use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.util.StaticArrayEntry in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class EdgeSerializer method writeRelation.
public StaticArrayEntry writeRelation(InternalRelation relation, InternalRelationType type, int position, TypeInspector tx) {
assert type == relation.getType() || (type.getBaseType() != null && type.getBaseType().equals(relation.getType()));
Direction dir = EdgeDirection.fromPosition(position);
Preconditions.checkArgument(type.isUnidirected(Direction.BOTH) || type.isUnidirected(dir));
long typeId = type.longId();
DirectionID dirID = getDirID(dir, relation.isProperty() ? RelationCategory.PROPERTY : RelationCategory.EDGE);
DataOutput out = serializer.getDataOutput(DEFAULT_CAPACITY);
int valuePosition;
IDHandler.writeRelationType(out, typeId, dirID, type.isInvisibleType());
Multiplicity multiplicity = type.multiplicity();
long[] sortKey = type.getSortKey();
assert !multiplicity.isConstrained() || sortKey.length == 0 :;
int keyStartPos = out.getPosition();
if (!multiplicity.isConstrained()) {
writeInlineTypes(sortKey, relation, out, tx, InlineType.KEY);
int keyEndPos = out.getPosition();
long relationId = relation.longId();
// How multiplicity is handled for edges and properties is slightly different
if (relation.isEdge()) {
long otherVertexId = relation.getVertex((position + 1) % 2).longId();
if (multiplicity.isConstrained()) {
if (multiplicity.isUnique(dir)) {
valuePosition = out.getPosition();
VariableLong.writePositive(out, otherVertexId);
} else {
VariableLong.writePositiveBackward(out, otherVertexId);
valuePosition = out.getPosition();
VariableLong.writePositive(out, relationId);
} else {
VariableLong.writePositiveBackward(out, otherVertexId);
VariableLong.writePositiveBackward(out, relationId);
valuePosition = out.getPosition();
} else {
assert relation.isProperty();
Object value = ((JanusGraphVertexProperty) relation).value();
PropertyKey key = (PropertyKey) type;
assert key.dataType().isInstance(value);
if (multiplicity.isConstrained()) {
if (multiplicity.isUnique(dir)) {
// Cardinality=SINGLE
valuePosition = out.getPosition();
writePropertyValue(out, key, value);
} else {
// Cardinality=SET
writePropertyValue(out, key, value);
valuePosition = out.getPosition();
VariableLong.writePositive(out, relationId);
} else {
assert multiplicity.getCardinality() == Cardinality.LIST;
VariableLong.writePositiveBackward(out, relationId);
valuePosition = out.getPosition();
writePropertyValue(out, key, value);
// Write signature
long[] signature = type.getSignature();
writeInlineTypes(signature, relation, out, tx, InlineType.SIGNATURE);
// Write remaining properties
LongSet writtenTypes = new LongHashSet(sortKey.length + signature.length);
if (sortKey.length > 0 || signature.length > 0) {
for (long id : sortKey) writtenTypes.add(id);
for (long id : signature) writtenTypes.add(id);
LongArrayList remainingTypes = new LongArrayList(8);
for (PropertyKey t : relation.getPropertyKeysDirect()) {
if (!(t instanceof ImplicitKey) && !writtenTypes.contains(t.longId())) {
// Sort types before writing to ensure that value is always written the same way
long[] remaining = remainingTypes.toArray();
for (long tid : remaining) {
PropertyKey t = tx.getExistingPropertyKey(tid);
writeInline(out, t, relation.getValueDirect(t), InlineType.NORMAL);
assert valuePosition > 0;
return new StaticArrayEntry(type.getSortOrder() == Order.DESC ? out.getStaticBufferFlipBytes(keyStartPos, keyEndPos) : out.getStaticBuffer(), valuePosition);
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.util.StaticArrayEntry in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class IndexSerializer method getIndexEntry.
private Entry getIndexEntry(CompositeIndexType index, RecordEntry[] record, JanusGraphElement element) {
DataOutput out = serializer.getDataOutput(1 + 8 + 8 * record.length + 4 * 8);
if (index.getCardinality() != Cardinality.SINGLE) {
VariableLong.writePositive(out, element.longId());
if (index.getCardinality() != Cardinality.SET) {
for (RecordEntry re : record) {
VariableLong.writePositive(out, re.relationId);
int valuePosition = out.getPosition();
if (element instanceof JanusGraphVertex) {
VariableLong.writePositive(out, element.longId());
} else {
assert element instanceof JanusGraphRelation;
RelationIdentifier rid = (RelationIdentifier);
long[] longs = rid.getLongRepresentation();
Preconditions.checkArgument(longs.length == 3 || longs.length == 4);
for (long aLong : longs) VariableLong.writePositive(out, aLong);
return new StaticArrayEntry(out.getStaticBuffer(), valuePosition);
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.util.StaticArrayEntry in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class StaticArrayEntryTest method testInversion.
