use of org.jbehave.core.model.Story in project jbehave-core by jbehave.
the class RegexStoryParserBehaviour method shouldParseStoryWithAllElements.
public void shouldParseStoryWithAllElements() {
String wholeStory = "This is just a story description" + NL + NL + "Narrative: " + NL + "In order to see what we're not delivering" + NL + NL + "As a developer" + NL + "I want to see the narrative for my story when a scenario in that story breaks" + NL + "GivenStories: path1,path2" + NL + NL + "Lifecycle: " + NL + "Before: " + NL + NL + "Given a setup step" + NL + "After: " + NL + NL + "Then a teardown step" + NL + "Scenario: A pending scenario" + NL + NL + "Given a step that's pending" + NL + "When I run the scenario" + NL + "!-- A comment between steps" + NL + "Then I should see this in the output" + NL + "Scenario: A passing scenario" + NL + "Given I'm not reporting passing stories" + NL + "When I run the scenario" + NL + "Then this should not be in the output" + NL + "Scenario: A failing scenario" + NL + "Given a step that fails" + NL + "When I run the scenario" + NL + "Then I should see this in the output" + NL + "And I should see this in the output" + NL;
Story story = parser.parseStory(wholeStory, storyPath);
assertThat(story.toString(), containsString("This is just a story description"));
assertThat(story.getDescription().asString(), equalTo("This is just a story description"));
assertThat(story.toString(), containsString("Narrative"));
assertThat(story.getNarrative().inOrderTo(), equalTo("see what we're not delivering"));
assertThat(story.getNarrative().asA(), equalTo("developer"));
assertThat(story.getNarrative().iWantTo(), equalTo("see the narrative for my story when a scenario in that story breaks"));
assertThat(story.getGivenStories().getPaths(), hasItem("path1"));
assertThat(story.getGivenStories().getPaths(), hasItem("path2"));
assertThat(story.toString(), containsString("Lifecycle"));
assertThat(story.getLifecycle().getBeforeSteps().size(), equalTo(1));
assertThat(story.getLifecycle().getBeforeSteps(), hasItem("Given a setup step"));
assertThat(story.getLifecycle().getAfterSteps().size(), equalTo(1));
assertThat(story.getLifecycle().getAfterSteps(), hasItem("Then a teardown step"));
Meta storyAsMeta = story.asMeta("story_");
assertThat(storyAsMeta.getProperty("story_path"), equalTo(story.getPath()));
assertThat(storyAsMeta.getProperty("story_description"), equalTo(story.getDescription().asString()));
assertThat(storyAsMeta.getProperty("story_narrative"), equalTo(story.getNarrative().toString()));
assertThat(story.toString(), containsString("A pending scenario"));
Scenario firstScenario = story.getScenarios().get(0);
assertThat(firstScenario.getTitle(), equalTo("A pending scenario"));
assertThat(firstScenario.getGivenStories().getPaths().size(), equalTo(0));
assertThat(firstScenario.getSteps(), equalTo(asList("Given a step that's pending", "When I run the scenario", "!-- A comment between steps", "Then I should see this in the output")));
Meta scenarioAsMeta = firstScenario.asMeta("scenario_");
assertThat(scenarioAsMeta.getProperty("scenario_title"), equalTo(firstScenario.getTitle()));
assertThat(scenarioAsMeta.getProperty("scenario_givenStories"), equalTo(firstScenario.getGivenStories().asString()));
assertThat(scenarioAsMeta.getProperty("scenario_examplesTable"), equalTo(firstScenario.getExamplesTable().asString()));
assertThat(story.toString(), containsString("A passing scenario"));
Scenario secondScenario = story.getScenarios().get(1);
assertThat(secondScenario.getTitle(), equalTo("A passing scenario"));
assertThat(secondScenario.getGivenStories().getPaths().size(), equalTo(0));
assertThat(secondScenario.getSteps(), equalTo(asList("Given I'm not reporting passing stories", "When I run the scenario", "Then this should not be in the output")));
assertThat(story.toString(), containsString("A failing scenario"));
Scenario thirdScenario = story.getScenarios().get(2);
assertThat(thirdScenario.getTitle(), equalTo("A failing scenario"));
assertThat(thirdScenario.getGivenStories().getPaths().size(), equalTo(0));
assertThat(thirdScenario.getSteps(), equalTo(asList("Given a step that fails", "When I run the scenario", "Then I should see this in the output", "And I should see this in the output")));
use of org.jbehave.core.model.Story in project jbehave-core by jbehave.
