use of org.javarosa.xpath.XPathTypeMismatchException in project javarosa by opendatakit.
the class XPathEvalTest method doTests.
public void doTests() {
EvaluationContext ec = getFunctionHandlers();
FormInstance instance = createTestInstance();
FormInstance countNonEmptyInstance = createCountNonEmptyTestInstance();
testEval("count(/data/path)", countNonEmptyInstance, null, 5.0);
testEval("count-non-empty(/data/path)", countNonEmptyInstance, null, 3);
testEval("/union | /expr", new XPathUnsupportedException());
testEval("/descendant::blah", new XPathUnsupportedException());
testEval("/cant//support", new XPathUnsupportedException());
testEval("/text()", new XPathUnsupportedException());
testEval("/namespace:*", new XPathUnsupportedException());
testEval("(filter-expr)[5]", instance, null, new XPathUnsupportedException());
testEval("(filter-expr)/data", instance, null, new XPathUnsupportedException());
logTestCategory("numeric literals");
testEval("5", 5.0);
testEval("555555.555", 555555.555);
testEval(".000555", 0.000555);
testEval("0", 0.0);
testEval("-5", -5.0);
testEval("-0", -0.0);
testEval("1230000000000000000000", 1.23e21);
testEval("0.00000000000000000123", 1.23e-18);
logTestCategory("string literals");
testEval("''", "");
testEval("'\"'", "\"");
testEval("\"test string\"", "test string");
testEval("' '", " ");
logTestCategory("type conversions");
testEval("true()", TRUE);
testEval("false()", FALSE);
testEval("boolean(true())", TRUE);
testEval("boolean(false())", FALSE);
testEval("boolean(1)", TRUE);
testEval("boolean(-1)", TRUE);
testEval("boolean(0.0001)", TRUE);
testEval("boolean(0)", FALSE);
testEval("boolean(-0)", FALSE);
testEval("boolean(number('NaN'))", FALSE);
testEval("boolean(1 div 0)", TRUE);
testEval("boolean(-1 div 0)", TRUE);
testEval("boolean('')", FALSE);
testEval("boolean('asdf')", TRUE);
testEval("boolean(' ')", TRUE);
testEval("boolean('false')", TRUE);
testEval("boolean(date('2000-01-01'))", TRUE);
testEval("boolean(convertible())", null, ec, TRUE);
testEval("boolean(inconvertible())", null, ec, new XPathTypeMismatchException());
testEval("number(true())", 1.0);
testEval("number(false())", 0.0);
testEval("number('100')", 100.0);
testEval("number('100.001')", 100.001);
testEval("number('.1001')", 0.1001);
testEval("number('1230000000000000000000')", 1.23e21);
testEval("number('0.00000000000000000123')", 1.23e-18);
testEval("number('0')", 0.0);
testEval("number('-0')", -0.0);
testEval("number(' -12345.6789 ')", -12345.6789);
testEval("number('NaN')", NaN);
testEval("number('not a number')", NaN);
testEval("number('- 17')", NaN);
testEval("number(' ')", NaN);
testEval("number('')", NaN);
testEval("number('Infinity')", NaN);
testEval("number('1.1e6')", NaN);
testEval("number('34.56.7')", NaN);
testEval("number(10)", 10.0);
testEval("number(0)", 0.0);
testEval("number(-0)", -0.0);
testEval("number(-123.5)", -123.5);
testEval("number(number('NaN'))", NaN);
testEval("number(1 div 0)", POSITIVE_INFINITY);
testEval("number(-1 div 0)", NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
testEval("number(date('1970-01-01'))", 0.0);
testEval("number(date('1970-01-02'))", 1.0);
testEval("number(date('1969-12-31'))", -1.0);
testEval("number(date('2008-09-05'))", 14127.0);
testEval("number(date('1941-12-07'))", -10252.0);
testEval("number(convertible())", null, ec, 5.0);
testEval("number(inconvertible())", null, ec, new XPathTypeMismatchException());
testEval("string(true())", "true");
