Search in sources :

Example 16 with UndoableFieldChange

use of org.jabref.gui.undo.UndoableFieldChange in project jabref by JabRef.

the class FileLinksUpgradeWarning method upgradePdfPsToFile.

     * Collect file links from the given set of fields, and add them to the list contained in the field
     * GUIGlobals.FILE_FIELD.
     * @param database The database to modify.
     * @param fields   The fields to find links in.
     * @return A CompoundEdit specifying the undo operation for the whole operation.
private static NamedCompound upgradePdfPsToFile(BibDatabase database) {
    NamedCompound ce = new NamedCompound(Localization.lang("Move external links to 'file' field"));
    UpgradePdfPsToFileCleanup cleanupJob = new UpgradePdfPsToFileCleanup();
    for (BibEntry entry : database.getEntries()) {
        List<FieldChange> changes = cleanupJob.cleanup(entry);
        for (FieldChange change : changes) {
            ce.addEdit(new UndoableFieldChange(change));
    return ce;
Also used : BibEntry(org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry) NamedCompound(org.jabref.gui.undo.NamedCompound) FieldChange(org.jabref.model.FieldChange) UndoableFieldChange(org.jabref.gui.undo.UndoableFieldChange) UndoableFieldChange(org.jabref.gui.undo.UndoableFieldChange) UpgradePdfPsToFileCleanup(org.jabref.logic.cleanup.UpgradePdfPsToFileCleanup)

Example 17 with UndoableFieldChange

use of org.jabref.gui.undo.UndoableFieldChange in project jabref by JabRef.

the class EntryMarker method markEntry.

     * @param increment whether the given increment should be added to the current one. Currently never used in JabRef. Could be used to increase marking color ("Mark in specific color").
public static void markEntry(BibEntry be, int markIncrement, boolean increment, NamedCompound ce) {
    int prevMarkLevel;
    String newValue = null;
    if (be.hasField(FieldName.MARKED_INTERNAL)) {
        String markerString = be.getField(FieldName.MARKED_INTERNAL).get();
        int index = markerString.indexOf(Globals.prefs.getWrappedUsername());
        if (index >= 0) {
            // Already marked 1 for this user.
            prevMarkLevel = 1;
            newValue = markerString.substring(0, index) + markerString.substring(index + Globals.prefs.getWrappedUsername().length()) + Globals.prefs.getWrappedUsername().substring(0, Globals.prefs.getWrappedUsername().length() - 1) + ":" + (increment ? Math.min(MAX_MARKING_LEVEL, prevMarkLevel + markIncrement) : markIncrement) + "]";
        } else {
            Matcher m = MARK_NUMBER_PATTERN.matcher(markerString);
            if (m.find()) {
                try {
                    prevMarkLevel = Integer.parseInt(;
                    newValue = markerString.substring(0, m.start(1)) + (increment ? Math.min(MAX_MARKING_LEVEL, prevMarkLevel + markIncrement) : markIncrement) + markerString.substring(m.end(1));
                } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                // Do nothing.
    if (newValue == null) {
        newValue = Globals.prefs.getWrappedUsername().substring(0, Globals.prefs.getWrappedUsername().length() - 1) + ":" + markIncrement + "]";
    ce.addEdit(new UndoableFieldChange(be, FieldName.MARKED_INTERNAL, be.getField(FieldName.MARKED_INTERNAL).orElse(null), newValue));
    be.setField(FieldName.MARKED_INTERNAL, newValue);
Also used : Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) UndoableFieldChange(org.jabref.gui.undo.UndoableFieldChange)

Example 18 with UndoableFieldChange

use of org.jabref.gui.undo.UndoableFieldChange in project jabref by JabRef.

the class MassSetFieldAction method massRenameField.

