use of org.jbehave.core.failures.UUIDExceptionWrapper in project jbehave-core by jbehave.
the class PostStoryStatisticsCollectorBehaviour method narrateAnInterestingStory.
private void narrateAnInterestingStory() {
Story story = new Story("/path/to/story", new Description("An interesting story"), new Narrative("renovate my house", "customer", "get a loan"), new ArrayList<Scenario>());
// begin story
reporter.beforeStory(story, false);
// 1st scenario
reporter.beforeScenario(new Scenario("I ask for a loan", Meta.EMPTY));
reporter.givenStories(asList("path/to/story1", "path/to/story2"));
// 1st given story
reporter.beforeStory(story, true);
reporter.beforeScenario(new Scenario("a scenario without steps", Meta.EMPTY));
// 2nd given story
reporter.beforeStory(story, true);
reporter.beforeScenario(new Scenario("the bank has $300 to loan", Meta.EMPTY));
reporter.beforeStory(story, true);
reporter.beforeScenario(new Scenario("initialise static", Meta.EMPTY));
reporter.successful("the bank has customers");
reporter.successful("Given I have a balance of $50");
reporter.ignorable("!-- Then ignore me");
reporter.comment("!-- A comment");
reporter.successful("When I request $20");
reporter.successful("When I ask Liz for a loan of $100");
// 2nd scenario
reporter.beforeScenario(new Scenario("A failing scenario", Meta.EMPTY));
OutcomesTable outcomesTable = new OutcomesTable();
outcomesTable.addOutcome("I don't return all", 100.0, equalTo(50.));
try {
} catch (UUIDExceptionWrapper e) {
reporter.failedOutcomes("Then I don't return loan", ((OutcomesFailed) e.getCause()).outcomesTable());
reporter.notPerformed("Then I should have $20");
ExamplesTable table = new ExamplesTable("|money|to|\n|$30|Mauro|\n|$50|Paul|\n");
reporter.beforeExamples(asList("Given money <money>", "Then I give it to <to>"), table);
// 3rd scenario
reporter.beforeScenario(new Scenario("A pending scenario", Meta.EMPTY));
reporter.pending("When I have some money");
reporter.notPerformed("Then I should have $20");
// end story
use of org.jbehave.core.failures.UUIDExceptionWrapper in project jbehave-core by jbehave.
the class PrintStreamOutputBehaviour method shouldUseCustomDateFormatInOutcomesTable.
public void shouldUseCustomDateFormatInOutcomesTable() {
// Given
OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
StoryReporter reporter = new TxtOutput(new PrintStream(out));
// When
OutcomesTable outcomesTable = new OutcomesTable(new LocalizedKeywords(), "dd/MM/yyyy");
Date actualDate = StoryNarrator.dateFor("01/01/2011");
Date expectedDate = StoryNarrator.dateFor("02/01/2011");
outcomesTable.addOutcome("A wrong date", actualDate, new IsDateEqual(expectedDate, outcomesTable.getDateFormat()));
try {
} catch (UUIDExceptionWrapper e) {
reporter.failedOutcomes("some step", ((OutcomesFailed) e.getCause()).outcomesTable());
// Then
String expected = "some step (FAILED)\n" + "(org.jbehave.core.model.OutcomesTable$OutcomesFailed)\n" + "|Description|Value|Matcher|Verified|\n" + "|A wrong date|01/01/2011|\"02/01/2011\"|No|\n";
assertThat(dos2unix(out.toString()), equalTo(expected));
use of org.jbehave.core.failures.UUIDExceptionWrapper in project jbehave-core by jbehave.
the class PrintStreamOutputBehaviour method shouldReportEventsToPrintStreamInItalian.
