use of org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.IdMappingData in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class IdMetadataGenerator method addId.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
IdMappingData addId(PersistentClass pc, boolean audited) {
// Xml mapping which will be used for relations
final Element relIdMapping = new DefaultElement("properties");
// Xml mapping which will be used for the primary key of the versions table
final Element origIdMapping = new DefaultElement("composite-id");
final Property idProp = pc.getIdentifierProperty();
final Component idMapper = pc.getIdentifierMapper();
// Checking if the id mapping is supported
if (idMapper == null && idProp == null) {
return null;
SimpleIdMapperBuilder mapper;
if (idMapper != null) {
// Multiple id
final Class componentClass = ReflectionTools.loadClass(((Component) pc.getIdentifier()).getComponentClassName(), mainGenerator.getClassLoaderService());
mapper = new MultipleIdMapper(componentClass, pc.getServiceRegistry());
if (!addIdProperties(relIdMapping, (Iterator<Property>) idMapper.getPropertyIterator(), mapper, false, audited)) {
return null;
// null mapper - the mapping where already added the first time, now we only want to generate the xml
if (!addIdProperties(origIdMapping, (Iterator<Property>) idMapper.getPropertyIterator(), null, true, audited)) {
return null;
} else if (idProp.isComposite()) {
// Embedded id
final Component idComponent = (Component) idProp.getValue();
final Class embeddableClass = ReflectionTools.loadClass(idComponent.getComponentClassName(), mainGenerator.getClassLoaderService());
mapper = new EmbeddedIdMapper(getIdPropertyData(idProp), embeddableClass, pc.getServiceRegistry());
if (!addIdProperties(relIdMapping, (Iterator<Property>) idComponent.getPropertyIterator(), mapper, false, audited)) {
return null;
// null mapper - the mapping where already added the first time, now we only want to generate the xml
if (!addIdProperties(origIdMapping, (Iterator<Property>) idComponent.getPropertyIterator(), null, true, audited)) {
return null;
} else {
// Single id
mapper = new SingleIdMapper(pc.getServiceRegistry());
// Last but one parameter: ids are always insertable
mainGenerator.getBasicMetadataGenerator().addBasic(relIdMapping, getIdPersistentPropertyAuditingData(idProp), idProp.getValue(), mapper, true, false);
// null mapper - the mapping where already added the first time, now we only want to generate the xml
mainGenerator.getBasicMetadataGenerator().addBasic(origIdMapping, getIdPersistentPropertyAuditingData(idProp), idProp.getValue(), null, true, true);
origIdMapping.addAttribute("name", mainGenerator.getVerEntCfg().getOriginalIdPropName());
// Adding a relation to the revision entity (effectively: the "revision number" property)
return new IdMappingData(mapper, origIdMapping, relIdMapping);
use of org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.IdMappingData in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class ToOneRelationMetadataGenerator method addToOne.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
void addToOne(Element parent, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData, Value value, CompositeMapperBuilder mapper, String entityName, boolean insertable) {
final String referencedEntityName = ((ToOne) value).getReferencedEntityName();
final IdMappingData idMapping = mainGenerator.getReferencedIdMappingData(entityName, referencedEntityName, propertyAuditingData, true);
final String lastPropertyPrefix = MappingTools.createToOneRelationPrefix(propertyAuditingData.getName());
// Generating the id mapper for the relation
final IdMapper relMapper = idMapping.getIdMapper().prefixMappedProperties(lastPropertyPrefix);
// Storing information about this relation
mainGenerator.getEntitiesConfigurations().get(entityName).addToOneRelation(propertyAuditingData.getName(), referencedEntityName, relMapper, insertable, MappingTools.ignoreNotFound(value));
// If the property isn't insertable, checking if this is not a "fake" bidirectional many-to-one relationship,
// that is, when the one side owns the relation (and is a collection), and the many side is non insertable.
