use of org.jaxrx.core.JaxRxException in project sirix by sirixdb.
the class DatabaseRepresentation method revertToRevision.
* This method reverts the latest revision data to the requested.
* @param resourceName
* The name of the XML resource.
* @param backToRevision
* The revision value, which has to be set as the latest.
* @throws WebApplicationException
* @throws SirixException
public void revertToRevision(final String resourceName, final int backToRevision) throws JaxRxException, SirixException {
Database database = null;
Session session = null;
NodeWriteTrx wtx = null;
boolean abort = false;
try {
database = Databases.openDatabase(mStoragePath);
session = database.getSession(new SessionConfiguration.Builder(resourceName).build());
wtx = session.beginNodeWriteTrx();
} catch (final SirixException exce) {
abort = true;
throw new JaxRxException(exce);
} finally {
WorkerHelper.closeWTX(abort, wtx, session, database);
use of org.jaxrx.core.JaxRxException in project sirix by sirixdb.
the class DatabaseRepresentation method performQueryOnResource.
* This method is responsible to perform queries on a special database. (XPath
* queries).
* @param resource
* The name of the database instance.
* @param query
* The XPath expression.
* @param otherParams
* Further query parameters (output, wrap, revision) which change the
* response.
* @return The result of the XPath query expression.
public StreamingOutput performQueryOnResource(final String resource, final String query, final Map<QueryParameter, String> otherParams) {
final StreamingOutput streamingOutput = new StreamingOutput() {
public void write(final OutputStream output) throws IOException, JaxRxException {
final String revision = otherParams.get(QueryParameter.REVISION);
final String wrap = otherParams.get(QueryParameter.WRAP);
final String nodeId = otherParams.get(QueryParameter.OUTPUT);
final boolean wrapResult = (wrap == null) ? true : wrap.equalsIgnoreCase(YESSTRING);
final boolean nodeid = (nodeId == null) ? false : nodeId.equalsIgnoreCase(YESSTRING);
final Integer rev = revision == null ? null : Integer.valueOf(revision);
final RestXPathProcessor xpathProcessor = new RestXPathProcessor(mStoragePath);
try {
xpathProcessor.getXpathResource(resource, query, nodeid, rev, output, wrapResult);
} catch (final SirixException exce) {
throw new JaxRxException(exce);
return streamingOutput;
use of org.jaxrx.core.JaxRxException in project sirix by sirixdb.
the class DatabaseRepresentation method getModificHistory.
* This method reads the existing database, and offers all modifications of
* the two given revisions
* @param resourceName
* The name of the existing database.
* @param revisionRange
* Contains the range of revisions
* @param nodeid
* To response the resource with a restid for each node (
* <code>true</code>) or without ( <code>false</code>).
* @param output
* The OutputStream reference which have to be modified and returned
* @param wrap
* <code>true</code> if the results have to be wrapped.
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @return The {@link OutputStream} containing the result
* @throws SirixException
* @throws WebApplicationException
* The Exception occurred.
public OutputStream getModificHistory(// NOPMD this method needs alls these
final String resourceName, // functions
final String revisionRange, final boolean nodeid, final OutputStream output, final boolean wrap) throws JaxRxException, SirixException {
// extract both revision from given String value
final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(revisionRange, "-");
final int revision1 = Integer.valueOf(tokenizer.nextToken());
final int revision2 = Integer.valueOf(tokenizer.nextToken());
if (revision1 < revision2 && revision2 <= getLastRevision(resourceName)) {
// variables for highest rest-id in respectively revision
long maxRestidRev1 = 1;
long maxRestidRev2 = 1;
// Connection to sirix, creating a session
Database database = null;
Axis axis = null;
NodeReadTrx rtx = null;
Session session = null;
// List for all restIds of modifications
final List<Long> modificRestids = new LinkedList<Long>();
// List of all restIds of revision 1
final List<Long> restIdsRev1 = new LinkedList<Long>();
try {
database = Databases.openDatabase(mStoragePath);
session = database.getSession(new SessionConfiguration.Builder(resourceName).build());
// get highest rest-id from given revision 1
rtx = session.beginNodeReadTrx(revision1);
axis = new XPathAxis(rtx, ".//*");
while (axis.hasNext()) {;
if (rtx.getNodeKey() > maxRestidRev1) {
maxRestidRev1 = rtx.getNodeKey();
// stores all restids from revision 1 into a list