public void shouldReportEventsToPrintStreamInItalian() {
// Given
UUIDExceptionWrapper exception = new UUIDExceptionWrapper(new RuntimeException("Lasciate in pace i miei soldi!"));
OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
LocalizedKeywords keywords = new LocalizedKeywords(Locale.ITALIAN);
StoryReporter reporter = new TxtOutput(new PrintStream(out), new Properties(), keywords, true);
// When
reporter.successful("Dato che ho un saldo di $50");
reporter.successful("Quando richiedo $20");
reporter.failed("Quando chiedo a Liz un prestito di $100", exception);
reporter.pending("Allora dovrei avere un saldo di $30");
reporter.notPerformed("Allora dovrei avere $20");
// Then
String expected = "Dato che ho un saldo di $50\n" + "Quando richiedo $20\n" + "Quando chiedo a Liz un prestito di $100 (FALLITO)\n" + "(java.lang.RuntimeException: Lasciate in pace i miei soldi!)\n" + "Allora dovrei avere un saldo di $30 (IN SOSPESO)\n" + "Allora dovrei avere $20 (NON ESEGUITO)\n";
assertThat(dos2unix(out.toString()), equalTo(expected));
use of org.jbehave.core.failures.UUIDExceptionWrapper in project jbehave-core by jbehave.
the class PrintStreamOutputBehaviour method shouldSuppressStackTraceForKnownFailure.
public void shouldSuppressStackTraceForKnownFailure() {
// Given
final OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStreamFactory factory = new PrintStreamFactory() {
public PrintStream createPrintStream() {
return new PrintStream(out);
TxtOutput reporter = new TxtOutput(factory.createPrintStream(), new Properties(), new LocalizedKeywords(), true);
reporter.failed("Then I should have a balance of $30", new UUIDExceptionWrapper(new MyKnownFailure()));
assertThat(dos2unix(out.toString()), equalTo("Then I should have a balance of $30 (FAILED)\n" + "(org.jbehave.core.reporters.PrintStreamOutputBehaviour$MyKnownFailure)\n\n" + ""));
use of org.jbehave.core.failures.UUIDExceptionWrapper in project jbehave-core by jbehave.
the class PrintStreamOutputBehaviour method shouldReportFailureTraceWhenToldToDoSo.
public void shouldReportFailureTraceWhenToldToDoSo() {
// Given
UUIDExceptionWrapper exception = new UUIDExceptionWrapper(new RuntimeException("Leave my money alone!"));
OutputStream stackTrace = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
exception.getCause().printStackTrace(new PrintStream(stackTrace));
OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
TxtOutput reporter = new TxtOutput(new PrintStream(out), new Properties(), new LocalizedKeywords(), true);
// When
reporter.beforeScenario(new Scenario("A title", Meta.EMPTY));
reporter.successful("Given I have a balance of $50");
reporter.successful("When I request $20");
reporter.failed("When I ask Liz for a loan of $100", exception);
reporter.pending("Then I should have a balance of $30");
reporter.notPerformed("Then I should have $20");
// Then
String expected = "Scenario: A title\n" + "Given I have a balance of $50\n" + "When I request $20\n" + "When I ask Liz for a loan of $100 (FAILED)\n" + "(java.lang.RuntimeException: Leave my money alone!)\n" + "Then I should have a balance of $30 (PENDING)\n" + "Then I should have $20 (NOT PERFORMED)\n" + "\n";
String actual = dos2unix(out.toString());
assertThat(actual, containsString(expected));
assertThat(actual, containsString("at org.jbehave.core.reporters.PrintStreamOutputBehaviour.shouldReportFailureTraceWhenToldToDoSo("));
// Given
out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
reporter = new TxtOutput(new PrintStream(out));
// When
reporter.beforeScenario(new Scenario("A title", Meta.EMPTY));
reporter.successful("Given I have a balance of $50");
reporter.successful("When I request $20");
reporter.failed("When I ask Liz for a loan of $100", exception);
reporter.pending("Then I should have a balance of $30");
reporter.notPerformed("Then I should have $20");
// Then
assertThat(out.toString().contains(stackTrace.toString()), is(false));