// When that's the case and the user specified to store this relation without a middle table (using
// @AuditMappedBy), we have to make the property insertable for the purposes of Envers. In case of changes to
// the entity that didn't involve the relation, it's value will then be stored properly. In case of changes
// to the entity that did involve the relation, it's the responsibility of the collection side to store the
// proper data.
boolean nonInsertableFake;
if (!insertable && propertyAuditingData.isForceInsertable()) {
nonInsertableFake = true;
insertable = true;
} else {
nonInsertableFake = false;
// Adding an element to the mapping corresponding to the references entity id's
final Element properties = (Element) idMapping.getXmlRelationMapping().clone();
properties.addAttribute("name", propertyAuditingData.getName());
MetadataTools.prefixNamesInPropertyElement(properties, lastPropertyPrefix, MetadataTools.getColumnNameIterator(value.getColumnIterator()), false, insertable);
// Extracting related id properties from properties tag
for (Object o : properties.content()) {
final Element element = (Element) o;
// Adding mapper for the id
final PropertyData propertyData = propertyAuditingData.getPropertyData();
mapper.addComposite(propertyData, new ToOneIdMapper(relMapper, propertyData, referencedEntityName, nonInsertableFake));
use of org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.IdMappingData in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class CollectionMetadataGenerator method addWithMiddleTable.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
private void addWithMiddleTable() {
LOG.debugf("Adding audit mapping for property %s.%s: collection with a join table", referencingEntityName, propertyName);
// Generating the name of the middle table
String auditMiddleTableName;
String auditMiddleEntityName;
if (!StringTools.isEmpty(propertyAuditingData.getJoinTable().name())) {
auditMiddleTableName = propertyAuditingData.getJoinTable().name();
auditMiddleEntityName = propertyAuditingData.getJoinTable().name();
} else {
final String middleTableName = getMiddleTableName(propertyValue, referencingEntityName);
auditMiddleTableName = mainGenerator.getVerEntCfg().getAuditTableName(null, middleTableName);
auditMiddleEntityName = mainGenerator.getVerEntCfg().getAuditEntityName(middleTableName);
LOG.debugf("Using join table name: %s", auditMiddleTableName);
// Generating the XML mapping for the middle entity, only if the relation isn't inverse.
// If the relation is inverse, will be later checked by comparing middleEntityXml with null.
Element middleEntityXml;
if (!propertyValue.isInverse()) {
// Generating a unique middle entity name
auditMiddleEntityName = mainGenerator.getAuditEntityNameRegister().createUnique(auditMiddleEntityName);
// Registering the generated name
middleEntityXml = createMiddleEntityXml(auditMiddleTableName, auditMiddleEntityName, propertyValue.getWhere());
} else {
middleEntityXml = null;
// ******
// Generating the mapping for the referencing entity (it must be an entity).
// ******
// Getting the id-mapping data of the referencing entity (the entity that "owns" this collection).
final IdMappingData referencingIdMapping = referencingEntityConfiguration.getIdMappingData();
// Only valid for an inverse relation; null otherwise.
String mappedBy;
// The referencing prefix is always for a related entity. So it has always the "_" at the end added.
String referencingPrefixRelated;
String referencedPrefix;
if (propertyValue.isInverse()) {
// If the relation is inverse, then referencedEntityName is not null.
mappedBy = getMappedBy(propertyValue.getCollectionTable(), mainGenerator.getMetadata().getEntityBinding(referencedEntityName));
referencingPrefixRelated = mappedBy + "_";
referencedPrefix = StringTools.getLastComponent(referencedEntityName);
} else {
mappedBy = null;
referencingPrefixRelated = StringTools.getLastComponent(referencingEntityName) + "_";
referencedPrefix = referencedEntityName == null ? "element" : propertyName;
// Storing the id data of the referencing entity: original mapper, prefixed mapper and entity name.
final MiddleIdData referencingIdData = createMiddleIdData(referencingIdMapping, referencingPrefixRelated, referencingEntityName);
// Creating a query generator builder, to which additional id data will be added, in case this collection
// references some entities (either from the element or index). At the end, this will be used to build
// a query generator to read the raw data collection from the middle table.
final QueryGeneratorBuilder queryGeneratorBuilder = new QueryGeneratorBuilder(mainGenerator.getGlobalCfg(), mainGenerator.getVerEntCfg(), mainGenerator.getAuditStrategy(), referencingIdData, auditMiddleEntityName, isRevisionTypeInId());
// Adding the XML mapping for the referencing entity, if the relation isn't inverse.
if (middleEntityXml != null) {
// Adding related-entity (in this case: the referencing's entity id) id mapping to the xml.
addRelatedToXmlMapping(middleEntityXml, referencingPrefixRelated, MetadataTools.getColumnNameIterator(propertyValue.getKey().getColumnIterator()), referencingIdMapping);
// ******
// Generating the element mapping.
