use of org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.FromElement in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class JoinProcessor method processJoins.
public void processJoins(QueryNode query) {
final FromClause fromClause = query.getFromClause();
final List fromElements;
if (DotNode.useThetaStyleImplicitJoins) {
// for regression testing against output from the old parser...
// found it easiest to simply reorder the FromElements here into ascending order
// in terms of injecting them into the resulting sql ast in orders relative to those
// expected by the old parser; this is definitely another of those "only needed
// for regression purposes". The SyntheticAndFactory, then, simply injects them as it
// encounters them.
fromElements = new ArrayList();
ListIterator liter = fromClause.getFromElements().listIterator(fromClause.getFromElements().size());
while (liter.hasPrevious()) {
} else {
fromElements = new ArrayList(fromClause.getFromElements().size());
ListIterator<FromElement> liter = fromClause.getFromElements().listIterator();
while (liter.hasNext()) {
FromElement fromElement =;
// We found an implied from element that is used in the WITH clause of another from element, so it need to become part of it's join sequence
if (fromElement instanceof ImpliedFromElement && fromElement.getOrigin().getWithClauseFragment() != null && fromElement.getOrigin().getWithClauseFragment().contains(fromElement.getTableAlias())) {
fromElement.getOrigin().getJoinSequence().addJoin((ImpliedFromElement) fromElement);
// This from element will be rendered as part of the origins join sequence
} else {
// Iterate through the alias,JoinSequence pairs and generate SQL token nodes.
Iterator iter = fromElements.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final FromElement fromElement = (FromElement);
JoinSequence join = fromElement.getJoinSequence();
join.setSelector(new JoinSequence.Selector() {
public boolean includeSubclasses(String alias) {
// The uber-rule here is that we need to include subclass joins if
// the FromElement is in any way dereferenced by a property from
// the subclass table; otherwise we end up with column references
// qualified by a non-existent table reference in the resulting SQL...
boolean containsTableAlias = fromClause.containsTableAlias(alias);
if (fromElement.isDereferencedBySubclassProperty()) {
// TODO : or should we return 'containsTableAlias'??
LOG.tracev("Forcing inclusion of extra joins [alias={0}, containsTableAlias={1}]", alias, containsTableAlias);
return true;
boolean shallowQuery = walker.isShallowQuery();
boolean includeSubclasses = fromElement.isIncludeSubclasses();
boolean subQuery = fromClause.isSubQuery();
return includeSubclasses && containsTableAlias && !subQuery && !shallowQuery;
addJoinNodes(query, join, fromElement);
use of org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.FromElement in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class QueryLoader method initialize.
private void initialize(SelectClause selectClause) {
List fromElementList = selectClause.getFromElementsForLoad();
hasScalars = selectClause.isScalarSelect();
scalarColumnNames = selectClause.getColumnNames();
// sqlResultTypes = selectClause.getSqlResultTypes();
queryReturnTypes = selectClause.getQueryReturnTypes();
aggregatedSelectExpression = selectClause.getAggregatedSelectExpression();
queryReturnAliases = selectClause.getQueryReturnAliases();
List collectionFromElements = selectClause.getCollectionFromElements();
if (collectionFromElements != null && collectionFromElements.size() != 0) {
int length = collectionFromElements.size();
collectionPersisters = new QueryableCollection[length];
collectionOwners = new int[length];
collectionSuffixes = new String[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
FromElement collectionFromElement = (FromElement) collectionFromElements.get(i);
collectionPersisters[i] = collectionFromElement.getQueryableCollection();
collectionOwners[i] = fromElementList.indexOf(collectionFromElement.getOrigin());
// collectionSuffixes[i] = collectionFromElement.getColumnAliasSuffix();
// collectionSuffixes[i] = Integer.toString( i ) + "_";
collectionSuffixes[i] = collectionFromElement.getCollectionSuffix();
int size = fromElementList.size();
entityPersisters = new Queryable[size];
entityEagerPropertyFetches = new boolean[size];
entityAliases = new String[size];
sqlAliases = new String[size];
sqlAliasSuffixes = new String[size];
includeInSelect = new boolean[size];
owners = new int[size];
ownerAssociationTypes = new EntityType[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
final FromElement element = (FromElement) fromElementList.get(i);
entityPersisters[i] = (Queryable) element.getEntityPersister();
if (entityPersisters[i] == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No entity persister for " + element.toString());
entityEagerPropertyFetches[i] = element.isAllPropertyFetch();
sqlAliases[i] = element.getTableAlias();
entityAliases[i] = element.getClassAlias();
sqlAliasByEntityAlias.put(entityAliases[i], sqlAliases[i]);
// TODO should we just collect these like with the collections above?
sqlAliasSuffixes[i] = (size == 1) ? "" : (Integer.toString(i) + "_").intern();
// sqlAliasSuffixes[i] = element.getColumnAliasSuffix();
includeInSelect[i] = !element.isFetch();
if (includeInSelect[i]) {
// by default
owners[i] = -1;
if (element.isFetch()) {
// noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody
if (element.isCollectionJoin() || element.getQueryableCollection() != null) {
// This is now handled earlier in this method.
} else if (element.getDataType().isEntityType()) {
EntityType entityType = (EntityType) element.getDataType();
if (entityType.isOneToOne()) {
owners[i] = fromElementList.indexOf(element.getOrigin());
ownerAssociationTypes[i] = entityType;
// NONE, because its the requested lock mode, not the actual!
defaultLockModes = ArrayHelper.fillArray(LockMode.NONE, size);