use of org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Quantity in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class QuestionnaireBuilder method processDataType.
private void processDataType(StructureDefinition profile, QuestionnaireItemComponent group, ElementDefinition element, String path, TypeRefComponent t, List<QuestionnaireResponse.QuestionnaireResponseItemComponent> answerGroups, List<ElementDefinition> parents) throws FHIRException {
String tc = t.getWorkingCode();
if (tc.equals("code"))
addCodeQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (Utilities.existsInList(tc, "string", "id", "oid", "uuid", "markdown"))
addStringQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (Utilities.existsInList(tc, "uri", "url", "canonical"))
addUriQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("boolean"))
addBooleanQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("decimal"))
addDecimalQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("dateTime") || tc.equals("date"))
addDateTimeQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("instant"))
addInstantQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("time"))
addTimeQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("CodeableConcept"))
addCodeableConceptQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Period"))
addPeriodQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Ratio"))
addRatioQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("HumanName"))
addHumanNameQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Address"))
addAddressQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("ContactPoint"))
addContactPointQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Identifier"))
addIdentifierQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("integer") || tc.equals("positiveInt") || tc.equals("unsignedInt"))
addIntegerQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Coding"))
addCodingQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (Utilities.existsInList(tc, "Quantity", "Count", "Age", "Duration", "Distance", "Money"))
addQuantityQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Money"))
addMoneyQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Reference"))
addReferenceQuestions(group, element, path, t.getTargetProfile(), answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Duration"))
addDurationQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("base64Binary"))
addBinaryQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Attachment"))
addAttachmentQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Age"))
addAgeQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Range"))
addRangeQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Timing"))
addTimingQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Annotation"))
addAnnotationQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("SampledData"))
addSampledDataQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (tc.equals("Extension")) {
if (t.hasProfile())
addExtensionQuestions(profile, group, element, path, t.getProfile().get(0).getValue(), answerGroups, parents);
} else if (tc.equals("SampledData"))
addSampledDataQuestions(group, element, path, answerGroups);
else if (!tc.equals("Narrative") && !tc.equals("Resource") && !tc.equals("Meta") && !tc.equals("Signature")) {
StructureDefinition sd = context.fetchTypeDefinition(tc);
if (sd == null)
throw new NotImplementedException("Unhandled Data Type: " + tc + " on element " + element.getPath());
buildGroup(group, sd, sd.getSnapshot().getElementFirstRep(), parents, answerGroups);
use of org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Quantity in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class StructureMapUtilities method analyseTransform.
private TypeDetails analyseTransform(TransformContext context, StructureMap map, StructureMapGroupRuleTargetComponent tgt, VariableForProfiling var, VariablesForProfiling vars) throws FHIRException {
switch(tgt.getTransform()) {
case CREATE:
String p = getParamString(vars, tgt.getParameter().get(0));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, p);
case COPY:
return getParam(vars, tgt.getParameter().get(0));
ExpressionNode expr = (ExpressionNode) tgt.getUserData(MAP_EXPRESSION);
if (expr == null) {
expr = fpe.parse(getParamString(vars, tgt.getParameter().get(tgt.getParameter().size() - 1)));
tgt.setUserData(MAP_WHERE_EXPRESSION, expr);
return fpe.check(vars, null, expr);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "CodeableConcept");
case CC:
ProfiledType res = new ProfiledType("CodeableConcept");
if (tgt.getParameter().size() >= 2 && isParamId(vars, tgt.getParameter().get(1))) {
TypeDetails td = vars.get(null, getParamId(vars, tgt.getParameter().get(1))).getProperty().getTypes();
if (td != null && td.hasBinding())
// todo: do we need to check that there's no implicit translation her? I don't think we do...
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, res);
case C:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "Coding");
case QTY:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "Quantity");
VariableForProfiling vrs = vars.get(VariableMode.OUTPUT, getParamId(vars, tgt.getParameterFirstRep()));
if (vrs == null)
throw new FHIRException("Unable to resolve variable \"" + getParamId(vars, tgt.getParameterFirstRep()) + "\"");
String profile = vrs.getProperty().getProfileProperty().getStructure().getUrl();
TypeDetails td = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON);
td.addType("Reference", profile);
return td;
throw new Error("Transform Unknown or not handled yet: " + tgt.getTransform().toCode());
use of org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Quantity in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class Element method getAsICoding.
