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Example 1 with QueryException

use of org.hibernate.QueryException in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.

the class AbstractEmptinessExpression method getQueryableCollection.

protected QueryableCollection getQueryableCollection(String entityName, String propertyName, SessionFactoryImplementor factory) throws HibernateException {
    final PropertyMapping ownerMapping = (PropertyMapping) factory.getEntityPersister(entityName);
    final Type type = ownerMapping.toType(propertyName);
    if (!type.isCollectionType()) {
        throw new MappingException("Property path [" + entityName + "." + propertyName + "] does not reference a collection");
    final String role = ((CollectionType) type).getRole();
    try {
        return (QueryableCollection) factory.getCollectionPersister(role);
    } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
        throw new QueryException("collection role is not queryable: " + role);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new QueryException("collection role not found: " + role);
Also used : CollectionType(org.hibernate.type.CollectionType) Type(org.hibernate.type.Type) QueryException(org.hibernate.QueryException) CollectionType(org.hibernate.type.CollectionType) PropertyMapping(org.hibernate.persister.entity.PropertyMapping) QueryableCollection(org.hibernate.persister.collection.QueryableCollection) MappingException(org.hibernate.MappingException) HibernateException(org.hibernate.HibernateException) QueryException(org.hibernate.QueryException) MappingException(org.hibernate.MappingException)

Example 2 with QueryException

use of org.hibernate.QueryException in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.

the class ParameterParser method parse.

	 * Performs the actual parsing and tokenizing of the query string making appropriate
	 * callbacks to the given recognizer upon recognition of the various tokens.
	 * <p/>
	 * Note that currently, this only knows how to deal with a single output
	 * parameter (for callable statements).  If we later add support for
	 * multiple output params, this, obviously, needs to change.
	 * @param sqlString The string to be parsed/tokenized.
	 * @param recognizer The thing which handles recognition events.
	 * @throws QueryException Indicates unexpected parameter conditions.
public static void parse(String sqlString, Recognizer recognizer) throws QueryException {
    final boolean hasMainOutputParameter = startsWithEscapeCallTemplate(sqlString);
    boolean foundMainOutputParam = false;
    final int stringLength = sqlString.length();
    boolean inSingleQuotes = false;
    boolean inDoubleQuotes = false;
    boolean inLineComment = false;
    boolean inDelimitedComment = false;
    for (int indx = 0; indx < stringLength; indx++) {
        final char c = sqlString.charAt(indx);
        final boolean lastCharacter = indx == stringLength - 1;
        // if we are "in" a certain context, check first for the end of that context
        if (inSingleQuotes) {
            if ('\'' == c) {
                inSingleQuotes = false;
        } else if (inDoubleQuotes) {
            if ('\"' == c) {
                inDoubleQuotes = false;
        } else if (inDelimitedComment) {
            if (!lastCharacter && '*' == c && '/' == sqlString.charAt(indx + 1)) {
                inDelimitedComment = false;
                recognizer.other(sqlString.charAt(indx + 1));
        } else if (inLineComment) {
            // see if the character ends the line
            if ('\n' == c) {
                inLineComment = false;
            } else if ('\r' == c) {
                inLineComment = false;
                if (!lastCharacter && '\n' == sqlString.charAt(indx + 1)) {
                    recognizer.other(sqlString.charAt(indx + 1));
        } else // otherwise, see if we start such a context
        if (!lastCharacter && '/' == c && '*' == sqlString.charAt(indx + 1)) {
            inDelimitedComment = true;
            recognizer.other(sqlString.charAt(indx + 1));
        } else if ('-' == c) {
            if (!lastCharacter && '-' == sqlString.charAt(indx + 1)) {
                inLineComment = true;
                recognizer.other(sqlString.charAt(indx + 1));
        } else if ('\"' == c) {
            inDoubleQuotes = true;
        } else if ('\'' == c) {
            inSingleQuotes = true;
        } else // special handling for backslash
        if ('\\' == c) {
            // skip sending the backslash and instead send then next character, treating is as a literal
        } else // otherwise
            if (c == ':' && indx < stringLength - 1 && sqlString.charAt(indx + 1) == ':') {
                // colon character has been escaped
            } else if (c == ':') {
                // named parameter
                final int right = StringHelper.firstIndexOfChar(sqlString, ParserHelper.HQL_SEPARATORS_BITSET, indx + 1);
                final int chopLocation = right < 0 ? sqlString.length() : right;
                final String param = sqlString.substring(indx + 1, chopLocation);
                if (StringHelper.isEmpty(param)) {
                    throw new QueryException("Space is not allowed afterQuery parameter prefix ':' [" + sqlString + "]");
                recognizer.namedParameter(param, indx);
                indx = chopLocation - 1;
            } else if (c == '?') {
                // could be either an ordinal or JPA-positional parameter
                if (indx < stringLength - 1 && Character.isDigit(sqlString.charAt(indx + 1))) {
                    // a peek ahead showed this as an JPA-positional parameter
                    final int right = StringHelper.firstIndexOfChar(sqlString, ParserHelper.HQL_SEPARATORS, indx + 1);
                    final int chopLocation = right < 0 ? sqlString.length() : right;
                    final String param = sqlString.substring(indx + 1, chopLocation);
                    // make sure this "name" is an integral
                    try {
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        throw new QueryException("JPA-style positional param was not an integral ordinal");
                    recognizer.jpaPositionalParameter(param, indx);
                    indx = chopLocation - 1;
                } else {
                    if (hasMainOutputParameter && !foundMainOutputParam) {
                        foundMainOutputParam = true;
                    } else {
            } else {
Also used : QueryException(org.hibernate.QueryException)

