use of in project jaffa-framework by jaffa-projects.
the class InvoiceDataBean method populate.
public void populate() throws FrameworkException, ApplicationExceptions {
if (PENDING_ORDER_NO.equals(orderNo))
throw new ApplicationExceptions(new DataNotReadyException(new String[] { "OrderNo", PENDING_ORDER_NO }));
int lines = 1;
if (VALID_ORDER_NO.equals(orderNo))
lines = 20;
else if (VALID_ORDER_NO2.equals(orderNo) || VALID_LABEL.equals(orderNo))
lines = 2;
throw new ApplicationExceptions(new DataNotFoundException(new String[] { "OrderNo", VALID_ORDER_NO }));
this.orderTotal = 0;
// this.orderNo="PO0019657-A";
// this.shippingAddress="A building 2building 3building 4building\nSome Road 2SomeRoad 3SomeRoad 4SomeRoad\nSome City 1SomeCity 2SomeCity 3SomeCity\nUtah 1Utah 2Utah 3Utah 4Utah 5Utah 6Utah 7Utah\nUT 98765 123412353tew5tgwe523451235125125";
this.shippingAddress = "A building\nSome Road\nSome City\nUtah\nUT 98765";
this.vendorAddress = "Acme Road\nAcmeville\nUtah\nUT 98765";
this.vendorCode = "AM001-2";
this.vendorName = "ACME Inc.";
this.orderDate = DateOnly.addDay(new DateOnly(), -7);
this.needDate = DateOnly.addDay(new DateOnly(), 2);
this.remarks = "See additional pages";
this.item = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < lines && i < partList.length; i++) {
InvoiceLineItem it = new InvoiceLineItem();
it.setItemNo(i + 1);
long qty = quantityList[i];
double price = priceList[i];
it.setQuantity(new Long(qty));
it.setUnitPrice(new Double(price));
it.setExtendedPrice(new Double(price * qty));
this.orderTotal += price * qty;