use of org.jaudiotagger.tag.EmptyFrameException in project MusicDNA by harjot-oberai.
the class ID3v23Frame method read.
* Read the frame from a byteBuffer
* @param byteBuffer buffer to read from
public void read(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws InvalidFrameException, InvalidDataTypeException {
String identifier = readIdentifier(byteBuffer);
if (!isValidID3v2FrameIdentifier(identifier)) {
logger.config(getLoggingFilename() + ":Invalid identifier:" + identifier);
byteBuffer.position(byteBuffer.position() - (getFrameIdSize() - 1));
throw new InvalidFrameIdentifierException(getLoggingFilename() + ":" + identifier + ":is not a valid ID3v2.30 frame");
//Read the size field (as Big Endian Int - byte buffers always initialised to Big Endian order)
frameSize = byteBuffer.getInt();
if (frameSize < 0) {
logger.warning(getLoggingFilename() + ":Invalid Frame Size:" + frameSize + ":" + identifier);
throw new InvalidFrameException(identifier + " is invalid frame:" + frameSize);
} else if (frameSize == 0) {
logger.warning(getLoggingFilename() + ":Empty Frame Size:" + identifier);
//We don'timer process this frame or add to frameMap because contains no useful information
//Skip the two flag bytes so in correct position for subsequent frames
throw new EmptyFrameException(identifier + " is empty frame");
} else if (frameSize > byteBuffer.remaining()) {
logger.warning(getLoggingFilename() + ":Invalid Frame size of " + frameSize + " larger than size of" + byteBuffer.remaining() + " before mp3 audio:" + identifier);
throw new InvalidFrameException(identifier + " is invalid frame:" + frameSize + " larger than size of" + byteBuffer.remaining() + " before mp3 audio:" + identifier);
//Read the flag bytes
statusFlags = new StatusFlags(byteBuffer.get());
encodingFlags = new EncodingFlags(byteBuffer.get());
String id;
//If this identifier is a valid v24 identifier or easily converted to v24
id = ID3Tags.convertFrameID23To24(identifier);
// Cant easily be converted to v24 but is it a valid v23 identifier
if (id == null) {
// frame body for it.
if (ID3Tags.isID3v23FrameIdentifier(identifier)) {
id = identifier;
} else // Unknown so will be created as FrameBodyUnsupported
logger.fine(getLoggingFilename() + ":Identifier was:" + identifier + " reading using:" + id + "with frame size:" + frameSize);
//Read extra bits appended to frame header for various encodings
//These are not included in header size but are included in frame size but won'timer be read when we actually
//try to read the frame body data
int extraHeaderBytesCount = 0;
int decompressedFrameSize = -1;
if (((EncodingFlags) encodingFlags).isCompression()) {
//Read the Decompressed Size
decompressedFrameSize = byteBuffer.getInt();
logger.fine(getLoggingFilename() + ":Decompressed frame size is:" + decompressedFrameSize);
if (((EncodingFlags) encodingFlags).isEncryption()) {
//Consume the encryption byte
encryptionMethod = byteBuffer.get();
if (((EncodingFlags) encodingFlags).isGrouping()) {
//Read the Grouping byte, but do nothing with it
groupIdentifier = byteBuffer.get();
if (((EncodingFlags) encodingFlags).isNonStandardFlags()) {
//Probably corrupt so treat as a standard frame
logger.severe(getLoggingFilename() + ":InvalidEncodingFlags:" + Hex.asHex(((EncodingFlags) encodingFlags).getFlags()));
if (((EncodingFlags) encodingFlags).isCompression()) {
if (decompressedFrameSize > (100 * frameSize)) {
throw new InvalidFrameException(identifier + " is invalid frame, frame size " + frameSize + " cannot be:" + decompressedFrameSize + " when uncompressed");
//Work out the real size of the frameBody data
int realFrameSize = frameSize - extraHeaderBytesCount;
if (realFrameSize <= 0) {
throw new InvalidFrameException(identifier + " is invalid frame, realframeSize is:" + realFrameSize);
ByteBuffer frameBodyBuffer;
//Read the body data
try {
if (((EncodingFlags) encodingFlags).isCompression()) {
frameBodyBuffer = ID3Compression.uncompress(identifier, getLoggingFilename(), byteBuffer, decompressedFrameSize, realFrameSize);
if (((EncodingFlags) encodingFlags).isEncryption()) {
frameBody = readEncryptedBody(id, frameBodyBuffer, decompressedFrameSize);
} else {
frameBody = readBody(id, frameBodyBuffer, decompressedFrameSize);
} else if (((EncodingFlags) encodingFlags).isEncryption()) {
frameBody = readEncryptedBody(identifier, byteBuffer, frameSize);
} else {
//Create Buffer that only contains the body of this frame rather than the remainder of tag
frameBodyBuffer = byteBuffer.slice();
frameBody = readBody(id, frameBodyBuffer, realFrameSize);
//it then be created as FrameBodyUnsupported
if (!(frameBody instanceof ID3v23FrameBody)) {
logger.config(getLoggingFilename() + ":Converted frameBody with:" + identifier + " to deprecated frameBody");
frameBody = new FrameBodyDeprecated((AbstractID3v2FrameBody) frameBody);
} finally {
//Update position of main buffer, so no attempt is made to reread these bytes
byteBuffer.position(byteBuffer.position() + realFrameSize);