use of org.jboss.hal.resources.UIConstants.SHORT_TIMEOUT in project console by hal.
the class CredentialReference method form.
* Creates a form for the {@code credential-reference} complex attribute of a resource. The form is setup as a singleton
* form to add, save, reset and remove the complex attribute.
* @param baseId base ID used for the generated form and add resource dialog
* @param metadata the metadata of the resource which contains the {@code credential-reference} attribute
* @param crName the name of the credential-reference complex attribute
* @param alternativeName the name of the alternative attribute
* @param alternativeValue the value of the alternative attribute
* @param address the fully qualified address of the resource used for the CRUD actions
* @param callback the callback executed after the {@code credential-reference} attributes has been added, saved, reset or
* removed
public Form<ModelNode> form(String baseId, Metadata metadata, String crName, String alternativeName, Supplier<String> alternativeValue, Supplier<ResourceAddress> address, Callback callback) {
String credentialReferenceName = crName == null ? CREDENTIAL_REFERENCE : crName;
Metadata crMetadata = metadata.forComplexAttribute(credentialReferenceName);
EmptyState.Builder emptyStateBuilder = new EmptyState.Builder(, credentialReferenceName, Ids.FORM, Ids.EMPTY), resources.constants().noResource());
if (crMetadata.getSecurityContext().isWritable()) {
emptyStateBuilder.primaryAction(resources.constants().add(), () -> {
if (alternativeName != null && alternativeValue != null && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(alternativeValue.get())) {
String alternativeLabel = new LabelBuilder().label(alternativeName);
DialogFactory.showConfirmation(resources.messages().addResourceTitle(Names.CREDENTIAL_REFERENCE), resources.messages().credentialReferenceAddConfirmation(alternativeLabel), () -> setTimeout(o -> addCredentialReference(baseId, crMetadata, credentialReferenceName, alternativeName, address, callback), SHORT_TIMEOUT));
} else {
addCredentialReference(baseId, crMetadata, credentialReferenceName, null, address, callback);
}, Constraint.executable(metadata.getTemplate(), ADD)).description(resources.messages().noResource());
} else {
EmptyState noCredentialReference =;
ModelNodeForm.Builder<ModelNode> formBuilder = new ModelNodeForm.Builder<>(, credentialReferenceName, Ids.FORM), crMetadata).include(STORE, ALIAS, CLEAR_TEXT, TYPE).unsorted().singleton(() -> {
ResourceAddress fqAddress = address.get();
Operation operation = null;
if (fqAddress != null && crMetadata.getSecurityContext().isReadable()) {
operation = new Operation.Builder(address.get(), READ_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION).param(NAME, credentialReferenceName).build();
return operation;
}, noCredentialReference).onSave(((f, changedValues) -> {
ResourceAddress fqa = address.get();
if (fqa != null) {
if (changedValues.isEmpty()) {, Message.warning(resources.messages().noChanges()));
} else {, Names.CREDENTIAL_REFERENCE, fqa, f.getModel(), callback);
} else {, Message.error(resources.messages().credentialReferenceAddressError()));
// some credential-reference attributes are nillable=false, so only nillable=true may be removed
if (crMetadata.getDescription().get(NILLABLE).asBoolean()) {
formBuilder.prepareRemove(f -> {
ResourceAddress fqAddress = address.get();
if (fqAddress != null) {
ca.remove(credentialReferenceName, Names.CREDENTIAL_REFERENCE, fqAddress, new Form.FinishRemove<ModelNode>(f) {
public void afterRemove(Form<ModelNode> form) {
} else {, Message.error(resources.messages().credentialReferenceAddressError()));
Form<ModelNode> form =;
form.addFormValidation(new CrFormValidation(alternativeName, alternativeValue, resources));
form.addFormValidation(new CrFormValuesValidation(resources));
return form;