOG.error("Invalid data when processing TSUID [" + tsuid_string + "]: " + ex.getMessage());
                            } else if (ex.getClass().equals(NoSuchUniqueId.class)) {
                                LOG.warn("Timeseries [" + tsuid_string + "] includes a non-existant UID: " + ex.getMessage());
                            } else {
                                LOG.error("Unknown exception processing row: " + row, ex);
                            return null;
                    // add tsuid to the processed list
                    // we may have a new TSUID or UIDs, so fetch the timestamp of the 
                    // row for use as the "created" time. Depending on speed we could 
                    // parse datapoints, but for now the hourly row time is enough
                    final long timestamp = Bytes.getUnsignedInt(row.get(0).key(), Const.SALT_WIDTH() + TSDB.metrics_width());
                    LOG.debug("[" + thread_id + "] Processing TSUID: " + tsuid_string + "  row timestamp: " + timestamp);
                    // now process the UID metric meta data
                    final byte[] metric_uid_bytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(tsuid, 0, TSDB.metrics_width());
                    final String metric_uid = UniqueId.uidToString(metric_uid_bytes);
                    Long last_get = metric_uids.get(metric_uid);
                    if (last_get == null || last_get == 0 || timestamp < last_get) {
                        // fetch and update. Returns default object if the meta doesn't
                        // exist, so we can just call sync on this to create a missing
                        // entry
                        final UidCB cb = new UidCB(UniqueIdType.METRIC, metric_uid_bytes, timestamp);
                        final Deferred<Boolean> process_uid = UIDMeta.getUIDMeta(tsdb, UniqueIdType.METRIC, metric_uid_bytes).addCallbackDeferring(cb).addErrback(new RowErrBack());
                        metric_uids.put(metric_uid, timestamp);
                    // loop through the tags and process their meta
                    final List<byte[]> tags = UniqueId.getTagsFromTSUID(tsuid_string);
                    int idx = 0;
                    for (byte[] tag : tags) {
                        final UniqueIdType type = (idx % 2 == 0) ? UniqueIdType.TAGK : UniqueIdType.TAGV;
                        final String uid = UniqueId.uidToString(tag);
                        // check the maps to see if we need to bother updating
                        if (type == UniqueIdType.TAGK) {
                            last_get = tagk_uids.get(uid);
                        } else {
                            last_get = tagv_uids.get(uid);
                        if (last_get != null && last_get != 0 && last_get <= timestamp) {
                        // fetch and update. Returns default object if the meta doesn't
                        // exist, so we can just call sync on this to create a missing
                        // entry
                        final UidCB cb = new UidCB(type, tag, timestamp);
                        final Deferred<Boolean> process_uid = UIDMeta.getUIDMeta(tsdb, type, tag).addCallbackDeferring(cb).addErrback(new RowErrBack());
                        if (type == UniqueIdType.TAGK) {
                            tagk_uids.put(uid, timestamp);
                        } else {
                            tagv_uids.put(uid, timestamp);
                    // handle the timeseries meta last so we don't record it if one
                    // or more of the UIDs had an issue
                    final Deferred<Boolean> process_tsmeta = TSMeta.getTSMeta(tsdb, tsuid_string).addCallbackDeferring(new TSMetaCB(tsuid, timestamp)).addErrback(new RowErrBack());
                } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                    LOG.error("Processing row " + row + " failed with exception: " + e.getMessage());
                    LOG.debug("Row: " + row + " stack trace: ", e);
         * A buffering callback used to avoid StackOverflowError exceptions
         * where the list of deferred calls can exceed the limit. Instead we'll
         * process the Scanner's limit in rows, wait for all of the storage
         * calls to complete, then continue on to the next set.
            final class ContinueCB implements Callback<Object, ArrayList<Boolean>> {

                public Object call(ArrayList<Boolean> puts) throws Exception {
                    return scan();
         * Catch exceptions in one of the grouped calls and continue scanning.
         * Without this the user may not see the exception and the thread will
         * just die silently.
            final class ContinueEB implements Callback<Object, Exception> {

