use of org.infinispan.server.router.routes.PrefixedRouteSource in project infinispan by infinispan.
the class ChannelInboundHandlerDelegator method channelRead0.
protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FullHttpRequest msg) {
String[] uriSplitted = msg.uri().split("/");
// we are paring something like this: /rest/<context or prefix>/...
if (uriSplitted.length < 2) {
throw RouterLogger.SERVER.noRouteFound();
String context = uriSplitted[2];
RouterLogger.SERVER.debugf("Decoded context %s", context);
Optional<Route<PrefixedRouteSource, RestServerRouteDestination>> route = routingTable.streamRoutes(PrefixedRouteSource.class, RestServerRouteDestination.class).filter(r -> r.getRouteSource().getRoutePrefix().equals(context)).findAny();
RestServerRouteDestination routeDestination = route.orElseThrow(RouterLogger.SERVER::noRouteFound).getRouteDestination();
RestRequestHandler restHandler = (RestRequestHandler) routeDestination.getProtocolServer().getRestChannelInitializer().getRestHandler();
// before passing it to REST Handler, we need to replace path. The handler should not be aware of additional context
// used for multi-tenant prefixes
StringBuilder uriWithoutMultiTenantPrefix = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < uriSplitted.length; ++i) {
if (i == 1) {
// this is the main uri prefix - "rest", we want to get rid of that.
if (i < uriSplitted.length - 1) {
restHandler.channelRead0(ctx, msg);