testEval("string(false())", "false");
testEval("string(number('NaN'))", "NaN");
testEval("string(1 div 0)", "Infinity");
testEval("string(-1 div 0)", "-Infinity");
testEval("string(0)", "0");
testEval("string(-0)", "0");
testEval("string(123456.0000)", "123456");
testEval("string(-123456)", "-123456");
testEval("string(1)", "1");
testEval("string(-1)", "-1");
testEval("string(.557586)", "0.557586");
// broken: testEval("string(1230000000000000000000)", "1230000000000000000000");
// broken: testEval("string(0.00000000000000000123)", "0.00000000000000000123");
testEval("string('')", "");
testEval("string(' ')", " ");
testEval("string('a string')", "a string");
testEval("string(date('1989-11-09'))", "1989-11-09");
testEval("string(convertible())", null, ec, "hi");
testEval("string(inconvertible())", null, ec, new XPathTypeMismatchException());
logTestCategory("substring functions");
testEval("substr('hello',0)", "hello");
testEval("substr('hello',0,5)", "hello");
testEval("substr('hello',1)", "ello");
testEval("substr('hello',1,5)", "ello");
testEval("substr('hello',1,4)", "ell");
testEval("substr('hello',-2)", "lo");
testEval("substr('hello',0,-1)", "hell");
testEval("contains('a', 'a')", true);
testEval("contains('a', 'b')", false);
testEval("contains('abc', 'b')", true);
testEval("contains('abc', 'bcd')", false);
testEval("not(contains('a', 'b'))", true);
testEval("starts-with('abc', 'a')", true);
testEval("starts-with('', 'a')", false);
testEval("starts-with('', '')", true);
testEval("ends-with('abc', 'a')", false);
testEval("ends-with('abc', 'c')", true);
testEval("ends-with('', '')", true);
logTestCategory("date functions");
testEval("date('2000-01-01')", DateUtils.getDate(2000, 1, 1));
testEval("date('1945-04-26')", DateUtils.getDate(1945, 4, 26));
testEval("date('1996-02-29')", DateUtils.getDate(1996, 2, 29));
testEval("date('1983-09-31')", new XPathTypeMismatchException());
testEval("date('not a date')", new XPathTypeMismatchException());
testEval("date(0)", DateUtils.getDate(1970, 1, 1));
testEval("date(6.5)", DateUtils.getDate(1970, 1, 7));
testEval("date(1)", DateUtils.getDate(1970, 1, 2));
testEval("date(-1)", DateUtils.getDate(1969, 12, 31));
testEval("date(14127)", DateUtils.getDate(2008, 9, 5));
testEval("date(-10252)", DateUtils.getDate(1941, 12, 7));
testEval("date(date('1989-11-09'))", DateUtils.getDate(1989, 11, 9));
testEval("date(true())", new XPathTypeMismatchException());
testEval("date(convertible())", null, ec, new XPathTypeMismatchException());
// note: there are lots of time and timezone-like issues with dates that should be tested (particularly DST changes),
// but it's just too hard and client-dependent, so not doing it now
// basically:
// dates cannot reliably be compared/used across time zones (an issue with the code)
// any time-of-day or DST should be ignored when comparing/using a date (an issue with testing)
/* other built-in functions */
testEval("format-date('2018-01-02T10:20:30.123', \"%Y-%m-%e %H:%M:%S\")", "2018-01-2 10:20:30");
logTestCategory("boolean functions");
testEval("not(true())", FALSE);
testEval("not(false())", TRUE);
testEval("not('')", TRUE);
testEval("boolean-from-string('true')", TRUE);
testEval("boolean-from-string('false')", FALSE);
testEval("boolean-from-string('whatever')", FALSE);
testEval("boolean-from-string('1')", TRUE);
testEval("boolean-from-string('0')", FALSE);
testEval("boolean-from-string(1)", TRUE);
testEval("boolean-from-string(1.0)", TRUE);
