use of org.hipparchus.exception.MathIllegalArgumentException in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class BatchLSEstimator method getPhysicalCovariances.
* Get the covariances matrix in space flight dynamics physical units.
* <p>
* This method retrieve the {@link
* org.hipparchus.optim.nonlinear.vector.leastsquares.LeastSquaresProblem.Evaluation#getCovariances(double)
* covariances} from the [@link {@link #getOptimum() optimum} and applies the scaling factors
* to it in order to convert it from raw normalized values back to physical values.
* </p>
* @param threshold threshold to identify matrix singularity
* @return covariances matrix in space flight dynamics physical units
* @exception OrekitException if the covariance matrix cannot be computed (singular problem).
* @since 9.1
public RealMatrix getPhysicalCovariances(final double threshold) throws OrekitException {
final RealMatrix covariances;
try {
// get the normalized matrix
covariances = optimum.getCovariances(threshold).copy();
} catch (MathIllegalArgumentException miae) {
// the problem is singular
throw new OrekitException(miae);
// retrieve the scaling factors
final double[] scale = new double[covariances.getRowDimension()];
int index = 0;
for (final ParameterDriver driver : getOrbitalParametersDrivers(true).getDrivers()) {
scale[index++] = driver.getScale();
for (final ParameterDriver driver : getPropagatorParametersDrivers(true).getDrivers()) {
scale[index++] = driver.getScale();
for (final ParameterDriver driver : getMeasurementsParametersDrivers(true).getDrivers()) {
scale[index++] = driver.getScale();
// unnormalize the matrix, to retrieve physical covariances
for (int i = 0; i < covariances.getRowDimension(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < covariances.getColumnDimension(); ++j) {
covariances.setEntry(i, j, scale[i] * scale[j] * covariances.getEntry(i, j));
return covariances;
use of org.hipparchus.exception.MathIllegalArgumentException in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class FieldAngularCoordinates method inverseCrossProducts.
* Find a vector from two known cross products.
* <p>
* We want to find Ω such that: Ω ⨯ v₁ = c₁ and Ω ⨯ v₂ = c₂
* </p>
* <p>
* The first equation (Ω ⨯ v₁ = c₁) will always be fulfilled exactly,
* and the second one will be fulfilled if possible.
* </p>
* @param v1 vector forming the first known cross product
* @param c1 know vector for cross product Ω ⨯ v₁
* @param v2 vector forming the second known cross product
* @param c2 know vector for cross product Ω ⨯ v₂
* @param tolerance relative tolerance factor used to check singularities
* @param <T> the type of the field elements
* @return vector Ω such that: Ω ⨯ v₁ = c₁ and Ω ⨯ v₂ = c₂
* @exception MathIllegalArgumentException if vectors are inconsistent and
* no solution can be found
private static <T extends RealFieldElement<T>> FieldVector3D<T> inverseCrossProducts(final FieldVector3D<T> v1, final FieldVector3D<T> c1, final FieldVector3D<T> v2, final FieldVector3D<T> c2, final double tolerance) throws MathIllegalArgumentException {
final T v12 = v1.getNormSq();
final T v1n = v12.sqrt();
final T v22 = v2.getNormSq();
final T v2n = v22.sqrt();
final T threshold;
if (v1n.getReal() >= v2n.getReal()) {
threshold = v1n.multiply(tolerance);
} else {
threshold = v2n.multiply(tolerance);
FieldVector3D<T> omega = null;
try {
// create the over-determined linear system representing the two cross products
final FieldMatrix<T> m = MatrixUtils.createFieldMatrix(v12.getField(), 6, 3);
m.setEntry(0, 1, v1.getZ());
m.setEntry(0, 2, v1.getY().negate());
m.setEntry(1, 0, v1.getZ().negate());
m.setEntry(1, 2, v1.getX());
m.setEntry(2, 0, v1.getY());
m.setEntry(2, 1, v1.getX().negate());
m.setEntry(3, 1, v2.getZ());
m.setEntry(3, 2, v2.getY().negate());
m.setEntry(4, 0, v2.getZ().negate());
m.setEntry(4, 2, v2.getX());
m.setEntry(5, 0, v2.getY());
m.setEntry(5, 1, v2.getX().negate());
final T[] kk = MathArrays.buildArray(v2n.getField(), 6);