     * Move contents from one field to another for a Collection of entries.
     * @param entries         The entries to do this operation for.
     * @param field           The field to move contents from.
     * @param newField        The field to move contents into.
     * @param overwriteValues If true, overwrites any existing values in the new field. If false, makes no change for
     *                        entries with existing value in the new field.
     * @return A CompoundEdit for the entire operation.
private static UndoableEdit massRenameField(Collection<BibEntry> entries, String field, String newField, boolean overwriteValues) {
    NamedCompound ce = new NamedCompound(Localization.lang("Rename field"));
    for (BibEntry entry : entries) {
        Optional<String> valToMove = entry.getField(field);
        // If there is no value, do nothing:
        if ((!valToMove.isPresent()) || valToMove.get().isEmpty()) {
        // If we are not allowed to overwrite values, check if there is a
        // non-empty value already for this entry for the new field:
        Optional<String> valInNewField = entry.getField(newField);
        if (!overwriteValues && (valInNewField.isPresent()) && !valInNewField.get().isEmpty()) {
        entry.setField(newField, valToMove.get());
        ce.addEdit(new UndoableFieldChange(entry, newField, valInNewField.orElse(null), valToMove.get()));
        ce.addEdit(new UndoableFieldChange(entry, field, valToMove.get(), null));
    return ce;
Also used : BibEntry(org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry) NamedCompound(org.jabref.gui.undo.NamedCompound) UndoableFieldChange(org.jabref.gui.undo.UndoableFieldChange)

Example 19 with UndoableFieldChange

use of org.jabref.gui.undo.UndoableFieldChange in project jabref by JabRef.

the class MassSetFieldAction method massSetField.

     * Set a given field to a given value for all entries in a Collection. This method DOES NOT update any UndoManager,
     * but returns a relevant CompoundEdit that should be registered by the caller.
     * @param entries         The entries to set the field for.
     * @param field           The name of the field to set.
     * @param text            The value to set. This value can be null, indicating that the field should be cleared.
     * @param overwriteValues Indicate whether the value should be set even if an entry already has the field set.
     * @return A CompoundEdit for the entire operation.
private static UndoableEdit massSetField(Collection<BibEntry> entries, String field, String text, boolean overwriteValues) {
    NamedCompound ce = new NamedCompound(Localization.lang("Set field"));
    for (BibEntry entry : entries) {
        Optional<String> oldVal = entry.getField(field);
        // value already for this entry:
        if (!overwriteValues && (oldVal.isPresent()) && !oldVal.get().isEmpty()) {
        if (text == null) {
        } else {
            entry.setField(field, text);
        ce.addEdit(new UndoableFieldChange(entry, field, oldVal.orElse(null), text));
    return ce;
Also used : BibEntry(org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry) NamedCompound(org.jabref.gui.undo.NamedCompound) UndoableFieldChange(org.jabref.gui.undo.UndoableFieldChange)

Example 20 with UndoableFieldChange

use of org.jabref.gui.undo.UndoableFieldChange in project jabref by JabRef.

the class EntryEditor method storeSource.

