use of org.hipparchus.util.Decimal64 in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class FundamentalNutationArgumentsTest method testDotField.
public void testDotField() throws OrekitException {
final IERSConventions conventions = IERSConventions.IERS_2010;
final TimeScale ut1 = TimeScalesFactory.getUT1(conventions, false);
final FundamentalNutationArguments fna = conventions.getNutationArguments(ut1);
final FieldAbsoluteDate<Decimal64> t0 = new FieldAbsoluteDate<>(Decimal64Field.getInstance(), 2002, 4, 7, 12, 34, 22.5, TimeScalesFactory.getUTC());
final UnivariateDifferentiableFunction gamma = differentiate(fna, t0, b -> b.getGamma());
final UnivariateDifferentiableFunction l = differentiate(fna, t0, b -> b.getL());
final UnivariateDifferentiableFunction lPrime = differentiate(fna, t0, b -> b.getLPrime());
final UnivariateDifferentiableFunction f = differentiate(fna, t0, b -> b.getF());
final UnivariateDifferentiableFunction d = differentiate(fna, t0, b -> b.getD());
final UnivariateDifferentiableFunction lMe = differentiate(fna, t0, b -> b.getLMe());
final UnivariateDifferentiableFunction lVe = differentiate(fna, t0, b -> b.getLVe());
final UnivariateDifferentiableFunction lE = differentiate(fna, t0, b -> b.getLE());
final UnivariateDifferentiableFunction lMa = differentiate(fna, t0, b -> b.getLMa());
final UnivariateDifferentiableFunction lJu = differentiate(fna, t0, b -> b.getLJu());
final UnivariateDifferentiableFunction lSa = differentiate(fna, t0, b -> b.getLSa());
final UnivariateDifferentiableFunction lUr = differentiate(fna, t0, b -> b.getLUr());
final UnivariateDifferentiableFunction lNe = differentiate(fna, t0, b -> b.getLNe());
final UnivariateDifferentiableFunction pa = differentiate(fna, t0, b -> b.getPa());
final DSFactory factory = new DSFactory(1, 1);
double maxErrorGamma = 0;
double maxErrorL = 0;
double maxErrorLPrime = 0;
double maxErrorF = 0;
double maxErrorD = 0;
double maxErrorLMe = 0;
double maxErrorLVe = 0;
double maxErrorLE = 0;
double maxErrorLMa = 0;
double maxErrorLJu = 0;
double maxErrorLSa = 0;
double maxErrorLUr = 0;
double maxErrorLNe = 0;
double maxErrorPa = 0;
for (double dt = 0; dt < Constants.JULIAN_DAY; dt += 60.0) {
FieldBodiesElements<Decimal64> be = fna.evaluateAll(t0.shiftedBy(dt));
DerivativeStructure dtDS = factory.variable(0, dt);
maxErrorGamma = FastMath.max(maxErrorGamma, FastMath.abs(gamma.value(dtDS).getPartialDerivative(1) - be.getGammaDot().getReal()));
maxErrorL = FastMath.max(maxErrorL, FastMath.abs(l.value(dtDS).getPartialDerivative(1) - be.getLDot().getReal()));
maxErrorLPrime = FastMath.max(maxErrorLPrime, FastMath.abs(lPrime.value(dtDS).getPartialDerivative(1) - be.getLPrimeDot().getReal()));
maxErrorF = FastMath.max(maxErrorF, FastMath.abs(f.value(dtDS).getPartialDerivative(1) - be.getFDot().getReal()));
maxErrorD = FastMath.max(maxErrorD, FastMath.abs(d.value(dtDS).getPartialDerivative(1) - be.getDDot().getReal()));
maxErrorLMe = FastMath.max(maxErrorLMe, FastMath.abs(lMe.value(dtDS).getPartialDerivative(1) - be.getLMeDot().getReal()));
maxErrorLVe = FastMath.max(maxErrorLVe, FastMath.abs(lVe.value(dtDS).getPartialDerivative(1) - be.getLVeDot().getReal()));
maxErrorLE = FastMath.max(maxErrorLE, FastMath.abs(lE.value(dtDS).getPartialDerivative(1) - be.getLEDot().getReal()));
maxErrorLMa = FastMath.max(maxErrorLMa, FastMath.abs(lMa.value(dtDS).getPartialDerivative(1) - be.getLMaDot().getReal()));
maxErrorLJu = FastMath.max(maxErrorLJu, FastMath.abs(lJu.value(dtDS).getPartialDerivative(1) - be.getLJuDot().getReal()));
maxErrorLSa = FastMath.max(maxErrorLSa, FastMath.abs(lSa.value(dtDS).getPartialDerivative(1) - be.getLSaDot().getReal()));
maxErrorLUr = FastMath.max(maxErrorLUr, FastMath.abs(lUr.value(dtDS).getPartialDerivative(1) - be.getLUrDot().getReal()));
maxErrorLNe = FastMath.max(maxErrorLNe, FastMath.abs(lNe.value(dtDS).getPartialDerivative(1) - be.getLNeDot().getReal()));
maxErrorPa = FastMath.max(maxErrorPa, FastMath.abs(pa.value(dtDS).getPartialDerivative(1) - be.getPaDot().getReal()));
Assert.assertEquals(0, maxErrorGamma, 8.0e-13);
Assert.assertEquals(0, maxErrorL, 1.0e-14);
Assert.assertEquals(0, maxErrorLPrime, 6.0e-16);
Assert.assertEquals(0, maxErrorF, 6.0e-15);
Assert.assertEquals(0, maxErrorD, 6.0e-15);
Assert.assertEquals(0, maxErrorLMe, 2.0e-15);
Assert.assertEquals(0, maxErrorLVe, 5.0e-16);
Assert.assertEquals(0, maxErrorLE, 3.0e-16);
Assert.assertEquals(0, maxErrorLMa, 4.0e-16);
Assert.assertEquals(0, maxErrorLJu, 3.0e-17);
Assert.assertEquals(0, maxErrorLSa, 4.0e-17);
Assert.assertEquals(0, maxErrorLUr, 1.0e-16);
Assert.assertEquals(0, maxErrorLNe, 8.0e-17);
Assert.assertEquals(0, maxErrorPa, 3.0e-20);
use of org.hipparchus.util.Decimal64 in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class DTM2000Test method testField.