// get highest rest-id from given revision 2
rtx = session.beginNodeReadTrx(revision2);
axis = new XPathAxis(rtx, ".//*");
while (axis.hasNext()) {;
final Long nodeKey = rtx.getNodeKey();
if (nodeKey > maxRestidRev2) {
maxRestidRev2 = rtx.getNodeKey();
if (nodeKey > maxRestidRev1) {
* writes all restids of revision 2 higher than the highest restid
* of revision 1 into the list
* removes all restids from restIdsRev1 that appears in revision 2 all
* remaining restids in the list can be seen as deleted nodes
rtx = session.beginNodeReadTrx(revision1);
// linked list for holding unique restids from revision 1
final List<Long> restIdsRev1New = new LinkedList<Long>();
* Checks if a deleted node has a parent node that was deleted too. If
* so, only the parent node is stored in new list to avoid double print
* of node modification
for (Long nodeKey : restIdsRev1) {
final long parentKey = rtx.getParentKey();
if (!restIdsRev1.contains(parentKey)) {
if (wrap) {
* Shred modified restids from revision 2 to xml fragment Just
* modifications done by post commands
rtx = session.beginNodeReadTrx(revision2);
for (Long nodeKey : modificRestids) {
WorkerHelper.serializeXML(session, output, false, nodeid, nodeKey, revision2).call();
* Shred modified restids from revision 1 to xml fragment Just
* modifications done by put and deletes
rtx = session.beginNodeReadTrx(revision1);
for (Long nodeKey : restIdsRev1New) {
WorkerHelper.serializeXML(session, output, false, nodeid, nodeKey, revision1).call();
if (wrap) {
} catch (final Exception globExcep) {
throw new JaxRxException(globExcep);
} finally {
WorkerHelper.closeRTX(rtx, session, database);
} else {
throw new JaxRxException(400, "Bad user request");
return output;
use of org.jaxrx.core.JaxRxException in project sirix by sirixdb.
the class NodeIdRepresentation method serialize.
* This method serializes requested resource
* @param resource
* The requested resource
* @param nodeId
* The node id of the requested resource.
* @param revision
* The revision of the requested resource.
* @param doNodeId
* Specifies whether the node id's have to be shown in the result.
* @param output
* The output stream to be written.
* @param wrapResult
* Specifies whether the result has to be wrapped with a result
* element.
private void serialize(final String resource, final long nodeId, final Long revision, final boolean doNodeId, final OutputStream output, final boolean wrapResult) {
if (WorkerHelper.checkExistingResource(mStoragePath, resource)) {
Session session = null;
Database database = null;
try {
database = Databases.openDatabase(mStoragePath);
session = database.getSession(new SessionConfiguration.Builder(resource).build());
if (wrapResult) {
final XMLSerializerProperties props = new XMLSerializerProperties();
final XMLSerializerBuilder builder = new XMLSerializerBuilder(session, nodeId, output, props);
if (doNodeId) {
final XMLSerializer serializer =;;
} else {
final XMLSerializerProperties props = new XMLSerializerProperties();
final XMLSerializerBuilder builder = new XMLSerializerBuilder(session, nodeId, output, props);
if (doNodeId) {
final XMLSerializer serializer =;;
} catch (final SirixException ttExcep) {
throw new JaxRxException(ttExcep);
} catch (final IOException ioExcep) {
throw new JaxRxException(ioExcep);
} catch (final Exception globExcep) {
if (globExcep instanceof JaxRxException) {
// types
throw (JaxRxException) globExcep;
} else {
throw new JaxRxException(globExcep);
} finally {
try {
WorkerHelper.closeRTX(null, session, database);
} catch (final SirixException exce) {
throw new JaxRxException(exce);
} else {
throw new JaxRxException(404, "Resource does not exist");
use of org.jaxrx.core.JaxRxException in project sirix by sirixdb.
the class SirixMediator method get.
public StreamingOutput get(final ResourcePath path) throws JaxRxException {
final int depth = path.getDepth();
StreamingOutput response;
switch(depth) {
case 0:
response = database.getResourcesNames();
case 1:
response = database.getResource(path.getResourcePath(), path.getQueryParameter());
case 2:
response = nodeIdResource.getResource(path.getResource(0), Long.valueOf(path.getResource(1)), path.getQueryParameter());
case 3:
final IDAccessType accessType = WorkerHelper.getInstance().validateAccessType(path.getResource(2));
if (accessType == null) {
throw new JaxRxException(400, "The access type: " + path.getResource(2) + " is not supported.");
} else {
response = nodeIdResource.getResourceByAT(path.getResource(0), Long.valueOf(path.getResource(1)), path.getQueryParameter(), accessType);
throw new JaxRxException(405, NOTALLOWEDSTRING);
return response;