use of org.ihtsdo.drools.exception.RuleExecutorException in project snomed-drools by IHTSDO.
the class RuleExecutorTest method testInitFailure.
public void testInitFailure() {
final RuleExecutor ruleExecutor1 = new RuleExecutor("non-existant-directory");
try {
ruleExecutor1.execute(RULE_SET_NAMES, Collections.singleton(new ConceptImpl("1")), conceptService, descriptionService, relationshipService, true, false);"Should have thrown exception.");
} catch (RuleExecutorException e) {
// Pass
use of org.ihtsdo.drools.exception.RuleExecutorException in project snomed-drools by IHTSDO.
the class RuleExecutor method addAssertionGroup.
public void addAssertionGroup(String assertionGroupName, File ruleSetDirectory) throws RuleExecutorException {
// Create the in-memory File System and add the resources files to it
KieFileSystem kieFileSystem = kieServices.newKieFileSystem();
try {
final RuleLoader ruleLoader = new RuleLoader(kieFileSystem);
Files.walkFileTree(ruleSetDirectory.toPath(), ruleLoader);
int rulesLoaded = ruleLoader.getRulesLoaded();
if (rulesLoaded == 0) {
logger.warn("No rules loaded. Rules directory: {}", ruleSetDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
} else {"{} rules loaded.", ruleLoader.getRulesLoaded());
totalRulesLoaded += rulesLoaded;
assertionGroupRuleCounts.put(assertionGroupName, totalRulesLoaded);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuleExecutorException("Failed to load rule set " + assertionGroupName, e);
// Create the builder for the resources of the File System
KieBuilder kieBuilder = kieServices.newKieBuilder(kieFileSystem);
// Build the KieBases
// Check for errors
if (kieBuilder.getResults().hasMessages(Message.Level.ERROR)) {
throw new RuleExecutorException(kieBuilder.getResults().toString());
// Get the Release ID (mvn style: groupId, artifactId,version)
ReleaseId relId = kieBuilder.getKieModule().getReleaseId();
// Create the Container, wrapping the KieModule with the given ReleaseId
assertionGroupContainers.put(assertionGroupName, kieServices.newKieContainer(relId));
use of org.ihtsdo.drools.exception.RuleExecutorException in project snomed-drools by IHTSDO.
the class RuleExecutor method newTestResourceProvider.
* TestResourceProvider should be created once and used by other services to load test resources such as the case significant words list.
* Calling this method again will load the resources again so can be useful if the resources change.
* @param resourceManager The resource manager to use to load the test resource files.
* @return A TestResourceProvider which uses the resourceManager.
* @throws RuleExecutorException if there is a problem loading the test resources.
public TestResourceProvider newTestResourceProvider(ResourceManager resourceManager) throws RuleExecutorException {
try {
TestResourceProvider testResourceProvider = new TestResourceProvider(resourceManager);
testResourcesEmpty = !testResourceProvider.isAnyResourcesLoaded();
return testResourceProvider;
} catch (IOException e) {
testResourcesEmpty = true;
throw new RuleExecutorException("Failed to load test resources.", e);
use of org.ihtsdo.drools.exception.RuleExecutorException in project snomed-drools by IHTSDO.
the class RuleExecutor method newTestResourceProvider.
public TestResourceProvider newTestResourceProvider(String awsKey, String awsSecretKey, String bucket, String path) throws RuleExecutorException {
try {
AmazonS3 amazonS3 = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard().withRegion("us-east-1").withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(new BasicAWSCredentials(awsKey, awsSecretKey))).build();
ManualResourceConfiguration resourceConfiguration = new ManualResourceConfiguration(true, true, null, new ResourceConfiguration.Cloud(bucket, path));
ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager(resourceConfiguration, new SimpleStorageResourceLoader(amazonS3));
TestResourceProvider testResourceProvider = new TestResourceProvider(resourceManager);
testResourcesEmpty = !testResourceProvider.isAnyResourcesLoaded();
return testResourceProvider;
} catch (IOException e) {
testResourcesEmpty = true;
throw new RuleExecutorException("Failed to load test resources.", e);
use of org.ihtsdo.drools.exception.RuleExecutorException in project snomed-drools by IHTSDO.
the class RuleExecutor method execute.
