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Example 1 with DateUtils.getMediumDateString

use of org.hisp.dhis.system.util.DateUtils.getMediumDateString in project dhis2-core by dhis2.

the class AnalyticsUtils method getDataValueSetFromGrid.

     * Generates a data value set based on the given grid with aggregated data.
     * Sets the created and last updated fields to the current date.
     * @param params the data query parameters.
     * @param grid the grid.
     * @return a data value set.
public static DataValueSet getDataValueSetFromGrid(DataQueryParams params, Grid grid) {
    int dxInx = grid.getIndexOfHeader(DATA_X_DIM_ID);
    int peInx = grid.getIndexOfHeader(PERIOD_DIM_ID);
    int ouInx = grid.getIndexOfHeader(ORGUNIT_DIM_ID);
    int coInx = grid.getIndexOfHeader(CATEGORYOPTIONCOMBO_DIM_ID);
    int aoInx = grid.getIndexOfHeader(ATTRIBUTEOPTIONCOMBO_DIM_ID);
    int vlInx = grid.getWidth() - 1;
    Assert.isTrue(dxInx >= 0, "Data dimension index must be greater than or equal to zero");
    Assert.isTrue(peInx >= 0, "Period dimension index must be greater than or equal to zero");
    Assert.isTrue(ouInx >= 0, "Org unit dimension index must be greater than or equal to zero");
    Assert.isTrue(coInx >= 0, "Category option combo dimension index must be greater than or equal to zero");
    Assert.isTrue(aoInx >= 0, "Attribute option combo dimension index must be greater than or equal to zero");
    Assert.isTrue(vlInx >= 0, "Value index must be greater than or equal to zero");
    String created = DateUtils.getMediumDateString();
    DataValueSet dvs = new DataValueSet();
    Set<String> primaryKeys = Sets.newHashSet();
    for (List<Object> row : grid.getRows()) {
        DataValue dv = new DataValue();
        Object coc = row.get(coInx);
        Object aoc = row.get(aoInx);
        dv.setCategoryOptionCombo(coc != null ? String.valueOf(coc) : null);
        dv.setAttributeOptionCombo(aoc != null ? String.valueOf(aoc) : null);
        if (!params.isDuplicatesOnly() || !primaryKeys.add(dv.getPrimaryKey())) {
    return dvs;
Also used : DataValueSet(org.hisp.dhis.dxf2.datavalueset.DataValueSet) DataValue(org.hisp.dhis.dxf2.datavalue.DataValue) DimensionalObject(org.hisp.dhis.common.DimensionalObject) DateUtils.getMediumDateString(org.hisp.dhis.system.util.DateUtils.getMediumDateString)


DimensionalObject (org.hisp.dhis.common.DimensionalObject)1 DataValue (org.hisp.dhis.dxf2.datavalue.DataValue)1 DataValueSet (org.hisp.dhis.dxf2.datavalueset.DataValueSet)1 DateUtils.getMediumDateString (org.hisp.dhis.system.util.DateUtils.getMediumDateString)1