                public Object call(Exception e) throws Exception {
                    Throwable ex = e;
                    while (ex.getClass().equals(DeferredGroupException.class)) {
                        if (ex.getCause() == null) {
                            LOG.warn("Unable to get to the root cause of the DGE");
                        ex = ex.getCause();
                    LOG.error("[" + thread_id + "] Upstream Exception: ", ex);
                    return scan();
            // call ourself again but wait for the current set of storage calls to
            // complete so we don't OOM
   ContinueCB()).addErrback(new ContinueEB());
            return null;
    final MetaScanner scanner = new MetaScanner();
    try {
        result.joinUninterruptibly();"[" + thread_id + "] Complete");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("[" + thread_id + "] Scanner Exception", e);
        throw new RuntimeException("[" + thread_id + "] Scanner exception", e);
Also used : KeyValue(org.hbase.async.KeyValue) Deferred(com.stumbleupon.async.Deferred) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UniqueIdType(net.opentsdb.uid.UniqueId.UniqueIdType) TSMeta(net.opentsdb.meta.TSMeta) DeferredGroupException(com.stumbleupon.async.DeferredGroupException) Callback(com.stumbleupon.async.Callback) UIDMeta(net.opentsdb.meta.UIDMeta)

Example 52 with KeyValue

use of org.hbase.async.KeyValue in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.

the class TreeRule method fetchRule.

   * Attempts to retrieve the specified tree rule from storage.
   * @param tsdb The TSDB to use for storage access
   * @param tree_id ID of the tree the rule belongs to
   * @param level Level where the rule resides
   * @param order Order where the rule resides
   * @return A TreeRule object if found, null if it does not exist
   * @throws HBaseException if there was an issue
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the one of the required parameters was
   * missing
   * @throws JSONException if the object could not be serialized
public static Deferred<TreeRule> fetchRule(final TSDB tsdb, final int tree_id, final int level, final int order) {
    if (tree_id < 1 || tree_id > 65535) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Tree ID");
    if (level < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid rule level");
    if (order < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid rule order");
    // fetch the whole row
    final GetRequest get = new GetRequest(tsdb.treeTable(), Tree.idToBytes(tree_id));;
    get.qualifier(getQualifier(level, order));
     * Called after fetching to parse the results
    final class FetchCB implements Callback<Deferred<TreeRule>, ArrayList<KeyValue>> {

        public Deferred<TreeRule> call(final ArrayList<KeyValue> row) {
            if (row == null || row.isEmpty()) {
                return Deferred.fromResult(null);
            return Deferred.fromResult(parseFromStorage(row.get(0)));
    return tsdb.getClient().get(get).addCallbackDeferring(new FetchCB());
Also used : Callback(com.stumbleupon.async.Callback) KeyValue(org.hbase.async.KeyValue) GetRequest(org.hbase.async.GetRequest) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 53 with KeyValue

use of org.hbase.async.KeyValue in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.

the class TreeRule method deleteAllRules.

   * Attempts to delete all rules belonging to the given tree.
   * @param tsdb The TSDB to use for storage access
   * @param tree_id ID of the tree the rules belongs to
   * @return A deferred to wait on for completion. The value has no meaning and
   * may be null.
   * @throws HBaseException if there was an issue
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the one of the required parameters was
   * missing
public static Deferred<Object> deleteAllRules(final TSDB tsdb, final int tree_id) {
    if (tree_id < 1 || tree_id > 65535) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Tree ID");
    // fetch the whole row
    final GetRequest get = new GetRequest(tsdb.treeTable(), Tree.idToBytes(tree_id));;
     * Called after fetching the requested row. If the row is empty, we just
     * return, otherwise we compile a list of qualifiers to delete and submit
     * a single delete request to storage.
    final class GetCB implements Callback<Deferred<Object>, ArrayList<KeyValue>> {

        public Deferred<Object> call(final ArrayList<KeyValue> row) throws Exception {
            if (row == null || row.isEmpty()) {
                return Deferred.fromResult(null);
            final ArrayList<byte[]> qualifiers = new ArrayList<byte[]>(row.size());
            for (KeyValue column : row) {
                if (column.qualifier().length > RULE_PREFIX.length && Bytes.memcmp(RULE_PREFIX, column.qualifier(), 0, RULE_PREFIX.length) == 0) {
            final DeleteRequest delete = new DeleteRequest(tsdb.treeTable(), Tree.idToBytes(tree_id), Tree.TREE_FAMILY(), qualifiers.toArray(new byte[qualifiers.size()][]));
            return tsdb.getClient().delete(delete);
    return tsdb.getClient().get(get).addCallbackDeferring(new GetCB());
Also used : KeyValue(org.hbase.async.KeyValue) Callback(com.stumbleupon.async.Callback) GetRequest(org.hbase.async.GetRequest) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DeleteRequest(org.hbase.async.DeleteRequest)

Example 54 with KeyValue

use of org.hbase.async.KeyValue in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.

the class TimeSeriesLookup method lookupAsync.