testEval("boolean-from-string(1.0001)", FALSE);
testEval("boolean-from-string(true())", TRUE);
testEval("if(true(), 5, 'abc')", 5.0);
testEval("if(false(), 5, 'abc')", "abc");
testEval("if(6 > 7, 5, 'abc')", "abc");
testEval("if('', 5, 'abc')", "abc");
testEval("selected('apple baby crimson', 'apple')", TRUE);
testEval("selected('apple baby crimson', 'baby')", TRUE);
testEval("selected('apple baby crimson', 'crimson')", TRUE);
testEval("selected('apple baby crimson', ' baby ')", TRUE);
testEval("selected('apple baby crimson', 'babby')", FALSE);
testEval("selected('apple baby crimson', 'bab')", FALSE);
testEval("selected('apple', 'apple')", TRUE);
testEval("selected('apple', 'ovoid')", FALSE);
testEval("selected('', 'apple')", FALSE);
logTestCategory("math operators");
testEval("5.5 + 5.5", 11.0);
testEval("0 + 0", 0.0);
testEval("6.1 - 7.8", -1.7);
testEval("-3 + 4", 1.0);
testEval("3 + -4", -1.0);
testEval("1 - 2 - 3", -4.0);
testEval("1 - (2 - 3)", 2.0);
testEval("-(8*5)", -40.0);
testEval("-'19'", -19.0);
testEval("1.1 * -1.1", -1.21);
testEval("-10 div -4", 2.5);
testEval("2 * 3 div 8 * 2", 1.5);
testEval("3 + 3 * 3", 12.0);
testEval("1 div 0", POSITIVE_INFINITY);
testEval("-1 div 0", NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
testEval("0 div 0", NaN);
testEval("3.1 mod 3.1", 0.0);
testEval("5 mod 3.1", 1.9);
testEval("2 mod 3.1", 2.0);
testEval("0 mod 3.1", 0.0);
testEval("5 mod -3", 2.0);
testEval("-5 mod 3", -2.0);
testEval("-5 mod -3", -2.0);
testEval("5 mod 0", NaN);
testEval("5 * (6 + 7)", 65.0);
testEval("'123' * '456'", 56088.0);
logTestCategory("math functions");
testEval("abs(-3.5)", 3.5);
// round, with a single argument
testEval("round('14.29123456789')", 14.0);
testEval("round('14.6')", 15.0);
// round, with two arguments
testEval("round('14.29123456789', 0)", 14.0);
testEval("round('14.29123456789', 1)", 14.3);
testEval("round('14.29123456789', 1.5)", 14.3);
testEval("round('14.29123456789', 2)", 14.29);
testEval("round('14.29123456789', 3)", 14.291);
testEval("round('14.29123456789', 4)", 14.2912);
testEval("round('12345.14', 1)", 12345.1);
testEval("round('-12345.14', 1)", -12345.1);
testEval("round('12345.12345', 0)", 12345.0);
testEval("round('12345.12345', -1)", 12350.0);
testEval("round('12345.12345', -2)", 12300.0);
testEval("round('12350.12345', -2)", 12400.0);
testEval("round('12345.12345', -3)", 12000.0);
// round, with a comma instead of a decimal point
testEval("round('4,6' )", 5.0);
// XPath specification tests
testEval("round('1 div 0', 0)", NaN);
testEval("round('14.5')", 15.0);
testEval("round('NaN')", NaN);
testEval("round('-NaN')", -NaN);
testEval("round('0')", 0.0);
testEval("round('-0')", -0.0);
testEval("round('-0.5')", -0.0);
// non US format
testEval("round('14,6')", 15.0);
// Java 8 tests deprecated by XPath 3.0 specification
// See discussion at
testEval("round('12345.15', 1)", 12345.2);
testEval("round('-12345.15', 1)", -12345.1);
logTestCategory("strange operators");
testEval("true() + 8", 9.0);
testEval("date('2008-09-08') - date('1983-10-06')", 9104.0);
testEval("true() and true()", TRUE);
testEval("true() and false()", FALSE);
testEval("false() and false()", FALSE);
testEval("true() or true()", TRUE);
testEval("true() or false()", TRUE);
testEval("false() or false()", FALSE);
testEval("true() or true() and false()", TRUE);
testEval("(true() or true()) and false()", FALSE);
// short-circuiting
testEval("true() or date('')", TRUE);
// short-circuiting
