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Example 1 with BranchModel

use of in project iobserve-analysis by research-iobserve.

the class BranchExtraction method createCallBranchModels.

 * Create a call branch model.
public void createCallBranchModels() {
    final BranchModelCreator modelCreator = new BranchModelCreator();
    this.branchModels = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final EntryCallSequenceModel entryCallSequenceModel : this.entryCallSequenceModels) {
         * 1. Aggregates the single EntryCall sequences to a BranchModel
        final BranchModel branchModel = modelCreator.createCallBranchModel(entryCallSequenceModel);
         * 2. Calculates the likelihoods of the branches of the obtained BranchModel
         * 3. Tries to fuse branches to obtain a more compact model
Also used : EntryCallSequenceModel( BranchModel(

Example 2 with BranchModel

use of in project iobserve-analysis by research-iobserve.

the class PcmUsageModelBuilder method createUsageModel.

 * Creates a PCM usage model from the passed LoopBranchModels.
 * @return the created PCM usage model
public UsageModel createUsageModel() {
    final UsageModel usageModel = UsageModelFactory.createUsageModel();
    // Creates for each detected user group its own usage scenario
    for (int i = 0; i < this.loopBranchModels.size(); i++) {
        final BranchModel callBranchModel = this.loopBranchModels.get(i);
        final UsageScenario usageScenario = UsageModelFactory.createUsageScenario("Usage Scneario of user group " + i, usageModel);
        final Map<Integer, ScenarioBehaviour> branchScenarioBehaviours = new HashMap<>();
        if (this.isClosedWorkloadRequested) {
            UsageModelFactory.createClosedWorkload(callBranchModel.getWorkloadIntensity().getAvgNumberOfConcurrentUsers(), this.thinkTime, usageScenario);
        } else {
            UsageModelFactory.createOpenWorkload(callBranchModel.getWorkloadIntensity().getInterarrivalTimeOfUserSessions(), usageScenario);
        // creates for each Branch its own scenario behavior
        this.createForEachBranchAScenarioBehavior(callBranchModel.getRootBranch(), i);
        // The rootBranch contains every succeeding branches and is set as the scenario behavior
        // of the user groupĀ“s usage scenario
    return usageModel;
Also used : UsageScenario(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.usagemodel.UsageScenario) ScenarioBehaviour(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.usagemodel.ScenarioBehaviour) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) UsageModel(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.usagemodel.UsageModel) BranchModel(

Example 3 with BranchModel

use of in project iobserve-analysis by research-iobserve.

the class BranchModelCreator method createCallBranchModel.

 * It creates a BranchModel from an EntryCallSequenceModel. At that the single sequences are
 * aggregated to a tree-like structure: Equal sequences are summarized to one sequence,
 * alternative sequences are represented via branches.
 * @param entryCallSequenceModel
 *            whose call sequences are aggregated to a coherent CallBranchModel
 * @return a BranchModel corresponding to the passed EntryCallSequenceModel
public BranchModel createCallBranchModel(final EntryCallSequenceModel entryCallSequenceModel) {
    // Sets the user group's specific workload intensity and likelihood
    final BranchModel branchModel = new BranchModel(entryCallSequenceModel.getWorkloadIntensity(), entryCallSequenceModel.getLikelihoodOfUserGroup());
    final List<UserSession> userSessions = entryCallSequenceModel.getUserSessions();
    // The initial branch that contains the root node
    // Every sequence passes this branch -> likelihood of reaching this branch is 1
    final Branch rootBranch = new Branch();
    // Descending sort by call sequence length
    Collections.sort(userSessions, BranchModelCreator.SORT_USER_SESSION_BY_CALL_SEQUENCE_SIZE);
    // Initializes the root sequence with the longest call sequence
    this.setBranchSequence(rootBranch, userSessions.get(0).getEvents(), 0);
    int numberOfBranches = 1;
    // loops over all userSession without the first user session that initialized the rootBranch
    for (int j = 1; j < userSessions.size(); j++) {
        final UserSession userSession = userSessions.get(j);
        // The branchGuide guides through the tree structure. It determines the recent regarded
        // branch
        final List<Integer> branchGuide = new ArrayList<>();
        // The position states the recent position within the branch sequence
        int positionInBranch = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i <= userSession.getEvents().size(); i++) {
            // Determines which branch is currently examined
            final Branch examinedBranch = this.getExaminedBranch(branchGuide, rootBranch);
            if (i < userSession.getEvents().size()) {
                final EntryCallEvent callEvent = userSession.getEvents().get(i);
                // currently examined branch
                if (this.checkPositionMatchInBranch(callEvent, examinedBranch, positionInBranch)) {
                    this.incrementCountOfBranchElement(examinedBranch, positionInBranch);
                // a child branch
                if (this.isPositionLastElementInBranchSequence(examinedBranch, positionInBranch)) {
                    final int indexOfMatchingChildBranch = this.getIndexOfMatchingChildBranch(callEvent, examinedBranch);
                    if (indexOfMatchingChildBranch > -1) {
                        // Continue with the same call event but switching to the new branch
                        // NOCS
                        positionInBranch = 0;
                // No match could be found --> Split branch into child branches
                numberOfBranches = this.splitBranch(examinedBranch, positionInBranch, numberOfBranches, false, userSession, i);
            } else {
                // End of sequence -> looking for an exit element
                if (this.checkIfBranchSequenceTerminates(examinedBranch, positionInBranch)) {
                    this.incrementCountOfBranchElement(examinedBranch, positionInBranch);
                // Checks if there is an exit branch
                if (this.isPositionLastElementInBranchSequence(examinedBranch, positionInBranch)) {
                    final int indexOfMatchingChildBranch = this.getIndexOfMatchingExitBranch(examinedBranch);
                    if (indexOfMatchingChildBranch > -1) {
                        // Iterate the exit state adding but switching to the new branch
                        // NOCS
                        positionInBranch = 0;
                // No matching exit element found --> Split branch into child branches
                numberOfBranches = this.splitBranch(examinedBranch, positionInBranch, numberOfBranches, true, null, 0);
    return branchModel;
Also used : Branch( EntryCallEvent( UserSession( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BranchModel(

Example 4 with BranchModel

use of in project iobserve-analysis by research-iobserve.

the class LoopExtraction method createCallLoopBranchModels.

 * Executes the extraction of iterated behavior process.
public void createCallLoopBranchModels() {
    final LoopBranchModelCreator modelCreator = new LoopBranchModelCreator();
    this.loopBranchModels = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final BranchModel branchModel : this.branchModels) {
        // Each BranchModel is checked for iterated behavior
Also used : BranchModel(


BranchModel ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 EntryCallSequenceModel ( UserSession ( Branch ( EntryCallEvent ( ScenarioBehaviour (org.palladiosimulator.pcm.usagemodel.ScenarioBehaviour)1 UsageModel (org.palladiosimulator.pcm.usagemodel.UsageModel)1 UsageScenario (org.palladiosimulator.pcm.usagemodel.UsageScenario)1