use of org.jbehave.core.model.Story in project jbehave-core by jbehave.
the class MarkUnmatchedStepsAsPendingBehaviour method shouldInvokeBeforeOrAfterStoryWithParameterAndException.
public void shouldInvokeBeforeOrAfterStoryWithParameterAndException() throws Exception {
BeforeOrAfterStoryWithParameterAndExceptionSteps steps = new BeforeOrAfterStoryWithParameterAndExceptionSteps();
Story story = mock(Story.class);
List<Step> beforeSteps = stepCollector.collectBeforeOrAfterStorySteps(asList((CandidateSteps) steps), story, Stage.BEFORE, false);
UUIDExceptionWrapper failureOccurred = new UUIDExceptionWrapper();
assertThat(steps.value, equalTo("before"));
assertThat(steps.exception, equalTo(failureOccurred));
List<Step> afterSteps = stepCollector.collectBeforeOrAfterStorySteps(asList((CandidateSteps) steps), story, Stage.AFTER, false);
failureOccurred = new UUIDExceptionWrapper();
assertThat(steps.value, equalTo("after"));
assertThat(steps.exception, equalTo(failureOccurred));
use of org.jbehave.core.model.Story in project jbehave-core by jbehave.
the class GherkinStoryParserBehaviour method shouldParseStoryWithTabularParameter.
public void shouldParseStoryWithTabularParameter() throws IOException {
String storyAsText = "Feature: Hello Car\n" + "Scenario: Car can drive\n" + "Given I have a car\n" + "Then I can drive them according to:\n" + "| wheels | can_drive |\n" + "| 1 | false |\n" + "| 2 | false |\n" + "| 3 | false |\n" + "| 4 | true |\n";
Story story = storyParser.parseStory(storyAsText);
assertThat(story.getDescription().asString(), equalTo("Hello Car"));
List<Scenario> scenarios = story.getScenarios();
assertThat(scenarios.size(), equalTo(1));
Scenario scenario = scenarios.get(0);
List<String> steps = scenario.getSteps();
assertThat(scenario.getTitle(), equalTo("Car can drive"));
assertThat(steps.size(), equalTo(2));
assertThat(steps.get(0), equalTo("Given I have a car"));
assertThat(steps.get(1), equalTo("Then I can drive them according to:\n" + "|wheels|can_drive|\n" + "|1|false|\n" + "|2|false|\n" + "|3|false|\n" + "|4|true|"));
use of org.jbehave.core.model.Story in project jbehave-core by jbehave.
the class GherkinStoryParserBehaviour method shouldParseStoryWithTags.
public void shouldParseStoryWithTags() throws IOException {
String storyAsText = "@feature\n" + "Feature: Hello Car\n\n" + "Background:\n" + "Given I have a license\n\n" + "@scenario\n" + "Scenario: Car can drive\n" + "Given I have a car with 4 wheels\n" + "Then I can drive it.\n";
Story story = storyParser.parseStory(storyAsText);
assertThat(story.getDescription().asString(), equalTo("Hello Car"));
Scenario scenario = story.getScenarios().get(0);
assertThat(scenario.getSteps().size(), equalTo(2));
use of org.jbehave.core.model.Story in project jbehave-core by jbehave.
the class GherkinStoryParserBehaviour method shouldParseStoryWithExamples.
public void shouldParseStoryWithExamples() throws IOException {
String storyAsText = "Feature: Hello Car\n" + "@scenarioOutline\n" + "Scenario Outline: Car can drive\n" + "Given I have a car\n" + "When I add <wheels>\n" + "Then It <can_drive>\n" + "\n" + "Examples:\n" + "| wheels | can_drive |\n" + "| 1 | false |\n" + "| 2 | false |\n" + "| 3 | false |\n" + "| 4 | true |";
Story story = storyParser.parseStory(storyAsText);
assertThat(story.getDescription().asString(), equalTo("Hello Car"));
List<Scenario> scenarios = story.getScenarios();
assertThat(scenarios.size(), equalTo(1));
Scenario scenario = scenarios.get(0);
List<String> steps = scenario.getSteps();
assertThat(scenario.getTitle(), equalTo("Car can drive"));
assertThat(steps.size(), equalTo(3));
assertThat(steps.get(0), equalTo("Given I have a car"));
assertThat(steps.get(1), equalTo("When I add <wheels>"));
assertThat(steps.get(2), equalTo("Then It <can_drive>"));
assertThat(scenario.getExamplesTable().asString(), equalTo("|wheels|can_drive|\n" + "|1|false|\n" + "|2|false|\n" + "|3|false|\n" + "|4|true|\n"));
use of org.jbehave.core.model.Story in project jbehave-core by jbehave.
the class GherkinStoryParserBehaviour method shouldParseStoryWithNarrative.
public void shouldParseStoryWithNarrative() throws IOException {
String storyAsText = "Feature: Hello Car\n" + "Narrative:\n" + "In order to feel safer\n" + "As a car driver\n" + "I want to drive cars on 4 wheels\n" + "Scenario: Car can drive\n" + "Given I have a car with 4 wheels\n" + "Then I can drive it.\n";
Story story = storyParser.parseStory(storyAsText);
assertThat(story.getDescription().asString(), equalTo("Hello Car"));
Narrative narrative = story.getNarrative();
assertThat(narrative.inOrderTo(), equalTo("feel safer"));
assertThat(narrative.asA(), equalTo("car driver"));
assertThat(narrative.iWantTo(), equalTo("drive cars on 4 wheels"));