testEval("false() and date('')", FALSE);
testEval("'' or 17", TRUE);
testEval("false() or 0 + 2", TRUE);
testEval("(false() or 0) + 2", 2.0);
testEval("4 < 5", TRUE);
testEval("5 < 5", FALSE);
testEval("6 < 5", FALSE);
testEval("4 <= 5", TRUE);
testEval("5 <= 5", TRUE);
testEval("6 <= 5", FALSE);
testEval("4 > 5", FALSE);
testEval("5 > 5", FALSE);
testEval("6 > 5", TRUE);
testEval("4 >= 5", FALSE);
testEval("5 >= 5", TRUE);
testEval("6 >= 5", TRUE);
testEval("-3 > -6", TRUE);
logTestCategory("odd comparisons");
testEval("true() > 0.9999", TRUE);
// no string comparison: converted to number
testEval("'-17' > '-172'", TRUE);
// no string comparison: converted to NaN
testEval("'abc' < 'abcd'", FALSE);
testEval("date('2001-12-26') > date('2001-12-25')", TRUE);
testEval("date('1969-07-20') < date('1969-07-21')", TRUE);
testEval("false() and false() < true()", FALSE);
testEval("(false() and false()) < true()", TRUE);
testEval("6 < 7 - 4", FALSE);
testEval("(6 < 7) - 4", -3.0);
testEval("3 < 4 < 5", TRUE);
testEval("3 < (4 < 5)", FALSE);
testEval("true() = true()", TRUE);
testEval("true() = false()", FALSE);
testEval("true() != true()", FALSE);
testEval("true() != false()", TRUE);
testEval("3 = 3", TRUE);
testEval("3 = 4", FALSE);
testEval("3 != 3", FALSE);
testEval("3 != 4", TRUE);
// handle floating point rounding
testEval("6.1 - 7.8 = -1.7", TRUE);
testEval("'abc' = 'abc'", TRUE);
testEval("'abc' = 'def'", FALSE);
testEval("'abc' != 'abc'", FALSE);
testEval("'abc' != 'def'", TRUE);
testEval("'' = ''", TRUE);
testEval("true() = 17", TRUE);
testEval("0 = false()", TRUE);
testEval("true() = 'true'", TRUE);
testEval("17 = '17.0000000'", TRUE);
testEval("'0017.' = 17", TRUE);
testEval("'017.' = '17.000'", FALSE);
testEval("date('2004-05-01') = date('2004-05-01')", TRUE);
testEval("true() != date('1999-09-09')", FALSE);
testEval("false() and true() != true()", FALSE);
testEval("(false() and true()) != true()", TRUE);
testEval("-3 < 3 = 6 >= 6", TRUE);
logTestCategory("functions, including custom function handlers");
testEval("true(5)", new XPathUnhandledException());
testEval("number()", new XPathUnhandledException());
testEval("string('too', 'many', 'args')", new XPathUnhandledException());
testEval("not-a-function()", new XPathUnhandledException());
testEval("testfunc()", null, ec, TRUE);
testEval("add(3, 5)", null, ec, 8.0);
testEval("add('17', '-14')", null, ec, 3.0);
testEval("proto()", null, ec, new XPathTypeMismatchException());
testEval("proto(5, 5)", null, ec, "[Double:5.0,Double:5.0]");
testEval("proto(6)", null, ec, "[Double:6.0]");
testEval("proto('asdf')", null, ec, "[Double:NaN]");
// note: args treated as doubles because
testEval("proto('7', '7')", null, ec, "[Double:7.0,Double:7.0]");
// (double, double) prototype takes precedence and strings are convertible to doubles
testEval("proto(1.1, 'asdf', true())", null, ec, "[Double:1.1,String:asdf,Boolean:true]");
testEval("proto(false(), false(), false())", null, ec, "[Double:0.0,String:false,Boolean:false]");
testEval("proto(1.1, 'asdf', inconvertible())", null, ec, new XPathTypeMismatchException());
testEval("proto(1.1, 'asdf', true(), 16)", null, ec, new XPathTypeMismatchException());
testEval("raw()", null, ec, "[]");
testEval("raw(5, 5)", null, ec, "[Double:5.0,Double:5.0]");
testEval("raw('7', '7')", null, ec, "[String:7,String:7]");
// convertible to prototype
testEval("raw('1.1', 'asdf', 17)", null, ec, "[Double:1.1,String:asdf,Boolean:true]");
