use of org.hibernate.QueryException in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class IntoClause method visitPropertySpecNodes.
private void visitPropertySpecNodes(AST propertyNode, List types) {
if (propertyNode == null) {
// TODO : we really need to be able to deal with component paths here also;
// this is difficult because the hql-sql grammar expects all those node types
// to be FromReferenceNodes. One potential fix here would be to convert the
// IntoClause to just use a FromClause/FromElement combo (as a child of the
// InsertStatement) and move all this logic into the InsertStatement. That's
// probably the easiest approach (read: least amount of changes to the grammar
// and code), but just doesn't feel right as then an insert would contain
// 2 from-clauses
String name = propertyNode.getText();
if (isSuperclassProperty(name)) {
throw new QueryException("INSERT statements cannot refer to superclass/joined properties [" + name + "]");
if (!explicitIdInsertion) {
if (persister.getIdentifierType() instanceof CompositeType) {
if (componentIds == null) {
String[] propertyNames = ((CompositeType) persister.getIdentifierType()).getPropertyNames();
componentIds = new HashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; i++) {
if (componentIds.contains(name)) {
if (explicitComponentIds == null) {
explicitComponentIds = new ArrayList(componentIds.size());
explicitIdInsertion = explicitComponentIds.size() == componentIds.size();
} else if (name.equals(persister.getIdentifierPropertyName())) {
explicitIdInsertion = true;
if (persister.isVersioned()) {
if (name.equals(persister.getPropertyNames()[persister.getVersionProperty()])) {
explicitVersionInsertion = true;
String[] columnNames = persister.toColumns(name);
// visit width-first, then depth
visitPropertySpecNodes(propertyNode.getNextSibling(), types);
visitPropertySpecNodes(propertyNode.getFirstChild(), types);
use of org.hibernate.QueryException in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class QueryTranslatorImpl method doCompile.
* Performs both filter and non-filter compiling.
* @param replacements Defined query substitutions.
* @param shallow Does this represent a shallow (scalar or entity-id) select?
* @param collectionRole the role name of the collection used as the basis for the filter, NULL if this
* is not a filter.
private synchronized void doCompile(Map replacements, boolean shallow, String collectionRole) {
// If the query is already compiled, skip the compilation.
if (compiled) {
LOG.debug("compile() : The query is already compiled, skipping...");
// Remember the parameters for the compilation.
this.tokenReplacements = replacements;
if (tokenReplacements == null) {
tokenReplacements = new HashMap();
this.shallowQuery = shallow;
try {
// PHASE 1 : Parse the HQL into an AST.
final HqlParser parser = parse(true);
// PHASE 2 : Analyze the HQL AST, and produce an SQL AST.
final HqlSqlWalker w = analyze(parser, collectionRole);
sqlAst = (Statement) w.getAST();
if (sqlAst.needsExecutor()) {
statementExecutor = buildAppropriateStatementExecutor(w);
} else {
// PHASE 3 : Generate the SQL.
generate((QueryNode) sqlAst);
queryLoader = new QueryLoader(this, factory, w.getSelectClause());
compiled = true;
} catch (QueryException qe) {
if (qe.getQueryString() == null) {
throw qe.wrapWithQueryString(hql);
} else {
throw qe;
} catch (RecognitionException e) {
// we do not actually propagate ANTLRExceptions as a cause, so
// log it here for diagnostic purposes
LOG.trace("Converted antlr.RecognitionException", e);
throw QuerySyntaxException.convert(e, hql);
} catch (ANTLRException e) {
// we do not actually propagate ANTLRExceptions as a cause, so
// log it here for diagnostic purposes
LOG.trace("Converted antlr.ANTLRException", e);
throw new QueryException(e.getMessage(), hql);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// translate this into QueryException
LOG.trace("Converted IllegalArgumentException", e);
throw new QueryException(e.getMessage(), hql);
//only needed during compilation phase...
this.enabledFilters = null;
use of org.hibernate.QueryException in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class QueryTranslatorImpl method buildAppropriateStatementExecutor.
private StatementExecutor buildAppropriateStatementExecutor(HqlSqlWalker walker) {
final Statement statement = (Statement) walker.getAST();
if (walker.getStatementType() == HqlSqlTokenTypes.DELETE) {
final FromElement fromElement = walker.getFinalFromClause().getFromElement();
final Queryable persister = fromElement.getQueryable();
if (persister.isMultiTable()) {
return new MultiTableDeleteExecutor(walker);
} else {
return new DeleteExecutor(walker, persister);
} else if (walker.getStatementType() == HqlSqlTokenTypes.UPDATE) {
final FromElement fromElement = walker.getFinalFromClause().getFromElement();
final Queryable persister = fromElement.getQueryable();
if (persister.isMultiTable()) {
// TODO : decide if it is better performance-wise to doAfterTransactionCompletion that check, or to simply use the MultiTableUpdateDelegate
return new MultiTableUpdateExecutor(walker);
} else {
return new BasicExecutor(walker, persister);
} else if (walker.getStatementType() == HqlSqlTokenTypes.INSERT) {
return new BasicExecutor(walker, ((InsertStatement) statement).getIntoClause().getQueryable());
} else {
throw new QueryException("Unexpected statement type");
use of org.hibernate.QueryException in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class DotNode method dereferenceEntityJoin.
private void dereferenceEntityJoin(String classAlias, EntityType propertyType, boolean impliedJoin, AST parent) throws SemanticException {
dereferenceType = DereferenceType.ENTITY;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debugf("dereferenceEntityJoin() : generating join for %s in %s (%s) parent = %s", propertyName, getFromElement().getClassName(), classAlias == null ? "<no alias>" : classAlias, ASTUtil.getDebugString(parent));
// Create a new FROM node for the referenced class.
