use of org.infinispan.test.concurrent.CommandMatcher in project infinispan by infinispan.
the class StateResponseOrderingTest method testStateResponseWhileRestartingBrokenTransfers.
public void testStateResponseWhileRestartingBrokenTransfers() throws Throwable {
// The initial topology is different from the other method's
consistentHashFactory.setOwnerIndexes(new int[][] { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 2, 1, 3 } });
// waitForStableTopology doesn't work here, since the cache looks already "balanced"
// So we wait for the primary owner of segment 1 to change
eventuallyEquals(address(2), () -> advancedCache(0).getDistributionManager().getReadConsistentHash().locatePrimaryOwnerForSegment(1));
// See
// Start with segment 0 owned by [cache1, cache2, cache3], and segment 1 owned by [cache2, cache1, cache3]
// Trigger a rebalance with cache0 becoming an owner for both segments
// Wait for either cache1 or cache2 to send a StateResponseCommand
// Block the state response on cache0
// Kill the node that didn't receive the request
// Block new state requests from cache0 so that the killed node's segment doesn't have a transfer task
// Unblock the first state response
// Check that the StateResponseCommand hasn't marked state transfer as completed
// Unblock the new state request
// Wait for the state transfer to end and check that state hasn't been lost
StateSequencer sequencer = new StateSequencer();
sequencer.logicalThread("st", "st:block_first_state_response", "st:kill_node", "st:block_second_state_request", "st:resume_first_state_response", "st:after_first_state_response", "st:check_incomplete", "st:resume_second_state_request");
final AtomicReference<Address> firstResponseSender = new AtomicReference<>();
CommandMatcher firstStateResponseMatcher = new CommandMatcher() {
CommandMatcher realMatcher = matchCommand(StateResponseCommand.class).matchCount(0).build();
public boolean accept(ReplicableCommand command) {
if (!realMatcher.accept(command))
return false;
firstResponseSender.set(((StateResponseCommand) command).getOrigin());
return true;
advanceOnInboundRpc(sequencer, cache(0), firstStateResponseMatcher).before("st:block_first_state_response", "st:resume_first_state_response").after("st:after_first_state_response");
CommandMatcher secondStateRequestMatcher = new CommandMatcher() {
private final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();
public boolean accept(ReplicableCommand command) {
if (command instanceof StateTransferGetTransactionsCommand) {
// Command 2 is the first sent after the node is killed
if (counter.getAndIncrement() == 2)
return true;
log.debugf("Not blocking command %s", command);
return false;
advanceOnOutboundRpc(sequencer, cache(0), secondStateRequestMatcher).before("st:block_second_state_request", "st:resume_second_state_request");
DistributionManager dm0 = advancedCache(0).getDistributionManager();
StateTransferManager stm0 = TestingUtil.extractComponentRegistry(cache(0)).getStateTransferManager();
MagicKey k1 = new MagicKey("k1", cache(1));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(address(1), address(2), address(3)), dm0.getCacheTopology().getDistribution(k1).readOwners());
cache(0).put(k1, "v1");
MagicKey k2 = new MagicKey("k2", cache(2));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(address(2), address(1), address(3)), dm0.getCacheTopology().getDistribution(k2).readOwners());
cache(0).put(k2, "v2");
// Start the rebalance
consistentHashFactory.setOwnerIndexes(new int[][] { { 0, 1, 2 }, { 0, 2, 1 } });
// Wait for cache0 to receive the state response
// No need to update the owner indexes, the CH factory only knows about the cache members
int nodeToKeep = managerIndex(firstResponseSender.get());
int nodeToKill = nodeToKeep == 1 ? 2 : 1;
log.debugf("Blocked state response from %s, killing %s", firstResponseSender.get(), manager(nodeToKill));
eventuallyEquals(3, () -> dm0.getCacheTopology().getMembers().size());
// Only the 3 live caches are in the collection, wait for the rehash to end
waitForNoRebalance(cache(0), cache(nodeToKeep), cache(3));
assertEquals("v1", cache(0).get(k1));
assertEquals("v2", cache(0).get(k2));
use of org.infinispan.test.concurrent.CommandMatcher in project infinispan by infinispan.
the class NonTxJoinerBecomingBackupOwnerTest method doTest.