Example 3 with QueryException

use of org.hibernate.QueryException in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.

the class HqlSqlWalker method prepareFromClauseInputTree.

protected void prepareFromClauseInputTree(AST fromClauseInput) {
    if (!isSubQuery()) {
        if (isFilter()) {
            // Handle collection-filter compilation.
            // IMPORTANT NOTE: This is modifying the INPUT (HQL) tree, not the output tree!
            QueryableCollection persister = sessionFactoryHelper.getCollectionPersister(collectionFilterRole);
            Type collectionElementType = persister.getElementType();
            if (!collectionElementType.isEntityType()) {
                throw new QueryException("collection of values in filter: this");
            String collectionElementEntityName = persister.getElementPersister().getEntityName();
            ASTFactory inputAstFactory = hqlParser.getASTFactory();
            AST fromElement = inputAstFactory.create(HqlTokenTypes.FILTER_ENTITY, collectionElementEntityName);
            ASTUtil.createSibling(inputAstFactory, HqlTokenTypes.ALIAS, "this", fromElement);
            // Show the modified AST.
            LOG.debug("prepareFromClauseInputTree() : Filter - Added 'this' as a from element...");
            // Create a parameter specification for the collection filter...
            Type collectionFilterKeyType = sessionFactoryHelper.requireQueryableCollection(collectionFilterRole).getKeyType();
            ParameterNode collectionFilterKeyParameter = (ParameterNode) astFactory.create(PARAM, "?");
            CollectionFilterKeyParameterSpecification collectionFilterKeyParameterSpec = new CollectionFilterKeyParameterSpecification(collectionFilterRole, collectionFilterKeyType, positionalParameterCount++);
Also used : UserVersionType(org.hibernate.usertype.UserVersionType) JoinType(org.hibernate.sql.JoinType) CompositeType(org.hibernate.type.CompositeType) DbTimestampType(org.hibernate.type.DbTimestampType) VersionType(org.hibernate.type.VersionType) AssociationType(org.hibernate.type.AssociationType) Type(org.hibernate.type.Type) QueryException(org.hibernate.QueryException) AST(antlr.collections.AST) ASTFactory(antlr.ASTFactory) ParameterNode(org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.ParameterNode) CollectionFilterKeyParameterSpecification(org.hibernate.param.CollectionFilterKeyParameterSpecification) QueryableCollection(org.hibernate.persister.collection.QueryableCollection)

Example 4 with QueryException

use of org.hibernate.QueryException in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.

the class HqlSqlWalker method postProcessInsert.