String associatedEntityName = propertyType.getAssociatedEntityName();
String tableAlias = getAliasGenerator().createName(associatedEntityName);
String[] joinColumns = getColumns();
String joinPath = getPath();
if (impliedJoin && getWalker().isInFrom()) {
joinType = getWalker().getImpliedJoinType();
FromClause currentFromClause = getWalker().getCurrentFromClause();
FromElement elem = currentFromClause.findJoinByPath(joinPath);
// This is the piece which recognizes the condition where an implicit join path
// resolved earlier in a correlated subquery is now being referenced in the
// outer query. For 3.0final, we just let this generate a second join (which
// is exactly how the old parser handles this). Eventually we need to add this
// logic back in and complete the logic in FromClause.promoteJoin; however,
// FromClause.promoteJoin has its own difficulties (see the comments in
// FromClause.promoteJoin).
// if ( elem == null ) {
// // see if this joinPath has been used in a "child" FromClause, and if so
// // promote that element to the outer query
// FromClause currentNodeOwner = getFromElement().getFromClause();
// FromClause currentJoinOwner = currentNodeOwner.locateChildFromClauseWithJoinByPath( joinPath );
// if ( currentJoinOwner != null && currentNodeOwner != currentJoinOwner ) {
// elem = currentJoinOwner.findJoinByPathLocal( joinPath );
// if ( elem != null ) {
// currentFromClause.promoteJoin( elem );
// // EARLY EXIT!!!
// return;
// }
// }
// }
boolean found = elem != null;
// even though we might find a pre-existing element by join path, we may not be able to reuse it...
boolean useFoundFromElement = found && canReuse(classAlias, elem);
if (!useFoundFromElement) {
// If this is an implied join in a from element, then use the impled join type which is part of the
// tree parser's state (set by the gramamar actions).
JoinSequence joinSequence = getSessionFactoryHelper().createJoinSequence(impliedJoin, propertyType, tableAlias, joinType, joinColumns);
// If the lhs of the join is a "component join", we need to go back to the
// first non-component-join as the origin to properly link aliases and
// join columns
FromElement lhsFromElement = getLhs().getFromElement();
while (lhsFromElement != null && ComponentJoin.class.isInstance(lhsFromElement)) {
lhsFromElement = lhsFromElement.getOrigin();
if (lhsFromElement == null) {
throw new QueryException("Unable to locate appropriate lhs");
String role = lhsFromElement.getClassName() + "." + propertyName;
FromElementFactory factory = new FromElementFactory(currentFromClause, lhsFromElement, joinPath, classAlias, joinColumns, impliedJoin);
elem = factory.createEntityJoin(associatedEntityName, tableAlias, joinSequence, fetch, getWalker().isInFrom(), propertyType, role, joinPath);
} else {
// NOTE : addDuplicateAlias() already performs nullness checks on the alias.
currentFromClause.addDuplicateAlias(classAlias, elem);
// This 'dot' expression now refers to the resulting from element.
use of org.hibernate.QueryException in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class DotNode method dereferenceCollection.
private void dereferenceCollection(CollectionType collectionType, boolean implicitJoin, boolean indexed, String classAlias, AST parent) throws SemanticException {
dereferenceType = DereferenceType.COLLECTION;
String role = collectionType.getRole();
//foo.bars.size (also handles deprecated stuff like foo.bars.maxelement for backwardness)
boolean isSizeProperty = getNextSibling() != null && CollectionProperties.isAnyCollectionProperty(getNextSibling().getText());
if (isSizeProperty) {
indexed = true;
QueryableCollection queryableCollection = getSessionFactoryHelper().requireQueryableCollection(role);
String propName = getPath();
FromClause currentFromClause = getWalker().getCurrentFromClause();
// If the lhs of the join is a "component join", we need to go back to the
// first non-component-join as the origin to properly link aliases and
// join columns
FromElement lhsFromElement = getLhs().getFromElement();
while (lhsFromElement != null && ComponentJoin.class.isInstance(lhsFromElement)) {
lhsFromElement = lhsFromElement.getOrigin();
if (lhsFromElement == null) {
throw new QueryException("Unable to locate appropriate lhs");
// in all other cases, we should use the table alias
if (getWalker().getStatementType() != SqlTokenTypes.SELECT) {
if (isFromElementUpdateOrDeleteRoot(lhsFromElement)) {
// at this point we know we have the 2 conditions above,
// lets see if we have the mentioned "multi-table" caveat...
boolean useAlias = false;
if (getWalker().getStatementType() != SqlTokenTypes.INSERT) {
final Queryable persister = lhsFromElement.getQueryable();
if (persister.isMultiTable()) {
useAlias = true;
if (!useAlias) {
final String lhsTableName = lhsFromElement.getQueryable().getTableName();
columns = getFromElement().toColumns(lhsTableName, propertyPath, false, true);
// We do not look for an existing join on the same path, because
// it makes sense to join twice on the same collection role
FromElementFactory factory = new FromElementFactory(currentFromClause, lhsFromElement, propName, classAlias, getColumns(), implicitJoin);
FromElement elem = factory.createCollection(queryableCollection, role, joinType, fetch, indexed);
LOG.debugf("dereferenceCollection() : Created new FROM element for %s : %s", propName, elem);
// This 'dot' expression now refers to the resulting from element.
if (isSizeProperty) {
if (!implicitJoin) {
EntityPersister entityPersister = elem.getEntityPersister();
if (entityPersister != null) {
// Always add the collection's query spaces.