protected void doTest(TestOperation op) throws Exception {
final StateSequencer sequencer = new StateSequencer();
sequencer.logicalThread("st", "st:cache0_before_send_state");
sequencer.logicalThread("write", "write:before_start", "write:start", "write:cache1_before_return", "write:cache2_before_dist", "write:end", "write:after_end");
sequencer.logicalThread("remote_get_cache0", "remote_get_cache0");
sequencer.logicalThread("remote_get_cache1", "remote_get_cache1");
sequencer.order("write:end", "remote_get_cache0").order("write:end", "remote_get_cache1");
sequencer.action("st:cache0_before_send_state", () -> {
// The whole write logical thread happens here
return null;
final AdvancedCache<Object, Object> cache0 = advancedCache(0);
final AdvancedCache<Object, Object> cache1 = advancedCache(1);
// We only block the StateResponseCommand on cache0, because that's the node cache2 will ask for the magic key
advanceOnOutboundRpc(sequencer, cache0, matchCommand(StateResponseCommand.class).build()).before("st:cache0_before_send_state");
// Prohibit any remote get from cache2 to either cache0 or cache1
advanceOnInterceptor(sequencer, cache0, StateTransferInterceptor.class, matchCommand(GetKeyValueCommand.class).build()).before("remote_get_cache0");
advanceOnInterceptor(sequencer, cache1, StateTransferInterceptor.class, matchCommand(GetKeyValueCommand.class).build()).before("remote_get_cache1");
// Add a new member, but don't start the cache yet
ConfigurationBuilder c = getConfigurationBuilder();
addClusterEnabledCacheManager(TestDataSCI.INSTANCE, c);
// Start the cache and wait until it's a member in the write CH
log.tracef("Starting the cache on the joiner");
final AdvancedCache<Object, Object> cache2 = advancedCache(2);
// Wait for the write CH to contain the joiner everywhere
eventually(() -> cache0.getRpcManager().getMembers().size() == 3 && cache1.getRpcManager().getMembers().size() == 3 && cache2.getRpcManager().getMembers().size() == 3);
CommandMatcher writeCommandMatcher = matchCommand(op.getCommandClass()).build();
// Allow the value to be written on cache1 before "write:cache1_before_return"
advanceOnInterceptor(sequencer, cache1, StateTransferInterceptor.class, writeCommandMatcher).before("write:cache1_before_return");
// The remote get (if any) will happen after "write:cache2_before_dist"
advanceOnInterceptor(sequencer, cache2, StateTransferInterceptor.class, writeCommandMatcher).before("write:cache2_before_dist");
// Wait for cache0 to send the StateResponseCommand to cache2, but keep it blocked
final MagicKey key = getKeyForCache2();
// Prepare for replace: put a previous value in cache0 and cache1
if (op.getPreviousValue() != null) {
cache0.withFlags(Flag.CACHE_MODE_LOCAL).put(key, op.getPreviousValue());
cache1.withFlags(Flag.CACHE_MODE_LOCAL).put(key, op.getPreviousValue());
log.tracef("Initial value set, %s = %s", key, op.getPreviousValue());
// Put from cache0 with cache0 as primary owner, cache2 will become a backup owner for the retry
// The put command will be blocked on cache1 and cache2.
Future<Object> future = fork(() -> op.perform(cache0, key));
// Check that the put command didn't fail
Object result = future.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertEquals(op.getReturnValue(), result);
log.tracef("%s operation is done", op);
// Allow the state transfer to finish, and any remote gets
// Wait for the topology to change everywhere
TestingUtil.waitForNoRebalance(cache0, cache1, cache2);
// Stop blocking get commands and check the value on all the nodes
assertEquals(op.getValue(), cache0.get(key));
assertEquals(op.getValue(), cache1.get(key));
assertEquals(op.getValue(), cache2.get(key));
use of org.infinispan.test.concurrent.CommandMatcher in project infinispan by infinispan.
the class StateResponseOrderingTest method testSimulatedOldStateResponse.
public void testSimulatedOldStateResponse() throws Throwable {
// Initial owners for both segments are cache 1, 2, and 3
// Start a rebalance, with cache 0 becoming an owner of both CH segments
// Block the first StateTransferStartCommand on cache 0
// While state transfer is blocked, simulate an old state response command on cache 0
// Check that the old command is ignored and state transfer completes successfully
StateSequencer sequencer = new StateSequencer();
sequencer.logicalThread("st", "st:block_state_request", "st:simulate_old_response", "st:resume_state_request");
cache(1).put("k1", "v1");
cache(2).put("k2", "v2");
cache(3).put("k3", "v3");
DistributionManager dm0 = advancedCache(0).getDistributionManager();
final int initialTopologyId = dm0.getCacheTopology().getTopologyId();
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(address(1), address(2), address(3)), dm0.getCacheTopology().getDistribution("k1").readOwners());
// Block when cache 0 sends the first state request to cache 1
CommandMatcher segmentRequestMatcher = command -> command instanceof StateTransferStartCommand && ((StateTransferStartCommand) command).getTopologyId() == initialTopologyId + 1;
advanceOnOutboundRpc(sequencer, cache(0), segmentRequestMatcher).before("st:block_state_request", "st:resume_state_request");
// Cache 0 will become an owner and will request state from cache 1
consistentHashFactory.setOwnerIndexes(new int[][] { { 0, 1, 2 }, { 0, 1, 2 } });
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(address(0), address(1), address(2)), dm0.getCacheTopology().getPendingCH().locateOwnersForSegment(0));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(address(1), address(2), address(3), address(0)), dm0.getCacheTopology().getDistribution("k1").writeOwners());
// Cache 0 didn't manage to request any segments yet, but it has registered all the inbound transfer tasks.
// We'll pretend it got a StateResponseCommand with an older topology id.
PerCacheInboundInvocationHandler handler = TestingUtil.extractComponent(cache(0), PerCacheInboundInvocationHandler.class);
StateChunk stateChunk0 = new StateChunk(0, Arrays.asList(new ImmortalCacheEntry("k0", "v0")), true);
StateChunk stateChunk1 = new StateChunk(1, Arrays.asList(new ImmortalCacheEntry("k0", "v0")), true);
String cacheName = manager(0).getCacheManagerConfiguration().defaultCacheName().get();
StateResponseCommand stateResponseCommand = new StateResponseCommand(ByteString.fromString(cacheName), initialTopologyId, Arrays.asList(stateChunk0, stateChunk1), true, false);
// Call with preserveOrder = true to force the execution in the same thread
handler.handle(stateResponseCommand, Reply.NO_OP, DeliverOrder.PER_SENDER);
waitForNoRebalance(cache(0), cache(1), cache(2), cache(3));
// Check that state wasn't lost
assertEquals("v1", cache(0).get("k1"));
assertEquals("v2", cache(0).get("k2"));
assertEquals("v3", cache(0).get("k3"));
// Check that the old state response was ignored