use of org.infernus.idea.checkstyle.csapi.Issue in project checkstyle-idea by jshiell.
the class CheckStyleAuditListener method toIssue.
private Issue toIssue(final AuditEvent auditEvent) {
String msg = auditEvent.getMessage();
final SeverityLevel level = readSeverityLevel(auditEvent.getSeverityLevel());
return new Issue(auditEvent.getFileName(), auditEvent.getLine(), auditEvent.getColumn(), msg, level, auditEvent.getSourceName());
use of org.infernus.idea.checkstyle.csapi.Issue in project checkstyle-idea by jshiell.
the class CheckStyleAuditListener method auditFinished.
public void auditFinished(final AuditEvent auditEvent) {
List<Issue> errorsCopy;
synchronized (errors) {
errorsCopy = new ArrayList<>(errors);
final ProcessResultsThread findThread = new ProcessResultsThread(suppressErrors, checks, tabWidth, baseDir, errorsCopy, fileNamesToPsiFiles);
final Application application = ApplicationManager.getApplication();
if (application != null) {
// can be null in unit tests
problems = findThread.getProblems();