kk[0] = c1.getX();
kk[1] = c1.getY();
kk[2] = c1.getZ();
kk[3] = c2.getX();
kk[4] = c2.getY();
kk[5] = c2.getZ();
final FieldVector<T> rhs = MatrixUtils.createFieldVector(kk);
// find the best solution we can
final FieldDecompositionSolver<T> solver = new FieldQRDecomposition<>(m).getSolver();
final FieldVector<T> v = solver.solve(rhs);
omega = new FieldVector3D<>(v.getEntry(0), v.getEntry(1), v.getEntry(2));
} catch (MathIllegalArgumentException miae) {
if (miae.getSpecifier() == LocalizedCoreFormats.SINGULAR_MATRIX) {
// handle some special cases for which we can compute a solution
final T c12 = c1.getNormSq();
final T c1n = c12.sqrt();
final T c22 = c2.getNormSq();
final T c2n = c22.sqrt();
if (c1n.getReal() <= threshold.getReal() && c2n.getReal() <= threshold.getReal()) {
// simple special case, velocities are cancelled
return new FieldVector3D<>(v12.getField().getZero(), v12.getField().getZero(), v12.getField().getZero());
} else if (v1n.getReal() <= threshold.getReal() && c1n.getReal() >= threshold.getReal()) {
// this is inconsistent, if v₁ is zero, c₁ must be 0 too
throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.NUMBER_TOO_LARGE, c1n.getReal(), 0, true);
} else if (v2n.getReal() <= threshold.getReal() && c2n.getReal() >= threshold.getReal()) {
// this is inconsistent, if v₂ is zero, c₂ must be 0 too
throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.NUMBER_TOO_LARGE, c2n.getReal(), 0, true);
} else if (v1.crossProduct(v1).getNorm().getReal() <= threshold.getReal() && v12.getReal() > threshold.getReal()) {
// simple special case, v₂ is redundant with v₁, we just ignore it
// use the simplest Ω: orthogonal to both v₁ and c₁
omega = new FieldVector3D<>(v12.reciprocal(), v1.crossProduct(c1));
} else {
throw miae;
// check results
final T d1 = FieldVector3D.distance(omega.crossProduct(v1), c1);
if (d1.getReal() > threshold.getReal()) {
throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.NUMBER_TOO_LARGE, 0, true);
final T d2 = FieldVector3D.distance(omega.crossProduct(v2), c2);
if (d2.getReal() > threshold.getReal()) {
throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.NUMBER_TOO_LARGE, 0, true);
return omega;
use of org.hipparchus.exception.MathIllegalArgumentException in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class FieldAngularCoordinatesTest method checkInverse.
private <T extends RealFieldElement<T>> void checkInverse(FieldVector3D<T> omega, FieldVector3D<T> v1, FieldVector3D<T> c1, FieldVector3D<T> v2, FieldVector3D<T> c2) throws MathIllegalArgumentException {
try {
Method inverse;
inverse = FieldAngularCoordinates.class.getDeclaredMethod("inverseCrossProducts", FieldVector3D.class, FieldVector3D.class, FieldVector3D.class, FieldVector3D.class, Double.TYPE);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") FieldVector3D<T> rebuilt = (FieldVector3D<T>) inverse.invoke(null, v1, c1, v2, c2, 1.0e-9);
Assert.assertEquals(0.0, FieldVector3D.distance(omega, rebuilt).getReal(), 5.0e-12 * omega.getNorm().getReal());
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {;
} catch (SecurityException e) {;
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {;
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw (MathIllegalArgumentException) e.getCause();
use of org.hipparchus.exception.MathIllegalArgumentException in project symja_android_library by axkr.
the class NIntegrate method integrate.
// public final static ISymbol LegendreGauss = F
// .initFinalSymbol(Config.PARSER_USE_LOWERCASE_SYMBOLS ? "legendregauss" : "LegendreGauss");
* Integrate a function numerically.
* @param method the following methods are possible: LegendreGauss, Simpson, Romberg, Trapezoid
* @param list a list of the form <code>{x, lowerBound, upperBound}</code>, where <code>lowerBound
* </code> and <code>upperBound</code> are numbers which could be converted to a Java double
* value.
* @param min Lower bound of the integration interval.
* @param max Upper bound of the integration interval.