* Validate a concept using drools rules available to this executor.
* A temporary identifier should be assigned to the concepts or any of it's descriptions and relationships
* if the component is new and does not yet have an SCTID. The identifier of the component is used to identify invalid content.
* Passing services in with every invocation of this method allows the implementation to capture content context. For example
* services relevant to the content branch being worked on.
* @param ruleSetNames The rule sets to use during validation.
* @param concepts The concepts to be validated.
* @param conceptService An implementation of the ConceptService class for use in validation rules.
* @param descriptionService An implementation of the DescriptionService class for use in validation rules.
* @param relationshipService An implementation of the RelationshipService class for use in validation rules.
* @param includePublishedComponents Include the published components of the given concept in results if found to be invalid.
* Published content will be used during validation regardless just not returned.
* @param includeInferredRelationships Include the inferred relationships of the given concept during validation and
* in results if found to be invalid.
* @return A list of content found to be invalid is returned.
public List<InvalidContent> execute(Set<String> ruleSetNames, Collection<? extends Concept> concepts, ConceptService conceptService, DescriptionService descriptionService, RelationshipService relationshipService, boolean includePublishedComponents, boolean includeInferredRelationships) throws RuleExecutorException {
for (Concept concept : concepts) {
Date start = new Date();
final List<List<InvalidContent>> sessionInvalidContent = new ArrayList<>();
final List<InvalidContent> exceptionContents = new ArrayList<>();
for (String ruleSetName : ruleSetNames) {
final KieContainer kieContainer = assertionGroupContainers.get(ruleSetName);
if (kieContainer == null) {
throw new RuleExecutorException("Rule set not found for name '" + ruleSetName + "'");
int threads = concepts.size() == 1 ? 1 : 10;
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads);
List<StatelessKieSession> sessions = new ArrayList<>();
for (int s = 0; s < threads; s++) {
// List per thread to avoid concurrency issues.
ArrayList<InvalidContent> invalidContent = new ArrayList<>();
sessions.add(newStatelessKieSession(kieContainer, conceptService, descriptionService, relationshipService, invalidContent));
List<Concept> conceptList = new ArrayList<>(concepts);
List<Callable<String>> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
String total = String.format("%,d", concepts.size());
int i = 0;
while (i < concepts.size()) {
Set<Component> components = new HashSet<>();
Concept concept = conceptList.get(i++);
addConcept(components, concept, includeInferredRelationships);
int sessionIndex = tasks.size();
tasks.add(() -> {
try {
StatelessKieSession statelessKieSession = sessions.get(sessionIndex);
((StatelessKnowledgeSessionImpl) statelessKieSession).newWorkingMemory();
} catch (Exception e) {
exceptionContents.add(new InvalidContent(concept.getId(), concept, "An error occurred while running concept validation. Technical detail: " + e.getMessage(), Severity.ERROR));
return null;
if (tasks.size() == threads) {
runTasks(executorService, tasks);
if (i % 10_000 == 0) {"Validated {} of {}", String.format("%,d", i), total);
if (!tasks.isEmpty()) {
runTasks(executorService, tasks);
executorService.shutdown();"Validated {} of {}", String.format("%,d", i), total);"Rule execution took {} seconds", (new Date().getTime() - start.getTime()) / 1000);
List<InvalidContent> invalidContent =;
invalidContent = removeDuplicates(invalidContent);
if (!includePublishedComponents) {
Set<InvalidContent> publishedInvalidContent = new HashSet<>();
for (InvalidContent invalidContentItem : invalidContent) {"invalidContentItem : {}, {}, {}, {}, {}", invalidContentItem.getConceptId(), invalidContentItem.isIgnorePublishedCheck(), invalidContentItem.isPublished(), invalidContentItem.getSeverity(), invalidContentItem.getMessage());
if (!invalidContentItem.isIgnorePublishedCheck() && invalidContentItem.isPublished()) {
if (testResourcesEmpty) {
invalidContent.add(0, InvalidContent.getGeneralWarning("Test resources were not available so assertions like case significance and US specific terms " + "checks will not have run."));
return invalidContent;