private boolean storeSource() {
    BibtexParser bibtexParser = new BibtexParser(Globals.prefs.getImportFormatPreferences());
    try {
        ParserResult parserResult = bibtexParser.parse(new StringReader(source.getText()));
        BibDatabase database = parserResult.getDatabase();
        if (database.getEntryCount() > 1) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("More than one entry found.");
        if (!database.hasEntries()) {
            if (parserResult.hasWarnings()) {
                // put the warning into as exception text -> it will be displayed to the user
                throw new IllegalStateException(parserResult.warnings().get(0));
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("No entries found.");
        NamedCompound compound = new NamedCompound(Localization.lang("source edit"));
        BibEntry newEntry = database.getEntries().get(0);
        String newKey = newEntry.getCiteKeyOptional().orElse(null);
        boolean entryChanged = false;
        boolean emptyWarning = (newKey == null) || newKey.isEmpty();
        if (newKey != null) {
        } else {
        // First, remove fields that the user has removed.
        for (Entry<String, String> field : entry.getFieldMap().entrySet()) {
            String fieldName = field.getKey();
            String fieldValue = field.getValue();
            if (InternalBibtexFields.isDisplayableField(fieldName) && !newEntry.hasField(fieldName)) {
                compound.addEdit(new UndoableFieldChange(entry, fieldName, fieldValue, null));
                entryChanged = true;
        // Then set all fields that have been set by the user.
        for (Entry<String, String> field : newEntry.getFieldMap().entrySet()) {
            String fieldName = field.getKey();
            String oldValue = entry.getField(fieldName).orElse(null);
            String newValue = field.getValue();
            if (!Objects.equals(oldValue, newValue)) {
                // Test if the field is legally set.
                new LatexFieldFormatter(Globals.prefs.getLatexFieldFormatterPreferences()).format(newValue, fieldName);
                compound.addEdit(new UndoableFieldChange(entry, fieldName, oldValue, newValue));
                entry.setField(fieldName, newValue);
                entryChanged = true;
        // See if the user has changed the entry type:
        if (!Objects.equals(newEntry.getType(), entry.getType())) {
            compound.addEdit(new UndoableChangeType(entry, entry.getType(), newEntry.getType()));
            entryChanged = true;
        if (!entryChanged) {
            return true;
        if (panel.getDatabase().getDuplicationChecker().isDuplicateCiteKeyExisting(entry)) {
        } else if (emptyWarning) {
        } else {
            panel.output(Localization.lang("Stored entry") + '.');
        lastSourceStringAccepted = source.getText();
        // Update UI
        // TODO: we need to repaint the entryeditor if fields that are not displayed have been added
        lastSourceAccepted = true;
        updateSource = true;
        // TODO: does updating work properly after source stored?
        return true;
    } catch (InvalidFieldValueException | IOException ex) {
        // The source couldn't be parsed, so the user is given an
        // error message, and the choice to keep or revert the contents
        // of the source text field.
        updateSource = false;
        lastSourceAccepted = false;
        Object[] options = { Localization.lang("Edit"), Localization.lang("Revert to original source") };
        if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
            int answer = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(frame, Localization.lang("Error") + ": " + ex.getMessage(), Localization.lang("Problem with parsing entry"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]);
            if (answer != 0) {
                updateSource = true;
                lastSourceAccepted = true;
        LOGGER.debug("Incorrect source", ex);
        return false;
Also used : UndoableChangeType(org.jabref.gui.undo.UndoableChangeType) TypedBibEntry(org.jabref.logic.TypedBibEntry) BibEntry(org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry) BibtexParser(org.jabref.logic.importer.fileformat.BibtexParser) InvalidFieldValueException(org.jabref.logic.bibtex.InvalidFieldValueException) IOException( LatexFieldFormatter(org.jabref.logic.bibtex.LatexFieldFormatter) ParserResult(org.jabref.logic.importer.ParserResult) NamedCompound(org.jabref.gui.undo.NamedCompound) StringReader( UndoableFieldChange(org.jabref.gui.undo.UndoableFieldChange) BibDatabase(org.jabref.model.database.BibDatabase)


UndoableFieldChange (org.jabref.gui.undo.UndoableFieldChange)23 BibEntry (org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry)13 NamedCompound (org.jabref.gui.undo.NamedCompound)11 FieldChange (org.jabref.model.FieldChange)8 FileListTableModel (org.jabref.gui.filelist.FileListTableModel)5 FileListEntry (org.jabref.gui.filelist.FileListEntry)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Optional (java.util.Optional)3 ExternalFileType (org.jabref.gui.externalfiletype.ExternalFileType)3 UnknownExternalFileType (org.jabref.gui.externalfiletype.UnknownExternalFileType)3 IOException ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)2 List (java.util.List)2 Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)2 ExternalFileTypeEntryEditor (org.jabref.gui.externalfiletype.ExternalFileTypeEntryEditor)2 FileListEntryEditor (org.jabref.gui.filelist.FileListEntryEditor)2 Subscribe ( ActionEvent (java.awt.event.ActionEvent)1 File ( StringReader (