use of org.hl7.davinci.PrefetchTemplateElement in project CRD by HL7-DaVinci.
the class PrefetchHydrator method hydrate.
* Attempt to hydrate missing prefetch elements, note that this modifies the request object.
public void hydrate() {
Object crdResponse = cdsRequest.getPrefetch();
for (PrefetchTemplateElement prefetchElement : cdsService.getPrefetchElements()) {
String prefetchKey = prefetchElement.getKey();
// check if the prefetch has already been populated with that key
Boolean alreadyIncluded = false;
try {
alreadyIncluded = (PropertyUtils.getProperty(crdResponse, prefetchKey) != null);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("System error: Mismatch in prefetch keys between the " + "CrdPrefetch and the key templates set in the service.", e);
if (!alreadyIncluded) {
// check if the bundle actually has element
String prefetchQuery = cdsService.prefetch.get(prefetchKey);
String hydratedPrefetchQuery = hydratePrefetchQuery(prefetchQuery);
// e.g. this could be a query template for a medication order but we have a device request
if (hydratedPrefetchQuery != null) {
if (cdsRequest.getFhirServer() == null) {
throw new FatalRequestIncompleteException("Attempting to fill the prefetch, but no fhir " + "server provided. Either provide a full prefetch or provide a fhir server.");
try {
PropertyUtils.setProperty(crdResponse, prefetchKey, prefetchElement.getReturnType().cast(FhirRequestProcessor.executeFhirQueryUrl(hydratedPrefetchQuery, cdsRequest, fhirComponents, HttpMethod.GET)));
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("Failed to fill prefetch for key: " + prefetchKey, e);