// ******
final MiddleComponentData elementComponentData = addValueToMiddleTable(propertyValue.getElement(), middleEntityXml, queryGeneratorBuilder, referencedPrefix, propertyAuditingData.getJoinTable().inverseJoinColumns(), !isLobMapElementType());
// ******
// Generating the index mapping, if an index exists.
// ******
final MiddleComponentData indexComponentData = addIndex(middleEntityXml, queryGeneratorBuilder);
// ******
// Generating the property mapper.
// ******
// Building the query generator.
final RelationQueryGenerator queryGenerator =, indexComponentData);
// Creating common data
final CommonCollectionMapperData commonCollectionMapperData = new CommonCollectionMapperData(mainGenerator.getVerEntCfg(), auditMiddleEntityName, propertyAuditingData.getPropertyData(), referencingIdData, queryGenerator);
// Checking the type of the collection and adding an appropriate mapper.
addMapper(commonCollectionMapperData, elementComponentData, indexComponentData);
// ******
// Storing information about this relation.
// ******
use of org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.IdMappingData in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class CollectionMetadataGenerator method addIndex.
private MiddleComponentData addIndex(Element middleEntityXml, QueryGeneratorBuilder queryGeneratorBuilder) {
if (propertyValue instanceof IndexedCollection) {
final IndexedCollection indexedValue = (IndexedCollection) propertyValue;
final String mapKey = propertyAuditingData.getMapKey();
if (mapKey == null) {
// This entity doesn't specify a javax.persistence.MapKey. Mapping it to the middle entity.
return addValueToMiddleTable(indexedValue.getIndex(), middleEntityXml, queryGeneratorBuilder, "mapkey", null, true);
} else {
final IdMappingData referencedIdMapping = mainGenerator.getEntitiesConfigurations().get(referencedEntityName).getIdMappingData();
final int currentIndex = queryGeneratorBuilder == null ? 0 : queryGeneratorBuilder.getCurrentIndex();
if ("".equals(mapKey)) {
// The key of the map is the id of the entity.
return new MiddleComponentData(new MiddleMapKeyIdComponentMapper(mainGenerator.getVerEntCfg(), referencedIdMapping.getIdMapper()), currentIndex);
} else {
// The key of the map is a property of the entity.
return new MiddleComponentData(new MiddleMapKeyPropertyComponentMapper(mapKey, propertyAuditingData.getAccessType()), currentIndex);
} else {
// No index - creating a dummy mapper.
return new MiddleComponentData(new MiddleDummyComponentMapper(), 0);
use of org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.IdMappingData in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class CollectionMetadataGenerator method addValueToMiddleTable.
* @param value Value, which should be mapped to the middle-table, either as a relation to another entity,
* or as a simple value.
* @param xmlMapping If not <code>null</code>, xml mapping for this value is added to this element.
* @param queryGeneratorBuilder In case <code>value</code> is a relation to another entity, information about it
* should be added to the given.
* @param prefix Prefix for proeprty names of related entities identifiers.
* @param joinColumns Names of columns to use in the xml mapping, if this array isn't null and has any elements.