public void testField() throws OrekitException {
Frame itrf = FramesFactory.getITRF(IERSConventions.IERS_2010, true);
PVCoordinatesProvider sun = CelestialBodyFactory.getSun();
OneAxisEllipsoid earth = new OneAxisEllipsoid(6378136.460, 1.0 / 298.257222101, itrf);
SolarInputs97to05 in = SolarInputs97to05.getInstance();
DTM2000 atm = new DTM2000(in, sun, earth);
// Computation and results
for (double alti = 400; alti < 1000; alti += 50) {
for (double lon = 0; lon < 6; lon += 0.5) {
for (double lat = -1.5; lat < 1.5; lat += 0.5) {
for (double hl = 0; hl < 6; hl += 0.5) {
double rhoD = atm.getDensity(185, alti * 1000, lon, lat, hl, 50, 150, 0, 0);
Decimal64 rho64 = atm.getDensity(185, new Decimal64(alti * 1000), new Decimal64(lon), new Decimal64(lat), new Decimal64(hl), 50, 150, 0, 0);
Assert.assertEquals(rhoD, rho64.getReal(), rhoD * 1e-14);
use of org.hipparchus.util.Decimal64 in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class JB2008Test method testDensityField.
public void testDensityField() throws OrekitException {
final Frame itrf = FramesFactory.getITRF(IERSConventions.IERS_2010, true);
final OneAxisEllipsoid earth = new OneAxisEllipsoid(Constants.WGS84_EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS, Constants.WGS84_EARTH_FLATTENING, itrf);
final JB2008 atm = new JB2008(new InputParams(), CelestialBodyFactory.getSun(), earth);
final AbsoluteDate date = InputParams.TC[4];
for (double alt = 100; alt < 1000; alt += 50) {
for (double lat = -1.2; lat < 1.2; lat += 0.4) {
for (double lon = 0; lon < 6.28; lon += 0.8) {
final GeodeticPoint point = new GeodeticPoint(lat, lon, alt * 1000.);
final Vector3D pos = earth.transform(point);
Field<Decimal64> field = Decimal64Field.getInstance();
// Run
final double rho = atm.getDensity(date, pos, itrf);
final Decimal64 rho64 = atm.getDensity(new FieldAbsoluteDate<>(field, date), new FieldVector3D<>(field.getOne(), pos), itrf);
Assert.assertEquals(rho, rho64.getReal(), rho * 4.0e-13);
use of org.hipparchus.util.Decimal64 in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class BoxAndSolarArraySpacecraftTest method testNormalFixedRateField.
public void testNormalFixedRateField() throws OrekitException {
AbsoluteDate initialDate = propagator.getInitialState().getDate();
CelestialBody sun = CelestialBodyFactory.getSun();
BoxAndSolarArraySpacecraft s = new BoxAndSolarArraySpacecraft(0, 0, 0, sun, 20.0, Vector3D.PLUS_J, initialDate, Vector3D.PLUS_K, 1.0e-3, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
Field<Decimal64> field = Decimal64Field.getInstance();
for (double dt = 0; dt < 4000; dt += 60) {
AbsoluteDate date = initialDate.shiftedBy(dt);
SpacecraftState state = propagator.propagate(date);
FieldVector3D<Decimal64> normal = s.getNormal(new FieldAbsoluteDate<>(field, state.getDate()), state.getFrame(), new FieldVector3D<>(field, state.getPVCoordinates().getPosition()), new FieldRotation<>(field, state.getAttitude().getRotation()));
Assert.assertEquals(0, FieldVector3D.dotProduct(normal, Vector3D.PLUS_J).getReal(), 1.0e-16);
use of org.hipparchus.util.Decimal64 in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class NRLMSISE00Test method testDensityField.
public void testDensityField() throws OrekitException {
// Build the input params provider
final InputParams ip = new InputParams();
// Get Sun
final PVCoordinatesProvider sun = CelestialBodyFactory.getSun();
// Get Earth body shape
final Frame itrf = FramesFactory.getITRF(IERSConventions.IERS_2010, true);
final OneAxisEllipsoid earth = new OneAxisEllipsoid(Constants.WGS84_EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS, Constants.WGS84_EARTH_FLATTENING, itrf);
// Build the model
final NRLMSISE00 atm = new NRLMSISE00(ip, sun, earth);
// Build the date
final AbsoluteDate date = new AbsoluteDate(new DateComponents(2003, 172), new TimeComponents(29000.), TimeScalesFactory.getUT1(IERSConventions.IERS_2010, true));
// Build the position
final double alt = 400.;
final double lat = 60.;
final double lon = -70.;
final GeodeticPoint point = new GeodeticPoint(FastMath.toRadians(lat), FastMath.toRadians(lon), alt * 1000.);
final Vector3D pos = earth.transform(point);
Field<Decimal64> field = Decimal64Field.getInstance();
// Run
final double rho = atm.getDensity(date, pos, itrf);
final Decimal64 rho64 = atm.getDensity(new FieldAbsoluteDate<>(field, date), new FieldVector3D<>(field.getOne(), pos), itrf);
Assert.assertEquals(rho, rho64.getReal(), rho * 2.0e-13);