* @param function the function which should be integrated.
* @param maxPoints maximum number of points
* @param maxIterations maximum number of iterations
* @return
* @throws MathIllegalStateException
public static double integrate(String method, IAST list, double min, double max, IExpr function, int maxPoints, int maxIterations) throws MathIllegalStateException {
GaussIntegratorFactory factory = new GaussIntegratorFactory();
if (!list.arg1().isSymbol()) {
// `1` is not a valid variable.
String str = IOFunctions.getMessage("ivar", F.list(list.arg1()), EvalEngine.get());
throw new ArgumentTypeException(str);
ISymbol xVar = (ISymbol) list.arg1();
final EvalEngine engine = EvalEngine.get();
IExpr tempFunction = F.eval(function);
UnivariateFunction f = new UnaryNumerical(tempFunction, xVar, engine);
UnivariateIntegrator integrator;
if ("Simpson".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) {
integrator = new SimpsonIntegrator();
} else if ("Romberg".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) {
integrator = new RombergIntegrator();
} else if ("Trapezoid".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) {
integrator = new TrapezoidIntegrator();
} else {
if (maxPoints > 1000) {
// see also
throw new MathIllegalArgumentException(LocalizedCoreFormats.NUMBER_TOO_LARGE, maxPoints, 1000);
// default: LegendreGauss
GaussIntegrator integ = factory.legendre(maxPoints, min, max);
return integ.integrate(f);
return integrator.integrate(maxIterations, f, min, max);
use of org.hipparchus.exception.MathIllegalArgumentException in project symja_android_library by axkr.
the class NIntegrate method evaluate.
* Function for <a href="">numerical
* integration</a> of univariate real functions.
* <p>
* Uses the LegendreGaussIntegrator, RombergIntegrator, SimpsonIntegrator, TrapezoidIntegrator
* implementations.
public IExpr evaluate(final IAST ast, EvalEngine engine) {
String method = "LegendreGauss";
int maxPoints = DEFAULT_MAX_POINTS;
int maxIterations = DEFAULT_MAX_ITERATIONS;
// automatic scale value
int precisionGoal = 16;
if (ast.size() >= 4) {
final OptionArgs options = new OptionArgs(ast.topHead(), ast, 3, engine);
IExpr option = options.getOption(S.Method);
if (option.isSymbol()) {
method = option.toString();
option = options.getOption(S.MaxPoints);
if (option.isReal()) {
maxPoints = ((ISignedNumber) option).toIntDefault(-1);
if (maxPoints <= 0) {
LOGGER.log(engine.getLogLevel(), "NIntegrate: Error in option MaxPoints. Using default value: {}", maxPoints);
maxIterations = options.getOptionMaxIterations(S.MaxIterations);
if (maxIterations == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
return F.NIL;
if (maxIterations < 0) {
option = options.getOption(S.PrecisionGoal);
if (option.isReal()) {
precisionGoal = ((ISignedNumber) option).toIntDefault(-1);
if (precisionGoal <= 0) {
LOGGER.log(engine.getLogLevel(), "NIntegrate: Error in option PrecisionGoal. Using default value: {}", precisionGoal);
precisionGoal = 16;
if (ast.arg2().isList()) {
IAST list = (IAST) ast.arg2();
IExpr function = ast.arg1();
if (list.isAST3() && list.arg1().isSymbol()) {
ISignedNumber min = list.arg2().evalReal();
ISignedNumber max = list.arg3().evalReal();
if (min != null && max != null) {
if (function.isEqual()) {
IAST equalAST = (IAST) function;
function = F.Plus(equalAST.arg1(), F.Negate(equalAST.arg2()));
try {
double result = integrate(method, list, min.doubleValue(), max.doubleValue(), function, maxPoints, maxIterations);
result = Precision.round(result, precisionGoal);
return Num.valueOf(result);
} catch (MathIllegalArgumentException | MathIllegalStateException miae) {
// `1`.
return IOFunctions.printMessage(ast.topHead(), "error", F.list(F.$str(miae.getMessage())), engine);
} catch (MathRuntimeException mre) {
LOGGER.log(engine.getLogLevel(), ast.topHead(), mre);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.log(engine.getLogLevel(), "NIntegrate: (method={}) ", method, e);
return F.NIL;