use of org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer.FabricProposal.SignedProposal in project fabric-sdk-java by hyperledger.
the class Channel method sendProposal.
private Collection<ProposalResponse> sendProposal(TransactionRequest proposalRequest, Collection<Peer> peers) throws InvalidArgumentException, ProposalException {
if (null == proposalRequest) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("The proposalRequest is null");
if (Utils.isNullOrEmpty(proposalRequest.getFcn())) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("The proposalRequest's fcn is null or empty.");
if (proposalRequest.getChaincodeID() == null) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("The proposalRequest's chaincode ID is null");
try {
TransactionContext transactionContext = getTransactionContext(proposalRequest.getUserContext());
// Protobuf message builder
ProposalBuilder proposalBuilder = ProposalBuilder.newBuilder();
SignedProposal invokeProposal = getSignedProposal(transactionContext,;
return sendProposalToPeers(peers, invokeProposal, transactionContext);
} catch (ProposalException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
ProposalException exp = new ProposalException(e);
logger.error(exp.getMessage(), exp);
throw exp;
use of org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer.FabricProposal.SignedProposal in project fabric-sdk-java by hyperledger.
the class Channel method queryInstantiatedChaincodes.
* Query peer for chaincode that has been instantiated
* @param peer The peer to query.
* @param userContext the user context.
* @return A list of ChaincodeInfo @see {@link ChaincodeInfo}
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @throws ProposalException
public List<ChaincodeInfo> queryInstantiatedChaincodes(Peer peer, User userContext) throws InvalidArgumentException, ProposalException {
try {
TransactionContext context = getTransactionContext(userContext);
FabricProposal.Proposal q = QueryInstantiatedChaincodesBuilder.newBuilder().context(context).build();
SignedProposal qProposal = getSignedProposal(context, q);
Collection<ProposalResponse> proposalResponses = sendProposalToPeers(Collections.singletonList(peer), qProposal, context);
if (null == proposalResponses) {
throw new ProposalException(format("Peer %s channel query return with null for responses", peer.getName()));
if (proposalResponses.size() != 1) {
throw new ProposalException(format("Peer %s channel query expected one response but got back %d responses ", peer.getName(), proposalResponses.size()));
ProposalResponse proposalResponse = proposalResponses.iterator().next();
FabricProposalResponse.ProposalResponse fabricResponse = proposalResponse.getProposalResponse();
if (null == fabricResponse) {
throw new ProposalException(format("Peer %s channel query return with empty fabric response", peer.getName()));
final Response fabricResponseResponse = fabricResponse.getResponse();
if (null == fabricResponseResponse) {
// not likely but check it.
throw new ProposalException(format("Peer %s channel query return with empty fabricResponseResponse", peer.getName()));
if (200 != fabricResponseResponse.getStatus()) {
throw new ProposalException(format("Peer %s channel query expected 200, actual returned was: %d. " + fabricResponseResponse.getMessage(), peer.getName(), fabricResponseResponse.getStatus()));
ChaincodeQueryResponse chaincodeQueryResponse = ChaincodeQueryResponse.parseFrom(fabricResponseResponse.getPayload());
return chaincodeQueryResponse.getChaincodesList();
} catch (ProposalException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ProposalException(format("Query for peer %s channels failed. " + e.getMessage(), name), e);
use of org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer.FabricProposal.SignedProposal in project fabric-sdk-java by hyperledger.
the class Channel method queryInstalledChaincodes.
List<ChaincodeInfo> queryInstalledChaincodes(Peer peer) throws InvalidArgumentException, ProposalException {
if (!isSystemChannel()) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("queryInstalledChaincodes should only be invoked on system channel.");
try {
TransactionContext context = getTransactionContext();
FabricProposal.Proposal q = QueryInstalledChaincodesBuilder.newBuilder().context(context).build();
SignedProposal qProposal = getSignedProposal(context, q);
Collection<ProposalResponse> proposalResponses = sendProposalToPeers(Collections.singletonList(peer), qProposal, context);
if (null == proposalResponses) {
throw new ProposalException(format("Peer %s channel query return with null for responses", peer.getName()));
if (proposalResponses.size() != 1) {
throw new ProposalException(format("Peer %s channel query expected one response but got back %d responses ", peer.getName(), proposalResponses.size()));
ProposalResponse proposalResponse = proposalResponses.iterator().next();
FabricProposalResponse.ProposalResponse fabricResponse = proposalResponse.getProposalResponse();
if (null == fabricResponse) {
throw new ProposalException(format("Peer %s channel query return with empty fabric response", peer.getName()));
final Response fabricResponseResponse = fabricResponse.getResponse();
if (null == fabricResponseResponse) {
// not likely but check it.