testEval("raw(get-custom(false()), get-custom(true()))", null, ec, "[CustomType:,CustomSubType:]");
testEval("concat()", null, ec, "");
testEval("concat('a')", null, ec, "a");
testEval("concat('a','b','')", null, ec, "ab");
testEval("concat('ab','cde','','fgh',1,false(),'ijklmnop')", null, ec, "abcdefgh1falseijklmnop");
testEval("check-types(55, '55', false(), '1999-09-09', get-custom(false()))", null, ec, TRUE);
testEval("check-types(55, '55', false(), '1999-09-09', get-custom(true()))", null, ec, TRUE);
testEval("regex('12345','[0-9]+')", null, ec, TRUE);
testEval("pow(2, 2)", 4.0);
testEval("pow(2, 0)", 1.0);
testEval("pow(0, 4)", 0.0);
testEval("pow(2.5, 2)", 6.25);
testEval("pow(0.5, 2)", .25);
testEval("pow(-1, 2)", 1.0);
testEval("pow(-1, 3)", -1.0);
// So raising things to decimal powers is.... very hard
// to evaluated exactly due to double floating point
// precision. We'll try for things with clean answers
testEval("pow(4, 0.5)", 2.0);
testEval("pow(16, 0.25)", 2.0);
logTestCategory("variable refs");
EvaluationContext varContext = getVariableContext();
testEval("$var_float_five", null, varContext, 5.0);
testEval("$var_string_five", null, varContext, "five");
testEval("$var_int_five", null, varContext, 5.0);
testEval("$var_double_five", null, varContext, 5.0);
logTestCategory("node referencing");
// happy flow scenario where the index node is not blank
FormInstance testInstance = createTestDataForIndexedRepeatFunction(1);
XPathNodeset expected = createExpectedNodesetFromIndexedRepeatFunction(testInstance, 1, "name");
testEval("indexed-repeat( /data/repeat/name , /data/repeat , /data/index1 )", testInstance, null, expected);
// situation where the referenced index node is blank and the default value (0 which means the first repeat group) is used
testInstance = createTestDataForIndexedRepeatFunction(null);
expected = createExpectedNodesetFromIndexedRepeatFunction(testInstance, 0, "name");
testEval("indexed-repeat( /data/repeat/name , /data/repeat , /data/index1 )", testInstance, null, expected);
logTestCategory("crypto functions");
// Support for all 5 supported digest algorithms (required and optional) and default base64 encoding
testEval("digest('some text', 'MD5', 'base64')", "VS4hzUzZkYZ448Gg30kbww==");
testEval("digest('some text', 'SHA-1', 'base64')", "N6pjx3OY2VRHMmLhoAV8HmMu2nc=");
testEval("digest('some text', 'SHA-256', 'base64')", "uU9vElx546X/qoJvWEwQ1SraZp5nYgUbgmtVd20FrtI=");
testEval("digest('some text', 'SHA-384', 'base64')", "zJTsPphzwLmnJIZEKVj2cQZ833e5QnQW0DFEDMYgQeLuE0RJhEfsDO2fcENGG9Hz");
testEval("digest('some text', 'SHA-512', 'base64')", "4nMrrtyj6sFAeChjfeHbynAsP8ns4Wz1Nt241hOc2F3+dGS4I1spgm9gjM9KxkPimxnGN4WKPYcQpZER30LdtQ==");
// Support for hexadecimal encoding
testEval("digest('some text', 'MD5', 'hex')", "552e21cd4cd9918678e3c1a0df491bc3");
// Support for optional third argument (defaults to 'base64')
testEval("digest('some text', 'MD5')", "VS4hzUzZkYZ448Gg30kbww==");
try {
testEval("null-proto()", null, ec, new XPathUnhandledException());
fail("Did not get expected null pointer");
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
// expected
read.val = "testing-read";
testEval("read()", null, ec, "testing-read");
testEval("write('testing-write')", null, ec, TRUE);
if (!"testing-write".equals(write.val))
fail("Custom function handler did not successfully send data to external source");
use of org.javarosa.xpath.XPathTypeMismatchException in project javarosa by opendatakit.