* @return Data for mapping this component.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
private MiddleComponentData addValueToMiddleTable(Value value, Element xmlMapping, QueryGeneratorBuilder queryGeneratorBuilder, String prefix, JoinColumn[] joinColumns, boolean key) {
final Type type = value.getType();
if (type instanceof ManyToOneType) {
final String prefixRelated = prefix + "_";
final String referencedEntityName = MappingTools.getReferencedEntityName(value);
final IdMappingData referencedIdMapping = mainGenerator.getReferencedIdMappingData(referencingEntityName, referencedEntityName, propertyAuditingData, true);
// relation isn't inverse (so when <code>xmlMapping</code> is not null).
if (xmlMapping != null) {
addRelatedToXmlMapping(xmlMapping, prefixRelated, joinColumns != null && joinColumns.length > 0 ? MetadataTools.getColumnNameIterator(joinColumns) : MetadataTools.getColumnNameIterator(value.getColumnIterator()), referencedIdMapping);
// Storing the id data of the referenced entity: original mapper, prefixed mapper and entity name.
final MiddleIdData referencedIdData = createMiddleIdData(referencedIdMapping, prefixRelated, referencedEntityName);
// And adding it to the generator builder.
return new MiddleComponentData(new MiddleRelatedComponentMapper(referencedIdData), queryGeneratorBuilder.getCurrentIndex());
} else if (type instanceof ComponentType) {
// Collection of embeddable elements.
final Component component = (Component) value;
final Class componentClass = ReflectionTools.loadClass(component.getComponentClassName(), mainGenerator.getClassLoaderService());
final MiddleEmbeddableComponentMapper componentMapper = new MiddleEmbeddableComponentMapper(new MultiPropertyMapper(), componentClass);
final Element parentXmlMapping = xmlMapping.getParent();
final ComponentAuditingData auditData = new ComponentAuditingData();
final ReflectionManager reflectionManager = mainGenerator.getMetadata().getMetadataBuildingOptions().getReflectionManager();
new ComponentAuditedPropertiesReader(ModificationStore.FULL, new AuditedPropertiesReader.ComponentPropertiesSource(reflectionManager, component), auditData, mainGenerator.getGlobalCfg(), reflectionManager, "").read();
// Emulating first pass.
for (String auditedPropertyName : auditData.getPropertyNames()) {
final PropertyAuditingData nestedAuditingData = auditData.getPropertyAuditingData(auditedPropertyName);
mainGenerator.addValue(parentXmlMapping, component.getProperty(auditedPropertyName).getValue(), componentMapper, prefix, xmlMappingData, nestedAuditingData, true, true, true);
// Emulating second pass so that the relations can be mapped too.
for (String auditedPropertyName : auditData.getPropertyNames()) {
final PropertyAuditingData nestedAuditingData = auditData.getPropertyAuditingData(auditedPropertyName);
mainGenerator.addValue(parentXmlMapping, component.getProperty(auditedPropertyName).getValue(), componentMapper, referencingEntityName, xmlMappingData, nestedAuditingData, true, false, true);
// Embeddable properties may contain null values, so cannot be stored within composite primary key.
if (propertyValue.isSet()) {
final String setOrdinalPropertyName = mainGenerator.getVerEntCfg().getEmbeddableSetOrdinalPropertyName();
final Element ordinalProperty = MetadataTools.addProperty(xmlMapping, setOrdinalPropertyName, "integer", true, true);
MetadataTools.addColumn(ordinalProperty, setOrdinalPropertyName, null, null, null, null, null, null, false);
return new MiddleComponentData(componentMapper, 0);
} else {
// Last but one parameter: collection components are always insertable
final boolean mapped = mainGenerator.getBasicMetadataGenerator().addBasic(key ? xmlMapping : xmlMapping.getParent(), new PropertyAuditingData(prefix, "field", ModificationStore.FULL, RelationTargetAuditMode.AUDITED, null, null, false), value, null, true, key);
if (mapped && key) {
// Simple values are always stored in the first item of the array returned by the query generator.
return new MiddleComponentData(new MiddleSimpleComponentMapper(mainGenerator.getVerEntCfg(), prefix), 0);
} else if (mapped && !key) {
// when mapped but not part of the key, its stored as a dummy mapper??
return new MiddleComponentData(new MiddleMapElementNotKeyComponentMapper(mainGenerator.getVerEntCfg(), prefix), 0);
} else {
mainGenerator.throwUnsupportedTypeException(type, referencingEntityName, propertyName);
// Impossible to get here.
throw new AssertionError();