use of org.sirix.service.jaxrx.enums.IDAccessType in project sirix by sirixdb.
the class SirixMediator method add.
public String add(final InputStream input, final ResourcePath path) throws JaxRxException {
final int depth = path.getDepth();
if (depth == 1) {
database.add(input, path.getResourcePath());
} else if (depth == 2) {
nodeIdResource.addSubResource(path.getResource(0), Long.valueOf(path.getResource(1)), input, IDAccessType.FIRSTCHILD);
} else if (depth == 3) {
final IDAccessType accessType = WorkerHelper.getInstance().validateAccessType(path.getResource(2));
nodeIdResource.addSubResource(path.getResource(0), Long.valueOf(path.getResource(1)), input, accessType);
return null;
use of org.sirix.service.jaxrx.enums.IDAccessType in project sirix by sirixdb.
the class SirixMediator method get.
public StreamingOutput get(final ResourcePath path) throws JaxRxException {
final int depth = path.getDepth();
StreamingOutput response;
switch(depth) {
case 0:
response = database.getResourcesNames();
case 1:
response = database.getResource(path.getResourcePath(), path.getQueryParameter());
case 2:
response = nodeIdResource.getResource(path.getResource(0), Long.valueOf(path.getResource(1)), path.getQueryParameter());
case 3:
final IDAccessType accessType = WorkerHelper.getInstance().validateAccessType(path.getResource(2));
if (accessType == null) {
throw new JaxRxException(400, "The access type: " + path.getResource(2) + " is not supported.");
} else {
response = nodeIdResource.getResourceByAT(path.getResource(0), Long.valueOf(path.getResource(1)), path.getQueryParameter(), accessType);
throw new JaxRxException(405, NOTALLOWEDSTRING);
return response;