use of in project wildfly by wildfly.
the class AccessConstraintUtilizationTestCase method testConstraintUtilization.
public void testConstraintUtilization() throws Exception {
ModelControllerClient client = managementClient.getControllerClient();
for (ExpectedDef expectedDef : EXPECTED_DEFS) {
AccessConstraintKey acdKey = expectedDef.key;
String constraint = ModelDescriptionConstants.SENSITIVE.equals(acdKey.getType()) ? ModelDescriptionConstants.SENSITIVITY_CLASSIFICATION : ModelDescriptionConstants.APPLICATION_CLASSIFICATION;
String acdType = acdKey.isCore() ? "core" : acdKey.getSubsystemName();
String path = String.format(ADDR_FORMAT, acdKey.getType(), acdType, acdKey.getName());
ModelNode op = createOpNode(path, READ_CHILDREN_RESOURCES_OPERATION);
// System.out.println("Testing " + acdKey);
ModelNode result = RbacUtil.executeOperation(client, op, Outcome.SUCCESS).get(ModelDescriptionConstants.RESULT);
Assert.assertTrue(acdKey + "result is defined", result.isDefined());
Assert.assertTrue(acdKey + "result has content", result.asInt() > 0);
boolean foundResource = false;
boolean foundAttr = false;
boolean foundOps = false;
for (Property prop : result.asPropertyList()) {
ModelNode pathResult = prop.getValue();
if (pathResult.get(ModelDescriptionConstants.ENTIRE_RESOURCE).asBoolean()) {
Assert.assertTrue(acdKey + " -- " + prop.getName() + " resource", expectedDef.expectResource);
foundResource = true;
ModelNode attrs = pathResult.get(ATTRIBUTES);
if (attrs.isDefined() && attrs.asInt() > 0) {
Assert.assertTrue(acdKey + " -- " + prop.getName() + " attributes = " + attrs.asString(), expectedDef.expectAttributes);
foundAttr = true;
ModelNode ops = pathResult.get(OPERATIONS);
if (ops.isDefined() && ops.asInt() > 0) {
Assert.assertTrue(acdKey + " -- " + prop.getName() + " operations = " + ops.asString(), expectedDef.expectOps);
foundOps = true;
Assert.assertEquals(acdKey + " -- resource", expectedDef.expectResource, foundResource);
Assert.assertEquals(acdKey + " -- attributes", expectedDef.expectAttributes, foundAttr);
Assert.assertEquals(acdKey + " -- operations", expectedDef.expectOps, foundOps);