protected void postProcessInsert(AST insert) throws SemanticException, QueryException {
    InsertStatement insertStatement = (InsertStatement) insert;
    SelectClause selectClause = insertStatement.getSelectClause();
    Queryable persister = insertStatement.getIntoClause().getQueryable();
    if (!insertStatement.getIntoClause().isExplicitIdInsertion()) {
        // the insert did not explicitly reference the id.  See if
        //		1) that is allowed
        //		2) whether we need to alter the SQL tree to account for id
        final IdentifierGenerator generator = persister.getIdentifierGenerator();
        if (!BulkInsertionCapableIdentifierGenerator.class.isInstance(generator)) {
            throw new QueryException("Invalid identifier generator encountered for implicit id handling as part of bulk insertions");
        final BulkInsertionCapableIdentifierGenerator capableGenerator = BulkInsertionCapableIdentifierGenerator.class.cast(generator);
        if (!capableGenerator.supportsBulkInsertionIdentifierGeneration()) {
            throw new QueryException("Identifier generator reported it does not support implicit id handling as part of bulk insertions");
        final String fragment = capableGenerator.determineBulkInsertionIdentifierGenerationSelectFragment(sessionFactoryHelper.getFactory().getDialect());
        if (fragment != null) {
            // we got a fragment from the generator, so alter the sql tree...
            // first, wrap the fragment as a node
            AST fragmentNode = getASTFactory().create(HqlSqlTokenTypes.SQL_TOKEN, fragment);
            // next, rearrange the SQL tree to add the fragment node as the first select expression
            AST originalFirstSelectExprNode = selectClause.getFirstChild();
            // finally, prepend the id column name(s) to the insert-spec
    if (sessionFactoryHelper.getFactory().getDialect().supportsParametersInInsertSelect()) {
        AST child = selectClause.getFirstChild();
        int i = 0;
        while (child != null) {
            if (child instanceof ParameterNode) {
                // infer the parameter type from the type listed in the INSERT INTO clause
                ((ParameterNode) child).setExpectedType(insertStatement.getIntoClause().getInsertionTypes()[selectClause.getParameterPositions().get(i)]);
            child = child.getNextSibling();
    final boolean includeVersionProperty = persister.isVersioned() && !insertStatement.getIntoClause().isExplicitVersionInsertion() && persister.isVersionPropertyInsertable();
    if (includeVersionProperty) {
        // We need to seed the version value as part of this bulk insert
        VersionType versionType = persister.getVersionType();
        AST versionValueNode = null;
        if (sessionFactoryHelper.getFactory().getDialect().supportsParametersInInsertSelect()) {
            int[] sqlTypes = versionType.sqlTypes(sessionFactoryHelper.getFactory());
            if (sqlTypes == null || sqlTypes.length == 0) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(versionType.getClass() + ".sqlTypes() returns null or empty array");
            if (sqlTypes.length > 1) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(versionType.getClass() + ".sqlTypes() returns > 1 element; only single-valued versions are allowed.");
            versionValueNode = getASTFactory().create(HqlSqlTokenTypes.PARAM, "?");
            ParameterSpecification paramSpec = new VersionTypeSeedParameterSpecification(versionType);
            ((ParameterNode) versionValueNode).setHqlParameterSpecification(paramSpec);
            parameters.add(0, paramSpec);
            if (sessionFactoryHelper.getFactory().getDialect().requiresCastingOfParametersInSelectClause()) {
                // we need to wrtap the param in a cast()
                MethodNode versionMethodNode = (MethodNode) getASTFactory().create(HqlSqlTokenTypes.METHOD_CALL, "(");
                AST methodIdentNode = getASTFactory().create(HqlSqlTokenTypes.IDENT, "cast");
                versionMethodNode.initializeMethodNode(methodIdentNode, true);
                AST castExprListNode = getASTFactory().create(HqlSqlTokenTypes.EXPR_LIST, "exprList");
                versionValueNode.setNextSibling(getASTFactory().create(HqlSqlTokenTypes.IDENT, sessionFactoryHelper.getFactory().getDialect().getTypeName(sqlTypes[0])));
                processFunction(versionMethodNode, true);
                versionValueNode = versionMethodNode;
        } else {
            if (isIntegral(versionType)) {
                try {
                    Object seedValue = versionType.seed(null);
                    versionValueNode = getASTFactory().create(HqlSqlTokenTypes.SQL_TOKEN, seedValue.toString());
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    throw new QueryException("could not determine seed value for version on bulk insert [" + versionType + "]");
            } else if (isDatabaseGeneratedTimestamp(versionType)) {
                String functionName = sessionFactoryHelper.getFactory().getDialect().getCurrentTimestampSQLFunctionName();
                versionValueNode = getASTFactory().create(HqlSqlTokenTypes.SQL_TOKEN, functionName);
            } else {
                throw new QueryException("cannot handle version type [" + versionType + "] on bulk inserts with dialects not supporting parameters in insert-select statements");
        AST currentFirstSelectExprNode = selectClause.getFirstChild();
    if (insertStatement.getIntoClause().isDiscriminated()) {
        String sqlValue = insertStatement.getIntoClause().getQueryable().getDiscriminatorSQLValue();
        AST discrimValue = getASTFactory().create(HqlSqlTokenTypes.SQL_TOKEN, sqlValue);
Also used : SelectClause(org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.SelectClause) AST(antlr.collections.AST) CollectionFilterKeyParameterSpecification(org.hibernate.param.CollectionFilterKeyParameterSpecification) ParameterSpecification(org.hibernate.param.ParameterSpecification) PositionalParameterSpecification(org.hibernate.param.PositionalParameterSpecification) VersionTypeSeedParameterSpecification(org.hibernate.param.VersionTypeSeedParameterSpecification) NamedParameterSpecification(org.hibernate.param.NamedParameterSpecification) VersionTypeSeedParameterSpecification(org.hibernate.param.VersionTypeSeedParameterSpecification) Queryable(org.hibernate.persister.entity.Queryable) InsertStatement(org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.InsertStatement) UserVersionType(org.hibernate.usertype.UserVersionType) VersionType(org.hibernate.type.VersionType) BulkInsertionCapableIdentifierGenerator( QueryException(org.hibernate.QueryException) ParameterNode(org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.ParameterNode) MethodNode(org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.MethodNode) IdentifierGenerator( BulkInsertionCapableIdentifierGenerator(