public ICoding getAsICoding() throws FHIRException {
if ("code".equals(fhirType())) {
if (property.getDefinition().getBinding().getStrength() != BindingStrength.REQUIRED)
return null;
ICodingImpl c = new ICodingImpl(true, true, false, false);
c.code = primitiveValue();
ValueSetExpansionOutcome vse = property.getContext().expandVS(property.getDefinition().getBinding(), true, false);
if (vse.getValueset() == null)
return null;
for (ValueSetExpansionContainsComponent cc : vse.getValueset().getExpansion().getContains()) {
if (cc.getCode().equals(c.code)) {
c.system = cc.getSystem();
if (cc.hasVersion()) {
c.doesVersion = true;
c.version = cc.getVersion();
if (cc.hasDisplay()) {
c.doesDisplay = true;
c.display = cc.getDisplay();
if (c.system == null)
return null;
return c;
} else if ("Coding".equals(fhirType())) {
ICodingImpl c = new ICodingImpl(true, true, true, true);
c.system = getNamedChildValue("system");
c.code = getNamedChildValue("code");
c.display = getNamedChildValue("display");
c.version = getNamedChildValue("version");
return c;
} else if ("Quantity".equals(fhirType())) {
ICodingImpl c = new ICodingImpl(true, true, false, false);
c.system = getNamedChildValue("system");
c.code = getNamedChildValue("code");
return c;
} else
return null;
use of org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Quantity in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class FHIRPathEngine method opGreaterOrEqual.
private List<Base> opGreaterOrEqual(List<Base> left, List<Base> right, ExpressionNode expr) throws FHIRException {
if (left.size() == 0 || right.size() == 0) {
return new ArrayList<Base>();
if (left.size() == 1 && right.size() == 1 && left.get(0).isPrimitive() && right.get(0).isPrimitive()) {
Base l = left.get(0);
Base r = right.get(0);
if (l.hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) && r.hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING)) {
return makeBoolean(l.primitiveValue().compareTo(r.primitiveValue()) >= 0);
} else if ((l.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt")) && (r.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt"))) {
return makeBoolean(new Double(l.primitiveValue()) >= new Double(r.primitiveValue()));
} else if ((l.hasType("date", "dateTime", "instant")) && (r.hasType("date", "dateTime", "instant"))) {
Integer i = compareDateTimeElements(l, r, false);
if (i == null) {
return makeNull();
} else {
return makeBoolean(i >= 0);
} else if ((l.hasType("time")) && (r.hasType("time"))) {
Integer i = compareTimeElements(l, r, false);
if (i == null) {
return makeNull();
} else {
return makeBoolean(i >= 0);
} else {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_CANT_COMPARE, l.fhirType(), r.fhirType());
} else if (left.size() == 1 && right.size() == 1 && left.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity") && right.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity")) {
List<Base> lUnit = left.get(0).listChildrenByName("unit");
List<Base> rUnit = right.get(0).listChildrenByName("unit");
if (Base.compareDeep(lUnit, rUnit, true)) {
return opGreaterOrEqual(left.get(0).listChildrenByName("value"), right.get(0).listChildrenByName("value"), expr);
} else {
if (worker.getUcumService() == null) {
return makeBoolean(false);
} else {
List<Base> dl = new ArrayList<Base>();
dl.add(qtyToCanonicalDecimal((Quantity) left.get(0)));
List<Base> dr = new ArrayList<Base>();
dr.add(qtyToCanonicalDecimal((Quantity) right.get(0)));
return opGreaterOrEqual(dl, dr, expr);
return new ArrayList<Base>();
use of org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Quantity in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class FHIRPathEngine method opDiv.
private List<Base> opDiv(List<Base> left, List<Base> right, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
if (left.size() == 0 || right.size() == 0) {
return new ArrayList<Base>();
if (left.size() > 1) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_LEFT_VALUE_PLURAL, "div");
if (!left.get(0).isPrimitive() && !(left.get(0) instanceof Quantity)) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_LEFT_VALUE_WRONG_TYPE, "div", left.get(0).fhirType());
if (right.size() > 1) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_RIGHT_VALUE_PLURAL, "div");
if (!right.get(0).isPrimitive() && !(right.get(0) instanceof Quantity)) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_RIGHT_VALUE_WRONG_TYPE, "div", right.get(0).fhirType());
List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>();
Base l = left.get(0);
Base r = right.get(0);
if (l.hasType("integer") && r.hasType("integer")) {
int divisor = Integer.parseInt(r.primitiveValue());
if (divisor != 0) {
result.add(new IntegerType(Integer.parseInt(l.primitiveValue()) / divisor));
} else if (l.hasType("decimal", "integer") && r.hasType("decimal", "integer")) {
Decimal d1;
try {
d1 = new Decimal(l.primitiveValue());
Decimal d2 = new Decimal(r.primitiveValue());
result.add(new IntegerType(d1.divInt(d2).asDecimal()));
} catch (UcumException e) {
// just return nothing
} else {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_OP_INCOMPATIBLE, "div", left.get(0).fhirType(), right.get(0).fhirType());
return result;