use of org.jboss.forge.roaster.model.source.AnnotationElementSource.DefaultValue in project morphia by mongodb.
the class AnnotationBuilders method setDefaults.
private void setDefaults(MethodSource<JavaClassSource> constructor, JavaAnnotationSource source) {
String body = "";
List<AnnotationElementSource> elements = source.getAnnotationElements();
for (AnnotationElementSource element : elements) {
DefaultValue defaultValue = element.getDefaultValue();
if (defaultValue != null) {
String literal = defaultValue.getLiteral();
var annot = defaultValue.getAnnotation();
if (annot != null) {
literal = format("%sBuilder.%s().build()", annot.getQualifiedName().replace(annot.getName(), "") + "builders." + annot.getName(), builderMethodName(annot.getName()));
} else if (literal != null && element.getType().isArray()) {
literal = format("new %s%s", element.getType().getName(), literal);
if (literal != null) {
body += format("annotation.%s = %s;%n", element.getName(), literal);