the class XPathFuncExpr method toDate.
* Convert a value to a {@link Date}. note that xpath has no intrinsic representation of dates, so this
* is off-spec.
* Dates convert to strings as 'yyyy-mm-dd', convert to numbers as # of days since
* the unix epoch, and convert to booleans always as 'true'.
* This function parses input values to dates. Input values can be:
* * A well formatted ISO8601 string representation of a date, with or without time.
* Examples: '2018-01-01', '2018-01-01T10:20:30.400', '2018-01-01T10:20:30.400+02'
* * An epoch integer measured in days (Days since 1970-01-01, negative values are allowed)
* Some values won't get parsed and will be returned as is without throwing an exception:
* * Empty string
* * Double.NaN (used by xpath as 'null value')
* * A value that is already a Date
* Any other value will throw an exception. Specifically:
* * A double value less than Integer.MIN_VALUE or greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE
* * A non parseable string
* @param input an Object containing a well formatted Date string, an epoch integer (in days)
* or a {@link Date} instance
* @return a {@link Date} instance
public static Object toDate(Object input, boolean preserveTime) {
input = unpack(input);
if (input instanceof Double) {
if (preserveTime) {
Double n = (Double) input;
if (n.isNaN()) {
return n;
if (n.isInfinite() || n > Integer.MAX_VALUE || n < Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
throw new XPathTypeMismatchException("converting out-of-range value to date");
long timeMillis = (long) (n * DateUtils.DAY_IN_MS);
Date d = new Date(timeMillis);
return d;
} else {
Double n = toInt(input);
if (n.isNaN()) {
return n;
if (n.isInfinite() || n > Integer.MAX_VALUE || n < Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
throw new XPathTypeMismatchException("converting out-of-range value to date");
return DateUtils.dateAdd(DateUtils.getDate(1970, 1, 1), n.intValue());
} else if (input instanceof String) {
String s = (String) input;
if (s.length() == 0) {
return s;
Date d = DateUtils.parseDateTime(s);
if (d == null) {
throw new XPathTypeMismatchException("converting to date");
} else {
return d;
} else if (input instanceof Date) {
if (preserveTime) {
return (Date) input;
} else {
return DateUtils.roundDate((Date) input);
} else {
throw new XPathTypeMismatchException("converting to date");
use of org.javarosa.xpath.XPathTypeMismatchException in project javarosa by opendatakit.
the class XPathFuncExpr method evalCustomFunction.
* Given a handler registered to handle the function, try to coerce the function arguments into
* one of the prototypes defined by the handler. If no suitable prototype found, throw an eval
* exception. Otherwise, evaluate.
* Note that if the handler supports 'raw args', it will receive the full, unaltered argument
* list if no prototype matches. (this lets functions support variable-length argument lists)
* @param handler
* @param args
* @return
private static Object evalCustomFunction(IFunctionHandler handler, Object[] args, EvaluationContext ec) {
List<Class[]> prototypes = handler.getPrototypes();
Object[] typedArgs = null;
int i = 0;
while (typedArgs == null && prototypes.size() > i) {
typedArgs = matchPrototype(args, prototypes.get(i++));
if (typedArgs != null) {
return handler.eval(typedArgs, ec);
} else if (handler.rawArgs()) {
// should we have support for expanding nodesets here?
return handler.eval(args, ec);
} else {
throw new XPathTypeMismatchException("for function \'" + handler.getName() + "\'");
use of org.javarosa.xpath.XPathTypeMismatchException in project collect by opendatakit.
the class FormLoaderTask method doInBackground.