Example 5 with QueryException

use of org.hibernate.QueryException in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.

the class FromElement method handlePropertyBeingDereferenced.

public void handlePropertyBeingDereferenced(Type propertySource, String propertyName) {
    if (getQueryableCollection() != null && CollectionProperties.isCollectionProperty(propertyName)) {
        // propertyName refers to something like collection.size...
    if (propertySource.isComponentType()) {
        // property name is a sub-path of a component...
    Queryable persister = getQueryable();
    if (persister != null) {
        try {
            Queryable.Declarer propertyDeclarer = persister.getSubclassPropertyDeclarer(propertyName);
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOG.tracev("Handling property dereference [{0} ({1}) -> {2} ({3})]", persister.getEntityName(), getClassAlias(), propertyName, propertyDeclarer);
            if (propertyDeclarer == Queryable.Declarer.SUBCLASS) {
                dereferencedBySubclassProperty = true;
                includeSubclasses = true;
            } else if (propertyDeclarer == Queryable.Declarer.SUPERCLASS) {
                dereferencedBySuperclassProperty = true;
        } catch (QueryException ignore) {
        // ignore it; the incoming property could not be found so we
        // cannot be sure what to do here.  At the very least, the
        // safest is to simply not apply any dereference toggling...
Also used : QueryException(org.hibernate.QueryException) Queryable(org.hibernate.persister.entity.Queryable)


QueryException (org.hibernate.QueryException)77 Type (org.hibernate.type.Type)20 Test (org.junit.Test)19 Session (org.hibernate.Session)18 Transaction (org.hibernate.Transaction)12 JoinType (org.hibernate.sql.JoinType)12 Queryable (org.hibernate.persister.entity.Queryable)10 CollectionType (org.hibernate.type.CollectionType)10 MappingException (org.hibernate.MappingException)9 QueryableCollection (org.hibernate.persister.collection.QueryableCollection)9 AssociationType (org.hibernate.type.AssociationType)8 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 HibernateException (org.hibernate.HibernateException)6 JoinSequence (org.hibernate.engine.internal.JoinSequence)6 EntityType (org.hibernate.type.EntityType)6 AST (antlr.collections.AST)5 Map (java.util.Map)5 SemanticException (antlr.SemanticException)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 FromElement (org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.FromElement)4