throw new ProposalException(format("Peer %s channel query return with empty fabricResponseResponse", peer.getName()));
if (200 != fabricResponseResponse.getStatus()) {
throw new ProposalException(format("Peer %s channel query expected 200, actual returned was: %d. " + fabricResponseResponse.getMessage(), peer.getName(), fabricResponseResponse.getStatus()));
ChaincodeQueryResponse chaincodeQueryResponse = ChaincodeQueryResponse.parseFrom(fabricResponseResponse.getPayload());
return chaincodeQueryResponse.getChaincodesList();
} catch (ProposalException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ProposalException(format("Query for peer %s channels failed. " + e.getMessage(), name), e);
use of org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer.FabricProposal.SignedProposal in project fabric-sdk-java by hyperledger.
the class Channel method sendUpgradeProposal.
* Send Upgrade proposal proposal to upgrade chaincode to a new version.
* @param upgradeProposalRequest
* @param peers the specific peers to send to.
* @return Collection of proposal responses.
* @throws ProposalException
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public Collection<ProposalResponse> sendUpgradeProposal(UpgradeProposalRequest upgradeProposalRequest, Collection<Peer> peers) throws InvalidArgumentException, ProposalException {
if (null == upgradeProposalRequest) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Upgradeproposal is null");
try {
TransactionContext transactionContext = getTransactionContext(upgradeProposalRequest.getUserContext());
// transactionContext.verify(false); // Install will have no signing cause it's not really targeted to a channel.
UpgradeProposalBuilder upgradeProposalBuilder = UpgradeProposalBuilder.newBuilder();
SignedProposal signedProposal = getSignedProposal(transactionContext,;
return sendProposalToPeers(peers, signedProposal, transactionContext);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ProposalException(e);
use of org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.peer.FabricProposal.SignedProposal in project fabric-sdk-java by hyperledger.
the class Channel method getConfigBlock.
private Block getConfigBlock(List<Peer> peers) throws ProposalException {
if (shutdown) {
throw new ProposalException(format("Channel %s has been shutdown.", name));
if (peers.isEmpty()) {
throw new ProposalException("No peers go get config block");
TransactionContext transactionContext = null;
SignedProposal signedProposal = null;
try {
transactionContext = getTransactionContext();
// can't verify till we get the config block.
FabricProposal.Proposal proposal = GetConfigBlockBuilder.newBuilder().context(transactionContext).channelId(name).build();
logger.debug("Getting signed proposal.");
signedProposal = getSignedProposal(transactionContext, proposal);
logger.debug("Got signed proposal.");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ProposalException(e);
ProposalException lastException = new ProposalException(format("getConfigBlock for channel %s failed.", name));
for (Peer peer : peers) {
try {
Collection<ProposalResponse> resp = sendProposalToPeers(new ArrayList<>(Collections.singletonList(peer)), signedProposal, transactionContext);
if (!resp.isEmpty()) {
ProposalResponse pro = resp.iterator().next();
if (pro.getStatus() == ProposalResponse.Status.SUCCESS) {
logger.trace(format("getConfigBlock from peer %s on channel %s success", peer.getName(), name));
return Block.parseFrom(pro.getProposalResponse().getResponse().getPayload().toByteArray());
} else {
lastException = new ProposalException(format("getConfigBlock for channel %s failed with peer %s. Status %s, details: %s", name, peer.getName(), pro.getStatus().toString(), pro.getMessage()));
} else {
logger.warn(format("Got empty proposals from %s", peer));
} catch (Exception e) {
lastException = new ProposalException(format("getConfigBlock for channel %s failed with peer %s.", name, peer.getName()), e);
throw lastException;