* Initialize {@link FormEntryController} with {@link FormDef} from binary or
* from XML. If given an instance, it will be used to fill the {@link FormDef}.
protected FECWrapper doInBackground(String... path) {
errorMsg = null;
final String formPath = path[0];
if (formPath == null) {
Timber.e("formPath is null");
errorMsg = "formPath is null, please email with a description of what you were doing when this happened.";
return null;
final File formXml = new File(formPath);
final File formMediaDir = FileUtils.getFormMediaDir(formXml);
setupReferenceManagerForForm(ReferenceManager.instance(), formMediaDir);
FormDef formDef = null;
try {
formDef = createFormDefFromCacheOrXml(formPath, formXml);
} catch (StackOverflowError e) {
errorMsg = getLocalizedString(Collect.getInstance(), R.string.too_complex_form);
} catch (Exception | Error e) {
errorMsg = "An unknown error has occurred. Please ask your project leadership to email with information about this form.";
errorMsg += "\n\n" + e.getMessage();
if (errorMsg != null || formDef == null) {
Timber.w("No exception loading form but errorMsg set");
return null;
externalDataManager = new ExternalDataManagerImpl(formMediaDir);
// add external data function handlers
ExternalDataHandler externalDataHandlerPull = new ExternalDataHandlerPull(externalDataManager);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Timber.e(e, "Exception thrown while loading external data");
errorMsg = e.getMessage();
return null;
if (isCancelled()) {
// that means that the user has cancelled, so no need to go further
return null;
// create FormEntryController from formdef
final FormEntryModel fem = new FormEntryModel(formDef);
final FormEntryController fec = new FormEntryController(fem);
boolean usedSavepoint = false;
try {
Timber.i("Initializing form.");
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
usedSavepoint = initializeForm(formDef, fec);
Timber.i("Form initialized in %.3f seconds.", (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000F);
} catch (IOException | RuntimeException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof XPathTypeMismatchException) {
// this is a case of
// .sundt/javarosa/commits/e5d344783e7968877402bcee11828fa55fac69de
// the data are imported, the survey will be unusable
// but we should give the option to the user to edit the form
// otherwise the survey will be TOTALLY inaccessible.
Timber.w("We have a syntactically correct instance, but the data threw an exception inside JR. We should allow editing.");
} else {
errorMsg = e.getMessage();
return null;
final FormController fc = new FormController(formMediaDir, fec, instancePath == null ? null : new File(instancePath));
if (xpath != null) {
// we are resuming after having terminated -- set index to this
// position...
FormIndex idx = fc.getIndexFromXPath(xpath);
if (idx != null) {
if (waitingXPath != null) {
FormIndex idx = fc.getIndexFromXPath(waitingXPath);
if (idx != null) {
data = new FECWrapper(fc, usedSavepoint);
return data;
use of org.javarosa.xpath.XPathTypeMismatchException in project javarosa by opendatakit.
the class XPathReference method getPathExpr.
public static XPathPathExpr getPathExpr(String nodeset) {
XPathExpression path;
boolean validNonPathExpr = false;
try {
path = XPathParseTool.parseXPath(nodeset);
if (!(path instanceof XPathPathExpr)) {
validNonPathExpr = true;
throw new XPathSyntaxException();
} catch (XPathSyntaxException xse) {
// make these checked exceptions?
if (validNonPathExpr) {
throw new XPathTypeMismatchException("Expected XPath path, got XPath expression: [" + nodeset + "]," + xse.getMessage());
} else {
throw new XPathException("Parse error in XPath path: [" + nodeset + "]." + (xse.getMessage() == null ? "" : "\n" + xse.getMessage()));
return (XPathPathExpr) path;