use of org.jbibtex.BibTeXEntry in project jabref by JabRef.
the class CitationStyleGenerator method bibEntryToCSLItemData.
* Converts the {@link BibEntry} into {@link CSLItemData}.
private static CSLItemData bibEntryToCSLItemData(BibEntry bibEntry) {
String citeKey = bibEntry.getCiteKeyOptional().orElse("");
BibTeXEntry bibTeXEntry = new BibTeXEntry(new Key(bibEntry.getType()), new Key(citeKey));
// Not every field is already generated into latex free fields
for (String key : bibEntry.getFieldMap().keySet()) {
Optional<String> latexFreeField = bibEntry.getLatexFreeField(key);
latexFreeField.ifPresent(value -> bibTeXEntry.addField(new Key(key), new DigitStringValue(value)));
return BIBTEX_CONVERTER.toItemData(bibTeXEntry);
use of org.jbibtex.BibTeXEntry in project Anserini by castorini.
the class BibtexGenerator method createDocument.
public Document createDocument(BibtexCollection.Document bibtexDoc) throws GeneratorException {
String id =;
String content = bibtexDoc.contents();
String type = bibtexDoc.type();
BibTeXEntry bibtexEntry = bibtexDoc.bibtexEntry();
if (content == null || content.trim().isEmpty()) {
throw new EmptyDocumentException();
Document doc = new Document();
// Store the collection docid.
doc.add(new StringField(IndexArgs.ID, id, Field.Store.YES));
// This is needed to break score ties by docid.
doc.add(new SortedDocValuesField(IndexArgs.ID, new BytesRef(id)));
// Store the collection's bibtex type
doc.add(new StringField(TYPE, type, Field.Store.YES));
if (args.storeRaw) {
doc.add(new StoredField(IndexArgs.RAW, bibtexDoc.raw()));
FieldType fieldType = new FieldType();
// Are we storing document vectors?
if (args.storeDocvectors) {
// Are we building a "positional" or "count" index?
if (args.storePositions) {
} else {
doc.add(new Field(IndexArgs.CONTENTS, content, fieldType));
for (Map.Entry<Key, Value> fieldEntry : bibtexEntry.getFields().entrySet()) {
String fieldKey = fieldEntry.getKey().toString();
String fieldValue = fieldEntry.getValue().toUserString();
// not worth trying to parse/normalize all numbers at the moment
if (fieldKey.equals( {
if (STRING_FIELD_NAMES.contains(fieldKey)) {
// index field as single token
doc.add(new StringField(fieldKey, fieldValue, Field.Store.YES));
} else if (FIELDS_WITHOUT_STEMMING.contains(fieldKey)) {
// index field without stemming but store original string value
FieldType nonStemmedType = new FieldType(fieldType);
// token stream to be indexed
Analyzer nonStemmingAnalyzer = DefaultEnglishAnalyzer.newNonStemmingInstance(CharArraySet.EMPTY_SET);
StringReader reader = new StringReader(fieldValue);
TokenStream stream = nonStemmingAnalyzer.tokenStream(null, reader);
Field field = new Field(fieldKey, fieldValue, nonStemmedType);
} else if (fieldKey.equals( {
if (fieldValue != "") {
// index as numeric value to allow range queries
doc.add(new IntPoint(fieldKey, Integer.parseInt(fieldValue)));
doc.add(new StoredField(fieldKey, fieldValue));
} else {
// default to normal Field with tokenization and stemming
doc.add(new Field(fieldKey, fieldValue, fieldType));
return doc;