the class RegexStoryParserBehaviour method shouldParseStoryWithMetaAndGivenStories.
public void shouldParseStoryWithMetaAndGivenStories() {
String wholeStory = "Meta: @skip @theme parsing" + NL + "GivenStories: path1,path2 " + NL + "Scenario: A scenario" + NL + "Meta: @author Mauro" + NL + "Given a step " + NL + "Scenario: Another scenario" + NL + "Meta: @author Paul" + NL + "Given another step ";
Story story = parser.parseStory(wholeStory, storyPath);
assertThat(story.getPath(), equalTo(storyPath));
Meta storyMeta = story.getMeta();
assertThat(storyMeta.getProperty("theme"), equalTo("parsing"));
assertThat(storyMeta.getProperty("skip"), equalTo(EMPTY));
assertThat(storyMeta.getProperty("unknown"), equalTo(EMPTY));
assertThat(story.getGivenStories().getPaths(), equalTo(asList("path1", "path2")));
List<Scenario> scenarios = story.getScenarios();
assertThat(scenarios.get(0).getTitle(), equalTo("A scenario"));
assertThat(scenarios.get(0).getMeta().getProperty("author"), equalTo("Mauro"));
assertThat(scenarios.get(1).getTitle(), equalTo("Another scenario"));
assertThat(scenarios.get(1).getMeta().getProperty("author"), equalTo("Paul"));
use of org.jbehave.core.model.Story in project jbehave-core by jbehave.
the class RegexStoryParserBehaviour method shouldParseWithMultipleScenarios.
public void shouldParseWithMultipleScenarios() {
String wholeStory = "Scenario: the first scenario " + NL + NL + "Given my scenario" + NL + NL + "Scenario: the second scenario" + NL + NL + "Given my second scenario";
Story story = parser.parseStory(wholeStory, storyPath);
assertThat(story.getScenarios().get(0).getTitle(), equalTo("the first scenario"));
assertThat(story.getScenarios().get(0).getSteps(), equalTo(asList("Given my scenario")));
assertThat(story.getScenarios().get(1).getTitle(), equalTo("the second scenario"));
assertThat(story.getScenarios().get(1).getSteps(), equalTo(asList("Given my second scenario")));
use of org.jbehave.core.model.Story in project jbehave-core by jbehave.
the class RegexStoryParserBehaviour method shouldParseStoryWithSimpleSteps.
public void shouldParseStoryWithSimpleSteps() {
String wholeStory = "Given a scenario" + NL + "!-- ignore me" + NL + "When I parse it" + NL + "Then I should get steps";
Story story = parser.parseStory(wholeStory, storyPath);
assertThat(story.getPath(), equalTo(storyPath));
List<String> steps = story.getScenarios().get(0).getSteps();
assertThat(steps.get(0), equalTo("Given a scenario"));
assertThat(steps.get(1), equalTo("!-- ignore me"));
assertThat(steps.get(2), equalTo("When I parse it"));
assertThat(steps.get(3), equalTo("Then I should get steps"));
use of org.jbehave.core.model.Story in project jbehave-core by jbehave.
the class RegexStoryParserBehaviour method shouldParseStoryWithSynonymsOfStartingWords.
public void shouldParseStoryWithSynonymsOfStartingWords() {
StoryParser parser = new RegexStoryParser(new LocalizedKeywords(new Locale("sy")));
String wholeStory = "Given a scenario" + NL + "When I parse it" + NL + "And I parse it again" + NL + "With another parse as well" + NL + "!-- ignore me" + NL + "Giveth another scenario" + NL + "With a merry go round";
Story story = parser.parseStory(wholeStory, storyPath);
List<String> steps = story.getScenarios().get(0).getSteps();
assertThat(steps.get(0), equalTo("Given a scenario"));
assertThat(steps.get(1), equalTo("When I parse it"));
assertThat(steps.get(2), equalTo("And I parse it again"));
assertThat(steps.get(3), equalTo("With another parse as well"));
assertThat(steps.get(4), equalTo("!-- ignore me"));
assertThat(steps.get(5), equalTo("Giveth another scenario"));
assertThat(steps.get(6), equalTo("With a merry go round"));