   * Lookup time series associated with the given metric, tagk, tagv or tag 
   * pairs. Either the meta table or the data table will be scanned. If no
   * metric is given, a full table scan must be performed and this call may take
   * a long time to complete. 
   * When dumping to stdout, if an ID can't be looked up, it will be logged and
   * skipped.
   * @return A list of TSUIDs matching the given lookup query.
   * @throws NoSuchUniqueName if any of the given names fail to resolve to a 
   * UID.
   * @since 2.2
public Deferred<List<byte[]>> lookupAsync() {
    final Pattern tagv_regex = tagv_filter != null ? Pattern.compile(tagv_filter) : null;
    // we don't really know what size the UIDs will resolve to so just grab
    // a decent amount.
    final StringBuffer buf = to_stdout ? new StringBuffer(2048) : null;
    final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    final int limit;
    if (query.getLimit() > 0) {
        if (query.useMeta() || Const.SALT_WIDTH() < 1) {
            limit = query.getLimit();
        } else if (query.getLimit() < Const.SALT_BUCKETS()) {
            limit = 1;
        } else {
            limit = query.getLimit() / Const.SALT_BUCKETS();
    } else {
        limit = 0;
    class ScannerCB implements Callback<Deferred<List<byte[]>>, ArrayList<ArrayList<KeyValue>>> {

        private final Scanner scanner;

        // used to avoid dupes when scanning the data table
        private byte[] last_tsuid = null;

        private int rows_read;

        ScannerCB(final Scanner scanner) {
            this.scanner = scanner;

        Deferred<List<byte[]>> scan() {
            return scanner.nextRows().addCallbackDeferring(this);

        public Deferred<List<byte[]>> call(final ArrayList<ArrayList<KeyValue>> rows) throws Exception {
            if (rows == null) {
                if (query.useMeta() || Const.SALT_WIDTH() < 1) {
                    LOG.debug("Lookup query matched " + tsuids.size() + " time series in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms");
                return Deferred.fromResult(tsuids);
            for (final ArrayList<KeyValue> row : rows) {
                if (limit > 0 && rows_read >= limit) {
                    // little recursion to close the scanner and log above.
                    return call(null);
                final byte[] tsuid = query.useMeta() ? row.get(0).key() : UniqueId.getTSUIDFromKey(row.get(0).key(), TSDB.metrics_width(), Const.TIMESTAMP_BYTES);
                // string objects.
                if (tagv_regex != null && !tagv_regex.matcher(new String(tsuid, CHARSET)).find()) {
                if (to_stdout) {
                    if (last_tsuid != null && Bytes.memcmp(last_tsuid, tsuid) == 0) {
                    last_tsuid = tsuid;
                    try {
                        buf.append(UniqueId.uidToString(tsuid)).append(" ");
                        buf.append(RowKey.metricNameAsync(tsdb, tsuid).joinUninterruptibly());
                        buf.append(" ");
                        final List<byte[]> tag_ids = UniqueId.getTagPairsFromTSUID(tsuid);
                        final Map<String, String> resolved_tags = Tags.resolveIdsAsync(tsdb, tag_ids).joinUninterruptibly();
                        for (final Map.Entry<String, String> tag_pair : resolved_tags.entrySet()) {
                            buf.append(tag_pair.getKey()).append("=").append(tag_pair.getValue()).append(" ");
                    } catch (NoSuchUniqueId nsui) {
                        LOG.error("Unable to resolve UID in TSUID (" + UniqueId.uidToString(tsuid) + ") " + nsui.getMessage());
                    // reset the buffer so we can re-use it
                } else {
            return scan();

        public String toString() {
            return "Scanner callback";
    class CompleteCB implements Callback<List<byte[]>, ArrayList<List<byte[]>>> {

        public List<byte[]> call(final ArrayList<List<byte[]>> unused) throws Exception {
            LOG.debug("Lookup query matched " + tsuids.size() + " time series in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms");
            return tsuids;

        public String toString() {
            return "Final async lookup callback";
    class UIDCB implements Callback<Deferred<List<byte[]>>, Object> {

        public Deferred<List<byte[]>> call(Object arg0) throws Exception {
            if (!query.useMeta() && Const.SALT_WIDTH() > 0 && metric_uid != null) {
                final ArrayList<Deferred<List<byte[]>>> deferreds = new ArrayList<Deferred<List<byte[]>>>(Const.SALT_BUCKETS());
                for (int i = 0; i < Const.SALT_BUCKETS(); i++) {
                    deferreds.add(new ScannerCB(getScanner(i)).scan());
                return CompleteCB());
            } else {
                return new ScannerCB(getScanner(0)).scan();

        public String toString() {
            return "UID resolution callback";
    return resolveUIDs().addCallbackDeferring(new UIDCB());
Also used : Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) Scanner(org.hbase.async.Scanner) KeyValue(org.hbase.async.KeyValue) Deferred(com.stumbleupon.async.Deferred) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Callback(com.stumbleupon.async.Callback) NoSuchUniqueId(net.opentsdb.uid.NoSuchUniqueId) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 55 with KeyValue

use of org.hbase.async.KeyValue in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.