public void testInversion() {
WriteBuffer wb = new WriteByteBuffer(20);
Entry entry = new StaticArrayEntry(wb.getStaticBufferFlipBytes(4, 2 * 4), 3 * 4);
ReadBuffer rb = entry.asReadBuffer();
assertEquals(1, rb.getInt());
assertEquals(2, rb.subrange(4, true).getInt());
assertEquals(~2, rb.getInt());
assertEquals(3, rb.getInt());
assertEquals(4, rb.getInt());
assertEquals(4, rb.getInt());
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.util.StaticArrayEntry in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class StaticArrayEntryTest method testArrayBuffer.
public void testArrayBuffer() {
WriteBuffer wb = new WriteByteBuffer(128);
int valuePos = wb.getPosition();
Entry entry = new StaticArrayEntry(wb.getStaticBuffer(), valuePos);
assertEquals(4 * 4, entry.getValuePosition());
assertEquals(6 * 4, entry.length());
for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) assertEquals(i, entry.getInt((i - 1) * 4));
ReadBuffer rb = entry.asReadBuffer();
for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) assertEquals(i, rb.getInt());
assertEquals(cache, entry.getCache());
rb = entry.getColumnAs(StaticBuffer.STATIC_FACTORY).asReadBuffer();
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) assertEquals(i, rb.getInt());
rb = entry.getValueAs(StaticBuffer.STATIC_FACTORY).asReadBuffer();
for (int i = 5; i <= 6; i++) assertEquals(i, rb.getInt());
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.util.StaticArrayEntry in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class HBaseStoreManagerMutationTest method testKCVMutationToPuts.
public void testKCVMutationToPuts() throws Exception {
final Map<String, Map<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation>> storeMutationMap = new HashMap<>();
final Map<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation> rowkeyMutationMap = new HashMap<>();
final List<Long> expectedColumnsWithTTL = new ArrayList<>();
final List<Long> expectedColumnsWithoutTTL = new ArrayList<>();
final List<Long> expectedColumnDelete = new ArrayList<>();
StaticArrayEntry e = null;
StaticBuffer rowkey, col, val;
// 2 rows
for (int row = 0; row < 2; row++) {
rowkey = KeyColumnValueStoreUtil.longToByteBuffer(row);
List<Entry> additions = new ArrayList<>();
List<StaticBuffer> deletions = new ArrayList<>();
// 100 columns each row
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
col = KeyColumnValueStoreUtil.longToByteBuffer(i);
val = KeyColumnValueStoreUtil.longToByteBuffer(i + 100);
e = (StaticArrayEntry) StaticArrayEntry.of(col, val);
// Set half of the columns with TTL, also vary the TTL values
if (i % 2 == 0) {
e.setMetaData(EntryMetaData.TTL, i % 10 + 1);
// Collect the columns with TTL. Only do this for one row
if (row == 1) {
expectedColumnsWithTTL.add((long) i);
} else {
// Collect the columns without TTL. Only do this for one row
if (row == 1) {
expectedColumnsWithoutTTL.add((long) i);
// Add one deletion to the row
if (row == 1) {
expectedColumnDelete.add((long) (i - 1));
rowkeyMutationMap.put(rowkey, new KCVMutation(additions, deletions));
storeMutationMap.put("store1", rowkeyMutationMap);
HBaseStoreManager manager = new HBaseStoreManager(HBaseStorageSetup.getHBaseConfiguration());
final Map<StaticBuffer, Pair<List<Put>, Delete>> commandsPerRowKey = manager.convertToCommands(storeMutationMap, 0, 0);
// 2 rows
Assert.assertEquals(commandsPerRowKey.size(), 2);
// Verify puts
final List<Long> putColumnsWithTTL = new ArrayList<>();
final List<Long> putColumnsWithoutTTL = new ArrayList<>();
Pair<List<Put>, Delete> commands = commandsPerRowKey.values().iterator().next();
long colName;
for (Put p : commands.getFirst()) {
// In Put, Long.MAX_VALUE means no TTL
for (Map.Entry<byte[], List<Cell>> me : p.getFamilyCellMap().entrySet()) {
for (Cell c : me.getValue()) {
colName = KeyColumnValueStoreUtil.bufferToLong(new StaticArrayBuffer(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(c)));
if (p.getTTL() < Long.MAX_VALUE) {
} else {
Assert.assertArrayEquals(expectedColumnsWithoutTTL.toArray(), putColumnsWithoutTTL.toArray());
Assert.assertArrayEquals(expectedColumnsWithTTL.toArray(), putColumnsWithTTL.toArray());
// Verify deletes
final List<Long> deleteColumns = new ArrayList<>();
Delete d = commands.getSecond();
for (Map.Entry<byte[], List<Cell>> me : d.getFamilyCellMap().entrySet()) {
for (Cell c : me.getValue()) {
colName = KeyColumnValueStoreUtil.bufferToLong(new StaticArrayBuffer(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(c)));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(expectedColumnDelete.toArray(), deleteColumns.toArray());