the class Tree method fetchAllTrees.

   * Attempts to retrieve all trees from the UID table, including their rules.
   * If no trees were found, the result will be an empty list
   * @param tsdb The TSDB to use for storage
   * @return A list of tree objects. May be empty if none were found
public static Deferred<List<Tree>> fetchAllTrees(final TSDB tsdb) {
    final Deferred<List<Tree>> result = new Deferred<List<Tree>>();
     * Scanner callback that recursively calls itself to load the next set of
     * rows from storage. When the scanner returns a null, the callback will
     * return with the list of trees discovered.
    final class AllTreeScanner implements Callback<Object, ArrayList<ArrayList<KeyValue>>> {

        private final List<Tree> trees = new ArrayList<Tree>();

        private final Scanner scanner;

        public AllTreeScanner() {
            scanner = setupAllTreeScanner(tsdb);

       * Fetches the next set of results from the scanner and adds this class
       * as a callback.
       * @return A list of trees if the scanner has reached the end
        public Object fetchTrees() {
            return scanner.nextRows().addCallback(this);

        public Object call(ArrayList<ArrayList<KeyValue>> rows) throws Exception {
            if (rows == null) {
                return null;
            for (ArrayList<KeyValue> row : rows) {
                final Tree tree = new Tree();
                for (KeyValue column : row) {
                    if (column.qualifier().length >= TREE_QUALIFIER.length && Bytes.memcmp(TREE_QUALIFIER, column.qualifier()) == 0) {
                        // it's *this* tree. We deserialize to a new object and copy
                        // since the columns could be in any order and we may get a rule 
                        // before the tree object
                        final Tree local_tree = JSON.parseToObject(column.value(), Tree.class);
                        tree.created = local_tree.created;
                        tree.description = local_tree.description;
                        tree.notes = local_tree.notes;
                        tree.strict_match = local_tree.strict_match;
                        tree.enabled = local_tree.enabled;
                        tree.store_failures = local_tree.store_failures;
                        // WARNING: Since the JSON data in storage doesn't contain the tree
                        // ID, we need to parse it from the row key
                    // tree rule
                    } else if (column.qualifier().length > TreeRule.RULE_PREFIX().length && Bytes.memcmp(TreeRule.RULE_PREFIX(), column.qualifier(), 0, TreeRule.RULE_PREFIX().length) == 0) {
                        final TreeRule rule = TreeRule.parseFromStorage(column);
                // only add the tree if we parsed a valid ID
                if (tree.tree_id > 0) {
            // recurse to get the next set of rows from the scanner
            return fetchTrees();
    // start the scanning process
    new AllTreeScanner().fetchTrees();
    return result;
Also used : Scanner(org.hbase.async.Scanner) KeyValue(org.hbase.async.KeyValue) Callback(com.stumbleupon.async.Callback) Deferred(com.stumbleupon.async.Deferred) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List)


KeyValue (org.hbase.async.KeyValue)171 Test (org.junit.Test)127 PrepareForTest (org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest)121 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)101 Annotation (net.opentsdb.meta.Annotation)50 Callback (com.stumbleupon.async.Callback)30 GetRequest (org.hbase.async.GetRequest)21 Scanner (org.hbase.async.Scanner)19 Deferred (com.stumbleupon.async.Deferred)14 HBaseException (org.hbase.async.HBaseException)13 TSDB (net.opentsdb.core.TSDB)12 Matchers.anyString (org.mockito.Matchers.anyString)11 Config (net.opentsdb.utils.Config)10 UniqueIdType (net.opentsdb.uid.UniqueId.UniqueIdType)9 DeleteRequest (org.hbase.async.DeleteRequest)8 DeferredGroupException (com.stumbleupon.async.DeferredGroupException)7 Map (java.util.Map)7 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 PutRequest (org.hbase.async.PutRequest)6 List (java.util.List)5